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Inscriptiones Graecae in Croatia Repertae


 [First posted in AWOL 27 June 2012, updates 29 May 2022]

Digitalizacija antičkih grčkih natpisa s područja Hrvatske - Inscriptiones Graecae in Croatia Repertae (IGCR)
Nino Zubović

Ovaj probni znanstveni projekt ispituje mogućnosti i izvedivost stvaranja digitalne baze podataka već objavljenih antičkih grčkih natpisa pronađenih u Hrvatskoj, te prilagodbe i uklapanja ove baze u širi kontekst projekta EpiDoc.

Nino Zubovic's pilot project, which received startup assistance from the Department of Classical Philology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb, aims to create a digital, EpiDoc corpus of the Greek inscriptions attested and preserved on the territory of present-day Croatia. Methodologically, it shares goals with the U.S. Epigraphy Project, but excludes Latin inscriptions as these are being researched for CIL by the Department of Archaeology.

Cf. a description on the Digital Classicist wiki.

Slijedi nekoliko primjera digitaliziranih natpisa. / Some digitised inscriptions from Croatia follow.

Inscriptiones Graecae in Croatia repertae (IGCR)

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