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University of Pretoria international virtual Qumran conference videos online


The Department of Old Testament and Hebrew Scriptures in the Faculty of Theology and Religion hosted an international virtual Qumran conference between 11 and 13 May 2021.  Qumran Studies are still scarce in South Africa and this was the first time that the Dead Sea Scrolls received exclusive attention in an international conference at the University of Pretoria; it was also the first exclusively international Qumran conference hosted from South Africa. 

The theme of this conference was ‘The Origin of the Sectarian Movement in the Dead Sea Scrolls’. This is a much-debated topic that led to a lively conversation. The renowned archaeologist, William Albright, said in 1948 after the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in Israel in 1947 that the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls was the most important archaeological find in our time. More than 900 manuscripts (including variants of the same document, and many fragments) relating to 445 different literary compositions, were found, most of which are in Hebrew and some in Aramaic. It was discovered in eleven caves near Qumran between 1947 and 1956.  Most manuscripts came from Cave 4.  Except for the Book of Esther, at least one copy of each of the books of the traditional Hebrew canon was found among these manuscripts. The scrolls contain religious manifests, manual of Jewish rules, communal regulations, and biblical exegetical writings.

Prof John J. Collins, the Holmes Professor of Old Testament Criticism and Interpretation at Yale Divinity School, who is appointed as an honorary professor at the University of Pretoria in the Faculty of Theology and Religion, Department of Old Testament and Hebrew Scriptures, was the co-host of the conference with Prof Ananda Geyser-Fouche. Prof Collins is a world-renowned Qumran scholar and his research focuses on Apocalyptic Literature and Old Testament criticism.

Qumran studies contribute immensely to the understanding of early Judaism. These studies provide the source of important information regarding the different sects that existed in Israel, also during the time of Jesus, as there are many references to the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zadokites.  The Dead Sea Scrolls contribute to our understanding of the canonical and deutero-canonical gospels and enhance our understanding of quotes from the Hebrew Scriptures in the New Testament, some of which were previously inexplicable.

This conference was an excellent opportunity for internationalisation.  More than a hundred persons attended this conference virtually, which included esteemed and renowned international scholars like Profs George Brooke, Eileen Schuller, Albert Baumgarten, Carol Newsom, Juta Jokiranta, David Hamidovic, Kenneth Atkinson, Jean Duhaime, Jonathan Ben-Dov, Henryk Drawnel, Bill Schniedewind, Alexander Rofe, Rob Kugler, Gert Steyn, Marcello Fidanzio, Fabry Heinz-Josef, and Jörg Frey, to name but a few.

Esteemed international Dead Sea Scrolls’ scholars also participated in this conference. They were inter alia Prof Esther Chazon (Associate Professor of Hebrew Literature and Director of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls & Associated Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Prof Charlotte Hempel (Professor of Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Judaism and Head of the School of Philosophy, Theology and Religion at the University of Birmingham, UK), and Prof Timothy Lim (Professor of Hebrew Bible & Second Temple Judaism at the University of Edinburgh).

Other international scholars were participants from the USA, UK, Switzerland, Israel, Malta, the Netherlands and Australia, which included specialists in the Scrolls, in Second Temple Judaism and literature, but also in archaeology and curating.

There were national scholars from the University of the Free State, the University of North West and from our own university.

Eighteen papers were delivered during the Qumran conference and the reaction was astonishing.  The programme with the titles of the presentations, as well as links to the recordings are listed hereunder:

11 May 2021                          Sectarian Formation



Link to recording

Ananda Geyser-Fouché

The debate on the Sectarian movement in the Dead Sea Scrolls: An Overview

AGeyserFouche_Overview Debate

Gareth Wearne

4QMMT between D and S

GWearne_4QMMT between D & S

Eshbal Ratzon

Was the Calendar a Cornerstone in the Sectarian Disputes?

ERatzon_Calendar a Cornerstone?

Annette Evans

Compassion, righteousness, and truth at Qumran: 4QTobit aramaic and 4Q Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice

AEvans_Compassion righteousness truth

Gideon Kotzé

The Transmission of Greek Translations in Judea and the Origin of the Qumran Sectarian Movement

GKotze_Transmission Greek Translations

Charlotte Hempel

Community Formation in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Beyond the Watershed Paradigm

CHempel_Community Formation DSS


12 May 2021                            Pesher Habakkuk



Link to recording

Timothy Lim

Why did Paul cite Hab 2:4b

TLim_Why Paul cited Hab2:4b

Oren Ableman

The Wicked Priest and the Romans: Reading Pesher Habakkuk as a Unified Text

OAbleman_Wicked Priest Romans 1QpHab

Gert Prinsloo

Retelling the Past, Reimagining the Future: Perspectives from the Pesher Habakkuk (1QpHab)

GPrinsloo_Retelling Reimagining 1QpHab


12 May 2021                  The Teacher 



Link to recording

Michael Johnson

“Look Who’s Talking: Reconsidering the Speaker in the ‘Teacher Hymns’”

MJohnson_Speaker in Teacher Hymns

Chris Atkins

The Persona of the Teacher and the Mediatorial Framework of 1QHa 12:6–30

CAtkins_Persona of the Teacher

John Collins

The Teacher of Righteousness Revisited

JCollins_Teacher Revisisted


13 May 2021        Sectarian/non-sectarian, DSS Language and Archaeology 



Link to recording

Albert Hogeterp

The Origins of Sectarian Boundary Marking and the ‘Shifters of the Boundary’: The Damascus Document and Cultural Memory

AHogeterp_Sectarian Boundary

Michael Jost

Sectarian and Non-sectarian Literature: What Does It Mean and How Does this Distinction Work Today? With a Short Case Study on the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice

MJost_Sectarian Non-sectarian

Esther Chazon

“Sectarian or Not – What is the Question?”

EChazon_Sectarian or not

Cynthia Miller-Naude & Jacobus Naude

Qumran Hebrew and the Diachrony of Quantification: Implications for the Linguistic History of the Qumran Community



Unfortunately, this session was recorded with the next session – ends at 42.25minutes

Hannes van Deventer

Purity and the Sabbath: A Spatial reading of the Damascus Document


Unfortunately, this session was recorded with the previous session – starts at 42.30minutes

Dennis Mizzi

Qumran in the Late Hellenistic Period: An Archaeological Reassessment


John Collins

Wrap-up and Closing



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