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Last Week in Pleiades (27 June - 4 July 2022)


Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jul 05, 2022 03:57 PM
Last week we published 25 new place resources. In addition, 90 existing place resources were updated.
Last Week in Pleiades (27 June - 4 July 2022)

New Place Resources

  • A settlement located some 40km outside of modern Karachi, Pakistan, dating to the Mature Harappan period. The site was abandoned by the close of the third millennium BCE.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
    Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
  • Area in the Altai region of extreme western Mongolia containing a number of burials and other structures from the Bronze Age (Bulan-Kobin Culture), Turkic, and Medieval periods.
    Creators: Gabriel McKee
  • Iron Age burial site located ni the Pusht-i Kuh region of Luristan.
    Creators: Gabriel McKee
  • A courtyard building of a non-military nature dating to the later Roman period (second to third century CE) that was located on the seafront at modern Barry (Wales, United Kingdom).
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
  • A well-appointed domus of the mid-second century CE that was consumed by the construction works to create the Thermae Antoninianae, resulting in its being buried to a depth of some 10 m in construction fill. Heritage officials describe the house as a sort of 'condominium', comparing it to the contemporary insulae of Ostia.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
  • Area in the Altai region of extreme western Mongolia containing a number of burials and other structures dated from the Bronze Age and the Turkic Period.
    Creators: Gabriel McKee
  • A double-ditched enclosure site located to the north of the modern village of Ince (Cheshire, England) has been identified as a Roman fortlet. The enclosure covers some 0.48 ha and was first identified via crop marks seen in aerial photographs in 1994.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
  • A large rock-cut temple at Sikait in Egypt's Eastern desert.
    Creators: Tom Elliott
    Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
  • An archaeological site with Iron Age funerary megaliths located in the vicinity of the modern Moonamkutty-Mangad Road in the northeastern portion of India's Kollam municipality. The site was damaged by cashewnut tree farming and is now not visible due to habitation on the site.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
  • Buddhist temple complex in Swat, Pakistan occupied from the 1st century CE until the end of the 4th-5th centuries CE.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
  • Neolithic tomb located 1km east of the modern village of Paradiimi in Northeastern Greece.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
  • A small island that is part of the Oinoussai island group, located between Chios and the Ionian peninsula. Is ancient name is unknown.
    Creators: Tom Elliott
  • Capital city built by New Kingdom pharaoh Ramesses II at the modern Egyptian village of Qantir. The site is near the old capital, Avaris.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
  • Settlement on Crete from the Late Minoan period near Achladia.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
  • A late Minoan tholos tomb in the area of modern Platyskinos/Platyschino on Crete.
    Creators: Tom Elliott
    Contributors: Zachary Rosalinsky
  • A Punic-Roman sanctuary, possibly of Hygieia/Salus or Aesculapius/Eshmun was identified to the northwest of Carthage in the direction of Cape Kamart (Tunisia), mostly on the basis of an assemblage of extremely fragmentary polychromatic terracotta statues, numbering at least 30.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
    Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
  • Sanctuary of Hathor built in the Middle Kingdom at Serabit el-Khadim.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
  • An ancient settlement located in Chechnya that is associated with the Koban Culture, an archaeological culture of the northern and central Caucasus. The site was inhabited during the Bronze and Iron Ages (11th-7th centuries BCE).
    Creators: Gabriel McKee
    Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
  • A complex of three stone-built structures in the ancient settlement of Sikait in Egypt's Eastern Desert. The structure seems to have served a primarily residential function, certainly during the 4th and 5th centuries CE and (in a previous phase) during an as-yet undetermined earlier period. It may also have had a commercial function.
    Creators: Tom Elliott
  • Burial mound of Sarmatian nobility from the 1st century CE in modern Mykolaiv Oblast, Ukraine with earlier remains from the Bronze Age. The mound has since been demolished by bulldozer.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
  • Mid-11th to mid-18th century church built on top of an older church that was an important pilgrimage site in Nubia. The church is located in the modern Sudanese village of Banganarti.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
    Contributors: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
  • Tell in northern Syria first settled in the Early Neolithic, resettled in the Chalcolithic Ubaid period, resettled again in the mid-late Uruk period, and finally resettled again in the Iron Age, from which point the site was continuously inhabited until the early Islamic period. The site was deluged by the creation of Lake Assad in 1974.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
  • A significant, large structure at Sikait in Egypt's Eastern Desert that has been variously identified as an administrative building and, most recently on basis of finds from the first systematic archaeological excavation of the structure, as a temple.
    Creators: Tom Elliott
  • A necropolis at Abydos, Egypt, with royal tombs from the Pre-dynastic period as well as from the Early Dynastic (First and Second dynasties) period.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
    Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
  • Cemetery site in northern Cyprus near Kyrenia with Bronze Age remains.
    Creators: Zachary Rosalinsky
    Contributors: Tom Elliott

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