[First posted in AWOL 11 April 2017, updated 16 January 2021]
Dodona Online(DOL): Towards a New Edition of the lamellae of the Oracle at Dodona
Dodona Online(DOL): Towards a New Edition of the lamellae of the Oracle at Dodona
Dodona Online (DOL) is a project whose main aim is to edit online all the oracular questions from Dodona. It will first include the 4216 new lamellae from the Evangelidis’ excavations, whose edition, which was long prepared by late researchers I. Vokotopoulou, S. Dakaris and A.-Ph. Christidis, was eventually published in 2013, thanks to the devoted efforts of S. Tselikas. Montreal is the epicentre of the project, but the team itself is scattered all over the world, mainly in Europe. It gathers the most eminent scholars of the Dodonaean field, Greek epigraphy, and Greek religion. Dodona online will eventually be hosted by the Perseus Digital Library, which will allow a worldwide, quick, free, and open access to the material.