AARGnews: Newsletter of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group
ISSN: 1756-753X
ISSN: 1756-753X
AARGnews is the bi-annual newsletter of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group. Containing editorials, news items, summary notes and longer descriptive or research articles, AARGnews remains a diverse, up-to-date and above all, open forum for discussion and exchange of new (and old) ideas.
Well illustrated with photographs, maps and plans, recent papers have covered aerial photography, air photo interpretation and mapping, historic aviators and their work, the methodology and progress of national remote sensing programmes, satellite imagery, book reviews and useful excerpts from the World Wide Web.Download the contents of all issues as an EXCEL document!
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Editorial by Rog Palmer 2
AARG notices: 5
AARG 2022 online meeting – call for papers 6
AARG working groups – April 2022 update 7
Captain Alfred G Buckham and pictorial aerial photography by Martyn Barber 9
New surveys on the edge of empire: the later prehistoric landscapes of Southwest Scotland by Dave Cowley, Manuel Fernández-Götz et. al. 14
At last! Discovery of archaeological features through aerial imagery and lidar at Galician hillforts by César Parcero-Oubiña 22
My ‘Desert Island Book’: Wilson, D.R., 1982. Air Photo Interpretation for Archaeologists by Chris Cox 34
The archaeological potential of KH-9 HEXAGON satellite photographs: the Roman temporary camps and siege works at Machaerus and Masada by Martin J. F. Fowler 37
UAV flown ALS for investigations of archaeological sites and historical landscapes in Russia: first results from a 2018 – 2022 project by Vasily Novikov 54
Historic England’s Aerial Archaeology Mapping
Explorer by Simon Crutchley 65
Memories of AARG’s first training school: Kiliti-Siofok, Hungary, 1996 by Various Survivors 73
Cropmarks 89
AARG: general information, membership, addresses, student scholarships 92
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