[First posted in AWOL 1 November 2009. Updated 24 Novermber 2021]
Bulletin of the British Foundation For the Study of Arabia
ISSN: 1361-9144
ISSN: 2050-2036
Bulletin of the British Foundation For the Study of Arabia
ISSN: 1361-9144
ISSN: 2050-2036
The BFSA publishes an annual bulletin (formerly the Bulletin of the Society for Arabian Studies) in the spring giving information on current research, publications, field work, conferences and events in the Arabian peninsula in fields ranging from archaeology and history to natural history and the environment. It also carries feature articles and book reviews.
Submissions for short notices of ongoing or forthcoming research are welcome, as is information on interesting conferences, exhibitions and events relating to the study of the Arabian Peninsula.Notices are intended to raise awareness of the range and scope of current research in the Arabian Peninsula. They should be short abstracts or summaries, between 300- 700 words, followed by bibliographic references to recent publications and links to relevant department or project websites. Photographs would be welcome, too, and should be at least 300 dpi; please indicate the copyright in each case. Research notices published by the Bulletin constitute an excellent means to raise the profile of your research amongst peers and provides a platform for cross-disciplinary collaboration. Email your contribution to current_research@thebfsa.org.
Current and back issues can be purchased at the Seminar for Arabian Studies in July each year or from the BFSA (contact@thebfsa.org). Printed back-copies of the Bulletin are £5.00 each. Previous issues may also be downloaded free of charge in pdf format by clicking on the cover images below.
The 2020 issue is available to download here as a compressed pdf.
2019 20182017
2016 2015 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
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