[First posted in AWOL 24 May 2017, updated 6 January 2021]
GROMA | documenting archaeology
ISSN: 2531-6672
DOI: 10.12977/groma
GROMA | documenting archaeology
ISSN: 2531-6672
DOI: 10.12977/groma
Groma is an open access peer-reviewed e-journal of the Department of History and Cultures (DISCI) of the University of Bologna focusing on the different methodologies applied to archaeology. Particular attention is paid to Mediterranean archaeology and to specific methodological aspects such as archaeological documentation and landscape archaeology.
Richard Hodges
The Roman Suburb on the Vrina Plain Outside Butrint, AlbaniaDaniele Ferdani, Emanuel Demetrescu, Marco Cavalieri, Gloriana Pace, Sara Lenzi
3D Modelling and Visualization in Field Archaeology. From Survey To Interpretation Of The Past Using Digital TechnologiesLuana Toniolo, Silvia Bergami, Michele Silani
A new topographic survey of the walls of Pompeii: Porta Nola from 3D laser scanner to conservation problemsRodolfo Brancato
How to access ancient landscapes? Field survey and legacy data integration for research on Greek and Roman settlement patterns in Eastern SicilyLaura Ebanista
Water regimentation in the Pontine Plain between Astura and Fogliano in the dynamics of ancient populationDomizia D'Erasmo
Georeferencing Napoleonic Cartography to reconstruct Ancient Egypt landscapes: methods in comparison and the case of the island of iw-rd in the 16th nomos of Upper EgyptNotes
Martina Bombardelli, Giuseppe Guarino, Michele Massoni, Federico Zoni
A case of rescue archaeology in Ascoli Piceno: the project of San Pietro in CastelloAlessandro Campedelli
The Burnum Project: a combination of archaeological research and communication in Cultural HeritageBook reviews
Maddalena Bassani
Review of Danilo Leone, Maria Turchiano, Liburna 1. Archeologia subacquea in Albania. Porti, approdi e rotte marittimeFederico Zoni
M. Coppola “Le indagini tipologiche in architettura. Leggere ilcostruito con metodi non strumentali”
See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies