[First posted in AWOL 19 June 2012, updated 24 June 2014]
by Andrew Reinhard![http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/html/images/logo.jpg]()
Bibliographic citation data for 1,500+ Hesperia articles are now freely available on the Zotero platform. Zotero is a widely used, open bibliography tool that helps scholars collect, organize, cite, and share research sources.
Researchers who use Zotero while writing articles and books that reference Hesperia articles can download citation data by visiting the ASCSA’s group page. You can choose to browse the collection of articles from 1932 to 2012 by volume year, or you can search with keywords across all articles.
When you find a citation you need, you can download that data to your own collection of research bibliography. Zotero will automatically format it in the style of your choice (e.g., Chicago Manual of Style). Citation data include article title/subtitle, author, abstract, volume/issue/page numbers, and publication date.
For those researchers with access to JSTOR, Zotero citation entries for Hesperia also contain links to the articles themselves. Once older volumes of Hesperia (1932–2009) become available online for free later this year, these links will be updated to point to the ASCSA’s website.
ASCSA monographs are also on Zotero in the “ASCSA Books” collection, organized by series (e.g., Corinth, Isthmia). This is a work in progress, with about 70 more books to be added to complete the open bibliography of all ASCSA publications...
See all 2553 items for this group in the
Group Library.