This volume presents a new analysis of the wall paintings discovered over a hundred years ago in one of the most important centres of Minoan culture, the palace at Knossos. Introducing the theoretical concept of Bild-Raum, a relational construct linking pictorial elements with humans, actions and places, the aim is to produce new insights as to the types of rituals, ideas and people which can be related with individual parts of the palace based on the decoration painted on the walls. The images and architecture of three key areas of the palace are studied in broad detail, improving our understanding of performances and people involved and their role within the complex history of the Late Bronze Age palace at Knossos.
Ute Günkel-Maschek is currently working as a postdoc at the Institute of Classical Archaeology of the University of Heidelberg. Her research centres on Minoan Visual Culture and on developing new methods to advance our understanding of Minoan art and imagery.
Günkel-Maschek, Ute: Minoische Bild-Räume: Neue Untersuchungen zu den Wandbildern des spätbronzezeitlichen Palastes von Knossos, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2020.
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ISBN 978-3-947732-90-6 (PDF)ISBN 978-3-947732-91-3 (Hardcover)ISBN 978-3-947732-92-0 (Softcover)Published 12.11.2020.