BABELAO: Electronic Journal for Ancient and Oriental Studies
ISSN: 2034-9491
ISSN: 2034-9491
The name BABELAO means « Bulletin of the Abelao », more precisely « Bulletin de l’Académie Belge pour l’Etude des Langues Anciennes et Orientales » (Bulletin of the Belgian Academy for the Study of Ancient and Oriental Languages). ABELAO is a non-profit organization which seeks to promote teaching and research in the various fields of ancient and oriental culture and languages, especially by means of summer-courses on the campus of the University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium).Its Bulletin, BABELAO, is conceived as a scholarly journal. It covers the various fields of oriental studies : philology, palaeography, history of the ancient and oriental world, language history, comparative literature, edition of texts, etc. Its Editorial Board, the members of which are recruited internationally, brings together scholars who are able to provide expertise in all the required fields. The members are: Alessandro Bausi (Hamburg), Anne Boud'hors (Paris), Antoine Cavigneaux (Geneva), Sabino Chialà (Bose), Bernard Coulie (Louvain-la-Neuve), Alain Delattre (Brussels), Didier Devauchelle (Lille), Johannes Den Heijer (Louvain-la-Neuve), Jean-Charles Ducène (Brussels), J.Keith Elliott (Leeds), Jean-Daniel Macchi (Geneva), Michael Marx (Berlin), Claude Obsomer (Louvain-la-Neuve), Agnès Ouzounian (Paris), Tamara Pataridzé (Louvain-la-Neuve), Paul-Hubert Poirier (Québec), Véronique Somers (Paris, Louvain-la-Neuve), David Taylor (Oxford) and Anton Vojtenko (Moscow).
BABELAO 3 (2014)
A.-Fr. LOISEAU, Le souverain chaldéen assimilé au monde souterrain (arallû) en Hb 2,16a ? (p. 1-5)F. BOUZID-ADLER, Noms iraniens dans l’onomastique de la ville de Sardes (p. 7-32)
A. WAUTERS, « Car tout [homme] au feu sera salé ». Un réexamen textuel de Marc 9,49 (p. 33-43)
M. LECAT, Christologie et ecclésiologie dans le Commentaire sur le Cantique des Cantiques d’Épiphane le Scolastique (p. 45-107)
N. AFIF, À propos de l’Évangile selon Saint Jean de la British and Foreign Bible Society en berbère tachelhit (Maroc) (p. 109-125)
E. VAN ELVERDINGHE, La linguistique marriste et son onomastique. Le cas de la Géorgie (p. 127-146)
D. LAFLEUR, The « Caesarean » Text of the Gospel of Mark : Lake Revisited (p. 147-171) + Appendix (p. 173-291)
>BABELAO 2 (2013)
>BABELAO 1 (2012)
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