Brown Classical Journal
ISSN 1043-0156
The Brown Classical Journal was founded in 1984 by Professor Alison Goddard Elliott, whoThe Brown Classical Journal was founded in 1984 by Professor Alison Goddard Elliott, who nurtured the editors and contributors of that first volume as Faculty Editor. Sadly, the volume was dedicated to her memory. Susan Hueck Allen, then a graduate student, designed the logo for the journal, which was used for the first eleven volumes. The BCJ is published annually and typically is printed in the spring.
The purpose of the BCJ is "to encourage and to reward well written essays by students of the Classics at Brown University."
We welcome submissions of essays, original poetry, translations from the Greek and Latin, art work, or original photographs on a classical theme, from any undergraduate with an interest in the classics. Although we anticipate that the bulk of accepted submissions will focus on Greco-Roman antiquity and on the traditions of classical antiquity in subsequent eras, we also welcome submissions that treat the cultures of any ancient society, East or West.
Read the Latest Brown Classical Journal
Brown Classical Journal, Volume 32, 2020
And see AWOL's List of Student Journals