Convened by Monica Berti (University of Leipzig) and Gabriel Bodard (Institute of Classical Studies London)
All common sessions may be followed on the SunoikisisDC YouTube channel: Thursdays 17:15-18:45 CEST time
- Thu, April 15, 2021: Introduction (Monica Berti and Gabriel Bodard)
- Thu, April 22, 2021: Teaching Epigraphy in a Pandemic (Alice Bencivenni, Gabriel Bodard, and Irene Vagionakis)
- Thu, April 29, 2021: Digital Epigraphic Corpora. The Example of the Inscriptions from Israel and Palestine (Michael Satlow and Elli Mylonas)
- Thu, May 6, 2021: Linguistic Annotations of Greek and Latin Inscriptions (Francesca Dell'Oro)
- Thu, May 13, 2021: NO CLASS
- Thu, May 20, 2021: Learning and Reading ancient Greek with Pedalion (Toon van Haal and Alek Keersmaekers)
- Thu, May 27, 2021: Reading and Learning ancient Greek with Diorisis and the Scaife Viewer (James Tauber and Alessandro Vatri)
- Thu, June 3, 2021: Trismegistos People (Yanne Broux)
- Thu, June 10, 2021: Named Entity Recognition and Prosopography (Monica Berti and Gabriel Bodard)
- Thu, June 17, 2021: Annotating Geographical Data with Recogito (Elton Barker, Monica Berti, and Valeria Vitale)
- Thu, June 24, 2021: Data Citation for Historical Texts and the Cited Loci Project (Matteo Romanello)
- Thu, July 1, 2021: The Digital Latin Library (Samuel J. Huskey)
- Thu, July 8, 2021: eAQUA (Corina Willkommen and Jens Wittig)
- Thu, July 15, 2021: Beyond Classics: The Book of the Dead in 3D (Rita Lucarelli and Franziska Naether)
- Thu, July 22, 2021: Beyond Classics: The Turin Papyrus Online Platform (TPOP) (Susanne Töpfer and Franziska Naether)
Individual session pages list bibliographies on each topic. For general, introductory readings see the list below:
- "Though much is taken, much abides": Recovering antiquity through innovative digital methodologies, edited by Gabriel Bodard & Simon Mahony, Digital Medievalist 4 (2008). Available:
- Changing the Center of Gravity: Transforming Classical Studies Through Cyberinfrastructure, edited by Gregory Crane & Melissa Terras. Digital Humanities Quarterly 3.1 (2009). Available:
- Digital Research in the Study of Classical Antiquity, edited by Gabriel Bodard & Simon Mahony. Ashgate 2010. Some chapters available from (see comments):
- The Digital Classicist 2013, edited by Stuart Dunn & Simon Mahony. BICS Supplement 122. Some chapters available from (see comments):
- Current Practice in Linked Open Data for the Ancient World, edited by Thomas Elliott, Sebastian Heath & John Muccigrosso. ISAW Papers 7 (2014). Available:
- Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber (2016). Edited by Gabriel Bodard & Matteo Romanello. London: Ubiquity Press. DOI:
- Digital Approaches and the Ancient World, edited by Gabriel Bodard, Yanne Broux & Ségolène Tarte. BICS 59-2 (2016). Available:
- Digital Classics and Ancient History, edited by Rada Varga. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Digitalia 63.2 (2018). Available:
- Crossing Experiences in Digital Epigraphy: From Practice to Discipline (2018). Edited by Annamaria De Santis and Irene Rossi. De Gruyter. Available:
- Digital Classical Philology. Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution (2019). Edited by Monica Berti. Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft 10. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. Available:
- Digital Classics in der Praxis: Arbeiten mit eAQUA: Eine Einführung mit Beispielen (2019). Edited by Jens Wittig and Corina Willkommen. Heidelberg: Propylaeum (Digital Classics Books, Band 2). Available:
- Paolo Monella. 2020. Metodi digitali per l’insegnamento classico e umanistico. Milan: EDUCatt. Available:
- Linked Open Data for the Ancient Mediterranean: Structures, Practices, Prospects (2021). Edited by Sarah Bond, Paul Dilley & Ryan Horne. ISAW Papers 20. Available:
Sunoikisis Digital Classics, Summer 2021 programme