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Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of Papyrology - 2021








eISBN: 978-88-8305-176-0
ISBN: 978-88-8305-177-7
DOI Code: 10.1285/i99788883051760 

The 29th International Congress of Papyrology took place from 28 July to 3 August 2019 in the city of Lecce.

In the Congress week the papers were presented in thematic sessions, which were accompanied by workshops, panels and posters. A single plenary session was dedicated to the discussion of the Future of Editing Papyri: Aspects and Problems. A total of 285 papers and posters were presented, of which 93 are published here.

The works presented at the Congress covered all aspects of Papyrology. Seventeen sessions were devoted to documentary papyri, five to literary papyri, five to Herculaneum papyri, two to juridical papyri, one to archaeology and papyri, two to Palaeography, two to Christian papyri, three to unpublished collections, one to the history of papyrology, one to Islamic documentary papyri, two to magic papyri, two to experimental sciences, two to conservation and restoration, one to Latin papyri, one to new technologies, two to Coptic papyri; two to ostraka and other supports; one to Arabic Papyrology; two to linguistics of the papyri; two to paraliterary papyri. The most relevant innovations came from the sessions devoted to unpublished collections, to new technologies, and to experimental sciences.

The plenary session Future of Editing Papyri: Aspects and Problems allowed for profitable discussions about the systems of publishing papyri (including Demotic, Arabic and Coptic ones), the access to collections and, more generally, the future of Papyrology .

Fulltext version

Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of Papyrology - Tomo IDetails    PDF
Edited by Mario Capasso, Paola Davoli, Natascia Pellé 1-564

Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of Papyrology - Tomo IIDetails    PDF
Edited by Mario Capasso, Paola Davoli, Natascia Pellé 565-1068

Frontespizio e pagine inizialiDetails    PDF


PrefaceDetails    PDF


Scientific Committee, Organizing Committee and StaffDetails    PDF


Week ScheduleDetails    PDF


Trenta anni di Papirologia a LecceDetails    PDF
Mario Capasso 33-35

Otto Gradenwitz und der Kampf für die GrundlagenprojekteDetails    PDF
Andrea Jördens 36-55

I governatori dell'Egitto nella documentazione del IV sec. d.C.: una rassegna e un'analisi dei termini e delle espressioni ricorrentiDetails    PDF
Giulia Agostini 56-64

Architettura della convivialità nell'Egitto romano e tardo-antico: le evidenze papirologicheDetails    PDF
Stefania Alfarano, Alberto Buonfino 65-86

The Digital Rosetta Stone ProjectDetails    PDF
Miriam Amin, Monica Berti, Josephine Hensel, Franziska Naether 87-89

New Readings in Philodemus' Third Book On RhetoricDetails    PDF
Eleni Avdolou 90-100

Carte e cartuscelle: nuove proposte di lettura a contratti bizantini da OssirincoDetails    PDF
Giuseppina Azzarello 101-122

Comptes de plantes fourragères et de céréales en démotiqueDetails    PDF
Brigitte Bakech 123-135

Studi paleografici sul P.Herc. 1232Details    PDF
Gaia Barbieri 136-143

Note e riflessioni sull'inedito Exercitationes in monumenta papyrea di A. Zirardini in vista dell'edizione critica e commentoDetails    PDF
Nikola D. Bellucci 144-153

ΜΕΝ solitarium in non-literary papyri: A reconsiderationDetails    PDF
Klaas Bentein 154-166

Quello che anche la Papirologia deve a Giuseppe Botti (e a Erminia Caudana)Details    PDF
Paola Boffula Alimeni 167-191

Hidden Words, Hidden Worlds: The Lexicon of the Documentary Papyri and the «Revitalization» of the Past towards the FutureDetails    PDF
Isabella Bonati 192-199

XRF Ink Analysis of Selected Fragments from the Herculaneum Collection of the Biblioteca Nazionale di NapoliDetails    PDF
Olivier Bonnerot, Gianluca Del Mastro, Jürgen Hammerstaedt, Vito Mocella, Ira Rabin 200-213

P.Flor. III 383, P.Flor. 383/a-l e P.Rein. I 49: frammenti di tomoi synkollesimoi da AntinoeDetails    PDF
Bianca Borrelli 214-218

The Carbonized Papyri from Bubastos: Current Work on the Unpublished MaterialDetails    PDF
Matias Bucholz 219-224

Callgirls in the quarriesDetails    PDF
Adam Bülow-Jacobsen 225-232

Com. Adesp. fr. 1008 K.-A.: un esempio di prologo innovativo?Details    PDF
Daniela I. Cagnazzo, Felice Stama 233-243

Pubblicare papiri ercolanesi oggiDetails    PDF
Mario Capasso 244-249

Alexandrian riots under Trajan: papyrology and historyDetails    PDF
Livia Capponi 250-260

A New Look at Turin Coptic Codex XVI (CLM 61)Details    PDF
Nathan Carlig 261-274

Aspetti della famiglia "greca" nelle richieste dell'epikrisis di adolescenti nell'età romana: notazioni demografiche e sociologicheDetails    PDF
Gerardo Casanova 275-285

Nouvelles recherches sur les papyrus du "lot Melaerts"Details    PDF
Garance Clapuyt 286-290

Una gerarchia delle magistrature civiche in Egitto? Tipologie di fonti e criteri di analisiDetails    PDF
Lucia C. Colella 291-299

Inks of papyrus, inks for papyrus: recipes from the Arabic worldDetails    PDF
Claudia Colini 300-310

Per la ricomposizione del P.Herc. 89/1301/1383 (Philodemus, Opus incertum)Details    PDF
Marzia D'Angelo 311-322

La paleografia del P.Herc. 989 (Epicuro, Sulla natura, libro incerto)Details    PDF
Angelica De Gianni 323-329

Une entreprise problématique: la reconstruction de quelques colonnes centrales de La Calomnie de Philodème (PHerc.Paris. 2)Details    PDF
Daniel Delattre, Annick Monet, Joëlle Delattre 330-342

Il P.Herc. 986: un testo etico di Filodemo?Details    PDF
Gianluca Del Mastro, Giuliana Leone 343-351

Eraclide Pontico e la Pizia nell'Academicorum Historia di Filodemo (P.Herc. 1021, coll. IX-X)Details    PDF
Dino De Sanctis 352-360

Quittungsformular, Schreibergepflogenheiten und Personalstruktur im Steuereinzug von Elephantine in frührömischer ZeitDetails    PDF
Ruth Duttenhöfer 361-371

The Topography of the Town of Pathyris in the Light of the Current ResearchDetails    PDF
Wojciech Ejsmond, Aneta Skalec, Julia M. Chyla 372-386

La centralità dei testi nel Kepos: a proposito dei frammenti di lettere di Epicuro conservati nel P.Herc. 1005Details    PDF
Margherita Erbì 387-399

Zur virtuellen Rekonstruktion von Scorza-StapelnDetails    PDF
Holger Essler 400-411

Intorno a Padre Piaggio. Tra Roma e Napoli (1741-1758)Details    PDF
Maria Rosaria Falivene 412-422

Tolemeo III dal ritorno in Egitto al decreto di Canopo: tempi e ragioni di due visite nella choraDetails    PDF
Lorenzo Fati 423-439

Σημεῖα per le citazioni ercolanesi di Critolao di FaselideDetails    PDF
Mariacristina Fimiani 440-449

Antiochus von Askalon und Heraklitus von Tyros in einer Schülerliste des Kleitomachos? (P.Herc.. 1021, Kol. 25, Mitte)Details    PDF
Kilian Fleischer 450-459

Some thoughts on the papyrological editionDetails    PDF
Jean-Luc Fournet 460-470

P.Ryl. III 480: Iustiniani Digesta 28.8.11Details    PDF
Marco Fressura 471-476

P.Herc. 817 and the Augustan IdeologyDetails    PDF
Pierluigi Leone Gatti 477-489

Open Access to Papyrus Collections and the Future of Editing PapyriDetails    PDF
Jürgen Hammerstaedt 490-496

An Idiosyncratic Homer, Iliad A 361-391 (P.Yale I 4)Details    PDF
Ann Ellis Hanson 497-504

À propos des interactions entre associations et temples à l'époque gréco-romaineDetails    PDF
Cassandre Hartenstein 505-518

Requests and letters of recommendation: the case of Amyntas in the Zenon archiveDetails    PDF
Ibrahim Seada 519-527

Jewish names in Egypt in the Early Roman periodDetails    PDF
Tal Ilan 528-535

Le Illustrazioni dei Papiri ercolanesi di Angelo Antonio ScottiDetails    PDF
Giovanni Indelli 536-549

Latin in Egyptian Documents between Caracalla and DiocletianDetails    PDF
Giulio Iovine 550-560

Table of contentsDetails    PDF


ColophonDetails    PDF


Frontespizio e pagine inizialiDetails    PDF


Pierre Jouguet et les fouilles de Ghôran et Magdôla: quelques découvertes récentes dans la collection de la SorbonneDetails    PDF
Florent Jacques 569-583

Some Thoughts about Succession in Provincial ContextDetails    PDF
Eva Jakab 584-598

Flood of the Nile: New Remarks on P.Michael. 4Details    PDF
Gréta Kádas 599-607

Some thoughts on the Eusyene fragment (P.Oxy. LXXXIII 5356)Details    PDF
Nikoletta Kanavou 608-616

P.CtYBR Inv. 1430: Letter from the Heroninos ArchiveDetails    PDF
Erynn Kim 617-624

Re-editing SPP III Texts: Challenges, Problems, Results – Five Case StudiesDetails    PDF
Aikaterini Koroli 625-637

Qualche osservazione sulla Retorica di FilodemoDetails    PDF
Francesca Longo Auricchio 638-647

A fragment of a Greek novel? PMil I 2. 17 revisitedDetails    PDF
Maria Paz López Martínez, Consuelo Ruiz-Montero 648-660

Computational Workout: Division Table as Training ExercisesDetails    PDF
Julia Lougovaya 661-672

Hypotheseis a scuolaDetails    PDF
Massimo Magnani 673-681

The Power of Light: Λύχνος in the Ritual and Religious Life of Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Egypt as evidenced by Greek papyri and ostrakaDetails    PDF
Dimitra Makri, Ioannis Drakos 682-693

Tony Harrison's The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus as post-colonial criticismDetails    PDF
Myrto Malouta 694-699

L'utilisation de l'encre rouge dans les papyrus littéraires grecs et latinsDetails    PDF
Marie-Hélène Marganne 700-710

Demetrius Laco, On Poems II (P.Herc. 1014): A New Ordering of the Fragments and New Light on AlcaeusDetails    PDF
Michael McOsker 711-721

Mary, Michael and the Twenty-Four Elders: Saints and Angels in Christian Liturgical and Magical TextsDetails    PDF
Ágnes T. Mihálykó 722-731

The Cynopolite Nome in the Delta … Did it really exist?Details    PDF
Mohamed Abdel Ghani 732-740

Falsificazioni "genuine" nei disegni di alcuni Papiri ErcolanesiDetails    PDF
Stefano Napolitano 741-750

Per la ricomposizione di rotoli ercolanesi scorzatiDetails    PDF
Federica Nicolardi 751-758

Hipponax and Ancient Greek Scholarship (P.Oxy. XVIII 2176): a commentary with marginal and interlinear notesDetails    PDF
Anika Nicolosi 759-767

A Cry for Help. A New Letter from the Yale CollectionDetails    PDF
Noha A. Salem 768-773

Shared histories: New Work in British Museum and British Library CollectionsDetails    PDF
Elisabeth R. O'Connell 774-790

Ritual Ingredients, Folklore, and the Meaning of InvisibilityDetails    PDF
Richard L. Phillips 791-798

Tell me Muse, Who and Where are You?Details    PDF
Rasha Hussein El-Mofatch 799-809

Da Omero a Menches a Munazio … Uno sguardo ad alcuni papiri inediti da Tebtynis da un progetto dell'Università di ParmaDetails    PDF
Nicola Reggiani, Alessia Bovo 810-827

Was verbirgt sich hinter dem Ninos-Roman? Ein Blick auf die Rückseiten der Berliner FragmenteDetails    PDF
Fabian Reiter 828-834

Alleviating death: Consolatory expressions in the Greek mummy labels from Roman EgyptDetails    PDF
Dimitrios Roumpekas 835-845

Lexicographie Papyrologique de la vie matérielle Details    PDF
Simona Russo 846-849

I papiri del "Romanzo di Calligone": aspetti stilistici e topoi romanzeschiDetails    PDF
Alessio Ruta 850-858

On Sappho 1 Voigt and the Kypris PoemDetails    PDF
Maroula Salemenou 859-868

P.Ant. I 27, tra i più antichi codici dell'orazione Sulla Corona di DemosteneDetails    PDF
Lorenzo Sardone 869-881

Unveiling Emotions in Graeco-Egyptian Magical PapyriDetails    PDF
Panagiota Sarischouli 882-895

Family Archives from Elephantine. The Evidence from the OstrakaDetails    PDF
Shereen A. Aly 896-904

Temples in Decline? The Egyptian Priesthood under Roman RuleDetails    PDF
Benjamin Sippel 905-914

Three Coptic Letters on OstrakaDetails    PDF
Sohair S. Ahmed 915-924

Oleificatori al servizio del vescovo di Ossirinco. Un'analisi di PSI inv. 3031, 10-14Details    PDF
Antonio Stornaiuolo 925-934

Il sistema di abbreviazioni dotte nei commentari e nei testi di studiosiDetails    PDF
Marco Stroppa 935-943

The British Library's Coptic manuscripts collectionDetails    PDF
Ilana Tahan 944-947

Some Remarks on Women's Social Life in Roman and Late Antique Egypt: Religious and Social CelebrationsDetails    PDF
Marianna Thoma 948-956

Continuity and Discontinuity of the Sciences in the 5th to the 10th Centuries A.D.Details    PDF
Johannes Thomann 957-967

Adoption practices in Late Antique and Byzantine EgyptDetails    PDF
Kleanthi Tirla 968-976

Greek Ostraka in the British LibraryDetails    PDF
Peter Tóth 977-988

An unpublished petition from the Sorbonne collectionDetails    PDF
Lorenzo Uggetti 989-1001

Romans in Egypt before the Constitutio Antoniniana: When, Where, and Why?Details    PDF
Peter van Minnen 1002-1025

De nouveaux documents dans le «dossier» de Dionysodôros (Arsinoïte, IIIème s. avant J.-Ch.)Details    PDF
Stéphanie Wackenier 1026-1036

The Amathous Curse Tablets (British Museum inv. 1891, 4-11) and PGM VII (British Library Pap. 121): Evidence for Ritual Exchange Between Egypt and CyprusDetails    PDF
Andrew T. Wilburn 1037-1048

An Assemblage of Coptic Magical Texts on Leather and Their Traditional Context (P.Brit.Mus. inv. no. EA 10122, 10376, 10391, 10434, 10414)Details    PDF
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer 1049-1064

Table of contentsDetails    PDF


ColophonDetails    PDF



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