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Open Access Journal: Quaderni della Soprintendenza archeologica del Piemonte

Quaderni della Soprintendenza archeologica del Piemonte
ISSN: 0394-0160
 La Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Piemonte e del Museo Antichità Egizie pubblica i Quaderni della Soprintendenza archeologica del Piemonte, avviati nel 1980 con l’edizione degli Studi di archeologia dedicati a Pietro Barocelli. Nella rivista sono raccolti studi e ricerche di preistoria, archeologia classica, medioevo ed egittologia, risultati di campagne di scavo, segnalazioni di mostre e allestimenti museali, notizie delle attività istituzionali effettuate dall’Ufficio sul territorio di competenza. La Soprintendenza promuove pubblicazioni inerenti alle Collezioni conservate al Museo di Antichità di Torino e cataloghi di esposizioni ospitate nel Museo; inoltre cura, in collaborazione con altri Enti locali e Istituzioni culturali, volumi monografici, atti di convegni, cataloghi di musei civici e di mostre.

Studi di archeologia dedicati a Pietro Barocelli, 1980
1 (1982)
2 (1983)
3 (1984)
4 (1985)
5 (1986)
6 (1987)
7 (1988)
8 (1989)
9 (1990)
10 (1991)
11 (1993)
12 (1994)
13 (1995)
14 (1996)
15 (1998)
16 (1999)
17 (2000)
18 (2001)
19 (2002)
20 (2004)
21 (2006)
22 (2007)
23 (2008)
24 (2009)
Indici degli anni 1980-2009
25 (2010)
26 (2011)
27 (2012)
28 (2013)

Editions in progress: List of Greek editions & translations in progress

Editions in progress: List of Greek editions & translations in progress

Click HERE to download the latest list

To have your edition included, fill in the  form you can download HERE, and send it to alessandra.bucossi@kcl.ac.uk
It is always very difficult to discover if a text is being edited and by whom. This page wants to be a reference page where editors can announce their works-in-progress. We include also translations and theses. Some of you have sent also Armenian, Coptic and Syriac texts, we are happy to include these languages too.

We warmly invite all colleagues who visit our page to inform us about their work-in-progress, so that it will be possible to create a searchable database.

NOTA BENE: For Latin text, please report your work to existing web-sites:  List of Latin Texts and Dissertations in Progress or Edenda.

CDLI's Recent Publications in Assyriology

From Bactria to Taxila: A database of resources on Hellenistic and Imperial Central Asian studies

[First posted in AWOL 24 July 2012, updated 13 September 2014]

From Bactria to Taxila: A database of resources on Hellenistic and Imperial Central Asian studies
By Antoine Simonin

About the project

The web is a fantastic tool, whose applications and implications are progressing at an exponential rate. So are the studies on Hellenistic and Imperial Central Asia, that really have begun to develop in the 70s and are increasing since the last twenty years. Websites dealing with ancient Central Asia exist, as well as digitized version of books, articles and reviews on the subject. But, even at the dawn of the “semantic web”, they are dispatched and thinly spread, the consequences being a great difficulty for everyone to find them and, often, the frustration to find digitized sources in a later stage, way after it would be needed.

The work presented here is made of the will to resolve this problem. This blog will mostly function like a portal: internet ressources will be listed in a large bibliography, with incorporated links to their current location on the web. This site will not host books neither articles. In this way, if an author wants to remove its work from the net, he won’t have to pay attention of this website. It’s also a way to thank those authors for their work, by repercuting in the statistics of their homepage the amount of views that can bring our website.

The main focus of the works presented here is what lays between Eastern Iranian plateau to the West and the Ganges Valley to the East, the Russian steppes to the North and the Indian Ocean to the South. This area don’t show any geographical unity, but shall be taken as one entity to understand what happened during Hellenistic and Imperial times in Antiquity. The chronological timeframe will mostly be from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC to the Sassanian uprising in 224 AD.

Most of the work will come from databases like Persee, Encyclopaedia Iranica Online or homepage of specialists. Partially available work like in GoogleBooks will maybe be added in a second time.

Open Access Journal: Revue de Linguistique Latine du Centre Alfred Ernout: De lingua Latina

[First listed in AWOL 17 February 2010. Updated 14 September 2014]

Revue de Linguistique Latine du Centre Alfred Ernout: De lingua Latina
ISSN 1760-6322
Il s’agissait d’abord de combler un vide : l’absence de revue française spécifiquement consacrée à la linguistique latine et la rareté générale de telles publications à l’étranger. Cette revue répond surtout à un besoin et à un souhait : la diffusion des travaux menés au sein de nombreuses équipes françaises et étrangères. Une communauté scientifique s’est, en effet, constituée au fil des dernières décennies à l’occasion de nombreuses rencontres de linguistique latine qui ont eu lieu dans l’Europe entière. En outre, le Centre Alfred Ernout a constitué depuis trente ans un point de ralliement de ces chercheurs, en organisant des cycles de conférences, des journées d’études et des colloques biennaux. La présente revue se veut le reflet de ces rencontres et collaborations européennes et américaines. Seuls, jusqu’à présent, avaient été publiés, parmi les travaux du centre Alfred Ernout, les actes des colloques biennaux et de tables rondes dans la collection Lingua Latina aux P.U.P.S. Il restait à publier les ateliers et les conférences. Outre la publication des travaux du centre Alfred Ernout, la revue se propose de diffuser des articles scientifiques de haut niveau à la pointe de la recherche en linguistique latine, de faire des mises au point sur des questions délicates en actualisant le débat, et, de manière plus générale, d’assurant la formation des étudiants et des jeunes chercheurs. Elle cherchera aussi à donner à ces derniers un espace pour la publication de leurs travaux.

La présente revue s’ouvre à toutes les orientations théoriques, à tous les domaines et elle accueille des articles dans toutes les langues.

Les autres langues anciennes ou modernes trouveront également leur place dans une confrontation avec le latin et les langues italiques : cette revue souhaite, en effet, être un espace d’échange et apporter sa contribution à la recherche linguistique en général.

La périodicité sera de deux numéros par an, auxquels viendront s’ajouter des numéros thématiques.

Open Access Journal: Camenae

[First posted in AWOL 17 February 2010. Updated 14 September 2014]

ISSN : 2102-5541
La revue Camenae publie en ligne des numéros thématiques, reflétant les intérêts de l’EA 4081 « Rome et ses renaissances »), c’est-à-dire l’exploration de la philosophie, de la littérature et des arts du monde romain antique, de la relation entre ces disciplines et de leur réception au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance.
Elle est placée sous les auspices des « Camènes », ces nymphes prophétiques des bois et des sources, bien vite assimilées aux Muses par les Romains et tout aussi familières aux humanistes, pour que ce titre illustre à la fois la latinité, les « nœuds entre les arts » et la translatio imperii et studii, qui seront au cœur de nos préoccupations. La revue n’est pas pour autant réservée aux membres de l’Equipe, mais est au contraire heureuse d’accepter toute proposition pour des numéros construits autour d’un thème précis et conçus dans le même esprit, pour une approche de la culture classique (en latin et aussi en vulgaire) dans la pluridisciplinarité et la diachronie ; nous publions volontiers aussi le cas échéant des numéros réservés à l’Antiquité, ou au Moyen Âge ou à la Renaissance. Nous sommes également ravis de mêler, dans les numéros de Camenae, les textes de collègues chevronnés à des travaux de collègues plus jeunes. Les langues européennes les plus courantes (français, anglais, allemand, néerlandais, italien, espagnol) sont en usage pour les contributions. Les revues en lignes offrent des facilités de diffusion, une simplification relative de la logistique, la rapidité de l’information. Elles permettent au lecteur d’imprimer facilement, en format PDF non modifiable, l’article de son choix. Elles sont pourtant encore considérées avec un peu de méfiance dans le monde des lettres.
    Numéros parus :
    • Camenae n°1 - janvier 2007 :Philosophie, rhétorique et poétique de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance. (Colloque des jeunes chercheurs de l’EA 4081 « Rome et ses renaissances », Paris IV, juin 2006)
      remarque : Ce premier numéro "spécial" comprend exclusivement des articles des jeunes chercheurs de l’Equipe "Rome et ses renaissances" (Master 1, Master 2, doctorants et quelques docteurs récents), que nous avions réunis en colloque en juin 2006. Nous leur avons dédié la création de cette revue et nous avons été fiers d’inaugurer Camenae avec ce premier recueil, dont l’enthousiasme juvénile n’exclut ni la maîtrise, ni l’érudition.
    • Camenae n°2 - avril 2007 :Roma aeterna : voir, dire et penser Rome de l’Antiquité au XVIe siècle
    • Camenae n° 3 - novembre 2007 :Translations. Pratiques de traduction et transferts de sens à la Renaissance.
    • Camenae n° 4 - juin 2008 : sous la direction de Sandra Provini (Paris VII-TAM) : un numéro centré sur la notion d’« héroïque » dans diverses cultures
    • Camenae n° 5 - 30 novembre 2008 : sous la direction de Christine Pigné et de Virginie Leroux : un numéro centré sur la représentation du sommeil dans l’Antiquité et à la Renaissance
    • Camenae n°6 - 15 juin 2009 : sous la direction de Sarah Charbonnier et Mélanie Bost-Fiévet Nouveaux regards sur le monde des arts à la Renaissance, (séminaire Artes, rue d’Ulm)
    • Camenae n°7 - 15 octobre 2009 : sous la direction de Frédéric Nau et Florence Klein : Autoportraits de poètes : les paratopies romaines et leur postérité
    • Camenae n°8 - décembre 2010 : 1. sous la direction de Nicolas Corréard, Alice Vintenon et Christine Pigné : L’imagination/la fantaisie de l’Antiquité au XVIIe siècle. 2. sous la direction de Florent Rouillé : La poésie médiévale entre langues latine et vernaculaire
    • Camenae n°9 - juin 2011  : sous la direction de Marie-François André et Mélanie Bost-Fievet : La représentation des élites : aristocraties politiques et aristocraties intellectuelles
    • Camenae n°10 - février 2012  : sous la direction de Marion Arnaud, Manuela Diliberto et Mélanie Lucciano : La représentation : enjeux littéraires, artistiques et philosophiques, de l’antiquité au XIXe siècle
    • Camenae n°11 - avril 2012  : sous la direction de Sylvie Labarre : Présence et visages de Venance Fortunat
    • Camenae n°13 - octobre 2012  : sous la direction de Nathalie Dauvois et Michel Magnien : Horace à la Renaissance
    • Camenae n°14 - novembre 2012  : sous la direction de Susanna Gambino Longo : La géographie des humanistes
    • Camenae n°15 - mai 2013  : sous la direction d’Alice Vintenon, Adeline Desbois, Rachel Darmon et Arnaud Laimé : Curieux et curiosités de Pontano à Sorel
    • Camenae n°16 - janvier 2014  : sous la direction de Romain Jalabert : La poésie néo-latine du XIXe siècle à nos jours

      Attic Inscriptions Online News

      Attic Inscriptions Online News
      ​Attic Inscriptions Online (www.atticinscriptions.com)​ is pleased to announce publication of a further tranche of new material: Translations of the decree honouring Lykourgos, IG II2 457 + 3207, and the ephebic oath and oath of Plataia from Acharnai, SEG 21.519, added, with notes. Fuller notes added to laws and decrees of 352/1-322/1 BC, IG II3 1, 292-572, and the decree honouring ephebes of the tribe​ Kekropis, RO 89. Several bug fixes.

      Open Access Journal: Institute of Nautical Archaeology Quarterly

       [First posted in AWOL 1 October 2009. Updated 15 September 2014]

      Institute of Nautical Archaeology Quarterly
      The INA Quarterly has been published since Spring 1974 by the Institute of Nautical Archaeology and continues to be published four times a year with Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter issues. It is a news and information magazine focused on the Institute and its many projects, as well as the issues and events relevant to the nautical archaeology community and of interest to the general public.
      Full issues are posted online one year after publication; in order to enjoy your print copy now, join INA and receive the INA Quarterly as a benefit of membership!

      Open Access Ancient Law Journals


      Open Access Book Reviews on Antiquity


      From the Archivist's Notebook: Essays Inspired by Archival Research in Athens Greece

      From the Archivist's Notebook: Essays Inspired by Archival Research in Athens Greece
      My name is Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan – archivist, archaeologist, historian, wife and mother. These are pages from my notebook.
      I studied Classical Archaeology in Greece (University of Thessaloniki) and the United States (Bryn Mawr College), and have conducted field work in East Crete for many years. Since 1994, I have served the American School of Classical Studies at Athens as head of its archives, from which I draw inspiration for most of my writings in this blog. Together with Jack L. Davis, I recently co-edited a volume titled Philhellenism, Philanthropy, or Political Convenience? American Archaeology in Greece, Hesperia 82:1, Princeton 2013. Jack, Vivian Florou, and I have another edited volume in preparation; we are publishing papers from a colloquium that the American School and the J.F. Costopoulos Foundation  co-organized, in May 2013, to remember Carl and Elizabeth Blegen. The volume carries the provisional title, Carl W. Blegen: Personal and Archaeological Narratives.
      The book is scheduled to appear before the end of 2014 and it can already be pre-ordered at: http://www.amazon.com/Carl-W-Blegen-Archaelogical-Narratives/dp/1937040224/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1409506771&sr=1-4&keywords=vogeikoff
      Unlike other blogs which have a casual tone and are published almost on a daily basis, “From the Archivist’s Notebook” will appear once a month (on the 1st), occasionally twice (then also on the 15th) if there is a guest contribution. My intention is not to flood my followers’ e-mails with daily “announcements” —it doesn’t take much to run a good thing into the ground, as my son says!
      Here you will also will find essays contributed by guest authors who are involved in similar kinds of archival research: viz., the history of institutions and the role of individual agency in them. These essays will include their musings on books, articles, and exhibition catalogs relevant to their research interests. Until now, guest bloggers Jack Davis, Jacquelyn Clements, Liz Ward Papageorgiou, and Vivian Florou have written on a variety of themes.
      Jack Davis has contributed four great stories: “Barbarians at the Gate” examined the history of the entrance exams to the American School (and provoked strong reactions!); “An Archival Paradox, the Expédition de Morée and a Mysterious Love Affair” explored the literary activities of their members of the  Expédition de Morée including Jack’s recent discovery of an unknown epistolary novel by one otheir members, Jacques-Louis Lacour; the unexpected retrieval of Marion Rawson’s diaries prompted him to write about his favorite topic, Carl Blegen and the Pylos excavations, in a story titled ” ‘I Once was Lost but Now I’m Found': The Search for Missing Archives, Marion Rawson, and the Excavations of the Palace of Nestor”; and in the September 2014 post, Jack will be contributing an essay about the non-archaeological pastimes of some of the American School’s most distinguished past members, including Carl Blegen, Emily Vermeule, Rhys Carpenter, Oscar Broneer, and Dorothy Burr Thompson.
      Jacquelyn Clements composed a fun essay about living in Greece in the early 1910s. “Letters from a New Home: Early 20th Century Athens Through the Eyes of Zillah Dinsmoor” draw inspiration from the letters that a young bride, Zillah Pierce Dinsmoor (the wife of the well-known architect William Bell Dinsmoor), sent from Athens to her mother in America.
      In “That Unspeakable Stoa” Liz Ward Papageorgiou wrote about Nancy Mitford’s visit to the Athenian Agora during the re-construction of the Stoa of Attalos in 1955. Unhappy with the building, Mitford, one of the famous Mitford sisters, wrote acidic comments about it in the press as well as to the Director of the Agora Excavations, Homer A. Thompson.
      The July 2014 post featured Vivian Florou’s essay about  high-society Greek women in the decades between the two world wars. The traditional festive costumes that they wore on their social outings defined the aspirations of their class.
      Finally, opinions on From the Archivist’s Notebook are those of the authors. Comments are moderated, but publication of a comment does not indicate an endorsement of the opinions in any comment. Opinions expressed in comments are those of the individuals making the comments.

      Searchable Greek Inscriptions: A Scholarly Tool in Progress. The Packard Humanities Institute

       First posted in AWOL 3 January 2012, updated 17 September 2014]

      Searchable Greek Inscriptions: A Scholarly Tool in Progress. The Packard Humanities Institute
      The Packard Humanities Institute, in conjunction with Cornell University and The Ohio State University are making available online an extensive corpus of Greek inscriptions, intended to supersede the CD-ROMs PHI originally distributed. Access is free to all who accept their terms of use.
      [From the digitalclassicist wiki]
      Content currently includes:

      Inscriptions by Region

      Attica (IG I-III)
      Peloponnesos (IG IV-[VI])
      Central Greece (IG VII-IX)
      Northern Greece (IG X)
      Thrace and the Lower Danube (IG X)
      North Shore of the Black Sea
      Aegean Islands, incl. Crete (IG XI-[XIII])
      Asia Minor
      Cyprus ([IG XV])
      Greater Syria and the East
      Egypt, Nubia and Cyrenaïca
      North Africa
      Sicily, Italy, and the West (IG XIV)
      Upper Danube
      Unknown Provenances
      2011-2014 Updates
      Updated Monday, September 1st, 2014
      Updated Saturday, March 1st, 2014 — New inscriptions added
      1Attica (IG I-III) : Attica
      Updated Saturday, February 1st, 2014 — New inscriptions added
      10Aegean Islands, incl. Crete (IG XI-[XIII]) : Euboia (IG XII,9)
      1Aegean Islands, incl. Crete (IG XI-[XIII]) : Crete
      Updated Wednesday, January 1st, 2014
      Updated Sunday, December 1st, 2013
      Updated Friday, November 1st, 2013 — New inscriptions added
      523Asia Minor : Pisidia
      Updated Tuesday, October 1st, 2013 — New inscriptions added
      1Attica (IG I-III) : Attica
      Updated Sunday, September 1st, 2013
      Updated Thursday, August 1st, 2013
      Updated Monday, July 1st, 2013 — New inscriptions added
      447Attica (IG I-III) : Attica
      Updated Saturday, June 1st, 2013 — New inscriptions added
      181Asia Minor : Pisidia
      Updated Wednesday, May 1st, 2013 — New inscriptions added
      1293Aegean Islands, incl. Crete (IG XI-[XIII]) : Samos (IG XII,6)
      241Asia Minor : Caria
      Updated Monday, April 1st, 2013
      Updated Friday, March 1st, 2013
      Updated Friday, February 1st, 2013 — New inscriptions added
      80Peloponnesos (IG IV-[VI]) : Elis
      Updated Tuesday, January 1st, 2013
      Updated Saturday, December 1st, 2012
      Updated Thursday, November 1st, 2012
      Updated Monday, October 1st, 2012
      Updated Saturday, September 1st, 2012
      Updated Wednesday, August 1st, 2012
      Updated Sunday, July 1st, 2012 — New inscriptions added
      85Egypt, Nubia and Cyrenaïca : Egypt and Nubia
      Updated Friday, June 1st, 2012 — New inscriptions added
      218Peloponnesos (IG IV-[VI]) : Achaia
      Updated Tuesday, May 1st, 2012 — New inscriptions added
      274Asia Minor : Galatia
      333Asia Minor : Lycia
      403Greater Syria and the East : Arabia
      85Egypt, Nubia and Cyrenaïca : Egypt and Nubia
      Updated Thursday, March 1st, 2012 — New inscriptions added
      450Asia Minor : Lycia
      747Greater Syria and the East : Arabia
      Updated Wednesday, February 1st, 2012
      Updated Sunday, January 1st, 2012

      Open Access Journal: ENIM: Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne

       [First posted 18 June 2009, most recently updated17 September 2014]

      ENIM: Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne
      ISSN 2102-6629
      ENiM est la première revue française numérique d’égyptologie. Elle est l’expression des activités de l’équipe « Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne » de l’UMR 5140, « Archéologie des sociétés méditerranéennes ». Elle accueille aussi les travaux des autres membres de la communauté égyptologique internationale.
      Elle publie des travaux portant sur tous les aspects de l’Égypte ancienne, de la préhistoire à la période copte.
      ENiM a pour vocation de devenir un relais privilégié de la diffusion des connaissances de l’égyptologie grâce aux facilités et à la très grande accessibilité fournies par les Nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (NTIC).
      ENiM est une revue entièrement gratuite et téléchargeable à partir du site de l’équipe « Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne ».
      ENiM étant une revue électronique, le processus de préparation des articles est accéléré. Leur soumission se fait directement sur le site de la revue. Le traitement éditorial achevé, les articles reçus sont immédiatement mis en ligne, au format Pdf.
      ENiM est un périodique annuel composé de l’ensemble des articles successivement mis en ligne au cours de l’année, le volume annuel étant clos en fin d’année civile

      Short term open access to articles in the current Anatolian Studies

      Short term open access to articles in the current Anatolian Studies
      Until 30th November, you can enjoy free access to the following articles from the 2014 volume of Anatolian Studies.

      Keep up-to-date with Cambridge archaeology journals by signing up for content alerts. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

      Archaeological Survey of Israel Online

      Archaeological Survey of Israel - English - Hebrew
      The sites documented in the Archaeological Survey of Israel are published on the website where they are displayed in survey squares of 100 sq km (10 × 10 km). The list of maps is presented below in alphabetic order, according to their names and numbers as recorded in Yalquṭ Ha-Pirsumim. The survey maps can be seen on the right side of the screen against the background of an aerial photograph. The sites (marked with yellow dots) can be accessed by zooming in on the screen and a description of them will appear by clicking on the dots. The introduction to each map and search options are also displayed.
      Click through (English - Hebrew) for live links to each of the following:
      • Ḥammat Gader (44)
        Moshe Hartal and Yigal Ben Ephraim
      • Ahihud (20)
        Gunnar Lehmann and Martin Peilstöcker
      • Akhziv (1)
        Rafael Frankel and Nimrod Gerzov
      • Amaẓya (109)
        Yehuda Dagan
      • 'Amqa (5)
        Rafael Frankel and Nimrod Getzov
      • Ashdod (84)
        Ariel Berman, Leticia Barda and Harley Stark
      • Ashmura (15)
        Moshe Hartal and Yigal Ben Ephraim.
      • 'Atlit (26)
        Avraham Ronen, Ya'acov Olami
      • Beer Ora East (In progress) (261)
        Beno Rothenberg
      • Beer Ora West (In progress) (260)
        Beno Rothenberg
      • Beit Sira - South (83)
        Israel Finklestein (north) & Hananiah Hizmi (south)
      • Bet Lehem, Survey of Jerusalem The Southern Sector (105)
        Amos Kloner
      • Binyamina (48)
        Ya'aqov Olami, Shlomo Sender and Eldad Oren
      • Biq'at Sayyarim (256)
        Leticia Barda, Orit Kaminer, Ofer Marder
      • Daliya (31)
        Ya'aqov Olami
      • Deir Mar Saba (109/7)
        Joseph Patrich
      • Dor (30)
        Ya'aqov Olami, Shlomo Sender and Eldad Oren
      • Eilat (In progress) (266)
        Beno Rothenberg
      • Ein Evrona (In progress) (264)
        Beno Rothenberg
      • 'Ein Gedi (147)
        Gideon Hadas
      • 'Ein Gev (in progress) (40)
        Moshe Hartal and Yigal Ben Ephraim
      • Ein Kerem - Benjamin Survey; Survey of Jerusalem (101)
        Amir Feldstein, Giora Kidron, Nizan Hanin, Yair Kamaisky & David Eitam
      • El Bira - Benjamin Archeological Survey (83/2)
        Israel Finklestein (north). Amir Feldstein, Giora Kidron, Nizan Hanin, Yair Kamaisky & David Eitam (south).
      • 'En Dor (45)
        Zvi Gal
      • En Netafim (In progress) (265)
        Beno Rothenberg
      • Gazit (46)
        Zvi Gal
      • Gedera (85)
        Leticia Barda and Vladimir Zbenovich
      • Gezer (82)
        Alon Shavit
      • Giv'at Orkha (in progress) (36/3)
        Moshe Hartal and Yigal Ben Ephraim
      • Hadera (53)
        Yehuda Ne’eman, Shlomo Sender and Eldad Oren

      • Haifa - East (23)
        Avraham Ronen, Yaacov Olamy
      • Haifa - west (22)
        Ya'aqov Olami, Avraham Ronen and Amit Romano
      • Hanita (2)
        Rafael Frankel and Nimrod Gerzov
      • Har Ḥamran - Southeast (199)
        Mordechai Haiman
      • Har Amir (In progress) (263)
        Beno Rothenberg
      • har hamran - sothwest (in progress) (198)
        Mordechai Haiman
      • Har Hezekiah (In progress) (262)
        Beno Rothenberg
      • Har Nafha (196)
        Yesha'yahu Lender
      • Har Peres (In Proress) (18/3)
        Moshe Hartal and Yigal Ben Ephraim
      • Har Ramon (203)
        Mordechai Haiman
      • Har Saggi - Northwest (224)
        Gideon Avni
      • Har Saggi Northeast (225)
        Gideon Avni
      • Har Tavor (41)
        Zvi Gal
      • Herodium (108/2)
        Yizhar Hirschfeld
      • Herzliyya (69)
        Ram Gophna and Etan Ayalon
      • Horbat `Uza (145)
        Itzhaq Beit-Arieh
      • Jerusalem (102)
        Amos Kloner (Jerusalem survey); Uri Dinur and Nurit Feig (Benjamin survey)
      • Kalia (109/5)
        Ofer Sion
      • Kefar Ruppin (67)
        Achia Kohn-Tavor
      • Kefar Sava (77)
        Beit- Arieh,I. Ayalon, E.
      • Lakhish (98)
        Yehuda Dagan
      • Lod (80)
        Ram Gophna and Itzhaq Beit-Arieh
      • Ma'ale Gamla (in progress) (36/1)
        Moshe Hartal and Yigal Ben Ephraim
      • Ma'anit (54)
        Yehuda Ne'eman
      • Makhtesh Ramon (204)
        Steven A. Rosen
        ISBN 965-406-021-3
      • Mashabei Sadeh (163)
        Ya'aqov Baumgarten
      • Miẓpé Ramon Southewst (in progress) (200)
        Mordechai Haiman
      • Mikhmoret (52)
        Yehuda Ne’eman, Shlomo Sender and Eldad Oren
      • Mikve Israel (72)
        Litizia Barda
      • Mishmar HaEmek (32)
        Avner Raban
      • Nahal Hemar (146)
        Itzhaq Beit-Arieh
      • Nahal Yattir (139)
        Yehuda Govrin
      • Nahalal (28)
        Avner Raban
      • Nahariyya (4)
        Rafael Frankel and Nimrod Getzov.
      • Nes Harim (104)
        Dani Weiss, Boaz Zissu, Gideon Solimany
        ISBN 965-406-168-6
      • Niẓẓanim - east (88)
        Ariel Berman and Leticia Barda
      • Niẓẓanim - west (87)
        Ariel Berman and Leticia Barda
      • Nov (in progress) (40/1)
        Moshe Hartal and Yigal Ben Ephraim
      • Patish (121)
        Amnon Gat
      • Qaṣrin (in progress) (18/1)
        Moshe Hartal and Yigal Ben Efraim
      • Qeshet (in progress) (18/2)
        Moshe Hartal and Yigal Ben Efraim
      • Ramallah - Benjamin survey (83/1)
        Israel Finklestein (north). Amir Feldstein, Giora Kidron, Nizan Hanin, Yair Kamaisky & David Eitam (south).
      • Regavim (49)
        Yuval Gadot and Yotam Tepper
      • Revivim (159)
        Yaakov Baumgarten
      • Rosh Ha-‘Ayin (78)
        M. Kochavi and Itzhaq Beit- Arieh
      • Rosh Pina (18)
        Yosef Stepansky
      • Rujem-el Hiri (in progress) (36/2)
        Moshe Hartal and Yigal Ben Ephraim
      • Saltpeter Yotveta (In progress) (258)
        Beno Rothenberg
      • Sede Eliyahu (66)
        Achia Kohn-Tavor
      • Shefar'am (24)
        Ya'aqov Olami and Zvi Gal
      • Shivta (166)
        Ya'aqov Baumgarten
      • Talpiot - Survey of Jerusalem The Southern Sector (106)
        Amos Kloner
      • Tel Malhata (144)
        Itzhaq Beit-Arieh
      • Timna Cliffs (In progress) (257)
        Beno Rothenberg
      • Urim (125)
        Dan Gazit
      • Wadi el-Makokh - Benjamin archaeological survey (83/12)
        Haim Goldfus & Amir Golani
      • Yagur (27)
        Ya'aqov Olami, Shlomo Sender and Eldad Oren
      • Yotvata (In progress) (255)
        Beno Rothenberg
      • Ziqim (91)
        Ariel Berman, Harley Stark and Leticia Barda

      And see AWOL's Roundup of Resources on Ancient Geography

      News from Dickinson College Commentaries: A complete vocabulary of the Aeneid

      A complete vocabulary of the Aeneid
      I am pleased to say that the DCC Aeneid vocabulary is now up and running. Based on Henry S. Frieze, Vergil’s Aeneid Books I-XIIwith an Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary, revised by Walter Dennison (New York: American Book Co., 1902), it includes frequency data derived from a human inspection and analysis of every word in the Aeneid (Mynors’ text) carried out by teams at the Laboratoire d’Analyse Statistique des Langues Anciennes (LASLA) at the Université de Liège.

      Users can search both Latin and English words, and display items alphabetically or by frequency. By using The Bridge, users can create custom lists for line ranges in the Aeneid, including or excluding vocabulary from the DCC core, or from several introductory Latin textbooks.

      This data will form the basis for complete running lists for the whole poem, to be created in the coming years as part of a larger multimedia edition of the Aeneid...

      Open Access Monograph Series: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Monographs

      Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Monographs
      Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Monographs 
      1. G. L. Huxley, Anthemius of Tralles: A Study in Later Greek Geometry.  1959. [Link]
      2. Emerson Buchanan, Aristotle’s Theory of Being. 1962. [Link]
      3. Jack L. Benson, Ancient Leros. 1963. [Link]
      4. William M. Calder III, The Inscription from Temple G at Selinus. 1963. [Link]
      5. Mervin R. Dilts, ed., Heraclidis Lembi Excerpta Politiarum.  1971. [Link]
      6. Eric G. Turner, The Papyrologist at Work.  1973. [Link]
      7. Roger S. Bagnall, The Florida Ostraka: Documents from the Roman Army in Upper Egypt.  1976. [Link]
      8. Graham Speake, A Collation of the Manuscripts of Sophocles’ Oedipus Coloneus.  1978.
      9. Kevin K. Carroll, The Parthenon Inscription.  1982. [Link]
      10. Studies Presented to Sterling Dow.  1984. [Link]
      11. Michael H. Jameson, David R. Jordan, and Roy D. Kotansky, A Lex Sacra from Selinous.  1993.

      Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Scholarly Aids
      1. Index of Passages Cited in Herbert Weir Smyth Greek Grammar.  Compiled under the direction of Walter A. Schumann.  1961. [Link]
      2. Sterling Dow, Conventions in Editing.  1969. [Link]

      Out of series
      A Generation of Antiquities: The Duke Classical Collection 1964-1994 (1994). [Link]

      Daphnet: ILIESI’s Digital Archives of PHilosophical texts on the NET


      Daphnet, the ILIESI’s Digital Archives of PHilosophical texts on the NET, is a portal that gives access to digital platforms dedicated to relevant authors and texts belonging to the history of scientific and philosophical thought. These platforms are characterized by some common aspects: They primarily aim at giving access to primary sources, eventually complemented by secondary sources and critical instruments; they can include both facsimiles and transcriptions of manuscripts and printed texts; they are based on open-source programmes and standard encoding (i.e. html, XLM,...); the text of these platforms can be semantically enriched. Moreover, the platforms are interoperable, open to the collaboration of the scholars, and they are certified by a board of reviewers.

      Presocratics Source
      Presocratics Source presents the transcription of the famous collection of Presocratic thinkers in ninety chapters originally edited by H. Diels and W. Kranz (Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, ed. by H. Diels-W. Kranz, 3 vols., Weidmann, Berlin, 19582), with the parallel Italian translation edited by G. Giannantoni (I Presocratici. Testimonianze e frammenti, a cura di G. Giannantoni, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 19832).

      Socratis et Socraticorum Reliquiae Source
      Socratis et Socraticorum Reliquiae Source presents the transcription of the collection of testimonies about Socrates and Socratics (Socratis et Socraticorum Reliquiae) originally edited by G. Giannantoni.

      Diogenes Laertius Source
      Diogenes Laertius Source presents the transcription of Lives and opinions of eminent Philosophers in ten books. Collation of the editions of R. D. Hicks, H. S. Long, M. Marcovich and the Italian translation of M. Gigante with parallel Greek text restored on the bases of his philological notes. The site enable users to access texts, exploit resources, and perform queries. Notes, additional information and a legenda for a better access to the texts are also available.

      Digitales Forum Romanum

      Digitales Forum Romanum
      Forschungs- & Lehrprojekt des Winckelmann-Instituts der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
      in Kooperation mit dem Exzellenzcluster TOPOI

      Das antike Forum Romanum gehört zu den Hauptattraktionen eines jeden Rombesuchs. Täglich erkunden hunderte von Besuchern das Forum Romanum und lassen sich von der stimmungsvollen Ruinenlandschaft und der historischen Bedeutung dieses Ortes faszinieren: Hier lag das öffentlich-politische Zentrum der antiken Metropole, hier wurde Politik gemacht und Geschichte geschrieben – und entsprechend pulsiert hier für uns heutzutage die Vergangenheit des antiken Roms in einer ganz besonderen Intensität. Doch angesichts der idyllischen Ruinenlandschaft, als welche sich die Ausgrabungsstätte heutzutage präsentiert, fällt es schwer, sich ein wirkliches Bild von diesem antiken Platz zu machen: Wie erlebten ihn die Menschen in der Antike, wie präsentierte er sich als Bühne des politischen Handelns und der gesellschaftlichen Kommunikation, und wie funktionierte er überhaupt konkret als öffentliches Zentrum dieser einzigartigen antiken Metropole? Es sind diese Fragen, mit denen die Ausgrabungsstätte ihre Besucher oftmals alleine lässt. Und es sind die Fragen, auf die wiederum die Klassische Archäologie seit jeher mit Hilfe von Rekonstruktionen Antworten zu geben versucht.

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    • Open Access Journal: Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu - Journal of the Zagreb Archaeological Museum

      [First posted in AWOL 10 August 2010. Updated 19 September 2014]

      Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu - Journal of the Zagreb Archaeological Museum
      ISSN: 0350-7165
      Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu objavljuje znanstvene i stručne radove koji obrađuju širok raspon tema iz područja pretpovijesne, antičke i srednjovjekovne arheologije te arheologiji srodnih i komplementarnih znanstvenih grana. Serije: 1. tzv. "nulta serija" pod imenom Viestnik Narodnoga zamaljskoga muzeja u Zagrebu (1870-1876.); 2. Viestnik Hrvatskoga arkeologičkoga družtva (1879-1892.); 3. Vjesnik Hrvatskoga arheološkoga društva, nova serija (1895-1941/1942.); 4. Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu (1958-).

      The Journal of the Zagreb Archaeological Museum publishes scientific and professional papers which cover broad range of topics in prehistorical, classical and medieval archaeology. Journal series: 1. Viestnik Narodnoga zamaljskoga muzeja u Zagrebu (1870-1876.); 2. Viestnik Hrvatskoga arkeologičkoga družtva (1879-1892.); 3. Vjesnik Hrvatskoga arheološkoga društva, nova serija (1895-1941/1942.); 4. Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu (1958-).

       Vol. 46  No. 1
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