Peitho: Examina Antiqua
ISSN: 2082-7539
ISSN: 2082-7539
PEITHO / Examina Antiqua is an international journal devoted to the investigation of ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine thought. Founded in May 2010, the journal is edited by the Institute of Philosophy at Adam Mickiewcz University in Poland.
PEITHO publishes research papers and short notes in the fields of philosophy, literature, history and language. The languages of publication are English, French, German, Italian, Latin and Polish.
The decision to establish an international scholarly journal for the study of ancient thought and its reception has been prompted by the desire to establish a common ground for a fruitful exchange of views between various Hellenists and to stimulate the debate on the ancient roots of our continent.
Evidently, Greek philosophy is one of the strongest foundations of European cultural identity. Consequently, the journal aims to show this immense intellectual heritage. While PEITHO focuses on revealing the ancient sources of ideas that are fundamental to modern Europe, the credo of the journal is that without understanding the origins of these ideas it is virtually impossible to understand our continent in its present shape.Volume 1 (2) / 2011
Articles: Volume 1 (2) / 2011
Reviews:Volume 1 (1) / 2010
Articles: Volume 1 (1) / 2010
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