Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten - Netherlads Institute for the Near Easat
NINO initiates, supports, and conducts scholarly research in the civilizations of the Near East from the ancient to the early modern period. In particular, it concentrates on the archaeology, history, languages, and cultures of Egypt, Levant, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and Persia. In addition to its scientific research, NINO supports and advances the cultural relations between the Netherlands and the Near East. NINO is an independent foundation with ties to the academic community of the Netherlands. It is located on the premises of Leiden University and is associated with the university through a memorandum of cooperation.
NINO meets its goals of scientific study and cultural contact not only in the Netherlands but also by managing a subsidiary institute in Istanbul. Its premier library is one of the major ones in this field in the world and attracts scholars both from the Netherlands and abroad. NINO publishes journals and books on the ancient and modern Near East. It also houses several important collections of books, archival materials, and cuneiform tablets and supports research projects, as well as conducting its own projects.
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title link to pdf file details J. Eidem, C.H. van Zoest et al. – Annual Report NINO and NIT 2009. [29 cm, stapled; 48]. 8.45 MB J. Eidem, C.H. van Zoest et al. – Annual Report NINO and NIT 2010. [29 cm, softcover; 68]. (print version available)
13 MBJ. Eidem, C.H. van Zoest et al. – Annual Report NINO and NIT 2011. [29 cm, softcover; 64]. (print version available)
5.5 MBJ. Eidem, C.H. van Zoest et al. – Annual Report NINO and NIT 2012. [28 cm, softcover; 82]. (print version available)
6.2 MBB.G. Davies – Who’s Who at Deir el-Medîna. A Prosopographic Study of the Royal Workmen’s Community (Eg. Uitg. 13), 1999. [27 cm, softcover; XXIV, 317]. ISBN: 90-6258-213-3. 17.9 MB B.J.J. Haring – Divine Households. Administrative and Economic Aspects of the New Kingdom Royal Memorial Temples in Western Thebes (Eg. Uitg. 12), 1997. [27 cm, softcover; XXII, 486]. ISBN: 90-6258-212-5. 25.7 MB D. van der Plas – L’hymne à la crue du Nil. Tome I: Traduction et commentaire; Tome II: Présentation du texte, texte synoptique, planches (Eg. Uitg. 4), 1986. [27 cm, softcover; 28, 434]. ISBN: 90-6258-204-4. R.J. Demarée – The 3h ikr n R` stelae. On Ancestor Worship in Ancient Egypt (Eg. Uitg. 3), 1983. [27 cm, softcover; IX, 348]. ISBN: 90-6258-203-6. R.J. Demarée, Jac.J. Janssen (eds.) – Gleanings from Deir el-Medîna (Eg. Uitg. 1), 1982. [27 cm, softcover; XIII, 312]. ISBN: 90-6258-201-X. H. Sancisi-Weerdenburg, A. Kuhrt, M.C. Root (eds.) – Continuity and Change. Proceedings of the Last Achaemenid History Workshop, April 6-8 1990, Ann Arbor (Achaemenid History 8), 1994. [25 cm, cloth; XVI, 442]. ISBN: 90-6258-408-X. H. Sancisi-Weerdenburg, A. Kuhrt (eds.) – Asia Minor and Egypt: Old Cultures in a New Empire. Proceedings of the Groningen 1988 Achaemenid History Workshop (Achaemenid History 6), 1991. [25 cm, cloth; XVIII, 367]. ISBN: 90-6258-406-3. H. Sancisi-Weerdenburg, A. Kuhrt (eds.) – Centre and Periphery. Proceedings of the Groningen 1986 Achaemenid History Workshop (Achaemenid History 4), 1990. [25 cm, cloth; XV, 274]. ISBN: 90-6258-404-7. 15.7 MB H. Sancisi-Weerdenburg, A. Kuhrt (eds.) – The Greek Sources. Proceedings of the Groningen 1984 Achaemenid History Workshop (Achaemenid History 2), 1987. [25 cm, cloth; XIII, 175]. ISBN: 90-6258-402-0. 8.5 MB Th.P.J. van den Hout, J. de Roos (eds.) – Studio Historiae Ardens. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Philo H.J. Houwink ten Cate on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (PIHANS 74), 1995. [27 cm, softcover; XXVIII, 344]. ISBN: 90-6258-075-0. Jin Jie – A Complete Retrograde Glossary of the Hittite Language (PIHANS 71), 1994. [27 cm, softcover; X, 100]. ISBN: 90-6258-072-6. 3 MB G. Frame – Babylonia 689-627 B.C. A Political History [1992, reprint 2007] (PIHANS 69), 2007. [24 cm, softcover; XXXV, 344]. ISBN: 978-90-6258-069-9. K.R. Veenhof (ed.) – Cuneiform Archives and Libraries. Papers read at the 30e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Leiden, 4-8 July 1983 (PIHANS 57), 1986. [27 cm, softcover; X, 307]. ISBN: 90-6258-057-2. M.W. Stolper – Entrepreneurs and Empire. The Murašû Archive, the Murašû Firm, and Persian Rule in Babylonia (PIHANS 54), 1985. [27 cm, softcover; XXI, 324]. ISBN: 90-6258-054-8. B.J. Slot – Archipelagus Turbatus. Les Cyclades entre colonisation latine et occupation ottomane c. 1500-1718 (PIHANS 51), 1982. [27 cm, softcover; Tome I: XII, 323; Tome II: 275, 9 maps, 23 plates]. ISBN: 90-6258-051-3. J.P.A. van der Vin – Travellers to Greece and Constantinople. Ancient Monuments and Old Traditions in Medieval Travellers’ Tales (PIHANS 49), 1980. [27 cm, softcover; IX, 751]. ISBN: 90-6258-049-1. 15 MB E. Brunner-Traut – Egyptian Artists’ Sketches. Figured Ostraka from the Gayer-Anderson Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (PIHANS 45), 1979. [27 cm, softcover; X, 89]. ISBN: 90-6258-045-9. M. Stol – Studies in Old Babylonian History (PIHANS 40), 1976. [27 cm, softcover; X, 114]. ISBN: 90-6258-040-8. 4.7 MB Le temple et le culte. Compte rendu de la vingtième Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale organisée à Leiden du 3 au 7 juillet 1972 (PIHANS 37), 1975. [27 cm, softcover; XII, 189]. ISBN: 90-6258-037-8. 14.4 MB R. Harris – Ancient Sippar. A Demographic Study of an Old-Babylonian City (1894-1595 B.C.) (PIHANS 36), 1975. [27 cm, softcover; XVII, 408]. ISBN: 90-6258-036-X. J.D. Weir – The Venus Tablets of Ammizaduga (PIHANS 29), 1972. [27 cm, softcover; IX, 80]. ISBN: 90-6258-029-7. P. Derchain – Hathor Quadrifrons. Recherches sur la syntaxe d’un mythe égyptien (PIHANS 28), 1972. [27 cm, softcover; X, 55]. ISBN: 90-6258-028-9. Ph.H.J. Houwink ten Cate – The Records of the Early Hittite Empire (c. 1450-1380 B.C.) (PIHANS 26), 1970. [27 cm, softcover; XVI, 87]. ISBN: 90-6258-026-2. M.T. Larsen – Old Assyrian Caravan Procedures (PIHANS 22), 1967. [27 cm, softcover; VIII, 188 p.]. ISBN: 90-6258-022-X. M.N. van Loon – Urartian Art. Its Distinctive Traits in the Light of New Excavations (PIHANS 20), 1966. [27 cm, softcover; XV, 190 p., ill., 43 p. pl.]. ISBN: 90-6258-020-3. H. de Meulenaere – Le surnom égyptien à la Basse Époque (PIHANS 19), 1966. [27 cm, softcover; X, 41 p.]. ISBN: 90-6258-019-X. R. Ghirshman et al. (eds.) – Dark ages and Nomads c. 1000 B.C. Studies in Iranian and Anatolian Archaeology (PIHANS 18), 1964. [27 cm, softcover; XII, 70 p., ill., 20 p. pl.]. ISBN: 90-6258-018-1. J. Vergote – Toutankhamon dans les archives hittites (PIHANS 12), 1961. [27 cm, softcover; VI, 16 p.]. ISBN: 90-6258-012-2. J. Zandee – The Terminology of Plotinus and of some Gnostic Writings, Mainly the Fourth Treatise of the Jung Codex (PIHANS 11), 1961. [27 cm, softcover; VI, 42 p.]. ISBN: 90-6258-011-4. J. Doresse – Des hiéroglyphes à la Croix. Ce que le passé pharaonique a légué au Christianisme (PIHANS 7), 1960. [27 cm, softcover; VIII, 67 p.]. ISBN: 90-6258-007-6. J. Ryckmans – La persécution des Chrétiens himyarites au sixième siècle (PIHANS 1), 1956. [27 cm, softcover; IV, 24 p., 4 pl., 1 carte]. ISBN: 90-6258-001-7. M.N. van Loon – “Hans” Frankfort’s Earlier Years. Based on his Letters to “Bram” van Regteren Altena (Lectiones Orientales 3), 1995. [24 cm, softcover; 72]. ISBN: 90-6831-676-1. 3.7 MB B. van de Walle – L’humour dans la littérature et dans l’art de l’ancienne Égypte (SABMD 4), 1969. [27 cm, softcover; VIII, 22]. ISBN: 90-6258-144-7. Compte rendu de la troisième Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. Organisée à Leiden du 28 juin au 4 juillet 1952 par le Nederlandsch Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO 1), 1954. [26 cm, softcover; VI, 164].