Verbeek, Christina and Susanne Brinkmann (eds)
Edit. Digitale Publikation 2. Düsseldorf: Gerda Henkel Stiftung. DOI: 10.23778/GHS.EDIT.2019.1
Edit. Digitale Publikation 2. Düsseldorf: Gerda Henkel Stiftung. DOI: 10.23778/GHS.EDIT.2019.1
TitleTable of ContentsIntroductionConservation of Wall Paintings in the Valley of the QueensThe conservation of the tomb chapel of Sennefer TT 96 AConservation Project TT 110 (Tomb of Djehuty)Conservación y de Restauración del ataud de NebConservation Work at the Temple of Amenhotep III at ThebesThe Conservation Specifities of an Archeological Site as KarnakLaser Cleaning of ancient Egyptian Wall Paintings in the Tomb of Neferhotep TT49AuthorsAddresses, Imprint