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Now Online: ‘Atiqot 103 (2021)

‘Atiqot 103 (2021) EISBN 978-965-406-737-9

  • Front Matter
    Atiqot 103
    Keywords: Front Matter
  • The Early Bronze Age IB Burials in the Chalcolithic–Early Bronze Age I Cemetery in the Palmaḥim Quarry (pp. 1–43)
    Yitzhak Paz, Orit Segal, Ram Gophna, Shmuel Liphshitz and Anat Cohen-Weinberger
    Keywords: coastal plain, spatial distribution, burial kit, Egypt, exchange, burial goods, petrography, distribution, Early Bronze Age IB
  • An Early Bronze Age I Site at Ashqelon, Afridar (Area E-2) (pp. 45–89)
    Amir Golani and Nir Shimshon Paran
    Keywords: southern coastal plain, archaeobotanical remains, terre pisée, radiocarbon dating, metal objects, burial, fauna
    • The Flint Assemblage from Ashqelon, Afridar (Area E-2) (pp. 91–105)
      Alla Yaroshevich
      Keywords: southern Canaan, flint, technology, chronology
    • Molluscs from the Early Bronze Age I Site at Ashqelon, Afridar (Area E-2) (pp. 107–110)
      Inbar Ktalav
      Keywords: southern coastal plain, trade, tallies, counters, ornaments
    • Anthropological Remains from Ashqelon, Afridar (Area E-2) (pp. 111–112)
      Yossi Nagar
      Keywords: southern coastal plain, anthropology, osteology, population, demography
  • An Early Bronze Age I–II Cemetery at ‘En Ḥakhlil, Migdal Ha-‘Emeq (with a contribution by Paulina Spivak) (Hebrew, pp. 1*–28*; English summary, pp. 203–204)
    Yiftah Shalev
    Keywords: cemetery, burial gifts, burial practices
    • A Zoomorphic Clay Figurine from ‘En Ḥakhlil, Migdal ‘Ha-Emeq (pp. 113–116)
      Nadeshda B. Knudsen
      Keywords: cemetery, burial gifts, symbolism, art, culture, ritual
    • The Human Skeletal Remains from Cave 2 at ‘En Ḥakhlil, Migdal Ha-‘Emeq (pp. 117–119)
      Yossi Nagar
      Keywords: cemetery, anthropology, osteology, population, demography
  • Three Iron Age Ceramic Assemblages from the Tel ‘Eton Cemetery (pp. 121–139)
    Hayah Katz and Avraham Faust
    Keywords: : Judah, Shephelah, cemetery, typology, burial gifts
  • A Fishpond from the Roman and Byzantine Periods at ‘Illuṭ (Hebrew, pp. 29*–48*; English summary, pp. 205–206)
    Edna Dalali-Amos and Yotam Tepper
    Keywords: Lower Galilee, Roman Empire, fish species, technology, agriculture
  • The Last Years of Crusader Acre (‘Akko) and Resettlement in the Ottoman Period: Archaeological Evidence from the Boverel Quarter (pp. 141–186)
    Edna J. Stern
    Keywords: urban house, Second Crusader Kingdom, al-Ashraf Khalīl, Dahir al-ʿUmar, Aḥmad al-Jazzār, maritime trade, Ottoman Empire
    • The Ottoman Building in the Boverel Quarter, ‘Akko (pp. 187–191)
      Yael Alef
      Keywords: conservation, architecture
    • Crusader- and Ottoman-Period Faunal Remains from the Boverel Quarter, ‘Akko (pp. 193–197)
      Guy Bar-Oz
      Keywords: zooarchaeology, eating habits, consumption, ethnicity
    • Archaeobotanical Finds from the Boverel Quarter, ‘Akko (pp. 199–201)
      Nili Liphschitz
      Keywords: Mediterranean, archaeobotany, climate, vegetation

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