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Open Access Journal: Exemplaria Classica

[First posted in AWOL 2 September 2011, updated 25 December 2021]

Exemplaria Classica
e-ISSN: 2173-6839
ISSN: 1699-3225
Encabezado de página
 In recent years the University of Huelva has been at the vanguard of studies in textual criticism and codicology. Throughout the pages of its annual publication Exemplaria Classica (Vol. 8 (2004-); superseding Exemplaria (1997-2003), which was not restricted to Classical literature), a wide array of material with a textual focus (whether Textkritik, Textgeschichte or Überlieferungsgeschichte) has been treated in all corners of Greek and Latin literature. The first volume boldly announced the admirably rigorous line that the journal wished to pursue: "we are convinced, against the fashions of the day, that the classical texts carry their own meaning. This meaning is not a mere construction or ideation of the critic... We discourage speculative or heavily theoretical commentaries which are not firmly anchored in the discussion of texts and factual information" (A. Ramírez de Verger, Vol. 8 (2004), pp.3-4).
[Description from David Butterfield's review of M. Sanz Morales, M. Librán Moreno (ed.), Verae Lectiones: estudios de crítica textual y edición de textos griegos. Exemplaria classica: Vol. Anejo 1. Huelva: Universidad de Huelvá, 2009 in BMCR 2010.05.46]

All but the most recent volume are open access.

Vol. 24 (2020)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33776/ec.v24i0

Tabla de contenidos

Artículos / Articles

Raquel Fornieles Sánchez
Mercedes López-Cuervo Garrido
John Trappes Lomax
Víctor Pérez Gil
Rosa María Díaz Burillo
Justin Stover
Álvaro Ibáñez Chacón

Artículos reseña / Review Articles

Carlo Martino Lucarini
Enrico Medda
Marcelo D. Boeri
James E. G. Zetzel

Reseñas / Reviews

RICHARD B. RUTHERFORD (ed.), Homer. Iliad book XVIII, Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, xiii+261 pp., $30.99, £ 23.99 (pb), ISBN 978-1-107-64312-3.
Edith Foster
SIMON PULLEYN, Homer, 'Odyssey I'. Edited with an introduction, translation, commentary, and glossary, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 320 pp., $24.95 (pb), ISBN 978-0-19-882420-6.
G.A. Gazis
A.M. BOWIE, Homer: Iliad Book III, Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 206 pp., £ 22.99 (pb), 2019, ISBN 978-1-107-69802-4.
James V. Morrison
WILLIAM ALLAN, Greek Elegy and Iambus. A Selection., Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, x + 338 pp., £ 24.99 (pb), 2019, ISBN 978-1-107-55997-4.
Krystyna Bartol
JULIEN BARDOT (tr.) - ANTOINE BISCERE (ed.), Ésope, Fables précédées de la Vie d’Ésope. Avec la collaboration de Patrick Dandrey, Collection Folio classique (n° 6696), Paris: Gallimard 2019, 448 pp., 8,50€, ISBN 978-2-07-045393-1.
Gert-Jan van Dijk
THEA S. THORSEN – STEPHEN HARRISON (eds.), Roman receptions of Sappho. Classical presences, Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2019, x+455 pp. $115.00, ISBN 978-0-19-882943-0.
Tom Phillips
HELMUTH VETTER, Parmenides: Sein und Welt. Die Fragmente neu übersetzt und kommentiert. Freiburg-München: Verlag Karl Alber, 2016, 256 pp., € 27.00, ISBN 978-3-495-48801-0.
Manuela Massa
A. KAMPAKOGLOU, Studies in the Reception of Pindar in Ptolemaic Poetry, Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 76, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019, pp. 454, ISBN 978-3-11-064140-0.
Zsolt Adorjáni
P. J. RHODES, (ed., trans., comm.). Herodotus. Histories. Book V, Aris & Phillips Classical Texts, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2019, ix+263 pp., £22.99 (pb), ISBN 978-1-789-62015-3.
Jan P. Stronk
DAVID KOVACS, (ed.). Euripides. Troades. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2018, xiii+370 pp. $124.95, ISBN 978-0-19-929615-6.
Mattia De Poli
JOHN C. GIBERT, Euripides: Ion, Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 394 pp., £ 25.99 (pb), 2019, ISBN 978-0-521-59656-5.
Michael Lloyd
MARTIN J. CROPP, Minor Greek Tragedians, Volume 1: The Fifth Century: Fragments from the Tragedies with Selected Testimonia, Aris & Phillips classical texts, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2019, xxiv+272 pp., £ 24.95 (pb), £ 80.00 (hb), ISBN 978-1
Paolo B. Cipolla
Richard Janko
MERVIN R. DILTS-DAVID J. MURPHY, Antiphontis et Andocidis Orationes, Oxford: OUP, xxxii+212 pp., 2018, £40.00, ISBN 978-0-19-960547-7.
William Furley
MARK A. RALKOWSKI, Plato’s Trial of Athens, Bloomsbury Studies in Ancient Philosophy, London-New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, x+234 pp., ISBN 978-1-4742-2724-7.
Gregory A. McBrayer
POULHERIA KYRIAKOU, Theocritus and his native Muse. A Syracusan among many, Series: Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes 71, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2018, 368 pp., ISBN 978-3-11-061460-2.
Ester Rapella
TOBIAS BOLL, Ciceros Rede ›cum senatui gratias egit‹ Ein Kommentar, Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft. Beihefte N.F. 10, Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter 2019, xii+260 pp., €109.95, ISBN 978-3-11-062921-7.
Isabel K. Köster
ANTON POWELL - PHILIP R. HARDIE (ed.), The ancient lives of Virgil: literary and historical studies, Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, 2017, xii+210 pp., £60.00, ISBN 978-1-910589-8.
John J. Contreni
GERHARD BINDER, P. Vergilius Maro: Aeneis. Ein Kommentar Band 1: Einleitung, Zentrale Themen, Literatur, Indices, BAC (Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium), 104, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2019. 430 pp., €49,50, ISBN 978-3-86821-7
Egil Kraggerud
ASHLEY CARTER, Selections from Virgil’s Aeneid books 1-6: a student reader, London- New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, vi+220 pp., $20.65 (pb), ISBN 978-1-4725-7570-8.
Pere Fàbregas Salis
FIACHRA MAC GÓRÁIN AND CHARLES MARTINDALE (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Virgil, Cambridge Companions to Literature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, xvi+549 pp., $39.99 (pb), ISBN 978-1-316-62134-9.
Ángel Escobar
EVANGELOS KARAKASIS, T. Calpurnius Siculus. A Pastoral Poet in Neronian Rome, Trends in Classics 35, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2018, x+335 pp., ISBN: 978-3-11-061171-7.
Simon Lajos Zoltán
EWEN BOWIE, Longus: Daphnis and Chloe, Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, x+338 pp., £ 24.99 (pb), 2019, ISBN 978-0-521-77659-2.
Nunzio Bianchi
LEONARDO COSTANTINI, Magic in Apuleius’ >Apologia<, Understanding the charges and the forensic strategies in Apuleius’ speech, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 373, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2019, xii+298 pp., 99,95 €, ISBN 978-3-11-061659-0.
Maurizio Massimo Bianco
S. J. HEYWORTH, Ovid: Fasti Book 3, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019, 296 pp., £ 24.99, ISBN 978-1-107-60246-5.
Steven J. Green
ADRIAN RADULESCU, Ovid in exile, Las Vegas; Palm Beach: Vita Histria, 2019, 186 pp., $39.99, ISBN 978-1-59211-019-3.
K. Sara Myers
ROLAND GLAESSER, Lucan lesen – ein Gang durch das Bellum Civile, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 202pp., ISBN 978-3-8253-6879-1
Daniel Groß
JUAN ANTONIO LÓPEZ FÉREZ, Galeno. Preparación y constitución de textos críticos, entrega y publicación de obras propias o ajenas, Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, 2018, 228 pp., 12 €, ISBN 978-84-7882-423-4.
Jordi Redondo
GRAZIANA BRESCIA, MARIO LENTANO, GIAMPIERO SCAFOGLIO, VALENTINA ZANUSSO (Hrsgs.), Revival and Revision of the Trojan Myth. Studies on Dictys Cretensis and Dares Phrygius. Spudasmata 177, Hildesheim, Zürich, New York 2018, 398 pp., ISBN 978-3-487-15681-1.
Helena de Carlos Villamarín
TOMÁS MORO, Cartas de un humanista (II), introducción traducción y notas de Concepción Cabrillana, Madrid: Rialp, 2020, 188 pp., ISBN 978-84-321-5191-0.
Ignacio J. García Pinilla
JESÚS Mª NIETO IBÁÑEZ, INMACULADA DELGADO JARA Y Mª ISABEL VIFORCOS MARINAS, Pedro de Valencia, Obras completas VIII, Epistolario, León: Universidad de León, 2019, 633 pp., ISBN 978-84-9773-966-5.
Ignacio J. García Pinilla
LINDSAY C. WATSON, Magic in ancient Greece and Rome, London; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, x+248 pp., £21.59 (pb), ISBN 978-1-78831-298-1.
Emilio Suárez de la Torre
JUAN SIGNES CODOÑER, Breve guía de la literatura griega desde Hesíodo hasta Pletón, Madrid: Cátedra, 2019, 512 pp., 20,00€, ISBN 978-84-376-4055-6
Juan Antonio López Férez
JAMES E. G. ZETZEL, Critics, compilers, and commentators: An introduction to Roman philology, 200 BCE–800 CE. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2018, xviii+425 pp., ISBN 978–0–19–538052–1.
Javier Uría
ALESSANDRO GARCEA - LUIGI SILVANO (edd.), Produzione e circolazione di testi greci e latini nell'Egitto greco e bizantino. Ricerche in corso, Philologia Antiqua 12, Pisa-Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore 2019, 112 pp., ISBN 1971-9078, ISSN 2035-3591.
Giulia Gerbi
LLUÍS CABRÉ, ALEJANDRO COROLEU, MONTSERRAT FERRER, ALBERT LLORET Y JOSEP PUJOL, The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300-1500. Translation, Imitation, and Literacy, Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2018, 289 pp., ISBN 978-1-85566-322-0.
Gemma Pellissa Prades
SHANE BUTLER (ed.), Deep classics: rethinking classical reception, London-New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, ix+347 pp., $34.95 (pb), ISBN 978-1-4742-6051-0.
Emma Cole
L. BATTEZZATO, Leggere la mente degli eroi Ettore, Achille e Zeus nell'Iliade, Pisa: SNS, 2019, 234 pp., ISBN 979-88-7642-663-6.
Carmen Morenilla Talens
ROBERTA BERARDI, NICOLETTA BRUNO, LUISA FIZZAROTTI (eds.), On the Track of the Books. Scribes, Libraries and Textual Transmission, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 375, Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2019, ix+359 pp., € 99.95,?ISBN 978-3-11-063259-0.
Andreas Fuchs
PAOLO CHIESA, La trasmissione dei testi latini. Storia e metodo critico, Roma: Carocci Editore, (Studi Superiori, 1151), 2019, 276 pp., €22,10, ISBN: 978-88-430-9445-5.
Dániel Kis

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