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Dissertations from the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Knowledge@UChicago


Dissertations from the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Knowledge@UChicago

[n.b.: Some titles under embargo]

Scholarship on Babylonian administration during the Kassite period (ca. 1595–1155 BCE) has tended to paint the provincial government under the governor of Nippur (šand [...]
2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Reading Italian authors Sibilla Aleramo (1876-1960), Grazia Deledda (1871-1936), and Maria Messina (1887-1944) together with Turkish writers Suat Derviş (1904/5-1972), H [...]
2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation examines ʿAṭṭâr’s didactic mas̱navis, especially his Conference of the Birds (Manṭeq al-ṭayr) and Book of Affliction (Moṣibat-nâma), fro [...]
2017-03 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation is a study of the life and work of Zayn al-Dīn al-Khwāfī (d. 838/1435), a Suhrawardī Sufi of Herat active during the late fourteenth and early fifte [...]
2019-12 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation investigates two interrelated processes. The first is the development of official anti-Armenian policy and practice during the last quarter of the ninet [...]
2018-12 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation analyzes the evolution of the Hashemite dynasty into two competing households during the late Ottoman period (1880-1919). Further, it explores how this [...]
2020-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation proposes an alternative explanation to the oft-cited Balkan migration narrative of the Early Iron Age as described in Herodotus. The multi-causal narrat [...]
2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation is titled The Lives of Sām Mīrzā (923–75/1517–67): Dynastic Strife and Literary World-Building in Early Safavid Iran. It utilizes the career of a [...]
2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
The story of Iraq’s and Baghdad’s modern history and modernity can be, and has been, told in a number of different ways. “Between Work and School: Leisure and Moder [...]
2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
The Early Iron Age Southern Levant was a place in transition. The various Late Bronze Age city-states were collapsing and the New Kingdom Egyptian empire, part of a Medit [...]
2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation examines homicide in Ottoman-era Islamic jurisprudence. Broadly speaking, it aims to articulate a more comprehensive approach to studying criminal law i [...]
2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This research contributes new approaches and readings of the history and thought of the early Nizari Ismailis and their polity in Iran (fl. 1090-1256/483-654). Previous s [...]
2019-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation examines the 2nd Millennium BC pottery from Çadır Höyük, a multi-period archaeological site in Yozgat, Turkey. The research shows that a painted cer [...]
2020-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation offers the first in-depth study of racial difference, and specifically blackness, in premodern Arabic popular literature. I base my study primarily on t [...]
2019-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation explores the rise of the Young Ottoman movement in the 1860s as a product of the new geopolitical order that emerged in the wake of the Crimean War (185 [...]
2017-12 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This study is an examination of the Syrian government’s strategic political engagement with the United Nations from 1945 to 1955. Specifically, this work provides an in [...]
2018-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
In 1670, Bīdel of Delhi was travelling through northern India. One night in Agra he had a visionary dream that would reframe and reconsolidate his entire life: he experi [...]
2019-08 | South Asian Languages and Civilizations; Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation investigates how post-Soviet Uzbekistan appropriated 15-16th century history and historiographies in constructing a national identity and a national his [...]
2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Despite widespread agreement that narratives of divine combat with monstrous antagonists were politically and culturally important in the ancient Near East, scholars have [...]
2019-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
In his 1955 survey of Jewish-Arab relations, 'Jews and Arabs: Their Contacts through the Ages,' S.D. Goitein, a leading scholar of Jewish history in the Medieval Islamic [...]
01 January 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Early in the 18th Dynasty, the Egyptian kings conquered their southern neighbors, the C-Group, Pan Grave, and Kerman populations of Nubia. After the conquest, there were [...]
2017 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation traces the origin and evolution of the “global Armenian” in the Ottoman Empire focusing upon the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Particula [...]
2017-03 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation examines Arabic and Syriac writing on conversion among Muslims and Christians in early Islamic Greater Syria (Bilād al-Shām) and northern Iraq (al-Jaz [...]
2018-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
William Douglas Pickut,Literary Genres in Poetic Texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls,Abstract,December 8, 2016,Among the texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls, there are four literar [...]
2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation seeks to identify fluctuations and volatility in the prices of commodities in early Ptolemaic Egypt (332-186 BCE) and to explain the possible causes of [...]
2018 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Amidst the various disputes and controversies in the history of Qumran scholarship, scholars have generally neglected the stylistic study of the poetic texts of the Dead [...]
2015 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Representing a new approach to the field of Amorite studies, this dissertation, by analyzing the Middle Bronze Age history of the polity of Ugarit, specifically considers [...]
2018 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation reconsiders the theory of The Royal Ka, first proposed by Lanny Bell in 1985. This theory claimed that all aspects of ancient Egyptian royal divinity co [...]
2018 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Birds were symbolically and pragmatically incorporated into the lives of ancient Egyptians in multiple ways. They appeared as necessary offerings to appease both the gods [...]
2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
In the recent exhibition catalog Death Dogs: The Jackal Gods of Ancient Egypt by Terry Wilfong, there appeared as number thirty-two a papyrus inscrib [...]
2019 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article
Reading a Radical Thinker: A Study on Sayyid Qutb,By Laith Saud ,This thesis examines Sayyid Qutb’s writings in various contexts in order to explicate more complex mean [...]
2017 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
The Old Women are well-attested as religious functionaries in the Hittite texts. There is extensive evidence documenting their ritual and divinatory practice: they pacifi [...]
01 January 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Abū Bakr (d. 13/634) is regarded as one of the most preeminent companions of the Prophet Muhammad by the majority of (Sunni) Muslims. In the Islamic tradition, he is not [...]
2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
The funerary literature from ancient Egypt has long been studied. However, the final manuscripts in this tradition have received negligible attention. In the first two ce [...]
2014-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Thesis
This dissertation explores the intellectual, cultural, and political history of knowledge in the late-medieval and early modern Ottoman context by examining the fifteenth [...]
01 January 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This project investigates the emergence and development of monumental enclosure walls in ancient Egypt, drawing on a wealth of evidence from published excavation reports [...]
2020-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation aims to shed light on the Arabian context of the Qur’ān by using sources that securely predate the Qur’ān from in and immediately around the Arabi [...]
2017-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation treats the controversial Syrian poet Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī (d. AD 1058) as a case study of medieval Arabic authorship. On one hand, readers have [...]
2018-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Scholarly work on literary features in Hittite texts has been minimal and rarely incorporates results of literary theory from the last approximately hundred and twenty y [...]
2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Many ancient Egyptian papyrus manuscripts inscribed with funerary compositions contain annotations within the text and margins. Some of these annotations relate directly [...]
2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article
As markers of identity, social status, and administrative rank, seals and their designs functioned as one of the most important non-verbal identifiers for their owners in [...]
01 January 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Ash'ār al-Hudhaliyyīn, the anthology of the Hudhayl tribe’s poetry, which dates to around 550-700 CE, is the only complete collection of tribal Arabic poetry from the [...]
2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Calling Out to Isis: the Enduring Nubian Presence at Philae Solange Ashby Abstract The expansion of the cult of Isis throughout the Mediterranean world demonstrates the [...]
2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation reconstructs the activities of an administrative agency in the Middle Assyrian government that was tasked with producing a daily offering in Assyrian ca [...]
2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation examines the political and ideological roles of King’s Sons during the 18th Dynasty. After a brief discussion of the nature of “sonship” in pharao [...]
2017 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This study critically reexamines claims that Deuteronomy 13, 17, 27, and 28 were influenced by ancient Near Eastern treaty texts or traditions. It has long been recognize [...]
2020-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Administration of the Hittite Empire is a contentious topic among Hittitologists, with some arguing that most administrative activity took place on perishable records now [...]
2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation examines the creation of a “state public sphere” (Rus. obshchestvennost’, Uzb. jamoatchilik), or a nexus of state-sponsored mass institutions and [...]
2019-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations; History | Dissertation
Tell Atchana, ancient Alalakh, was the seat of the territorial kingdom of Mukiš during the 2nd millennium BC with extensive trade ties to the wider Near East. Part of th [...]
2020-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
This dissertation considers the career and verse of the Iranian Kurdish poet and revolutionary Abū al-Qāsim of Kermanshah, pen-name “Lāhūtī” (1887-1957), as a ca [...]
2018-12 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation
Using recently excavated material from the large Chalcolithic site of Tell Zeidan, Syria, this dissertation considers a new approach to one of the most debated questions [...]
2017 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation

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