This volume presents the best papers of a conference held in October 2012 in Budapest, investigating the tensions and connections between sale (the legal framework for exchanging goods) and community (the public interest represented by state authorities). The research is part of a series scrutinizing documentary sources from ancient societies. Legal documents open a special sight to legal cultures, using different languages and writing material. Despite basic disparities it is fascinating to discover deep functional relations mirroring the social and economic context.
Éva Jakab is professor for Roman law at the University of Szeged, Hungary. Her research is focused on comparative ancient contract law from the approach of every day legal life (law in action). She is the author of Praedicere und cavere. Sachmängel im griechischen und römischen Recht (1997) and Risikomanagement beim Weinkauf. Periculum und Praxis im Imperium Romanum (2009). She edited Usus Antiquus Juris Romani. Antikes Recht in lebenspraktischer Anwendung (2005) and Kaufen nach Römischem Recht. Antikes Erbe in den europäischen Kaufrechtsordnungen (2008). She is corresponding member oft he Austrian Academy of Sciences, member of the Legal Commission of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member of the Main Board of the Hungarian Research Funds and of the Jury‚ Consorzio Interuniversitario Gérard Boulvert, Comitato Scientifico Internazionale, Naples.
Jakab Éva
Pfeifer Guido
Fijałkowska Lena
Politics and Social Needs in 2nd Millennium Syrian Sale Formularies: the Case of Emar
Zelnick-Abramovitz Rachel
Public Registers of Land Sales in Ancient Greece
Depauw Mark
Sale in Demotic Documents: an Overview
Kaye Noah
Defining the Fiscal Role of Hellenistic Monarchy in Shaping Sale
Vandorpe Katelijn
Selling Private Real Estate in a New Monarchical Setting. Sale and Community in Hellenistic Egypt
Langellotti Micaela
Sales in early Roman Tebtunis: the Case of the grapheion Archive of Kronion
Yiftach Uri
Metepigraphê: Ptolemaic and Roman Policies on the Alienation of Allotment Land
Kruse Thomas
Die Fiskalverkäufe von Land im kaiserzeitlichen Ägypten und ihre Dokumentation
Du Plessis Paul J.
Return to the Wood in Roman Kent
Scheibelreiter Philipp
Der Kreditkauf im griechischen Recht. Grundlagen und Dokumentation des ""fiktiven Darlehens“
Jakab Éva
Sale and Community from the Roman World
Jakab Éva
Pfeifer Guido
Fijałkowska Lena
Politics and Social Needs in 2nd Millennium Syrian Sale Formularies: the Case of Emar
Zelnick-Abramovitz Rachel
Public Registers of Land Sales in Ancient Greece
Depauw Mark
Sale in Demotic Documents: an Overview
Kaye Noah
Defining the Fiscal Role of Hellenistic Monarchy in Shaping Sale
Vandorpe Katelijn
Selling Private Real Estate in a New Monarchical Setting. Sale and Community in Hellenistic Egypt
Langellotti Micaela
Sales in early Roman Tebtunis: the Case of the grapheion Archive of Kronion
Yiftach Uri
Metepigraphê: Ptolemaic and Roman Policies on the Alienation of Allotment Land
Kruse Thomas
Die Fiskalverkäufe von Land im kaiserzeitlichen Ägypten und ihre Dokumentation
Paul J. Du Plessis
Return to the Wood in Roman Kent
Scheibelreiter Philipp
Der Kreditkauf im griechischen Recht. Grundlagen und Dokumentation des „fiktiven Darlehens“
Jakab Éva
Sale and Community from the Roman World
Legal Documents in Ancient Societies