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Open Access Journal: Archaeonautica

[First posted in AWOL 28 October 2013, updated (new volumes added) 28 August 2022]]

eISSN - 2117-6973

Archaeonautica is aimedat researchers, archaeologists, historians, as well as specialists in maritime and nautical history and archaeology. Its mission is to publish studies in submarine and subaquatic archaeology, both French and foreign, from prehistory to the 19th century.
The journal was founded in 1977 in response to the lack of a specialist review in France that covered scientific themes on a larger scale than the simple excavation report. The chronological spread is wide since the intention is to cover all periods stretching from prehistory to the contemporary era: actual contributions run from protohistory up to modern times. Similarly, the geographic field is not strictly defined, although most of the work examined concerns the Mediterranean, European internal waterways with some articles looking at the eastern Atlantic seaboard.
A large part of the review is given over to publishing excavations of shipwrecks but the collection also includes more specific studies regarding nautical and harbour archaeology. Different aspects of economic and maritime history, as well as the history of attitudes are also tackled through analyses of literary, iconographic and technical sources.

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Crédits : Cliché L. Damelet (CNRS/AMU/CCJ)
ISBN 978-2-271-12972-7

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