Melita Classica is an additional initiative of the Association. The present journal is meant to be an annual publication in which Classicists can find an appropriate forum wherein the fruit of their literary endeavors and their researches can be published. Contributors for future publications are welcome and encouraged to submit their articles or material relating to the Classics – writing guidelines are printed at the end of this journal. The MCA is currently receiving submissions for Volume 7 until Friday 25th June. For more information on how to submit to the jounral, please send an email to the Editor at
A free copy of the journal is given to the MCA’s fully-paid members. If you would like to learn more about how you can contribute to the journal’s future installments, or if you would like to purchase one of the older versions, please send an email to the Editor at .
Melita Classica Volume 5
1. Fr Albert M. Grech O.P. (1883-1942): A Latin-to-Maltese literary and religious translator
2. Maltese Productions of Classical Theatre in the Post-WWII Period
4. Crime and Punishment: Achilles in Homer’s Iliad
5. Theseus in Modern Culture: The Labyrinth of Inception
6. Poetic Imagery Leaves and the Solemn Oath of Achilles
7. Pain and Pleasure: Oration delivered at the 2018 Graduation Ceremony
8. Il-Bolla Kolleġġjata tal-Għarb: Oration delivered at Prof. Vella’s 2018 Book Launch
Melita Classica Volume 4
1. A friend in high places: Demetrios, son of Diodotos, the Syracusan. A. Bonanno. MC 4 (2017) 11-58
2. A Lemmatic Commentary of Aeschylus, Agamemnon. J. R. Gatt. MC 4 (2017) 59-88
3. On the Latin introduction to Caxaro’s Catilena. V. Bonnici. MC 4 (2017) 89-122
4. “Hopeful that Aeschylus will not turn in his grave!”. C. Serracino. MC 4 (2017) 123-131
5. Sound, word and meaning: Sanskrit and the Classics. M. Zammit. MC 4 (2017) 132-142
Melita Classica Volume 3
– Melita Classica Volume 3 cover
1. Sanskrit, The Philosophy. M. Zammit. MC 3 (2016) 23-32
2. The Role of Slaves in Roman Land Surveying. L. Takacs. MC 3 (2016) 33-44
3. Themistocles as a trickster in Herodotus. N. Juchneviciene. MC 3 (2016) 45-62
4. Drawing Distinctions in the Laches., the Elenchus as search. J. Gatt. MC 3 (2016) 63-84
5. Aristotle on History. V. Paparinska. MC 3 (2016) 85-100
11. The Arabs in Malta. 870-1150. S. Fiorini and M.R. Zammit. MC (2016) 179-208
Melita Classica Volume 2
1. Notes on the Text of Juvenal. S.J. Harrison. MC 2 (2015) 9-16
2. The Serpent, the Moon, the Underworld. H.C.R. Vella. MC 2 (2015) 17-36
3. Economic Strategies of a Roman Landowner. L. Takacs. MC 2 (2015) 37-52
4. Truth Vindicated, Tristia ex Melitogaudo. S. Fiorini and H.C.R. Vella. MC 2 (2015) 53-72
5. Comparing History and Tragedy. N. Juchneviciene. MC 2 (2015) 73-98
6. Grandmothers in Roman Antiquity. C. Laes. MC 2 (2015) 99-114
7. Reflections on the Literary Sources on Byzantine Malta. B. Vella. MC 2 (2015) 115-120
10. The Social Status of Roman Land Surveyors
12. Greek Civilization as seen in its Literature
Melita Classics Volume 1
2. Myths-Some Greek and Oriental Types. H.C.R. Vella. MC 1 (2014) 31-38
3. Atticism and Attic Vernacular in second-Century Athens. J. Blomqvist. MC 1 (2014) 39-56
4. Descent into Hades, Orpheus, Odysseus and Aeneas. P. Vassallo. MC 1 (2014) 57-68
5. The MUTAT TERRA VICES Inscription. V. Bonnici. MC 1 (2014) 69-112
6. Book Reviews MC 1 (2014) 113-120
Open Access Journal: Melita Classica