1. | Scholarship on Babylonian administration during the Kassite period (ca. 1595–1155 BCE) has tended to paint the provincial government under the governor of Nippur (šand [...] 2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
2. | Reading Italian authors Sibilla Aleramo (1876-1960), Grazia Deledda (1871-1936), and Maria Messina (1887-1944) together with Turkish writers Suat Derviş (1904/5-1972), H [...] 2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
3. | This dissertation examines ʿAṭṭâr’s didactic mas̱navis, especially his Conference of the Birds (Manṭeq al-ṭayr) and Book of Affliction (Moṣibat-nâma), fro [...] 2017-03 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
4. | This dissertation is a study of the life and work of Zayn al-Dīn al-Khwāfī (d. 838/1435), a Suhrawardī Sufi of Herat active during the late fourteenth and early fifte [...] 2019-12 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
5. | This dissertation investigates two interrelated processes. The first is the development of official anti-Armenian policy and practice during the last quarter of the ninet [...] 2018-12 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
6. | This dissertation analyzes the evolution of the Hashemite dynasty into two competing households during the late Ottoman period (1880-1919). Further, it explores how this [...] 2020-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
7. | This dissertation proposes an alternative explanation to the oft-cited Balkan migration narrative of the Early Iron Age as described in Herodotus. The multi-causal narrat [...] 2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
8. | This dissertation is titled The Lives of Sām Mīrzā (923–75/1517–67): Dynastic Strife and Literary World-Building in Early Safavid Iran. It utilizes the career of a [...] 2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
9. | The story of Iraq’s and Baghdad’s modern history and modernity can be, and has been, told in a number of different ways. “Between Work and School: Leisure and Moder [...] 2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
10. | The Early Iron Age Southern Levant was a place in transition. The various Late Bronze Age city-states were collapsing and the New Kingdom Egyptian empire, part of a Medit [...] 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
11. | This dissertation examines homicide in Ottoman-era Islamic jurisprudence. Broadly speaking, it aims to articulate a more comprehensive approach to studying criminal law i [...] 2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
12. | This research contributes new approaches and readings of the history and thought of the early Nizari Ismailis and their polity in Iran (fl. 1090-1256/483-654). Previous s [...] 2019-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
13. | This dissertation examines the 2nd Millennium BC pottery from Çadır Höyük, a multi-period archaeological site in Yozgat, Turkey. The research shows that a painted cer [...] 2020-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
14. | This dissertation offers the first in-depth study of racial difference, and specifically blackness, in premodern Arabic popular literature. I base my study primarily on t [...] 2019-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
15. | This dissertation explores the rise of the Young Ottoman movement in the 1860s as a product of the new geopolitical order that emerged in the wake of the Crimean War (185 [...] 2017-12 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
16. | This study is an examination of the Syrian government’s strategic political engagement with the United Nations from 1945 to 1955. Specifically, this work provides an in [...] 2018-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
17. | In 1670, Bīdel of Delhi was travelling through northern India. One night in Agra he had a visionary dream that would reframe and reconsolidate his entire life: he experi [...] 2019-08 | South Asian Languages and Civilizations; Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
18. | This dissertation investigates how post-Soviet Uzbekistan appropriated 15-16th century history and historiographies in constructing a national identity and a national his [...] 2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
19. | Despite widespread agreement that narratives of divine combat with monstrous antagonists were politically and culturally important in the ancient Near East, scholars have [...] 2019-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
20. | In his 1955 survey of Jewish-Arab relations, 'Jews and Arabs: Their Contacts through the Ages,' S.D. Goitein, a leading scholar of Jewish history in the Medieval Islamic [...] 01 January 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
21. | Early in the 18th Dynasty, the Egyptian kings conquered their southern neighbors, the C-Group, Pan Grave, and Kerman populations of Nubia. After the conquest, there were [...] 2017 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
22. | This dissertation traces the origin and evolution of the “global Armenian” in the Ottoman Empire focusing upon the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Particula [...] 2017-03 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
23. | This dissertation examines Arabic and Syriac writing on conversion among Muslims and Christians in early Islamic Greater Syria (Bilād al-Shām) and northern Iraq (al-Jaz [...] 2018-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
24. | William Douglas Pickut,Literary Genres in Poetic Texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls,Abstract,December 8, 2016,Among the texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls, there are four literar [...] 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
25. | This dissertation seeks to identify fluctuations and volatility in the prices of commodities in early Ptolemaic Egypt (332-186 BCE) and to explain the possible causes of [...] 2018 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
26. | Amidst the various disputes and controversies in the history of Qumran scholarship, scholars have generally neglected the stylistic study of the poetic texts of the Dead [...] 2015 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
27. | Representing a new approach to the field of Amorite studies, this dissertation, by analyzing the Middle Bronze Age history of the polity of Ugarit, specifically considers [...] 2018 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
28. | This dissertation reconsiders the theory of The Royal Ka, first proposed by Lanny Bell in 1985. This theory claimed that all aspects of ancient Egyptian royal divinity co [...] 2018 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
29. | Birds were symbolically and pragmatically incorporated into the lives of ancient Egyptians in multiple ways. They appeared as necessary offerings to appease both the gods [...] 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
30. | In the recent exhibition catalog Death Dogs: The Jackal Gods of Ancient Egypt by Terry Wilfong, there appeared as number thirty-two a papyrus inscrib [...] 2019 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
31. | Reading a Radical Thinker: A Study on Sayyid Qutb,By Laith Saud ,This thesis examines Sayyid Qutb’s writings in various contexts in order to explicate more complex mean [...] 2017 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
32. | The Old Women are well-attested as religious functionaries in the Hittite texts. There is extensive evidence documenting their ritual and divinatory practice: they pacifi [...] 01 January 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
33. | Abū Bakr (d. 13/634) is regarded as one of the most preeminent companions of the Prophet Muhammad by the majority of (Sunni) Muslims. In the Islamic tradition, he is not [...] 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
34. | The funerary literature from ancient Egypt has long been studied. However, the final manuscripts in this tradition have received negligible attention. In the first two ce [...] 2014-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Thesis |
35. | This dissertation explores the intellectual, cultural, and political history of knowledge in the late-medieval and early modern Ottoman context by examining the fifteenth [...] 01 January 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
36. | This project investigates the emergence and development of monumental enclosure walls in ancient Egypt, drawing on a wealth of evidence from published excavation reports [...] 2020-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
37. | This dissertation aims to shed light on the Arabian context of the Qur’ān by using sources that securely predate the Qur’ān from in and immediately around the Arabi [...] 2017-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
38. | This dissertation treats the controversial Syrian poet Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī (d. AD 1058) as a case study of medieval Arabic authorship. On one hand, readers have [...] 2018-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
39. | Scholarly work on literary features in Hittite texts has been minimal and rarely incorporates results of literary theory from the last approximately hundred and twenty y [...] 2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
40. | Many ancient Egyptian papyrus manuscripts inscribed with funerary compositions contain annotations within the text and margins. Some of these annotations relate directly [...] 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
41. | As markers of identity, social status, and administrative rank, seals and their designs functioned as one of the most important non-verbal identifiers for their owners in [...] 01 January 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
42. | Ash'ār al-Hudhaliyyīn, the anthology of the Hudhayl tribe’s poetry, which dates to around 550-700 CE, is the only complete collection of tribal Arabic poetry from the [...] 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
43. | Calling Out to Isis: the Enduring Nubian Presence at Philae Solange Ashby Abstract The expansion of the cult of Isis throughout the Mediterranean world demonstrates the [...] 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
44. | This dissertation reconstructs the activities of an administrative agency in the Middle Assyrian government that was tasked with producing a daily offering in Assyrian ca [...] 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
45. | This dissertation examines the political and ideological roles of King’s Sons during the 18th Dynasty. After a brief discussion of the nature of “sonship” in pharao [...] 2017 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
46. | This study critically reexamines claims that Deuteronomy 13, 17, 27, and 28 were influenced by ancient Near Eastern treaty texts or traditions. It has long been recognize [...] 2020-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
47. | Administration of the Hittite Empire is a contentious topic among Hittitologists, with some arguing that most administrative activity took place on perishable records now [...] 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
48. | This dissertation examines the creation of a “state public sphere” (Rus. obshchestvennost’, Uzb. jamoatchilik), or a nexus of state-sponsored mass institutions and [...] 2019-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations; History | Dissertation |
49. | Tell Atchana, ancient Alalakh, was the seat of the territorial kingdom of Mukiš during the 2nd millennium BC with extensive trade ties to the wider Near East. Part of th [...] 2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
50. | This dissertation considers the career and verse of the Iranian Kurdish poet and revolutionary Abū al-Qāsim of Kermanshah, pen-name “Lāhūtī” (1887-1957), as a ca [...] 2018-12 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
51. | Using recently excavated material from the large Chalcolithic site of Tell Zeidan, Syria, this dissertation considers a new approach to one of the most debated questions [...] 2017 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |