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New Open Access Journal: Estudios bizantinos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística

Estudios bizantinos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística
ISSN: 2014-9999 
The journal Estudios bizantinos aims to be a communication tool at the service of the community formed by scholars of the Byzantine world. To this end, the contents published are offered to readers in Open Access, under a Creative Commons license. Its creation by the Sociedad Española de Bizantinística (Spanish Society of Byzantine Studies) is seen as a means to achieve the overall objective of promoting Byzantine Studies in Spanish-speaking countries.Estudios bizantinos is an international journal, published annually, open to all those who wish to publicize their research on any aspect of Byzantine civilization. Although the editors of the journal are open to receive content in all languages​​, we feel that publication in languages which are less common ​​in scientific circles is detrimental to the assessments and reviews of the research presented in the journal; we therefore encourage authors to submit their work in English, French or Spanish.
Originals sent to the journal’s editorial office should deal with one or more of the following areas:

  • Byzantine Civilization: archaeology, art, law, philology, philosophy, history, linguistics, palaeography, theology, etc.
  • The impact of Byzantium and its relationship with neighbouring peoples.
  • Late Antiquity in both the Western and the Eastern Mediterranean and, in particular, Byzantium’s contacts with the Iberian Peninsula and Western Christianity.
  • Relationships with the Slavic, Latin and Islamic cultures.
The journal may devote part of each annual volume to a single theme, with its own introduction and accompanying materials.
Works presented for publication will be submitted to an evaluation process which will decide as quickly as possible whether to accept or reject it  [see Publication policy].
We encourage readers of Estudios bizantinos to subscribe to the journal in order to receive the latest news of publication. They can also learn about other news relating to Byzantium on the web of the Sociedad española de Bizantinística.
Number 1 

Joseph A. Munitiz
Carmen García Bueno

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