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Dissertations in Ancient Near Eastern Studies Approved by the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago

Dissertations in Ancient Near Eastern Studies Approved by the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago
Aaron Alexander Burke
June 2004: The Architecture of Defense: Fortified Settlements Of The Levant During The Middle Bronze Age

Katherine Strange Burke
June 2007: Archaeological Texts and Contexts on the Red Sea: The Sheikh’s House at Quseir al-Qadim

Aaron Michael Butts
June 2013: Language Change in the Wake of Empire: Syriac in Its Greco-Roman Context

Dennis R. M. Campbell
March 2007: Mood and Modality in Hurrian

A. Asa Eger
August 2008: The Spaces Between The Teeth: Environment, Settlement, And Interaction On The Islamic-Byzantine Frontier

Helene J. Kantor
March 1945: Plant Ornament: Its Origin and Development in the Ancient Near East

Michael Kozuh
March 2006: The Sacrificial Economy: On The Management Of Sacrificial Sheep And Goats At The Neo-Babylonian/Achaemenid Eanna Temple Of Uruk (c. 625-520 BC)

John S. Nolan
June 2010: Mud Sealings And Fourth Dynasty Administration At Giza

Foy D. Scalf
March 2014: Passports to Eternity: Formulaic Demotic Funerary Texts and the Final Phase of Egyptian Funerary Literature in Roman Egypt

Jason Alik Ur
December 2004: Urbanism and Society in the Third Millennium Upper Khabur Basin

Bruce Williams
December 1975: Archaeology and Historical Problems of the Second Intermediate Period

Ilya Yakubovich
June 2008: Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language
And see Open Access Publications at the Oriental Institute Research Archives

And note also that many dissertations from the University of Chicago are accessible, open access, via PQDT Open. Among them are:

The prophet and the lying pen: Jeremiah's poetic challenge to the Deuteronomic school
by Silver, Edward, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2009: 364 pages; AAT 3387053.

Agents, archives, and risk: A micronarrative account of Old Assyrian trade through Salim-ahum's activities in 1890 B.C.
by Stratford, Edward Paul, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2010: 492 pages; AAT 3419777.

Jordan first: A history of the intellectual and political economy of Jordanian antiquity
by Corbett, Elena Dodge, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2009: 532 pages; AAT 3362463.
by Kim, Koowon, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2010: 469 pages; AAT 3397291.

Pushing the boundaries of myth: Transformations of ancient border wars in Archaic and Classical Greece by Bershadsky, Natasha, Ph.D.  The University of Chicago. 2013: 450 pages; 3557392.   

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