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Open Access Journal: DIO: The International Journal of Scientific History

DIO: The International Journal of Scientific History
DIO is primarily a journal of scientific history & principle. Most articles are authored by astrononomers, physicists, mathematicians, & classicists — not historians. There are no page charges.
  • Since 1991 inception, has gone without fee to leading scholars & libraries.
  • Publisher & journal cited (1996 May 9) in New York Times frontpage story on his discovery of data blowing open the famous 70-year Richard Byrd North Pole controversy. [Featured in DIO 10 [2000], co-published with the University of Cambridge.]
  • See also New York Times Science 2010/9/8, or fuller version(including link to DIO) on NYT website.
  • Journal is published primarily for universities' and scientific institutions' collections; among subscribers (by written request) are libraries at: Oxford University, Cambridge University, Johns Hopkins, Cal Tech, Cornell University, the universities of Chicago, Toronto, London, Munich, Göttingen, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Tartu, Amsterdam, Liège, Ljubljana, Bologna, Canterbury (NZ); the US Naval Observatory, Royal Astronomical Society (London), Royal Observatory (Scotland), British Museum, Russian State Library, International Center for Theoretical Physics (Trieste).
  • Contributors include world authorities in their respective fields, experts at, e.g., Johns Hopkins University, Cambridge University, University of London.
  • New findings on Mayan eclipse math, Columbus' landfall, and Comet Halley apparitions.
  • Journal first to reveal orbital evidence proving the priority of Paris Observatory's U.Leverrier as Neptune's 1846 discoverer, and overturning history's harsh verdict on J. Challis (Cantab) for missing the planet. On Leverrier's instruction, Neptune was found at Berlin Observatory 1846/9/23 within 1° of his computed spot — still, 1 1/2 centuries later, astronomical history's #1 miracle-event.
  • [DIO 2.3, 4.2, 7.1 & DIO 9.1 [1999], the last cited at Scientific American 2004 Dec p.98 for the key finding that undid England's long-previously-accepted priority claim.]
  • Includes occasional satirical supplement, customarily devoted to an ever-bubbling stream of math-science howlers, published by the most dissent-suppressive History-of-astronomy professorial deities.
  • Entire 1993 volume [DIO vol. 3] devoted to the first (and still the only) critical edition of Tycho's legendary 1004-star catalog.
DIO 16 DIO & The Journal for Hysterical Astronomy
1. Hipparchos' Eclipse-Based Spica&Regulus, Solved Via JHA Parallax Sign-Muff
2. Pytheas' Ideal Southern-View Marseilles Observatory Located: Cape Croisette
3. A.Diller's Sph Trig Klimata Theory Perfected, & Gratuitous JHA Attack Upon It Refereed
4. Scrawlins

DIO 151. Charles Kowal's Account of His Discovery of Galileo's 1612-1613 Neptune Observations
2. Statistical Dating of the Phenomena of Eudoxus, by Dennis Duke
3. An Interesting Property of the Equant, by Dennis Duke
4. A Database for British Neptune-discovery Correspondence, by Nick Kollerstrom

DIO 141. Eratosthenes: Pharos Truth Behind Alexandria-Aswan Myth
2. Aristarchos Unbound: Ancient Vision
3. The Ptolemy GEOGRAPHY’s Secrets

DIO 13.2-31. The Babylonian Theory of the Planets, by Hugh Thurston
2. Source of Hebrew Month: Babylonian Science or Ancient Tradition? by Morris Engelson
3. Hebrew Month:  Information from Almagest? by Morris Engelson
4. Ancient Declinations and Precession, by Dennis Duke

DIO 13.11. On the Orientation of Early Egyptian Pyramids
2. Vast Eclipse Cycles: Stabilities & Gaps

DIO 121. The Southern Limit of the Ancient Star Catalog, by Keith A. Pickering
2. On the Clarity of Visibility Tests, by Dennis Duke
3. The Measurement Method of the Almagest Stars, by Dennis Duke
4. The Instuments Used by Hipparchos, by Keith A. Pickering
5. A Re-identification of some entries in the Ancient Star Catalog, by Keith A. Pickering

DIO 11.3  [Three Ways Ptolemy Could've Solved Venus' Orbit Honestly] 5. Ancient Solutions of Venus & Mercury orbits, by Dennis Duke
6. The Crucial-Test V-bomb [Hey-Nobody's-Perfect], by Dennis Rawlins
7. Unveiling Venus, by Hugh Thurston

DIO 11.24. Ancient Planet Tables' Long-Cycle Ancestries

DIO 11.11. Aristarchos & the "Babylonian" System B Month
2. Babylon's System A & the 1274 BC Eclipse
3. Hipparchos' Draconitic Month & the 1245 BC Eclipse

DIO 10 DIO & The Journal for Hysterical AstronomyDIO's Report (co-published with the University of Cambridge) on R.Byrd's 1926 North Pole Hoax
  Amundsen: Cheated & Uncheated … First at EACH Pole
  Byrd 1926 North Pole Claim's Burial Slides from Decent to Indecent
  Bernt Balchen's Air Double Priority & Skepticism Vindicated
  Byrd's Courage & Navigational Pioneering Merit Admiration Nonetheless

DIO 9.2-34. Response to FACS's "Critical Review", by Robert M. Bryce
5. The "Washburn-Rawlins-Bryce Troika", by Robert M. Bryce
 The Journal for Hysterical Astronomy6. High Comedy at Low Altitude, a DIO Commentary

DIO 9.11. British Neptune-Disaster File Recovered
2. Ecliptical Coordinates Beneath Hipparchos' Commentary, by Keith Pickering
3. Continued-Fraction Decipherment: Ancestry of Ancient Yearlengths & [pre-Hipparchan] Precession

DIO 8   A Thurston Collection 1. R.R. Newton versus Ptolemy, by Hugh Thurston
2. Mediaeval Indians and the Planets, by Hugh Thurston
3. WWII Cryptography, by Hugh Thurston
4. Book Reviews of J.Evans 1998 & N.Swerdlow 1998, by Hugh Thurston
5. Scrawlins

DIO 7.2-37. The Fake Peak Revisited, by Robert M. Bryce
8. Cook's Curious Timetable, by Robert M. Bryce
 The Journal for Hysterical Astronomy9. Unfalsifiability-Summit, Flub-Summit, Barometer-Bomb: a DIO commentary

DIO 7.11. Robertson's Data Fabrications, by E. Myles Standish
2. Hipparchus and Spherical Trigonometry, by Curtis Wilson
3. Hipparchos at Lindos, a Modest Confirmation, by Dennis Rawlins
4. Peary's Memorandum on Steering, by Hanne Dalgas Christiansen
5. Unpublished Letters
6. van der Waerden: a Mathematician's Appreciation, by Hugh Thurston

DIO 6 DIO-Journal for Hysterical Astronomy1. Testing Princetitute-Muffia Omertà: Equation 31, by Dennis Rawlins
 DIO2. A Mayan Table of Eclipses, by Hugh Thurston
3. Crawling Towards Integrity
4. OJ Darts & Nordberg Walks
5. Hero & Doppelfanger: A Shaggy Were-Dog Story

DIO 5Aubrey Diller’s edition of Ptolemy’s Geography, Book 8
  Plus 2009's Surprise 13-for-13 Vindication of Diller's 1934 Proof of 2nd Century BC Spherical Trig

DIO 4.311. Concise Chronology of Approaches to the Poles, by R. K. Headland
12. Richard Byrd, Bernt Balchen, & the North Pole, by Dennis Rawlins
13. Scrawlins
14. Recovering Hipparchos' Last Lost Lustrous Star
15. Naked Came the Arrogance

DIO 4.2Competence Held Hostage #2: The Princeton Institute vs. Aubrey Diller
6. Ptolemy's Backwardness, by Hugh Thurston
7. Unpublished Letters
8. The JFK Assassination Conspiracy Conspiracy
9. Scrawlins
10. The "Theft" of the Neptune Papers: Amnesty for the Astronomer Royal?

DIO 4.1Competence Held Hostage #1
1. Pan-Babylonianism Redivivus? Ivy League Fundamentalism, by David Dicks
2. Columbus's Landfall at Plana Keys, by Keith Pickering
3. Hipparchos' Sites, his Spherical Trig, & R. Newton's Star Catalog Test, by Dennis Rawlins
4. Casting Pearls Before Pyglets: a Cautionary Tale of Duffermuffs & Flatterfeet
5. Announcing DIO Edition of Tycho's Star Catalog: Gratis to Subscribing Libraries

DIO 3Tycho's Star Catalog: the First Critical Edition
  A. KiloPerfectionism
  B. Spherical Trig: Precision by Brainpower
  C. The Catalog's Misunderstood Accuracy
  D. Error Medians
  E. Error Standard Deviations
  F. Least-Squares Analysis of Errors
  G. Principal-Star Error Trends
  H. Exceptional-Star Error Trends
  I. Select-Star Error Trends
  J. Discussion of Error Tables
  K. Total Star Count
  L. How Dim Was Tycho's Magnitude Limit?
  M. Discussion of Individual Stars' Errors [& List of Abbreviations]
  N. The Final Fifty Stars: Complete Spherical Trig Reconstructions
  O. Tycho's Rank
  P. Preface to Full Tabulation of Catalog D's 1004 Stars & 100 Select Stars

DIO 2.36. Scrawlins
7. Unpublished Letters
8. Current Developments: Columbus, Amundsen, and Ptolemy's Jekyll&Hide Defenders
9. The Neptune Conspiracy: British Astronomy's Post-Discovery Discovery

DIO 2.25. Amundsen's "Nonexistent" 1911 South Pole Aiming Data
  A. Ted Heckathorn
  B. The You're-Another Defense of Peary's Alleged Course-Setting
  C. Clott of the Antarctic?
  D. Moore Logic
  E. The NavFou Piles On
  F. Heckathorn Finds Amundsen's Transverse Data
  G. Recovering Amundsen's Spherical Trig Calculations
  H. Scott's Navigational Math
  I. Ex-Meridian Overprecision & Fatigue
  J. Amundsen's Path to the Pole
  K. Bunker Buncombe
  L. Appendix: Coverup Cubed

DIO 2.11. Scrawlins
2. Correspondence
3. Referees Refereed
4. Tycho 1004-Star Catalog's Completion Was Faked

DIO 1.2-3 The Journal for Hysterical Astronomy  9. Muffia Orbituary
  A. Let Us Now Braise Famous Men
  B. The Winter of Our Disrefereeing
  C. Somersaults & Winter Equinoxes
  D. Even a Hun Can Have Fun: Blitzkreig in the 'Jest
  E. DeToga Party: Lead Paper, Lead Balloon
  F. R.R.Newton's Ghost Flattens Babylonian Unicycle
  G. TrigOut Orgy
  H. Browning-Squared
  I. It Is Best To Be Clear About One's Conduct
  J. And The Last Shall Be First: Muffia Immolation-Scene
 DIO  K. Old Turkey: The Mystery of Hipparchos' Roots
  L. Hipparchos' Eclipse Trio B Reveals His Early Solar Orbit
  M. Frankensteinorbit Meets Trio A
  N. From Hipparchos' Sham Emerges: Aristarchos' Lunar Apogee
  O. Ancient Heliocentrists' Adoption of the Astronomical Unit
  P. Basking Case
  Q. Improved Estimates of Aristarchos' Distances to Sun & Moon
  R. Haute Cowture & Pseudo-Aristarchos' Fatal Contradiction
  S. Hipparchos in Scientific History
 The Journal for Hysterical Astronomy  10. Black Affidavit

DIO 1.11. Prologue: by Dennis Rawlins
2. Rawlins' Scrawlins
3. Unpublished Letters
4. Peary, Verifiability, and Altered Data
5. The Scholarly Integrity of Book Reviews, by Robert R. Newton
6. Hipparchos' Ultimate Solar Orbit
 The Journal for Hysterical Astronomy7. Figleaf Salad: Ptolemy's Planetary Model as Funny Science
8. Royal Cometians: Reputability, Reform, & Higher Selfpublication

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