Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Last Statues of Antiquity

[First posted in AWOL 5 May 2012, updated 23 February 2014]

Last Statues of Antiquity (LSA)
Here you will find a searchable database of the published evidence for statuary and inscribed statue bases set up after AD 284, that were new, newly dedicated, or newly re-worked. This database was completed and made public in May 2012 (with only some minor revisions thereafter).

To access the site, click on one of the buttons above: BROWSE, SIMPLE SEARCH, or ADVANCED SEARCH (or, if you need them, INSTRUCTIONS).

We do not have the funding to up-date this resource continuously, but would welcome hearing of additional material, or of substantive corrections, by your emailing <LSA@classics.ox.ac.uk>. This database is built on the published work of hundreds of scholars, whom we hope to have credited fully and correctly; if you are unhappy with our use of your material, do please contact us.

The database was constructed by a team working partly in Oxford and partly elsewhere. The person primarily responsible for each entry is named on each Discussion page, and we would be grateful if you would acknowledge their work when using their ideas. For details of the team see the team page.

We suggest that in print you cite individual database entries, and the team members responsible for them, in the following way:

http://laststatues.classics.ox.ac.uk, LSA-833 (J. Lenaghan), LSA-42 (C. Machado & U. Gehn, LSA-1170 (G. de Bruyn), etc.

(Please note that the LSA number allocated to each entry is arbitrary, and was determined only by the sequence of cataloguing.)

The LSA database was constructed as part of a major project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.

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