ISSN 2435-1407 (オンライン/online)
ISSN 2185-5692 (冊子版/print)
ISSN 2185-5692 (冊子版/print)
Japan Studies in Classical Antiquity (JASCA) is a triennial publication with original research articles and reviews on the literatures and civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome submitted by the members of the Classical Society of Japan and its invited guests. Articles previously published only in Japanese may also be considered for publication.
Latest Volume
Table of Contents
- Coriolanus and Fortuna Muliebris
Roger D. Woodard
pp.3-32- The Attunement Theory of the Soul in the Phaedo
Naoya Iwata
pp.35-52- Floating Palace on the Nile: A Study on the Luxury Ship of Ptolemy IV Philopator
Yuichiro Habe
pp.53-70- Cephalus, His Story: Ovid’s Metamorphoses 7.661-865
Hiroyuki Takahashi
pp.71-89- Petrarch and Silius Italicus: a Survey on a Controversial Topic
Matteo Venier
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