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Open Access Journal: E-Codices Newsletter

E-Codices Newsletter
Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland
The goal of the e-codices project is to provide access to all medieval and selected early modern manuscripts of Switzerland via a virtual library. On the e-codices site, complete digital reproductions of the manuscripts are linked with corresponding scholarly descriptions. Our aim is to serve not only manuscript researchers, but also interested members of the general public.

Newsletter Archive

      Open Access Journal: Acta Classica Universitatis Debreceniensis (ACD)


      Acta Classica Universitatis Debreceniensis (ACD)

      ACD is a peer-reviewed academic journal, which welcomes contributions on any topic directly related to the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. Articles should make a new and interesting contribution to our understanding of classical antiquity. ACD is keen on publishing papers carefully thought through and clearly argued. Papers should be of interest to both a broad range of classicists and a general academic readership. Manuscripts submitted to the ACD are reviewed by editorial board members and also by outside experts. Most submissions are read by two scholars. ACD does not reprint material already published, except for those published elsewhere in Hungarian. ACD publishes articles circa 20,000 words in length (but there is no absolute maximum or minimum length), including footnotes and bibliography. ACD is open to contributions from any country. The language of publication is English, but submissions in French, German, Italian and Latin are also welcome.

      Vol 552019
      September 1, 2019
      Vol 542018
      September 1, 2018
      Vol 532017
      September 1, 2017
      Vol 522016
      September 1, 2016
      Vol 512015
      September 1, 2015
      Vol 502014
      September 1, 2014
      Vol 472011
      September 1, 2011
      Vol 462010
      September 1, 2010
      Vol 452009
      September 1, 2009
      Vol 442008
      September 1, 2008

      See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

      New Open Access Journal: E-Strata Newsletters


      E-Strata Newsletters


      Welcome to the a new Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society new initiative – the E-Strata Newsletter.

      In its pages, you’ll find a fascinating mix of information, including archaeological news, interviews with archaeologists, reports on recent publications and links to useful online resources. Something for everyone!

      A great deal of time and planning has gone into putting this together and we gratefully thank our Honorary Secretary, Dr Sean Kingsley, for designing and editing E-Strata.

      AIAS members get special, early-bird access to E-Strata, which is emailed out at the time of publication.

      E-Strata issue 01, 2020

      E-Strata issue 02, 2020

      See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies




      Assyrian Archive


      Assyrian Archive


      First of all, a big thank you to all of the supporters of Assyrian Archive on Twitter and Instagram! Your likes, retweets, and thank you DM’s have encouraged me to turn this small side-project into something much larger. The support I’ve received from Assyrians all over diaspora and across four different languages, has been really inspiring. A special thank you to those individuals from France, Russia, Belgium, and Brazil who reached out and sent me old photos of their families and villages. The Assyrians who live in these countries have their origins in towns and villages that are often overlooked during discussions about Assyrian history in the English-speaking part of the world. Rest assured that the stories from those photos will be told.

      What began as a simple quest to learn more about my grandmother’s childhood in the 1930s ended up as a mission of discovery as I could not stop finding books about the near-fanciful livelihood of Assyrians from the 1800s in the mountains and valleys of Hakkari. With an ever-growing list of old and out-of-print books to read, it occurred to me to create a list to keep track. But the rate at which I was finding these books surpassed the rate at which I could read them. And so, what began primarily as an interest in family history morphed into a project of collection, collation, and contextualization.

      Open Access Journal: The Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD)


      The Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD)

      E-ISSN: 2059-481X

      The Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD) aims to be a key part of a thriving community of scholars sharing humanities data. The journal features peer reviewed publications describing humanities research objects or techniques with high potential for reuse. Humanities subjects of interest to JOHD include, but are not limited to Art History, Classics, History, Linguistics, Literature, Modern Languages, Music and musicology, Philosophy, Religious Studies, etc. Submissions that cross one or more of these traditional disciplines are particularly encouraged.

      See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

      Archiv für Orientforschung: Register

      Archiv für Orientforschung: Register

      Seit Band 25 (1974-1977) bietet das Archiv für Orientforschung in fast jedem  Band unter dem Titel "Register Assyriologie" eine Bibliographie der neu erschienenen assyriologischen Fachliteratur und einen Index dazu, aufgeschlüsselt nach behandelten Realien, akkadischen und sumerischen Wörtern und Texten und Textstellen. Mittelfristig ist an eine Zusammenfassung des bisher publizierten Materials und eine Veröffentlichung in elektronischer Form gedacht.

      Wir möchten an dieser Stelle alle Kolleginnen und Kollegen bitten, uns von an entlegenerer Stelle publizierten Arbeiten Sonderdrucke zukommen zu lassen, da uns angesichts des großen Zeitaufwandes, der mit der Kompilation des Registers verbunden ist, umfangreiche bibliographische Recherchen nicht möglich sind.

       Abkürzungsverzeichnis des Registers

      The Text of Leviticus: Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of the Dominique Barthélémy Institute, held in Fribourg (October 2015)


      The Text of Leviticus: Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of the Dominique Barthélémy Institute, held in Fribourg (October 2015)

      editor: Himbaza I.


      The book of Leviticus is by far the most quoted in rabbinic literature such as the Mishna or the Talmud, while it has been marginalized in the Christian tradition. Nevertheless, scholars of both traditions have again become highly interested in it for some decades now. As shown by many recent publications, the book is thoroughly studied for textual, literary, historical and reception aspects.  
      It has often been said and written that the text of Leviticus is stable in comparison to many other books of the Hebrew Bible, and that its Greek translation is quite literal. Yet, the text of Leviticus continues to raise questions, not only regarding its content and textual witnesses, but also its interpretation, history and reception. The third international colloquium of the Dominique Barthélemy Institute, held in Fribourg in October 2015, aimed to bring together some specialists of the text of Leviticus in order to advance research on its textual witnesses and the aforementioned topics.  
      The articles collected in this book reflect the width of current research. They deal with the witnesses to the text of Leviticus in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Masoretic Text, the Samaritan Pentateuch and the Septuagint. They also study the book’s Hebrew editing; its relation to other books such as Joshua, Luke-Acts and Flavius Josephus; and the challenge of its translation, with a case study in French.

      Le livre du Lévitique est de loin le plus cité dans la littérature juive, notamment la Mishna ou le Talmud, alors qu’il a été marginalisé dans la tradition chrétienne. Néanmoins, depuis quelques décennies, les chercheurs des deux bords se sont intéressés à ce livre. De nombreuses publications récentes montrent qu’il est étudié dans tous ses aspects textuels, littéraires, historique et dans sa réception. 
      On a souvent affirmé que le texte du Lévitique est plus stable que celui de beaucoup d’autres livres de la Bible hébraïque, que sa traduction grecque est littérale, etc. Pourtant, ce texte continue de soulever des questions, non seulement en ce qui concerne ses témoins textuels, mais aussi son interprétation, son histoire et sa réception. Tenu à Fribourg en Octobre 2015, le troisième colloque international de l’Institut Dominique Barthélemy entendait rassembler quelques spécialistes du texte du Lévitique pour avancer dans la recherche sur ces différents sujets.  
      Les études rassemblées dans ce volume reflètent le vaste champ de recherche sur ce livre biblique. Elles touchent à la manière dont le Lévitique apparaît dans les témoins textuels, notamment les manuscrits de la Mer Morte, le Texte Massorétique, le Pentateuque Samaritain et la Septante. Elles abordent également les défis de son édition hébraïque, ses relations avec d’autres livres comme Josué, Luc-Actes et Flavius Josèphe et enfin les enjeux de sa traduction française.

      This book is published open access. It can be downloaded here.

      And see Open Access Monograph Series: Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis

      MUDIRA: MUnich DIgital Research Archives

      [First posted in AWOL 22 May 2013, update 28 October 2020]

      MUDIRA: MUnich DIgital Research Archives
      MUnich DIgital Research Archives ist ein im Frühjahr 2012 gestartetes Gemeinschaftsprojekt des Instituts für Ägyptologie der LMU München und des Staatlichen Museums Ägyptischer Kunst München (SMÄK), in welchem die umfangreichen Bildbestände beider Institutionen zu Altägypten digitalisiert und zugänglich gemacht werden. In der ersten (auf 2 bis 3 Jahre angelegten) Projektphase werden etwa 30.000 als Kleinbild-Diapositive vorliegende Originalaufnahmen aus Ägypten sowie von Beständen ägyptischer Museen und Sammlungen professionell gescannt und im Rahmen einer durch die IT-Gruppe Geisteswissenschaften (ITG) der LMU erstellten Datenbank online präsentiert. Ziele des Projektes sind die Erleichterung des Zugangs zu den Bildern, die wissenschaftliche Aufbereitung der dazugehörenden Informationen sowie letztendlich der Erhalt der oftmals wissenschaftshistorisch bedeutsamen Abbildungen auf einem zeitgemäßen Speichermedium. Der UNI DIA Verlag hat zudem seine knapp 6.000 Bilder zu Altägypten in digitalisierter Form zur Verfügung gestellt. Diese Bilder sind bereits komplett bearbeitet und abrufbar. In einem zweiten Schritt soll dann die Glasplattensammlung des Münchner Ägyptologischen Instituts digitalisiert und aufbereitet werden.

      Open Access to Corinth Excavation Data

      [First posted in AWOL 3 January 2910. Updated 28 October 2020]

      Corinth Excavations Digital Archive
      The archives from nearly continuous excavation spanning three centuries is vast and the links on this page provide on-line access to a portion of it. 
      All Results (257,208)

      Podcast: Thin End of the Wedge


      Thin End of the Wedge

      Thin End of the Wedge

      Home to expert insights and the latest research, in language we can all understand

      Welcome to the Thin End of the Wedge – the podcast where experts from around the world share new and interesting stories about life in the ancient Middle East. Everyone I talk to will be a world expert on the topic. We won’t talk to you like you’re stupid. But you won’t need any special training to understand what we’re talking about.

      This is my personal project. I’m very excited to see it come to life. I fell in love with the history of the ancient Middle East as a teenager, and I’ve been lucky enough to make a career out of it ever since. I want to open this fascinating period of history to a much wider audience. Each episode I’ll talk to friends and colleagues, and get them to explain their work in a way we can all understand.

      This podcast owes its origin to the difficult summer of 2020, when Covid-19 ravaged the world. Everything in my working life seemed to be being put on hold: talks, workshops, conferences, and even my own job. Meanwhile, colleagues in the Middle East started to arrange virtual talks. They were brilliant, and very well attended. We’re all now used to connecting over Zoom. These talks showed the appetite for digestible information about research on the ancient Middle East. They also highlighted how rarely Iraqi voices have been able to make themselves heard over the last few decades, and how easy it would be to improve on that situation now.

      Thin End of the Wedge provides a platform for experts to share their knowledge and passion widely. I hope that colleagues, and especially students, will find it interesting. But this is not a course in ancient Mesopotamian studies. You don’t need to listen to the episodes in sequence, nor even to have listened to any of the others. I want non-expert listeners to enjoy these chats too.

      Professors at prestigious universities have many opportunities to display their knowledge. They do have interesting things to say, so I will talk to them. But there are many other colleagues whose work is no less important or interesting. They are given fewer chances to have their voice heard. I want to focus on them.

      Most of all, I want to help the voices of Middle Eastern scholars be heard more loudly. That’s relatively straightforward. I also want the knowledge generated about the ancient Middle East to be more easily accessible in the modern Middle East. Here’s where I need your help. I want to make the podcast available in Arabic and other Middle Eastern languages. That takes money that I don’t have. Please support Thin End of the Wedge and help make this history accessible to everyone.

      Workshops and Seminars: 23-26 November 2020: Metadata in Assyriology


       Metadata in Assyriology

      The study of cuneiform texts in the 21st century CE is digital. Digital research environments now extend into virtually every aspect of scholarly workflows, encompassing not only the artefacts with which we are primarily occupied, but also metadata types covering a wide range of spatial, temporal, and referential information on cuneiform texts and their historical, archaeological, and museal setting. Geomapping Landscapes of Writing: Large-Scale Spatial Analysis of the Cuneiform Corpus is a three-year research project of the Department of Linguistics and Philology of Uppsala University, Sweden, funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (grant number MXM19-1160:1). As part of our research programme, we wish to promote dialogue and development of common standards for basic metadata, thereby stimulating increased data interoperability between current and future projects. How are metadata collections, e.g. bibliographic, chronological, and geographical information devised, structured, and integrated with digital text catalogues? To what extent is data sharing and integration pursued? And how are common standards adopted, implemented, and maintained, if at all? Combining virtual presentations and informal discussion sessions engaging with three primary types of metadata, we are organising three afternoon sessions in late November 2020. These session aim to showcase current digital resources and research and to encourage exploration of future avenues for data integration and exchange within the field of cuneiform studies, broadly conceived. See details on individual sessions below for time, date, and how to register. 

      Spatial Data, Spatial Analysis, and Historical Geography

      Monday 23 November 16:00-19:00 (sign-in from 15:45) CEST
      (The session will be held online and is open for everyone. Registration via this link)

      The increasing ease with which digital spatial data frames can be implemented in archaeological and historical research has brought about a revolution in the application of spatial data to humanities research of recent years (Gregory and Geddes 2014; Bodenhamer, Corrigan, and Harris 2010). While Assyriology is certainly no stranger to geographical knowledge, the field lacks general spatial data repositories comparable to initiatives seen e.g. in classical history and in archaeology (Zerbini 2018; Horne 2020). Recent initiatives have sought to develop stand-alone GIS applications integrated with cuneiform online text catalogues, for example HIGEOMES (http://higeomes.i3mainz.hs-mainz.de) and BDTNS (http://bdtns.filol.csic.es) or to make use of existing web mapping applications and digital historical gazetteers, such as ARMEP (https://www.armep.gwi.uni-muenchen.de). This segment invites researchers working with the generation of spatial data for cuneiform studies or methodologies for spatial data analyses to share and discuss approaches to the development and application of spatial data sets. Talks will be followed by a brief roundtable discussion for invited speakers. 

      16:00-16:20 Nathan Morello (Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München)
      ARMEP 2.0: The Map Interface of the Ancient Records of Middle Eastern Polities, Current Features and Future Perspectives

      16:20-16.40 Shai Gordin (Ariel University)
      Mesopotamian Ancient Place-names Almanac (MAPA) Project: Doing Historical Geography in the Age of Linked Open Data

      16.40-17:00 Olof Pedersén (Uppsala University)
      500,000,000 baked bricks – GIS and BIM analysis of archaeology and texts in Babylon

      17:00-17:15 Break

      17:15-17:35 Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum and Christian W. Hess (Freie Universität Berlin)
      Hard Data, Fuzzy Geographies: Mapping the Middle Assyrian World in TexTelSem

      17:35-17:55 Rune Rattenborg (Uppsala University)
      An Open Access Index for the Geographical Distribution of the Cuneiform Corpus

      17:55-18:15 Adam Andersson and Niek Veldhuis (DH Berkeley)
      Sumerian Networks, UC Berkeley Data Science Discovery Project

      18:15-18:45 Discussion (speakers)

      Integration of Periodisations and Chronologies

      Wednesday 25 November 16:00-18:00 (sign-in from 15:45) CEST
      (The session will be held online, and consist of short presentations and a roundtable discussion. If you are interested in attending, please contact Gustav Ryberg Smidt for details)

      Chronology is a quintessential cornerstone of historical and archaeological research, and so tools for the integration of chronologies from various projects are critical to the proper correlation of diverging schemes of dating and periodisation. Recent tools for chronological integration of archaeological periodization and artefact dating are now becoming available, for example the PeriodO gazetteer of historical and archaeological periods (http://perio.do), or the GODOT graph database for dated objects and texts (https://godot.date).  None of these initiatives are associated with cuneiform online text catalogues, however. In light of the very complex questions arising from the interrelation of different relative, dynastical, and absolute chronologies (e.g. Pruzsinszky 2009), the lack of broader integration of chronological schemes is surprising, to say the least. This workshop section invites contributions and discussions of ways of integrating digital chronological indices and artefact data in Assyriology.

      • Adam Anderson (DH Berkeley)
      • Seraina Nett (Uppsala University)
      • Mirko Novak (Universität Bern)
      • Émilie Page-Perron (University of Toronto)
      • Rune Rattenborg (Uppsala University)
      • Maciej Wencel (Independent scholar)

      Reference Collections and Linked Bibliographies

      Thursday 26 November 16:00-18:00 (sign-in from 15:45) CEST
      (The session will be held online, and consist of short presentations and a roundtable discussion. If you are interested in attending, please contact Gustav Ryberg Smidt for details)

      The online world currently abounds with platforms and services for storing, managing, and integrating bibliographical reference data sets, also with respects to the study of the ancient world. A ready example of relevance to cuneiform studies is the Online Egyptological Bibliography (http://oeb.griffith.ox.ac.uk/) maintained by the University of Oxford and the International Association of Egyptologists, which currently contains 149,000 bibliographical records. Despite the existence of several large repositories for digital bibliographical reference collections e.g. the Keilschriftbibliographie (http://vergil.uni-tuebingen.de/keibi/), comprehensive integration of digital reference datasets and online text catalogues in Assyriology has so far been attempted only at a localised scale, notwithstanding the immense size that such databases may attain, for example ARCHIBAB (http://www.archibab.fr ) or BDTNS (http://bdtns.filol.csic.es). By inviting perspectives from corpus- and project-based digital bibliographies, this workshop section aims to survey and discuss the nature of bibliographical reference databases in the field of Assyriology and to explore avenues for the integration of bibliographical and artefact data.

      • Adam Anderson (DH Berkeley)
      • Wiebke Meinhold (Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen)
      • Manuel Molina (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
      • Seraina Nett (Uppsala University)
      • Georg Neumann (Freie Universität Berlin)
      • Hans Neumann (Universität Münster)
      • Émilie Pagé-Perron (University of Toronto)
      • Rune Rattenborg (Uppsala University)
      • Michaela Weszeli (Universität Wien)


      • Bodenhamer, David J., John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Harris. 2010. The Spatial Humanities: GIS and the Future of Humanities Scholarship. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
      • Gregory, Ian N., and Alistair Geddes, eds. 2014. Toward Spatial Humanities: Historical GIS and Spatial History. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
      • Horne, Ryan. 2020. ‘Beyond Lists: Digital Gazetteers and Digital History’. The Historian 82 (1): 37–50.
      • Pruzsinszky, Regine. 2009. Mesopotamian Chronology of the 2nd Millennium B.C. An Introduction to the Textual Evidence and Related Chronological Issues. Contributions to the Chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean 22. Vienna: Österreichischer Akademie der Wissenschaften.
      • Zerbini, Andrea. 2018. ‘Developing a Heritage Database for the Middle East and North Africa’. Journal of Field Archaeology 43 (sup1): S9–18. 


      SITH: Project Karnak


      SITH: Project Karnak

      Lancé en janvier 2013, le projet Karnak (CNRS - Labex ARCHIMEDE, ANR-11-LABX-0032-01, Programme « Investissement d’Avenir » – USR 3172 - CFEETK / UMR 5140, Équipe ENiM) a pour ambition d’organiser et de rendre accessible la documentation textuelle issue des temples de Karnak.

      Ce projet d’édition des inscriptions des temples de Karnak est fondé sur un dépouillement exhaustif des documents et inscriptions collationnées sur l’original. Chaque document reçoit un numéro d’identifiant unique (KIU : Karnak Identifiant Unique) lors de l’intégration à la base de données. Toutes les informations relatives à un document (édition typographique, translittération, photographies, fac-similés, documents d’archives) sont accessibles à partir d’une notice unique.

      Dans le cadre de ce programme, plusieurs index permettent d’accéder au contenu des inscriptions éditées (vocabulaire, éléments de titulatures royales, toponymes, ethniques et lieux de cultes, théonymes et désignations divines, anthroponymes).

      Exploration chronologique


      Index des inscriptions 

      7 019 monuments, objets, scènes ou inscriptions
      accessibles en ligne sur 10 561 uniques dans le projet Karnak.

      Derniers documents accessibles en ligne dans le projet Karnak :


      Yale Divinity Library's Guide to Free Resources on Religion

      Yale Divinity Library's Guide to Free Resources on Religion
      Banner Image
      Here you will find both links to free Internet sites dealing with topics related to Religion and Theology, as well as tips on how to effectively search the Internet and evaluate Internet sites. 
      We also welcome your comments and suggestions, so please, tell us what you think!  And if you know of some good web sites, let us know.

      Worldwide Database of University Museums and Collections

      Worldwide Database of University Museums and Collections
      The Worldwide Database of University Museums and Collections is a project developed in 2001 by UMAC, the International Committee for University Museums and Collections of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), under the coordination of Dr. Cornelia Weber, Coordination Centre for Scientific University Collections in Germany.
      It results from the recognition that universities and, more generally, higher education institutions, have museums, collections and cultural heritage of scientific, artistic and historical significance, yet many remain poorly known by their communities and the general public.
      For more information, visit the website of UMAC, the International Committee of ICOM for University Museums and Collections!


      In 2016-2017, the Worldwide Database of University Museums and Collections went through considerable redevelopment aimed at introducing a new design, new functionalities and a more user-friendly interface. In April 2017, it was relaunched.

      English edition of DAI Cairo's magazine "Archaeology in Egypt" now online!


      English edition of DAI Cairo's magazine "Archaeology in Egypt" now online!

      The 2019 special issue on the diversity of the DAI's research in Egypt is now available in English.

      Last year, on the occasion of several anniversaries, the Cairo Department of the German Archaeological Institute published a special edition of its magazine "Archaeology in Egypt". This issue introduces the Institute’s 5-year research plan that addresses the topics settlement archaeology, communication in sacred spaces, as well as the cultural diversity and unity of Egypt. It also acknowledges the history of the Department with a special article by Susanne Voss about the reopening of the DAI Cairo after World War II.

      The long-term excavations at the sites of Buto, Dahshur, and on Elephantine Island aid in the study of former settlement patterns and daily life of the people at that time. The formation of settlement areas within the regions of Aswan, the Fayum, and the north-western Nile Delta is also analysed on a macro-scale level, using methods of geoarchaeology and landscape archaeology.

      Furthermore, studies concerning the Osiris cult at Abydos or the worship of king Sneferu at Dahshur deal with ritual space. Investigations into the development of tomb architecture and religious-funerary practices, undertaken by DAI projects at Thebes and the royal necropolis in Saqqara, make a crucial contribution towards the understanding of cultural forms of communication, as does the examination of epigraphic sources.

      Finally, the various projects focussing on post-pharaonic periods in Egypt collectively aim to assess Egypt's perception of entity throughout times of sovereign and religious changes. These projects include studies on Hellenistic-Roman Egypt and papyrology in the Fayum, as well as on Christian-Muslim coexistence within the Coptic monasteries Deir el-Bakhît and Deir Anba Hadra, and the early Islamic cemetery in Aswan.


      Open Access Journal: Anales de Historia Antigua, Medieval y Moderna


      [First posted in AWOL 4 October 2018, updated 29 October 2020]

      Anales de Historia Antigua, Medieval y Moderna
      ISSN: 1853-1555 (en línea)
      ISSN: 1514-9927 (impreso)

      En 1948 apareció el primer volumen de la publicación, Anales de Historia Antigua y Medieval, como órgano del Instituto.

      Su objetivo fue promover la investigación a través de la interpretación de fuentes y el replanteo de problemas historiográficos. Publicaron desde entonces investigadores nacionales y extranjeros, como Sánchez Albornoz, Heers, Fernández Galiano, de Ferdinandy, Imbelloni, Benito Ruano, Altheim, Kerenyi, Lozinski, Carlé, Guglielmi, Orduna, Bauza, etc. Durante largos años la revista contó con una dirección editorial formada por investigadores del propio Instituto.

      En 1991, con la llegada de Carlos Astarita al cargo de director, se renueva el Consejo Directivo de la revista, se acuerda en un proyecto científico, y se establecen modificaciones de procedimiento, cambios que se tradujeron en el actual perfil de Anales...

      Desde 2007 (volumen 40) ha comenzado a hacer sus aportes el Grupo de Estudios de Fuentes Paleográficas (dirigido por Rosana Vasallo), publicando trascripción de documentos.

      A partir de 2009 el Instituto inicia el proceso de digitalización de sus volúmenes al considerar que la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías constituye una importante alternativa en las formas de transmisión del conocimiento. El acceso será gratuito desde el sitio de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

      Vol. 54 Núm. 1 (2020)



      Pre-modern Industrial Districts: Panel 3.12 Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018


      Pre-modern Industrial Districts

      Michael Herdick , Angelika Hunold , Holger Schaaff (Hrsg.)

      Panel 3.12 Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018

       Pre-modern Industrial Districts

      Das antike Steinbruch- und Bergwerksrevier der Osteifel wird seit 1997 vom Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum (RGZM) in Mainz und Mayen erforscht. Die Produkte – allen voran Mühlsteine aus Basaltlava, Baumaterial aus Tuffstein und Keramikgeschirr – wurden viele Jahrhunderte lang in weite Teile Europas exportiert.

      Um dieses reichhaltige Bodenarchiv zur antiken Steinindustrie zu untersuchen und deren Rolle bei der römischen Okkupation und der Romanisierung nördlich der Alpen zu definieren, wurde ein umfangreiches Forschungsprogramm initiiert. Wesentliche Themen waren die Basalt- und Tuffsteinindustrie sowie das Wirtschaftszentrum Mayen. Die Keramikindustrie wird aus der Perspektive archäologischer Materialstudien, aber auch durch die experimentelle Archäologie untersucht. Weitere Studien widmeten sich den Voraussetzungen, unter denen sich der wirtschaftliche Aufschwung vollzog, insbesondere der Infrastruktur und der ländlichen Besiedlung.

      Als Industrierevier von überregionaler Bedeutung erwies sich das Steinbruch- und Bergwerksrevier der Osteifel als hervorragende Fallstudie für die Erforschung vormoderner Industriereviere allgemein und ermöglichte die Ableitung eines Modelles zur Untersuchung antiker Industrien. Von besonderer Bedeutung für ihr Verständnis sind die Langzeitperspektive und ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz, der ökonomische und soziale Aspekte sowie die Siedlungsentwicklung berücksichtigt.

      Michael Herdick ist Leiter des Labors für Experimentelle Archäologie (LEA) Kompetenzbereich Vulkanologie, Archäologie und Technikgeschichte des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Archäologie in Mainz und Mayen Forschung in Technik- und Wirtschaftsarchäologie.

      Dr. Angelika Hunold ist Archäologin am Kompetenzbereich Vulkanologie, Archäologie und Technikgeschichte des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Archäologie in Mainz und Mayen; seit 1997 Forschung zu vormodernen Industrierevieren, speziell zur spätantiken Siedlungsentwicklung.

      Dr. Holger Schaaff ist Archäologe und Leiter des Kompetenzbereichs Vulkanologie, Archäologie und Technikgeschichte des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Archäologie in Mainz und Mayen; seit 1997 Forschung zu vormodernen Industrierevieren, speziell zum Tuffsteinbergbau.

      Angelika Hunold, Holger Schaaff
      The Ancient Quarrying and Mining District between the Eifel and the Rhine – a Summary of Research
      Sibylle Friedrich
      Pottery Production for the European Market – the Roman Potter’s Workshops of Weißenthurm
      Lutz Grunwald
      Pottery Production for the European Market – the Roman and Early Medieval Potter’s Workshops of Mayen
      Gregor Döhner, Michael Herdick, Anna Axtmann
      Technical-Historical Comparison of Pottery Districts: Desiderata and Experimental Archaeological
      Stefan Wenzel
      Transport of Heavy Loads on Inland Waterways

      Dieses Werk ist unter der
      Creative Commons-Lizenz 4.0
      (CC BY-SA 4.0)
      Creative Commons Lizenz BY-SA 4.0

      ISBN 978-3-948465-84-1 (PDF)
      ISBN 978-3-948465-85-8 (Softcover)

      Veröffentlicht am 29.10.2020.

      Open Access Monograph Series: Lingua Aegyptia. Studia Monographica


      Lingua Aegyptia. Studia Monographica 

      ISSN:  0946-8641


      Lingua Aegyptia - Studia Monographica (recommended abbreviation: LingAeg – StudMon) was founded in 1994. While the scope of the series is in congruence with the Journal and covers all aspects of the Egyptian and Coptic languages and literatures as well as related academic fields, the series is devoted to monographic studies as well as to conference proceedings and other edited volumes that focus specifically on one single topic. Incoming manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. 

      Marwan Kilani,
      Vocalisation in Group Writing. A New Proposal

      Studia Monographica 20
      Hamburg, published in December 2019
      ISBN: 978-3-943955-20-0, vi+150 p. 

      Petra Andrássy, Julia Budka & Frank Kammerzell (eds), Non-Textual Marking Systems, Writing and Pseudo Script from Prehistory to Modern Times Studia Monographica 8
      Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, published in 2009

      Anthony Spalinger, Five Views on Egypt
      Studia Monographica 6
      Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, published in 2006

      Editorial Note


       This is specifically for those of you who subscribe to the AWOL e-mail digest, and to those of you who follow AWOL on Twitter.

      The e-mail digest has been operating oddly for a couple of days and several entries were not included in the digest. Additionally Twitter only notices fully new entries, not those that have been edited and updated.

      It might therefore be useful for AWOL e-mail digest subscribers and followers on Twitter to check in from time to time at AWOL directly.


      Text Corpus of Middle Assyrian


      Text Corpus of Middle Assyrian

      Middle Assyrian seal

      The Middle Assyrian empire (ca. 1500‒1000 BCE) saw the expansion of the small state centred around the city of Assur (modern Qal'at Sherqat) towards the West. During the reign of Shalmaneser I (1273‒1244/1263‒1234 BCE), the rival state of Hanigalbat was defeated and new Assyrian colonies were founded at former settlements in the Habur region. Local administration from these places yielded, together with texts from the city of Aššur, a large number of over 3,000 cuneiform tablets. The project TCMA (Text Corpus of Middle Assyrian) seeks to provide online transliterations, translations, and bibliographical references to Middle Assyrian administrative documents. The goal is to eventually provide editions of all administrative documents.

      At the moment of writing (06.2020), the project includes almost all epistolary texts, texts from Tell Ali, Giricano and Tell Bazmusian. Relevant material from BATSH 4 and KAV is available.

      To use TCMA effectively use "Browse the corpus" to find all texts available in one place, ordered after their main text publication. You can also easily find tablets by using their Oracc P number or museum number. Text are ordered under their first main text publication. Therefore VAT 8956 would be found as KAJ 316, even though it was re-published with improved copy as MARV 1 22. If only published as an article, the museum number is used. The large inventory published by Köcher in AfO 18, is included here as VAT 16462. An exception are the texts re-listed in KAM 7, e.g., the letter A 02429 is included as KAM 7, 145. Tablets of private collections are named after the author of their editions, e.g., Wilhelm 1997: AOAT 247. This letter is is found in the folder "Private collection", together with Faist 2001: AOAT 265. For convenience, large numbers of texts published in journals are still listed under the volume of this folder. Thus Tell Rimah texts are found in Iraq 30, listed after their siglum TR. In addition, texts from Tell Billa (JCS 7) and Tell Ali (Iraq 70) use a siglum named after their findspot (Billa and Ali). To find texts from one specific place, go the findspots where they are listed in their respective subproject. The indices of the general glossary and proper nouns can be accessed below in the menu "glossaries," however each subproject has its own set. Go to the plus symbol on the left side of each subproject to find them. This makes it easy to compare between the vocabulary and onomasticon of each site. As such, all proper nouns and nouns are standardized to (idealized) Standard Babylonian. This means that Urad-Šerūa is found in the onomasticon under (W) as Warad-Šerūa. Clicking on this name will give a list of attestation with different spellings and their Middle Assyrian realization (Urad-Šerūa) automatically rendered. Note that following general Oracc conventions, statives are listed as adjectives. However, statives that use a direct object are given with secondary meaning as being verbal. A good example of this is našû"lifted," which can be found with secondary meaning "bring (V)." Adjectives of secondary stems are listed separately (but finite verbs unfortunately not), e.g., šūšubu"settled."

       And see all the ORACC Projects

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