The whole exhibition catalogue can be downloaded here.
‘Writing ‘systems’: Literacy and the transmission of writing in non-administrative contexts’
Philippa M. Steele
2017. In Jasink, E.M., Weingarten, J. and Ferrara, S. (eds.) Non-scribal Communication Media in the Bronze Age Aegean and Surrounding Areas: The semantics of a-literate and proto-literate media, Periploi 9, Firenze, 81-100.
‘Linear A and Linear B: Structural and contextual concerns’
Torsten Meissner & Philippa M. Steele
2017. In Nosch, M-.L. and Landenius Enegren, H. (eds.) Aegean Scripts. Proceedings of the 14th Mycenological Colloquium 2-6 September, Copenhagen 2015, Incunabula Graeca Vol. CV, 1, Rome, 99-114.
CREWS project research is all published with open access, in compliance with the regulations of our funding body, the European Research Council (under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant no. 677758). We are committed to making our research accessible to all.
The publications listed above are the ones that have already appeared, but we have many more in the pipeline (some in preparation, others under review or in press) and will update this page as they appear.