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Open Access Journal: Bulletin of Online Emendations to Papyri

[First posted in AWOL 16 February 2012. Updated 21 December 2021]

Bulletin of Online Emendations to Papyri (BOEP)
Zentrum für Altertumswissenschaften
This bulletin reports the emendation proposals that have been made via the Papyrological Editor (PE) to Greek and Coptic documentary and literary texts in the Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri (DDbDP) and Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri (DCLP) between March 30, 2018 and March 14, 2019. The new readings and three new editions have been vetted by members of the papyri.info editorial board. They have not appeared previously in print and are presented together here for ease of reference and review. The arguments and supporting evidence that were adduced to support them can, in most cases, be found in the “Editorial History” section at the bottom of the page following each text in papyri.info. 

Note on conventions: We report all changes made to the online texts regardless of their perceived significance. When a contributing author states that the proposed emendation has been checked against a published or publicly accessible photo or digital image we indicate this with the phrase (from photo)ʼ. Information about the photo or a link to the image (or both) can be found at papyri.info in the header of the text in question. If an author has consulted a photo that is not in the public domain, we indicate this with (from a photo)ʼ. If a reading has been verified against the original, we write (from original)ʼ

 Papyrological citations are provided in accordance with J.D. Sosin et al. (eds), Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets. Literary and subliterary papyri appear under their corresponding Trismegistos (TM) number

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