[First posted in AWOL 13 April 2015, updated 5 May 2021 (updated URLs)]
Gephyra: Journal for the Ancient History and Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean
ISSN: 1309-3924
e-ISSN: 2651-5059
Gephyra: Journal for the Ancient History and Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean
ISSN: 1309-3924
e-ISSN: 2651-5059
GEPHYRA is both an open access online and a print journal compiled by the Research Centre for Mediterranean Languages and Cultures of Akdeniz University to publish contributions from all fields of research into Asia Minor and the Eastern Mediterranean, insofar as they shed new light on the history and culture of this geographical and historical region. Epigraphic, archaeological, numismatic and art historical contributions, commented and evaluated material presentations, as well as historical reflections and essays are all equally welcome.
The publisher of the print edition is Phoibos Verlag in Vienna.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Bulletin numismatique de l’Asie Mineure
We, the editors of Gephyra, are pleased to announce that our journal will soon begin the publication of the "Bulletin numismatique de l’Asie Mineure". The first Bulletin will appear in May 2022 and will cover the year 2021. The idea for the Bulletin came from Johannes Nollé, who asked Oğuz Tekin to take over the role of co-editor. We are very happy that this meritorious scholar and Turkish doyen of numismatics has accepted our invitation to join us ... READ MORE!
Volume 21 - Issue - May 15, 2021
- New Inscriptions from Aloanda in Lycia
Pages 1 - 45
Fatih ONUR, Selen KILIÇ-ASLAN- Inschriften auf Stein-Sarkophagen von der Hisardere-Nekropole von Nikaia
Pages 47 - 63
Aygün Ekin MERİÇ, Boris DREYER- Roman Soldiers and Imperial Properties in the Galatian-Phrygian Borderland: A New Inscription from the Eskişehir Museum
Pages 65 - 89
Hüseyin UZUNOĞLU- Ergänzungen in den lykisch-griechischen Fragmenten TL 45 und TL 45B
Pages 91 - 105
Diether SCHÜRR- Zosimos of Apollonia-Sozopolis
Pages 107 - 133
Peter TALLOEN, Maya PRODANOVA- Thebasa and the Byzantine-Arab Frontier of the Middle Taurus. Observations in confinio Lycaoniae atque Ciliciae
Pages 135 - 160
Robert ROKİCKİ- Das westlykische Daidala in der Kaiserzeit: Eine neue Inschrift und historische Überlegungen
Pages 161 - 176
Werner TİETZ- Neue Inschriften aus dem phrygischen Hochland
Pages 177 - 197
Nalan Eda AKYÜREK ŞAHİN, Hüseyin UZUNOĞLU- Church Building and Wine Making East of Ankara. Regional Aspects of Central Anatolia in the Early Byzantine Period
Pages 199 - 229
Stephen MİTCHELL, Philipp NIEWÖHNER, Ali VARDAR, Levent Egemen VARDAR- Der Bildhauer „Moschos Kallippos” aus Synnada. Ein kleines Corrigendum zum Künstlerlexikon der Antike
Pages 231 - 235
Nalan Eda AKYÜREK ŞAHİN- A Note on Meiros in Phrygia
Pages 237 - 241
Stephen MİTCHELL- Rezension zu: Stephen Mitchell – Philipp Pilhofer (edd.), Early Christianity in Asia Minor and Cyprus: From the Margins to the Mainstream, Leiden-Boston 2019
Pages 243 - 246
- The Ancient Routes and New Lycian Inscriptions around Fethiye
Sayfalar 1 - 32
Fatih ONUR , Ş. Recai TEKOĞLU- Vier Brüder, ein Grab: Rekonstruktion und Interpretation von I.Milet VI 2, 783
Sayfalar 33 - 44
Karin WIEDERGUT- An Idol-shaped Stele with an Old Phrygian Inscription in the Territory of Nakoleia
Sayfalar 45 - 67
Rahşan TAMSÜ POLAT , Yusuf POLAT , Alexander LUBOTSKY- Vom Symbol zum Ebenbild: Die Entstehung des Münzporträts in der griechisch-persischen Tradition
Sayfalar 69 - 99
Wilhelm MÜSELER- Emperor Tiberius and His praecipua legionum cura in a New Bronze Tablet from AD 14
Sayfalar 101 - 110
Peter ROTHENHOEFER- Dionysiac Associations among the Dedicants of Hosios kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia
Sayfalar 111 - 133
Altay COŞKUN- The Location of Mount Masa on the Northern Border of Hellenistic Lycia
Sayfalar 135 - 164
Fatih ONUR- Two New Milestones from the Territory of Juliopolis
Sayfalar 165 - 172
Fatma AVCU- New Inscriptions from the Museum of Eskişehir
Sayfalar 173 - 188
Büşra KARABULUT- Neue Weihungen an Hosios kai Dikaios aus dem Museum von Eskişehir
Sayfalar 189 - 230
Nalan Eda AKYÜREK ŞAHİN , Hüseyin UZUNOĞLU- A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum
Sayfalar 231 - 243
Zeynep Sencan ALTINOLUK