The Text Alignment Network (TAN) is a suite of highly regulated XML formats designed to maximize the syntactic and semantic interoperability of texts, annotations, and language resources.TAN is particularly suited to aligning texts with multiple versions (copies, translations, paraphrases), and to annotating quotations, translation clusters (word-to-word), and lexicomorphological features. Simple, modular, and networked, the TAN format allows users, working independently and collaboratively, to find, create, edit, study, align, and share their texts and annotations. The extensive validation rules are integrated into a library of functions that definitively interpret the format and provide a foundation for third-party tools and applications.Although expressive of scholarly nuance and complexity, the TAN format has been designed to benefit everyone, scholars and non-scholars alike, and can be used broadly for reading, teaching, publishing, research, analysis, and language learning.Presentations
Select TAN libraries
Lexico-morphology (rules for Latin, Greek, Syriac, Coptic, English)John Chrysostom, Homilies on the Gospel of John (Latin: Chrysostomus Latinus in Iohannem Online [CLIO])Evagrius of PontusSelect output
Each output file represents a derivative use of the TAN format. Behind it lies a handful of unchanged, relatively simple XML files. The output is intended as proof-of-concept, not as polished product, illustrative of how TAN-compliant files can be manipulated for publishing, studying, creating, and editing.All sample output contains known errors in content, structure, styling, and Javascript. Files may be added, renamed, or deleted at any time. If the appearance looks irregular, trying using a different browser.All content is believed to be available under a license that permits this type of use.