The Arshama Letters from the Bodleian Library (eds. C. J. Tuplin, J. Ma).
This multi-parted, multi-authored work is a preliminary presentation of some of the findings and activities of the AHRC-funded Research Network which explopred the documents relating to the Persian satrap of Egypt, Arshama. This work should be considered as a forerunner of, or taster for, the forthcoming volume Arshama and Egypt: The World of an Achaemenid Prince (OUP). All parts can be freely downloaded for research and instruction purposes, and full citation of the editors and authors should be given.This speaks Arshama: Letter of a fifth-century BC Persian prince
Vol. 1 Introduction (J. Ma, C. J. Tuplin, L. Allen)
Vol. 2 Texts and Translations with glossary (D. G. K. Taylor)
(This volume can also be downloaded as separate parts: texts, translation, glossary,)
Vol. 3 Commentary (C. J. Tuplin)
Vol. 4 Bibliography and abbreviations