Tim Cunningham et Jan Driessen (dir.)
This volume comprises the proceedings of a workshop with the same title which took place in October 2015. It was organised within the frame of the ARC13/18-049 (concerted research action) ‘A World in Crisis?’. It has both a large chronological scope-from the Late Paleolithic to the 12th c. AD - and wide geographical coverage, with case studies from the Maya, Southern US, Aegean, Sri Lanka, Indus, Gaul, Southern Levant, Anatolia, Egypt, North-western Europe, Alaska and Mesopotamia. It discusses and critically analyses the variety of signatures and archaeological correlates of crisis conditions that led to social breakdown. As such it makes massive strides forward to a better theoretical understanding of crisis-induced collapse.
- Éditeur : Presses universitaires de Louvain
- Collection : AEGIS | 11
- Lieu d’édition : Louvain-la-Neuve
- Année d’édition : 2017
- Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 03 juin 2021
- EAN (Édition imprimée) : 9782875585264
- EAN électronique : 9782390610410
- Nombre de pages : 314 p.
I. Overture
2. From Crisis to Collapse in Hunter-Gatherer SocietiesA Comparative Investigation of the Cultural Impacts of three Large Volcanic Eruptions on Past Hunter-Gatherers
II. From Epistemology to Ontology : the Paradigm of the Lost Civilisation
3. Crisis, what Crisis ?Adaptation, Resilience and Transformation in the Indus Civilisation
4. The Classic Crisis ?Some Features of Current Crisis Narratives for the Aegean Late Bronze-Early Iron Age
5. Reading the Thirteenth Century BC in GreeceCrisis, Decline, or Business as Usual ?
7. The Collapse of Anuradhapura, Sri LankaA Crisis 1500 Years in the Making
III. Ruin
8. The End of the Early Bronze Age in the Southern LevantUrban Crisis and Collapse seen from two 3rd Millennium BC-Cities : Tell esSultan/Jericho and Khirbet al-Batrawy
9. A Typology for Destruction LayersThe Late Bronze Age Southern Levant as a Case Study
10. Archaeological Evidence for Small Scale CrisisHasanlu between Destructions
IV. Modelling Climate and Reading Response
11. Crisis in the HighlandsAgent-based Modelling of the Early Bronze Age I (ca. 4950-4700 BP). Socio-economic Transformations at Arslantepe (Eastern Anatolia)
12. Pathways to Sustainable Development or PovertyWater Security and Wealth in the Pre-Columbian Puuc-Nohkakab Maya Lowlands
V. Metanarratives of Collapse
14. Temporary and PermanentStatus Race and the Mechanism of Change in a Complex Civilisation: Ancient Egypt in between 2900 and 2120 BC
15. Boredom with the ApocalypseResilience, Regeneration, and their Consequences for Archaeological Interpretation