Pylon. Editions and Studies of Ancient Texts aims to publish high quality research on Greek, Latin and Coptic papyri in a timely manner. New text editions of documentary, literary and subliterary papyri or corrections to previously published texts are especially sought. General studies based on papyrological evidence that relate to any aspect of Greco-Roman society in Egypt are also welcome. Articles can be in English, French, German and Italian.
Pylon (ancient Greek πυλών or "gateway") is the OJS journal of the Papyrological Publishing Platform (P3), a collaborative project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and led by Heidelberg University's Institute for Papyrology and University Library and Duke University's Collaborative for Classics Computing in the United States. The goal of P3 is to facilitate data transfer between scholarly journals and the papyrological data repository, as it converts transcriptions of ancient texts to EpiDoc for easy transfer to The journal is perceived as a central gateway for this, hence its name.
Although Pylon is primarily an online journal that publishes XML, it also provides PDFs of all articles for download. These are generated automatically from the XML, and are not subject to traditional formatting.
More information about the journal is available here. Details concerning the submission process can be found under submissions; questions can also be directed to any of the editors.
Notes and Corrections
See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies