Manière, Louis;
Crépy, Maël;
Redon, Bérangère
Data collector(s)
Goncalves, Isabelle;Rabot, Alexandre;
Verreth, Herbert; Laisney, Damien
Data manager(s)
Manière, Louis; Villars, Noémi
Project leader(s)
Redon, Bérangère
Crépy, Maël
This repository contains the data necessary for the realization of a least cost network for camel transport during antiquity (Ptolemaic and Roman period) in the Egyptian eastern desert. The details of the network construction and data processing can be found in the the associated paper and datapaper.
Study paper:
Manière, L., Crépy, M., Redon, B. (2020) Building a Model to reconstruct the Hellenistic and Roman Road Networks of the Eastern desert of Egypt, a Semi-Empirical Approach Based on Modern Travelers’ Itineraries. In reviewDatapaper:
Manière, L., Crépy, M., Redon, B. (2020) Geospatial data from the “Modelling the Hellenistic and Roman Road Networks of the Eastern desert of Egypt, a Semi-Empirical Approach Based on Modern Travelers’ Itineraries” paper. In reviewFiles (1.8 GB)
Name Size
md5:f2f659f5f3945cd7071945eae920a24f1.8 GB