Дисертации / Dissertations
ISSN (online): 2603-3100
ISSN (print): 2603-3097
ISSN (print): 2603-3097
Поредицата "Дисертации"представя защитени докторати по археология.
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"Dissertations" series presents defended PhD or DSc theses in archaeology.
This is an open access series distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Пещи за керамика в днешните български земи през I – VI век / Ceramic kilns in the territory of modern Bulgaria from the 1st to the 6th century ADVol 15 (2019)ISBN 978-954-9472-79-0 (print)
ISBN 978-954-9472-80-6 (online)
Керамични съдове и малка пластика от енеолитното селище Градешница / Ceramic vessels and small plastic art from the Eneolithic settlement by GradeshnitsaVol 14 (2019)ISBN 978-954-9472-77-6 (print)
ISBN 978-954-9472-78-3 (online)
Socioeconomic implications of cereal crop production in Inland Thrace during the Late Iron Age / Социални и икономически аспекти на производството на зърнени култури във Вътрешна Тракия през късножелязната епохаVol 13 (2019)ISBN 978-954-9472-72-1 (print)
ISBN 978-954-9472-73-8 (online)
Населението на Южна България VI–IX в. (по археологически данни) / The population of Southern Bulgaria 6th-9th centuries AD (on archaeological data)Vol 12 (2018)ISBN 978-954-9472-66-0 (print)
ISBN 978-954-9472-67-7 (online)
Погребални комплекси с коли в римската провинция Тракия (средата на І – ІІІ в.) / Funeral complexes with carts in the Roman province of Thrace (mid 1st – 3rd c.)Vol 11 (2018)ISBN 978-954-9472-58-5 (print)
ISBN 978-954-9472-59-2 (online)
Коланът южно от Долен Дунав – края на ІІІ – началото на VІІ в. The belt south of lower danube – the end of the 3rd c. – the beginning of the 7th c.Vol 10 (2017)ISBN 978-954-9472-53-0 (print)
ISBN 978-954-9472-54-7 (online)