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Open Access Journal: Sudan & Nubia: The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin

[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2012, updated 27 March 2014]

Sudan & Nubia: The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin
ISSN: 1369-5770
Sudan & Nubia is published each autumn. It contains much of interest on recent archaeological fieldwork in Sudan, including many articles on surveys and excavations only undertaken during the previous winter.
The bulletin is an ideal way to keep abreast of current British activities in Sudan, and also contains contributions by eminent foreign scholars. It is profusely illustrated with line drawings and monochrome and colour photographs.
Sudan & Nubia is free of charge to Society members, who receive it a year in advance of online release … JOIN THE SOCIETY >
Sudan \& Nubia No.1Sudan & Nubia : No. 1
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 1997

50 pages, ISSN 1369-5770
Alexander, J. Qalat Sai, the most Southerly Ottoman Fortress in Africaread now >
Cowell, J. Napatan Period Metalwork: Further Analysesread now >
Mallinson, M. Preliminary Report: SARS Survey From Omdurman To Gabolab 1997read now >
Spencer, P. Amara West: Capital Of Egyptian Kushread now >
Welsby, D.A. and Welsby Sjöström, I. (pottery) The Northern Dongola Reach Survey: The 1996/7 Season. Excavations at Sites O16, P1, P4 and P37read now >
Wolf, P. Recent Fieldwork At Musawwarat Es Sufraread now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.2Sudan & Nubia : No. 2
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 1998

90 pages
Abdelrahman Ali Mohamed. A preliminary note on a rescue excavation at el-Zeidabread now >
Davies, W.V. New fieldwork at Kurgus: The Pharaonic inscriptionsread now >
Mamoud el-Tayeb. The Fourth Cataract archaeological survey project, Kareima – Abu Hamed Sectionread now >
Keding, B. The Yellow Nile: new data on settlement and the environment in the Sudanese Eastern Sahararead now >
Macklin, M. and J. Woodward. Alluvial architecture and luminescence dating of Holocene palaeochannels in the Northern Dongola Reach of the Nileread now >
Mallinson, M. SARS Survey from Omdurman to Gabolab 1997: The surveyread now >
Rose, P. Excavations at Qasr Ibrim: Qasr Ibrim 1998read now >
Ruffle, J. Lord Prudhoe and his lionsread now >
Welsby, D.A. Survey and excavations at Kawa, the 1997/8 seasonread now >
Żurawski, B. Pliny’s ‘Tergedum’ discoveredread now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.3Sudan & Nubia : No. 3
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 1999

94 pages
Abdelrahman Ali Mohamed. Two Seasons in the Fourth Cataract Region. Preliminary Resultsread now >
Alexander, J. A New Hilltop Cemetery and Temple of the Meroitic and Post-Meroitic Period at Qasr Ibrimread now >
Anderson, J. Monastic Lifestyles of the Nubian Desert: Seeking the Mysterious Monks of Makuriaread now >
Gratien , B. Some Rural Settlements at Gism el-Arba in the Northern Dongola Reachread now >
Harrell, J. Ancient Stone Quarries at the Third and Fourth Nile Cataracts, Northern Sudanread now >
Judd, M. Written in Bone: Daily Living during the Kerma Periodread now >
Salah Eldin Mohammed Ahmed. The Napato-Meroitic Remains at Kermaread now >
Shaw, I. and Bloxam. E. Survey and Excavation at the Ancient Pharaonic Gneiss Quarrying Site of Gebel el-Asr, Lower Nubiaread now >
Sjöström, I. W. An Early 20th Century Egyptologist in the Sudan: the Travels of F. W. Green
read now >
Treves, R., Macklin, M. and Woodward. J. Remote Sensing of Palaeochannels in the Northern Dongola Reach of the Nileread now >

Vincentelli, I. Two New Kingdom Tombs at Napataread now >
Wardley, K. and Davies. V. A New Statue of the Kushite Periodread now >
Sudan \& Nubia No.4Sudan & Nubia : No. 4
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2000

82 pages
Abdelrahman Ali Mohamed. Rescue Excavations at Soba Eastread now >
Edwards, D.N. and Ali Osman. The Archaeology of Arduan Island – the Mahas Survey 2000read now >
Hinkel, F.W. The Royal Pyramids of Meroe. Architecture, Construction and Reconstruction of a Sacred Landscaperead now >
Intisar Soghayroun El-Zein. The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Period in the Republic of Sudanread now >
Muhammad Jalal Hashim and Bell, H. Reconstructing Patterns of Settlement in the Mahas: Evidence from Language and Place-namesread now >
Rose, P.J. Excavations at Qasr Ibrim in 2000read now >
Salah Omer Elsadig. The Domed Tombs of the Eastern Sudanread now >
Welsby, D.A. The Amri to Kirbekan Survey 1999read now >
Welsby, D.A. The Kawa Excavation Projectread now >
Yousif M. El-Amin and Edwards, D.N. Archaeological Survey in the Fifth Cataract Regionread now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.5Sudan & Nubia : No. 5
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2001

108 pages
Davies. V. Kurgus 2000: The Egyptian Inscriptionsread now >
Edwards, D.N. The Christianisation of Nubia: some archaeological pointersread now >
Friedman, R. Nubians at Hierakonpolis: Excavations in the Nubian Cemeteriesread now >
Fuller, D.Q. and Edwards, D.N. Medieval Plant Economy in Middle Nubia: Preliminary Archaeobotanical Evidence from Nauriread now >
Judd, M. Palaeotrauma: a profile of personal injury during the Kerma Periodread now >
Reinold, J. Kadruka and the Neolithic in the Northern Dongola Reachread now >
Salvatori, S. and Usai, D. First Season of Excavation at R12, a Late Neolithic Cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reachread now >
Sjöström, I. W. Excavations at Kurgus: The 2000 Season Resultsread now >
Welsby, D. A. Excavations within the Pharaonic and Kushite site at Kawa and its hinterland, 2000-2001
read now >
Wenig. S. Musawwarat es-Sufra: Interpreting the Great Enclosureread now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.6Sudan & Nubia : No. 6
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2002

90 pages
Barnard, H. Eastern Desert Ware, a first introductionread now >
Bell, H. and Muhammad Jalal Hashim. Does Aten Live On in Kawa (Kówwa)?read now >
Bonnet, C. The 2001-2002 Season of Excavation at Kerma: a summaryread now >
Gatto, M.C. Ceramic Traditions and Cultural Territories: the “Nubian Group” in Prehistoryread now >
Khider Adam Eisa. Archaeological Discoveries along the East Bank of the White Nile, 1997-2000read now >
Mohamed Faroug A. Ali. Preliminary Report on Rescue Excavations at Akadread now >
Ossama A.W. Abdel Meguid. Old Nubian Houses of Sehel Islandread now >
Raue, D. Nubians on Elephantine Islandread now >
Salvatori, S. and Usai, D. The Second Excavation Season at R12, a Late Neolithic Cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reachread now >
Spencer, P. Publishing Amara West: a progress reportread now >
P. Storemyr, E. Bloxam, T. Heldal and Abdou Salem. Survey at Chephren’s Quarry, Gebel el-Asr, Lower Nubia: 2002read now >
Usai, D and Salvatori, S. The Is.I.A.O. el-Salha Archaeological Projectread now >
Welsby, D.A. The Kushite Town and Cemetery at Kawa, the 2001-2002 seasonread now >
Żurawski, B. Survey and Excavations between Old Dongola and ez-Zumaread now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.7Sudan & Nubia : No. 7
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2003

104 pages
Abdel Rahman Ali Mohamed. The Blue Nile Archaeological Salvage Project: Amara el-Nasriread now >
Borcowski, Z. The Work of the Gdańsk Archaeological Museum Expedition in the Sudanread now >
Bradley, R. Painted Plaster Murals from Meroe Townsiteread now >
Castiglioni,A. and A. Pharaonic Inscriptions along the Eastern Desert Routes in Sudanread now >
Davies, V. Kurgus 2002: the inscriptions and rock-drawingsread now >
Davies, V. Kush in Egypt: a new historical inscriptionread now >
Fernández, V.M. An Archaeological Exploration of the Blue Nile in January-February 2000read now >
Gasse, A. and Rondot, V. The Egyptian Conquest and Administration of Nubia during the New Kingdom: the testimony of the Sehel rock-inscriptionsread now >
Geus, F. and Lecointe, Y. Survey and Excavation at el-Multaga, a Resettlement Area related to the Construction of the Merowe Dam: preliminary resultsnread now >
Ghanim Wahida and Abdelrahim M. Khabir, B. Erkowit, a Neolithic Site in the Red Sea Hills (Sudan): interim report on the potteryread now >
Kotosowska, E., Mahmoud el-Tayeb and Paner, H, B. Old Kush in the Fourth Cataract Regionread now >
Paner, H. Archaeological Survey on the Right Bank of the Nile between Karima and Abu Hamed: a brief overviewread now >
Salah Mohamed Ahmed. Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project (MDASP)read now >
Salah Omer Elsadig, B. List of Archaeological Mission Activities in Sudan between 1934 and 1984read now >
Scheibner, T. New Investigations into the Water Supply at Musawwarat es-Sufra: results from the 2002 seasonread now >
Sjöström, I.W. Kurgus 2002: report on the archaeological workread now >
Welsby , D.A. The Amri to Kirbekan Survey: the 2002-2003 Seasonread now >
Wendorf, F. Forty Years of Archaeological Research in Sudanese and Egyptian Nubiaread now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.8Sudan & Nubia : No. 8
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2004

110 pages
Adams, W.Y. Site 6-G-9 and the Problem of Early Kushite Settlement in Lower Nubiaread now >
Davies, W.V. Jebel Dosha: The Egyptian Inscriptionsread now >
Friedman, R. The Nubian Cemetery at Hierakonpolis, Egypt.
The Results of the 2003 Season
read now >
Fuller, D.Q. Early Kushite Agriculture: Archaeobotanical Evidence from Kawaread now >
Fuller, D.Q. The Central Amri to Kirbekan Surveyread now >
Garcea, E.A.A. Two different pottery productions in Northern Sudanread now >
Honegger, M. Settlement and cemeteries of the Mesolithic and Early Neolithic at
el-Barga (Kerma Region)
read now >
Honegger, M. The Pre-Kerma: a culture group from Upper Nubia prior to the Kerma civilisationread now >
Judd, M. Gabati: Health in Transitionread now >
Mallinson, M. Suakin 2003/4read now >
Manzo, A. Late Antiquity Evidence in Eastern Sudanread now >
Salvatori, S. and Usai, D. Cemetery R12 and a possible periodisation of the Nubian Neolithicread now >
Welsby, D.A. Hidden Treasures of Lake Nubiaread now >
Welsby, D.A. The SARS Amri to Kirbekan Survey. Excavations at the pyramid, Site 4-F-71read now >
Wolf, P. The SARS Anglo-German Expedition at the Fourth Cataract of the Nile:
the 2003/04 season
read now >

TSudan \& Nubia No.9Sudan & Nubia : No. 9
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2005

96 pages
Azhari Mustafa Sadig. Es-Sour: A Late Neolithic Site near Meroeread now >
Carpio, G. and Guillen, S. Excavations at Site 3-J-23, et-Tereifread now >
Edwards, D.N. Looking into the Past – the SARS photographic archiveread now >
Gatto, M.C. Nubians in Egypt: Survey in the Aswan-Kom Ombo Regionread now >
Grzymski, K. Meroe, the Capital of Kush: Old Problems and New Discoveriesread now >
Kleinitz, C and Olsson, C. Christian period rock art landscapes in the Fourth Cataract region: the Dar el-Arab and et-Tereif rock art surveysread now >
Lenoble, P and Ahmed Sokari. A forgotten Meroitic agglomeration in the region of Meroe: el-Muweis (NE-36-0 / 8-H-2)read now >
Mohamed Faroug and Tsakos, A. A preliminary report of rescue excavations at Akad: the 2004 seasonread now >
Payne, J. Excavation of the Late Kushite and Medieval settlement on Umm Muriread now >
Sourouzian, H and Stadelmann, R. Recent Discoveries and new Southern Place Names at the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III, Kom el-Hettânread now >
Welsby, D.A. Survey in the vicinity of ed-Doma (AKSE), 2004-2005read now >
Welsh, F. Architecture of the modern houses at the Fourth Cataractread now >
Wolf, P. and Nowotnick, U. The Second Season of the SARS Anglo-German Expedition to the Fourth Cataractread now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.10Sudan & Nubia : No. 10
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2006

120 pages
Anderson, J. and Salah Mohamed Ahmed. Bread Moulds and ‘Throne Halls”: Recent Discoveries in the Amun Temple Precinct at Dangeilread now >
Baily, D.M. Antaios the Great and Antaios the God, or how could the Greeks have got it so wrong? A statuette in the Nubian Museum: a case of understated syncretisread now >
Bell, H. Paradise Lost: Nubia before the 1964 Exodusread now >
Edwards, D.N. Drawings on rocks: the most enduring monuments of Middle Nubiaread now >
Ginns, A. Preliminary report on the excavations conducted on Mis Island (AKSC), 2005-2006read now >
Jesse, F. Cattle, sherds and mighty walls – the Wadi Hower from Neolithic to Kushite timesread now >
Kleinitz, C and Koenitz, R. Fourth Nile Cataract petroglyphs in context: the ed-Doma and Dirbi rock-art surveyread now >
Manzo, A. Apedemak and Dionysos. Further remarks on the “Cult of the grape” in Kushread now >
Mohamed Faroug Abd el-Rahman. El-Frai: a new Meroitic habitation site in ed-Damerread now >
Mohamed Faroug Abd el-Rahman. Gheresli: a post-Meroitic activity centre in the Blue Nile regionread now >
Pluskota, K. Bir Nurayet – the Rock Art Gallery of the Red Sea Hillsread now >
Welsby, D.A. Excavations in the vicinity of ed-Doma (AKSE), 2005-2006read now >
Wilkins, A., Barnard, H. and Rose, P.J. Roman Artillery Balls from Qasr Ibrim, Egyptread now >
Wolf, P. and Nowotnick, U. The Third Season of the SARS Anglo-German Expedition to the Fourth Cataract of the Nileread now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.11Sudan & Nubia : No. 11
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2007

140 pages
Adams, W.Y. A Century of Archaeological Salvage, 1907-2007read now >
Anderson, J.R., D’Andrea, A.C., Logan, A. and Salah Mohamed Ahmed. Bread Moulds from the Amun Temple at Dangeil, Nile State – an Addendumread now >
Friedman, R. The Nubian Cemetery at Hierakonpolis, Egypt. Results of the 2007 Seasonread now >
Ginns, A. Preliminary Report on the Second Season of Excavations Conducted on Mis Island (AKSC)read now >
Jakob, T. The Value and Future Potential of Human Skeletal Remains Excavated at the Fourth Cataractread now >
Kendall, T. and Wolf, P. Excavations in the Palace of Aspelta at Jebel Barkal, March 2007read now >
Keown-Boyd, H. Victorian Gunboats in the 21st Centuryread now >
Kleinitz, C. Rock art and archaeology: the Hadiab Surveyread now >
Mahmoud Suliman Bashir. Rescue Excavation of a Late-Meroitic Tomb at Botri, South of Khartoum. Preliminary Reportread now >
Mohamed Faroug, Yassin M. Saeed and Tsakos, A. Akad Excavation Reportread now >
Miller, E., Rose, P. and Singleton, D. The Taharqo wall painting rescue projectread now >
Skinner, L. A visit to a traditional leather tannery in Central Sudanread now >
Smith, S.T. Death at Tombos: Pyramids, Iron and the Rise of the Napatan Dynastynread now >
Taylor, H. and Bieniada, M. Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Nuba Mountains, Sudanread now >
Tesch, P. The Sultan Ali Dinar Museum, el-Fasher. A window on Darfur’s historyread now >
Welsby, D.A. Survey and excavations in the vicinity of ed-Doma (AKSE) and et-Tereif (AKSCW), 2006-2007read now >
Wolf, P. and Nowotnick, U. The 4th Season of the SARS Anglo-German Expedition to the Fourth Nile Cataractread now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.12Sudan & Nubia : No. 12
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2008

90 pages
Anderson, J.R. and Salah Mohamed Ahmed. The Kushite Kiosk of Dangeil and Other Recent Discoveriesread now >
Azhari Mustafa Sadig. Pottery from the Neolithic site of es-Sour (Central Sudan)read now >
Buad, M. The Meroitic royal city of Muweis: first steps into an urban settlement of riverine Upper Nubiaread now >
Burlak, S.A. Meroitic and Tocharian – from the point of view of a Tocharianistread now >
Carrano, J., Ferguson, J.R., Girty, G.H., Smith, S.T. and Carrano, C.J. A Chemical and Mineralogical Comparison of Nubian and Egyptian Style Ceramics and the Implications for Culture Contact: Preliminary Reportread now >
Davies, W.V. Tombos and the Viceroy Inebny / Amenemnekhuread now >
Grzymski, K. and Grzymska, I. Excavations in Palace M 750S at Meroeread now >
Intisar Soghayroun Elzein. The Archaeological and Cultural Survey of the Northern Dongola Reach, Western bank,
from el-Khandaq to Hannek. First Season Report 2007
read now >
Jesse, F. North of the Lower Wadi Howar – A first reconnaissance in the area between Jebel Abyad and the Nile Valleyread now >
Rilly, C. The Linguistic Position of Meroitic. New Perspectives for Understanding the Textsread now >
Thomas, R. The origin and use of ceramics on the islands of Mis and Umm Muri, in the Late Meroitic to Christian periodsnread now >
Welsby, D.A. The Northern Dongola Reach Survey. Excavations at Kawa, 2007-8read now >
Welsby, D.A. The Wadi Halfa to Kerma Railway, Survey February 2008read now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.13Sudan & Nubia : No. 13
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2009

132 pages
Anderson, J.R. and Salah eldin Mohamed Ahmed. What are these doing here above the Fifth Cataract?!! Napatan royal statues at Dangeilread now >
Baćs, T.A. A name with three (?) orthographies: The case of the ‘king’s son, overseer of southern foreign lands, Penre’read now >
Brass, M. Towards an archaeology of social organisation at Jebel Moya, 5th – 1st millennium BCread now >
Davies, V. The British Museum epigraphic survey at Tombos: the stela of Usersatet and Hekaemsasenread now >
Doyen, F. The New Kingdom Town on Sai Island (Northern Sudan)read now >
Francigny, F. The Meroitic Necropolises of Sai Islandread now >
Hagen, J.L. Districts, towns and other locations of medieval Nubia and Egypt, mentioned in the Coptic and Old Nubian texts from Qasr Ibrimread now >
Huber, R. and Edwards, D.N. Gebel Adda 1963 and Meroitic stela G19read now >
Jesse, F. and Peters, R. Petroglyphs under the sand – A preliminary report on the field season 2008/09 at the fortress Gala Abu Ahmedread now >
Kendall, T. Talatat Architecture at Jebel Barkal: Report of the NCAM Mission 2008-2009read now >
Mason, R.B.J. and Grzymski, K. Petrography of Pottery from Meroe, Sudanread now >
Mohamed Faroug Abdelrahman. Akad Rescue Project Season 2008read now >
Mohamed Faroug Abdelrahman, Ahmed Sokary and Murtada Bushara. Shuhada Rescue Archaeological Project (SRAP) and el-Misaktab in the Shendi regionread now >
Spence, K., Rose, P., Bunbury, J., Clapham, A., Collet, P., Smith, G. and Soderberg, N. Fieldwork at Sesebi, 2009read now >
Spencer, N. Cemeteries and a late Ramesside suburb at Amara Westread now >
Welsby, D.A. Houses and Pyramids at Kawa, excavations 2008-9read now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.14Sudan & Nubia : No. 14
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2010

116 pages
Anderson, J.R. and Salah eldin Mohamed Ahmed. Ethnoarchaeology and post-holes: building a Bisharin houseread now >
Binder, M., Spencer, N. and Millet, M. … read now >
Francigny, V. The Meroitic Necropolises of Sai Islandread now >
Godlewski, W. Dongola after the 2008-2010 Seasons: Royalty, Saints and Blessed Bishopsread now >
Huber, R. and Edwards, D.N. Gebel Abba Cemetery One, 1963. Post-medieval reuse of X-Group tumuliread now >
Intisar Soghayroun el-Zein. Qasr Wad Nimeiri and its Qubbasread now >
Mahmoud el-Tayeb. The Post-Meroitic from Kirwan to the Presentread now >
Mahmoud Suleiman Bashir. A Recently Discovered Meroitic Cemetery at Berber, River Nile State, Sudan. Preliminary Reportread now >
Rilly, C. and Francigny, V. Excavations at Sedeinga. A New Startread now >
Sjöström, I. W. Golden Accessories: a link to the outside world from the pyramid at site 4-F-71 (Fourth Cataract, SARS Concession)read now >
Spencer, N. Nubian architecture in an Egyptian town? Building E12.11 at Amara Westread now >
Welsby, D.A. Excavations at Kawa, 2009-10read now >

Sudan \& Nubia No.15Sudan & Nubia : No. 15
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2011

156 pages
Adams, W.Y. The Sudan Archaeological Research Society – An Anniversary Tributeread now >
Anderson, J.R. and Salah eldin Mohamed Ahmed. Dangeil 2010: Meroitic Wall Paintings Unearthed and Conservation Strategies Consideredread now >
Binder, M. The 10th-9th century BC – New Evidence from the Cemetery C of Amara Westread now >
Budka, J. The New Kingdom at Sai Island: preliminary results based on the pottery analysis (4th Season 2010)read now >
Hallof, J. A Meroitic offering table from Maharraka – Found, recorded, lost or not?read now >
Howeida M. Adams and Abdelrahim M. Khabir. Pottery from Sites Surveyed in Sodari District, Kordofan Province. An Interim Report 2008-2009read now >
Intisar Soghayroun Elzein. The archaeological and cultural survey of the Dongola Reach, west bank from el-Khandaq to Hannekread now >
Kroeper, K. Rediscovery of the Kushite site – Naga, 15 years of excavation (1995-2010). Surprises and Innovationsread now >
Longa, A. Neolithic beakers from North-Eastern Africaread now >
Mahmoud el-Tayeb and Czyżewska, E. Early Makuria Research Project. Excavations at ez-Zuma. The Third Season, Jan.-Feb. 2009read now >
McGregor, A. Palaces in the Mountains: An Introduction to the Archaeological Heritage of the Sultanate of Darfurread now >
Mohamed Faroug Abd el-Rahman. A preliminary report on mortuary practices and social hierarchy in Akad cemeteryread now >
Rilly, C. and Francigny, V, D.A. The Late Meroitic Cemetery at Sedeinga. Campaign 2010read now >
Rose, P.J. Qasr Ibrim: The last 3000 yearsread now >
Sjöström, I.W. and Thomas, R. The Kushite Pottery Sequence at Kawa: Parallels at Home and Abroadread now >
Spence, K., Rose, P.J., Bradshaw, R., Collet, P., Hassan, A., MacGinnis, J., Masson, A. and van Pelt, P. Sesebi 2011read now >
Welsby, D.A. Excavations at Kawa, 2009-10read now >

For all editions …
Sudan & Nubia : Nos. 1-16 : tables of contents
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London


And see also AWOL's roundup: Open Access Ancient Nubia and Sudan

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