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Open Access Journal: ‘Atiqot

 [First posted 10/31/10, most recently updated 6 January 2022]

[Open Access after registration]
'Atiqot is the refereed journal of the Israel Antiquities Authority. It is published four times a year. The contents of the printed version is uploaded to the e-journal website. No changes are made to articles post-publication. The printed journal is available via the IAA website.

For details on how to submit, see our Guide to Contributors.

Range of Topics.‘Atiqot covers a large chronological span, from prehistory up to the Ottoman period. Excavations are studied from various aspects and disciplines—often the result of the close interaction between researchers of the IAA and outside specialists. Thus, a report should include, in addition to the stratigraphic analysis, comprehensive treatments of the archaeological data, including studies of the various groups of finds, such as ceramics, glass, stone and metal objects, coins, jewelry, textiles, etc., as well as the geological, botanical, faunal and anthropological evidence. Laboratory analyses, such as petrography, radiocarbon dating and metallurgy, should be included where relevant.

The archaeological data published in ‘Atiqot are not confined to a specific range of periods or topics, but to a geographical area—the Land of Israel—which has been influenced by almost every ancient culture that existed in the Levant. The journal thus presents comprehensive research on the region and its connections with the neighboring countries. The publication is devoted to final reports and shorter articles, although occasionally a volume is dedicated to a particular topic (e.g., burial caves, agricultural installations), period (e.g., prehistoric, Islamic) or site (e.g., Acre, Jerusalem).

Excavation Reports. The papers published in ‘Atiqot are primarily the result of salvage excavations conducted by the IAA. Their results are sometimes unexpectedly important, filling in gaps that could not be understood by localized studies of the larger tells. ‘Atiqot is one of the few vehicles for imparting this important data and therefore a primary asset to any scholar in archaeology.

Bilingual Journal. The journal is bilingual, publishing articles in English or Hebrew; all Hebrew reports are accompanied by English summaries keyed to illustrations in the main text.
Current Issue:

‘Atiqot 105 (2021) EISBN 978-965-406-751-5
  • Pottery from the Late Chalcolithic Period from Yehud, Ashkenazi Market (Hebrew, pp. 43*–62*; English summary, pp. 165–166)
    Ronit Lupu
    Keywords: coastal plain, Ghassul, Beer Sheva
  • The Glass Finds from Yehud, Ashkenazi Market (Hebrew, pp. 63*–68*; English summary, p. 167)
    Yael Gorin-Rosen
    Keywords: coastal plain, local production, glass industry, furnace
  • Faunal Remains from the Late Chalcolithic, Late Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Periods at Yehud, Ashkenazi Market (pp. 1–22)
    Nuha Agha
    Keywords: coastal plain, butchery, consumption, ethnicity
  • Pottery of the Persian, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods at Kerem Maharal (pp. 23–47)
    Peter Gendelman and Kareem Sa‘id
    Keywords: Carmel, trade, Phoenicia
  • The Pottery of the Islamic Periods from Kerem Maharal (pp. 49–73)
    Katia Cytryn-Silverman
    Keywords: Carmel, Phoenicia, clay pipes, Egypt
  • The Glass Finds from Kerem Maharal (pp. 75–83)
    Natalya Katsnelson
    Keywords: Carmel, technology, glass industry, workshop, production
  • The Coins from Kerem Maharal (pp. 85–86)
    Robert Kool
    Keywords: Carmel, numismatics, France, Balkans, Ottoman empire, Europe
  • The Flint Assemblage from Kerem Maharal (pp. 87–92)
    Ofer Marder
    Keywords: Carmel, industry
  • Persian- and Hellenistic-Period Imported Amphoras from Tel Ḥanan (pp. 147–150)
    Samuel R. Wolff
    Keywords: Carmel, Aegean, trade
  • Stamped Amphora Handles from Tel Ḥanan (pp. 151–156)
    Gerald Finkielsztejn
    Keywords: Carmel, coast, production, epigraphy
  • The Coins from Tel Ḥanan (pp. 157–159)
    Donald T. Ariel
    Keywords: Carmel, numismatics
  • The Flint Artifacts from Tel Ḥanan (pp. 161–162)
    Vladimir Zbinovich
    Keywords: Carmel, industry
  • Front Matter
    Atiqot 105
    Keywords: Front Matter
  • Remains from the Chalcolithic, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Periods at Yehud, Ashkenazi Market (with contributions by Peter Gendelman, Lior Rauchberger, Donald T. Ariel) (Hebrew, pp. 1*–42*; English summary, pp. 163–164)
    Eriola Jakoel
    Keywords: coastal plain, industry, workshop, fauna, numismatics, metallurgy
  • Remains from the Prehistoric to the Late Ottoman Periods at Kerem Maharal (Hebrew, pp. 69*–119*; English summary, pp. 168–171)
    Uzi ‘Ad and Kareem Sa‘id
    Keywords: Carmel, numismatics, oil press, olives, economy, vines, wine production, viticulture
  • A Persian- and Hellenistic-Period Settlement at Tel Ḥanan (with contributions by Barak Monnickendam-Givon, Alla Nagorsky) (pp. 93–145)
    Alla Nagorsky and Shoshana Israeli
    Keywords: Carmel, coast, Phoenicia, trade


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