e-ISSN 2567-0166
CICERO – Studies on Roman Thought and Its Reception features monographs, edited volumes, text editions, and commentaries in all areas of Roman philosophy, history, rhetoric, politics, law, culture, and their reception, including patristics and Christian philosophy. This thematically wide-ranging and interdisciplinary series was named after Marcus Tullius Cicero, who was not only a politician but also an influential orator and philosopher.
The peer-reviewed series is published by the Patrum Lumen Sustine foundation in Basel under the scholarly direction of the Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron (SIAC, Paris).
BookOpen Access2020 Christoph Pieper, Bram van der Velden, Patrum Lumen Sustine-Stiftung (PLuS)
Volume 3 in this series
BookOpen Access2020 Manuel Galzerano
Volume 2 in this series
BookOpen Access2019 Olivier Delsaux
Volume 1 in this series
BookOpen Access2022 Enrico Piergiacomi
BookOpen Access2022 Francesca Romana Berno, Giuseppe La Bua, Patrum Lumen Sustine-Stiftung (PLuS)
Volume 4 in this series
And see AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies