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Open Access Journal: Epistula: Roman Society e-News

[First posted in AWOL 3 July 2912, updated 13 January 2014]

Epistula: Roman Society e-News
ISSN 2047-6292
Epistula, the Society's e-Newsletter, was introduced by the Society's Archaeology Committee to help keep members up to date with new discoveries and research. 
The initiative was one of a number of projects developed for the Society's centenary, and the first edition was published in July 2011.
Copies are emailed to all members twice a year in June and December, and members are invited to send contributions (office(at)romansociety.org) by the deadlines of 30 April and 31 October.  
Archive copies of Epistula are available below:

Epistula I
Epistula II
Epistula III
Epistula IV
Epistula V

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