Metatron: Revealing Ancient Knowledge
An initiative of Bible and Religions of the Ancient Near East Collective (BRANE), hosted by Renewed Philology at Yale.
A journal of modern philology and the ancient imagination offering new vistas on the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean and Near East. Named after the mediating angel of Jewish mysticism, it is designed to open cutting-edge research to a broad intellectual community.
As an open-access, peer-reviewed journal, Metatron is designed to be:
Conversational but Focused: each volume presents a dialogue between scholars on a current topic. Contributors of diverse backgrounds and career stages approach the question from multiple perspectives.
Rigorous but Readable: Rather than mystifying readers with bursts of recondite theory or vast footnotes, Metatron focuses on short pieces designed to provoke thought and evoke dialogue. These are combined with companion case studies that share an important text, image, or site and work through it to illuminate new aspects.
Scope: Our scope covers ancient Western Asia and the Near East from the dawn of writing through late Antiquity and from philology and poetics to history and material culture. As an open-access publication, Metatron presents high quality works-in-progress designed to provoke creative discussion. An initial stage of double-blind peer review preserves the rigor of traditional publication, but an equally vital element of review is the discussions that make up the journal itself. The result preserves the scholarly values of traditional publication but focuses not on fully polished works but contributions that raise questions worth having a dialogue on.
Metatron logo by David Tibet.
Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2021
Ancient Hebrew Literature Beyond “The Bible,” Part Two: “What is Scripture?
ArticlesBiblical scholarship has acknowledged that “Bible” is an anachronistic category when contemplating the contexts in which this literature emerged. “Scripture/scriptural” has taken its place, but what is Scripture?
ArticlesQuestioning whether it continues to remain helpful or adequate to use “scripture” as an obvious, natural, and universal concept for comprehending the function and history of certain kinds of texts.
ArticlesArgues that there have been three main stages in thinking about the biblical canon, and that Lambert is proposing a fourth stage, which moves the discussion on.
ArticlesThis article argues for the utility of the term "scripture" in marking hierarchies among texts and other forms of ancient media.
ArticleContinuing Metatron’s conversation about what ancient Jewish literature was, Chontel Syfox responds to David Lambert’s work in progress “What is Scripture? An Introduction to Biblical Assemblages.”
Part One of a series on Ancient Hebrew Literature Beyond “The Bible.” For the earliest Jewish readers and writers, there was no “Bible.” Instead the literature from this period constitutes a surprisingly broad spectrum of sacred texts from Genesis and the Books of Enoch to hundreds of different Psalms attributed to David but often not found in modern Bibles. If the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls along with decades of new research has proven that “Bible” is a misleading anachronism for the Second Temple period, can we create a new and better picture of Judaism and Christianity’s earliest known religious literature?
ArticlesThere was no “Bible” as such even by the end of the Second Temple period. How do scholars organize this corpus in the absence of the category?
ArticlesHow do we move beyond anachronistic frameworks for understanding ancient Jewish literature? A multivariable approach may help.
ArticlesThis response to Zahn emphasizes how using literary qualities as variables rather than categories allows us to redescribe hybridity in our archive, and perhaps, reimagine some of our Qumran manuscripts.
ArticlesThis article suggests the relevance of textual history as a useful addition to Molly Zahn’s proposal and asks how her proposed classification scheme could improve printed anthologies.
ArticlesImagined or lost texts are still part of the ancient literary landscape, and should be mapped in our new cartography.
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