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Open Access Journal: Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies

[First posted in AWOL 23 October 2009. Updated 14 October  2021]

Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies
ISSN: 1097-3702
Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies is an electronic journal dedicated to the study of the Syriac tradition, published semi-annually (in January and July) by Beth Mardutho. Published since 1998, Hugoye seeks to offer the best scholarship available in the field of Syriac studies.

The word Hugoye, the plural form of Hugoyo, derives from the root hg' meaning 'to think, meditate, study'. Hugoyo itself means 'study, meditation'. In modern times, the term has been applied for academic studies; hence, Hugoye Suryoye translates as 'Syriac Studies'.

Issue 1


A New Tool for Computer Assisted Paleography: The Digital Analysis of Syriac Handwriting Project By Michael Penn, Vijoy Abraham, Scott Bailey, Peter Broadwell, R. Jordan Crouser, Javier de la Rosa, Nicholas Howe and Simon WilesHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.1 (2021): 35-52.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n1penn
The Chronological Development of Adjectives in –aya up to 725 By Sebastian BrockHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.1 (2021): 53-125.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n1brock


Recent Publications on Syriac Topics: 2020 By Grigory Kessel, Sergey Minov and Sebastian P. BrockHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.1 (2021): 217–298.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n1bib-recent
Bibliography of Syriac and Christian Arabic Studies in Russian, 2020 By Grigory Kessel and Nikolai N. SeleznyovHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.1 (2021): 299–316.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n1bib-russian


Issue 2

In Memoriam

In Memoriam: Mary T. Hansbury By Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-LaurentHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.2 (2021): 375-376.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n2obhansbury
In Memoriam: Prof. Dr. Nikolai N. Seleznyov By Sergey MinovHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.2 (2021): 377-389.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n2obseleznyov
In Memoriam: Yusuf Matti Ishaq By Amir HarrakHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.2 (2021): 391-393.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n2obishaq


Considerations in Rendering ܝܡܐ ܕܣܘܦ in a Church Bible By Jerome A. LundHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.2 (2021): 395-410.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n2lund
The Text of Acts in MS Bibl. Nationale Syr. 30 By Daniel L. McConaughyHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.2 (2021): 453-490.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n2mcconaughy
How to Edit Aristotle in Syriac: Response to Arzhanov By Daniel KingHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.2 (2021): 519-536.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n2king


A Bibliography of Japanese Publications on Syriac Christianity: 2019-2020 By James Harry MorrisHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.2 (2021): 537-540.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n2bib-japanese


Mathews Severios, Word Became Flesh: The Christology of Philoxenos of Mabbug By Robert A. KitchenHugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 24.2 (2021): 554-557.URI: https://hugoye.bethmardutho.org/article/hv24n2prkitchen
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