[First posted in AWOL 21 June 2014, updated 27 February 2022]
Ride: A review journal for digital editions and resources
ISSN: 2363-4952
Ride: A review journal for digital editions and resources
ISSN: 2363-4952
RIDE is a review journal dedicated to digital editions and resources. RIDE aims to direct attention to digital editions and to provide a forum in which expert peers criticise and discuss the efforts of digital editors in order to improve current practices and advance future developments. It will do so by asking its reviewers to pay attention not only to the traditional virtues and vices of any edition, but also to the progressing methodology and its technical implications. Read more about RIDE in our editorial.
Issue 14: Scholarly Editions (November 2021)
- Reviewing the bread and butter of CoReMa, Cooking Recipes of the Middle Ages
- Review of Galileo Galilei’s Notes on Motion
- Digitale Edition der Augsburger Baumeisterbücher
- Decameron Web
- A comparative review of The Carlyle Letters Online and The Jane Addams Digital Edition
Issue 13: Scholarly Editions (December 2020)
- Lyrik des deutschen Mittelalters
- Wolfgang Koeppen Jugend – Rezension der textgenetischen Edition
- Songs of the Victorians
- At the intersection of sciences, humanities and technologies – A review of the edition humboldt digital
- A Review of confessio.ie, or Practical Thoughts on Digital Editing in Classics
Issue 12: Scholarly Editions (Correspondence) (July 2020)
- Briefe und Texte aus dem intellektuellen Berlin um 1800
- Darwin Correspondence Project
- Briefwechsel Sauer-Seuffert. A ‘Web Platform’ for a Scholars Correspondence (on Editions, among other things)
- Die offene Editionswerkstatt: Carl Maria von Webers Briefe in der digitalen WeGA
- Review of the Busoni Digital Edition
Issue 11: Tools and Environments (January 2020)
- Reledmac. Typesetting technology-independent critical editions with LaTeX
- Review of the Tübinger System von Textverarbeitungs-Programmen (TUSTEP)
- Omeka Classic. Un environnement de recherche pour les éditions scientifiques numériques
- Ediarum. A toolbox for editors and developers
- Juxta Web Service, LERA, and Variance Viewer. Web based collation tools for TEI
Issue 10: Scholarly Editions (Correspondence) (June 2019)
- Erich Mendelsohn Archiv (EMA)
- Review of Mark Twain’s Letters, 1853–1880 of the Mark Twain Project Online
- Mozart Briefe und Dokumente – Online Edition
- Bridging edition and corpus: a review of P. S. Post Scriptum: A Digital Archive of Ordinary Writing (Early Modern Portugal and Spain)
- Rezension der „Alfred-Escher-Briefedition“
Issue 9: Text Collections (November 2018)
- EDITORIAL: Digital Text Collections, the third
- InterCorp – Ein mehrsprachiges Parallelkorpus des Tschechischen Nationalkorpus (Český národní korpus)
- Rezension von Europarl
- Review of “ShakespearePlaysPlus Text Corpus”
- Review of Papyri.info
- Rezension des „Corpus Oral de Referencia de la Lengua Española Contempóranea“
Issue 8: Text Collections (February 2018)
- EDITORIAL: Digital Text Collections – Take Two, Action!
- Anemoskala: corpus and concordances for major Modern Greek poets
- PHI Latin Texts
- Review of Perseus Digital Library
- Rezension der Deutschsprachigen Wikisource
- Théâtre Classique
Issue 7: Scholarly Editions (December 2017)
- Crossing Brooklyn Ferry: An Online Critical Edition
- Hesperia
- The ‘Beta Dilemma’ – A Review of the Faust Edition
- The Casebooks Project
- The William Blake Archive (Upgrade)
Issue 6: Text Collections (September 2017)
- EDITORIAL: Reviewing Digital Text Collections
- CELT – Corpus of Electronic texts
- Litteraturbanken: the Swedish Literature Bank
- Varitext und das Corpus des variétés nationales du français
- Corpus of Spanish Golden-Age Sonnets
- Regesta Imperii Online
- Recensione di Spectateurs
- Review of Electronic Enlightenment Scholarly Edition of Correspondence
- Deutsches Textarchiv
- “La Repubblica” Corpus
- Women Writers in Review
Issue 5: Scholarly Editions (February 2017)
- Jane Austen’s Fiction Manuscripts
- Literary drafts, genetic criticism and computational technology. The Beckett Digital Manuscript Project
- Lope de Vega’s La Dama Boba. Critical edition and digital archive
- The 1641 Depositions
- The William Blake Archive
Issue 4: Scholarly Editions (June 2016)
- Cervantes and the Golden Age Theatre: First Attempts Towards a Digital Scholarly Editorial Model
- Digital Thoreau
- Hugo von Montfort: Das poetische Werk
- Paul Klee – Bildnerische Form- und Gestaltungslehre
- Welscher Gast digital
Issue 3: Scholarly Editions (November 2015)
- Melville’s Marginalia Online
- Processing Dante’s Commedia: From Sanguineti’s Edition to Digital Tools
- Rethinking the publication of premodern sources: Petrus Plaoul on the Sentences
- The Correspondence of James McNeill Whistler
- The Diary of William Godwin
Issue 2: Scholarly Editions (December 2014)
- 16th Century Chronicle to 21st Century Edition: A Review of The Diary of Henry Machyn
- Der Zürcher Sommer 1968: Die digitale Edition
- The Digital Edition of the Becerro Galicano de San Millán de la Cogolla
- The Fleischmann Diaries
- The Shelley-Godwin Archive: The edition of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Notebooks
Issue 1: Scholarly Editions (June 2014)
- Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella: The Oldest Commentary Tradition
- Codex Sinaiticus
- Leal Conselheiro
- Nietzschesource
- Sandrart.net