Open Context Projects and Collections
Each project represents a specific study or research effort conducted by a single investigator or a team of collaborating investigators. The data and documentation presented in a project can be freely used and referenced by the research community and public for re-analysis, comparison with other collections, visualization , or other applications provided data contributors are properly credited with citation.
Open Context currently publishes 24 projects.
Project Editorial Status Description Primary People Keywords Murlo ★★★☆☆ Poggio Civitate Excavation Project Anthony Tuck Iron Age, Etruscan, Settlement, Archaeology, Architecture, Economy Hacksilber Project (Forthcoming) Lead isotope and other analyses of metal objects from the Near East and Mediterranean (1500 - 500 BCE) Christine Thompson Market, Economy, Monetary, Ingots, Money, Coinage, Exchange, Trade, Metallurgy, Hoards, Coins, Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, Archaic Kenan Tepe ★★★★☆ The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project’s Excavations at Kenan Tepe in Southeastern Turkey Bradley Parker, Peter Cobb Ubaid Period, Late Chalcolithic Period, Anatolia, Northern Mesopotamia, Middle Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, Tigris River, Archaeology Rough Cilicia ★★★☆☆ Survey exploring Roman provincial acculturation through the lens of Rough Cilician material and cultural remains Nicholas K. Rauh Roman, Romanization, Cilicia, Anatolia, Asia Minor, Archaeological Survey, Acculturation, Pastoralism, Mortuary Archaeology Dhiban Excavation and Development Project (Forthcoming) Archaeology of an Early Bronze through Islamic settlement south of Amman, Jordan Benjamin Porter, Bruce Routledge, Danielle S. Fatkin, Katherine Adelsberger Archaeology, Jordan, Early Bronze Age, Iron Age, Nabataean, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic, geology, anthropology, tourism studies, history Tal-e Malyan Zooarchaeology ★★★☆☆ Zooarchaeology of Tel-e Malyan Melinda A. Zeder Zooarchaeology, subsistence, economy, Early Bronze Age, Iranian Plateau, Elamite, Anshan, Middle Elamite Zooarchaeology of Medieval Emden ★★★★☆ Animal Bone Analysis in medieval Emden, Germany Jessica Grimm zooarchaeology, medieval, Lower Saxony, Germany, subsistence, Chogha Mish Fauna ★★★★★ Zooarchaeological observations from Prehistoric and Achaemenid levels at Chogha Mish, Iran. Levent Atici, Justin S.E. Lev-Tov, Sarah Whitcher Kansa Zooarchaeology, subsistence, economy, Early Bronze Age, Iranian Plateau, Elamite Khirbat al-Mudayna al-Aliya ★★★★☆ Investigations of an Early Iron Age site in a semi-arid zone in west-central Jordan Bruce Routledge, Benjamin Porter pastoralism, economy, agriculture, Southern Levant, Semi-Arid, Kerak Plateau, Jordan, Iron I, Early Iron Age, subsistence Dove Mountain Groundstone ★★★★☆ Analysis of groundstone finds from the Dove Mountain Project in the Tucson Basin Jenny Adams Southwest, Pioneer Period, Sedentary Period, Hohokam, Early Agricultural, Groundstone, Arizona, Archaeology Bade Museum ★★★★☆ Tell en-Nasbeh Collection at the Badè Museum of Biblical Archaeology Aaron Brody Israel, Palestine, Southern Levant, Judah, Near East, Biblical Archaeology, Archaeology, Iron Age, 1st Millennium, 4th Millennium, Early Bronze, Town, Tomb, Babylonian, Persian, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine San Diego Archaeological Center ★★★★★ Collections maintained by the San Diego Archaeological Center San Diego Archaeological Center historical archaeology, San Diego, California, Spanish colonial, Mexican, finds catalog, education, cultural resource management, archaeological collections Presidio of San Francisco ★★★☆☆ Ongoing investigations of El Presidio de San Francisco and other archaeological resources at the Presidio of San Francisco Presidio Archaeology Lab (Presidio Trust) historical archaeology, presidio, San Francisco, California, Spanish colonial, Mexican, US Army, education Aegean Archaeomalacology ★★★★★ Mollusk Shells in Troia, Yenibademli, and Ulucak: An Archaeomalacological Approach to Environment and Economy in the Aegean Canan Çakırlar Anatolia, Aegean, bronze age, chalcolithic, mollusks, Archaeomalacology, subsistence, economy, environment Petra Great Temple Excavations ★★★☆☆ Brown University Excavations at the Great Temple of Petra, Jordan Martha Sharp Joukowsky Religion, Hellenistic, Jordan, Roman, Roman Empire, Archaeology, Architecture, Nabateans, Nabatean, Petra Iraq Heritage Program ★★☆☆☆ Overview of the Global Heritage Fund's conservation work in Iraq Global Heritage Fund, Alexandria Archive Institute Meopotamia, Cultural Heritage, Conservation, Assyria, Sumer, Babylonia, Documentation, Sumer, Archaeology, Iron Age, Early Bronze Age, Early Dynastic, World Heritage Lake Carlos Beach Site, 1992 and 1996 ★★★☆☆ Descriptions and provenience information for 7837 artifacts State of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation, Minnesota State Parks Cultural Resource Management Program staff, State of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation Corneal Ulceration in South East Asia ★☆☆☆☆ Epidemiology and Etiology of Corneal Ulcers in South India Mathuiah Srinivasan, John P. Whitcher ophthalmology, India, public health, infections disease, eye, public health, developing world Harvard Peabody Mus. Zooarchaeology ★★☆☆☆ Harvard Peabody Museum Zooarchaeology Laboratory Reference Collection Richard Meadow, Levent Atici archaeology, reference collection, zoology, zooarchaeology, archaeology, specimen, bone Hazor: Zooarchaeology ★★★☆☆ Zooarchaeological observations for Late Bronze Age and Iron Age Hazor, Israel Justin Lev-Tov archaeology, Iron Age, Late Bronze Age, Near East, Excavations, Hazor, Biblical archaeology, subsistence Hayonim: Micromorphology ★☆☆☆☆ Paul Goldberg archaeology, Mousterian, geology, Middle Paleolithic, Kebaran, Epi-Paleolithic, Israel, Levant, Micromorphology, Geology, Cave, Deposition Geissenklosterle: Micromorphology ★☆☆☆☆ Paul Goldberg archaeology, Aurignation, geology, Upper Paleolithic, Europe, Germany Pınarbaşı 1994: Animal Bones ★★★☆☆ Analysis of faunal remains from prehistoric contexts at Pınarbaşı in central Turkey Denise Carruthers archaeology, Epi-Paleolithic, Neolithic, Near East, Anatolia, Turkey, zooarchaeology, Pinarbasi, 9th millennium, agriculture, foraging, hunting Domuztepe Excavations ★★★☆☆ Excavations of a Late Neolithic site in south-central Turkey Stuart Campbell, Elizabeth Carter Archaeology, Halaf, Neolithic, Near East, Excavations, Domuztepe, 7th millennium, Village