Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Fakes and Forgeries of Written Artefacts from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern China

Fakes and Forgeries of Written Artefacts from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern China
Edited by:Cécile Michel and Michael Friedrich

Achaemenid Anatolia: Persian Presence and Impact in the Western Satrapies 546–330 BC. Proceedings of an International Symposium at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 7–8 September 2017

Achaemenid Anatolia: Persian Presence and Impact in the Western Satrapies 546–330 BC. Proceedings of an International Symposium at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 7–8 September 2017 
Dahlén, Ashk 
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
Abstract [en]
BOREAS. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations 37
The mid-sixth century BC saw the formation of one of the ancient world’s largest and richest empires, the first Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty. After the conquests of Cyrus the Great its vast realms stretched from the Aegean Sea in the west to the Jaxartes River in the east. The empire’s cosmopolitan policies, based on a shared economic relationship and a pluralistic administrative structure, heralded a period of astonishing cross-cultural fertilisation and innovation in different spheres of culture, trade and learning. These new developments were embraced and carried out in, among other regions, the highly multicultural setting of Achaemenid Anatolia.
This volume contains twelve articles from an international symposium (2017) on the relationships between the Iranian world and Anatolia in the Achaemenid period with an emphasis on Persian structures, presence and impacts on local populations and cultures. The contributions discuss a wide range of topics and address a variety of perspectives, from material culture, archaeology, architecture, and art history to philology, history, literature, numismatics, and religion.

The Social Worlds of Early Christianity: A Symposium in honor of L. Michael White

The Social Worlds of Early Christianity:  A Symposium in honor of L. Michael White
Welcome to the Symposium in honor of L. Michael White. The Symposium has both pre-recorded and live virtual events. Pre-recorded video presentations will be posted on this website on the morning of October 23. Join us on October 24 on Zoom for live panel discussions at 10:00am, 1:00pm, and 3:00pm CST, when you can engage the presenters on Twitter and Zoom Q&A. Then stay tuned to learn more about L. Michael White’s career and contributions to the field in a one-on-one interview at 4:15pm CST.

Check out the Symposium schedule and register for the live event.

The Life and Times of Butehamun: Tomb Raider for the High Priest of Amun

The Life and Times of Butehamun: Tomb Raider for the High Priest of Amun 
Wood, George
Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History.
2020 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 30 credits / 45 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]
This is a biography of the scribe Butehamun. A member of a well-known family who had long lived in the village of Deir el-Medina working on the tombs in the Valley of Kings, Butehamun’s coming of age saw invasion and civil war in Thebes, and the end to the making of new tombs in the Valley, as the New Kingdom came to an end. Instead he was given the task by the High Priests of Amun to remove and rewrap royal mummies and rebury them in secret caches, while plundering them of their gold and other valuables for the coffers of the priestly rulers of Thebes. In many respects Butehamun was a tomb raider in the service of the High Priests of Amun. That project seems to have been successful: The mummy of every single king from the 18th through 21st Dynasties that has been identified and was found in a tomb was found in the two caches KV 35 or TT 320 (with the sole exception of Tutankhamun). Butehamun is unusually well-documented, leaving behind many letters, labels on coffins he worked with, graffiti, and highly unusual imagery on his own coffins. Two houses he lived in have been excavated, one with inscriptions about his family. This paper seeks to create a biography of Butehamun through the study of these things he left behind. One seems to reflect he may have suffered a crisis of faith, others may display instead a deep piety for Amun and pride in the royal mummy reburial project he carried out in the service of the god.
Abstract [sv]
Detta är en biografi över skrivaren Butehamon. Han kom från en mycket känd familj som i många generationer verkat i byn Deir e-Medinah och arbetat med gravarna i Konungarnas dal. Han växte upp under en tid av invasion och inbördeskrig i Thebe, vilket ledde till slutet på det Nya riket och på byggandet av nya gravar i Dalen. Butehamons uppdrag från guden Amuns överstepräster blev istället att svepa om mumierna med nytt linne och avlägsna allt guld och andra värdesaker. Mumierna begravdes i nya hemliga förvaringsplatser, medan värdesakerna gick till Thebes religiösa härskare. Man kan beskriva Butehamon som en gravplundrare i tjänst hos översteprästerna. Projektet tycks ha varit en succé: Varenda kung från 18:e till och med 21:a dynastierna vars mumie har identifierats och som hittades i en grav fanns i ett av de två gömställena, KV 35 eller TT 320 (med Tutankhamon som enda undantag). Butehamon är ovanligt väldokumenterad, med många brev, etiketter på likkistor han arbetat med, graffiti samt de mycket ovanliga bilderna på hans egna likkistor. Två hus där han bodde har grävts ut, ett med inskriptioner om hans familj. Denna avhandling är en biografi över Butehamon baserad på studier av de saker han lämnade efter sig. En av dem tyder på en andlig kris, medan andra tycks avspegla en djup fromhet och tro på Amun och stolthet över det mumieprojekt han ledde i gudens tjänst.

Postbyzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung (PBEiÜ): Incipitarium und Checklist

Postbyzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung (PBEiÜ): Incipitarium und Checklist
Andreas RHOBY

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Published Online:  2020/09/17 08:08:23
Object Identifier:  0xc1aa5576 0x003bd60f 
Inschriften im Versmaß („Epigramme“) haben in der griechischen Kultur eine lange, in die Antike zurückreichende Tradition. In byzantinischer Zeit (4.-15. Jh. n. Chr.) wurden zahlreiche Epigrammen verfasst, die auf verschiedenen Oberflächen (auf Mosaiken, Fresken, Steinen) und Objekten (Metall, Holz, Textilien usw.) angebracht wurden. Es handelt sich dabei vor allem um Stifterepigramme und Grabepigramme und andere Verse religiösen Inhalts. Die Tradition fand – wie in vielen anderen Bereichen auch – mit dem Ende des Byzantinischen Reiches kein Ende. Das vorliegende Incipitarium, das auch als Checklist dient, dokumentiert eindrucksvoll, wie zahlreich Epigramme auch in der sogenannten postbyzantinischen Zeit nach dem Jahr 1500 verfasst wurden. Viele inschriftlich angebrachte Epigramme in Kirchen und auf Objekten wie Ikonen stammen selbst aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Die vorliegende Publikation bietet nebst einer Einleitung ein Verzeichnis der Anfänge der postbyzantinischen Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung (PBEiÜ). Es handelt sich um eine im Wachsen befindliche Sammlung (geplant ist ein vierteljährliches Update), die auch für die Einordnung weiterer Belege bereits bekannter Epigramme dient und einen Beitrag zum Thema „Byzantium and Beyond“ darstellt.

Metrical inscriptions (“epigrams”) have a long tradition in Greek culture that goes back to Antiquity. In the Byzantine period (4th-15th centuries AD), numerous epigrams were written that were applied to various surfaces (mosaics, frescoes, stones) and objects (metal, wood, textiles, etc.). These are primarily dedicatory and tomb epigrams and other verses with a religious content. As in many other areas, the tradition did not cease to exist at the end of the Byzantine Empire. The present incipitarium, which also serves as a checklist, impressively documents how numerous epigrams were written in the so-called post-Byzantine period after the year 1500. Many inscribed epigrams in churches and on objects such as icons even date to the 19th century. Following an introduction, the present publication offers a list of the beginnings of inscriptional post-Byzantine epigrams (PBEiÜ). It is a growing collection (a quarterly update is planned), which also serves to classify further evidence of already known epigrams and represents a contribution on the thematic focus “Byzantium and Beyond”.

Abraham in Jewish and Early Christian Literature

Abraham in Jewish and Early Christian Literature 
SeanA.Adams and ZanneDomoney-Lyttle (eds)
T&T Clark 2019
Book Cover
Jewish and early Christian authors discussed Abraham in numerous and diverse ways, adapting his Old Testament narratives and using Abrahamic imagery in their works. However, while some areas of study in Abrahamic texts have received much scholarly attention, other areas remain nearly untouched. Beginning with a perspective on how Abraham was used within Jewish literature, this collection of essays follows the impact of Abraham across biblical texts–including Pseudigraphic and Apocryphal texts – into early Greek, Latin and Gnostic literature.
These essays build upon existing Abraham scholarship, by discussing Abraham in less explored areas such as rewritten scripture, Philo of Alexandria, Josephus, the Apostolic Fathers and contemporary Greek and Latin authors. Through the presentation of a more thorough outline of the impact of the figure and stories of Abraham, the contributors to this volume create a concise and complete idea of how his narrative was employed throughout the centuries, and how ancient authors adopted and adapted received traditions.
  1. Table of Contents

  2. Go to Page
  1. Pages 1 .. 247

Front matter

Webinar: “If a city is situated on seven heights…” Current insights into Ancient Near Eastern divination

Webinar: “If a city is situated on seven heights…” Current insights into Ancient Near Eastern divination
Webinar banner
Divination always played an important role in Ancient Near Eastern politics, daily life, and even economy. Far beyond being a mere mean to foretell the future, divination sets the standards for the interpretation of the known world. The interpretation of the omina, including every sort of natural or man-provoked phenomena, constitutes one of the main channels of communication between man and the supernatural forces which shaped the world, i.e. the gods. Hepatoscopy (liver inspection of offered animals), libanomancy (observation of incense smoke), lecanomancy (observation of the ripples of the water), physiognomics (interpretation of the outer appearance of a human body), celestial omina, and dream interpretation are only a few of the multifarious branches of divination thoroughly explored in the Ancient Near Eastern traditions. 
Recent years have witnessed a renewed interest in ancient divinatory practices, which led to the development of several research projects in universities and research centers in Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, and other countries. The aim of this international conference is to bring together a representative group of specialists in the field of Ancient Near Eastern divination and to start a constructive multi-disciplinary dialogue. The conference covers a large geographic area including Mesopotamia, Syria, South Arabia, Anatolia and Egypt from the third millennium BCE to the Late Antiquity. 
Sep 23, 2020 03:00 PM
Sep 24, 2020 09:00 AM

Open Access Journal: TAU Archaeology: Newsletter of the Jacob M. Alkow Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures and the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archeology Tel Aviv University

TAU Archaeology: Newsletter of the Jacob M. Alkow Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures and the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archeology Tel Aviv University
Curating our own history,  we focus on the events and people that created the Institute and developed it over the past half a century. As the Institute is dedicated to publishing, readers are able to explore Institute facilities and the journey through the process of publication. We present the opportunity to meet the faces and characters behind the research.

Who Am I? (Mis)Identity and the Polis in Oedipus Tyrannus


One Man Show: Poetics and Presence in the Iliad and Odyssey.


The Ancaster Mallowan Collection

[First posted in AWOL 1 April 2013, updated 19 September 2020]

The Ancaster Mallowan Collection

'Agatha Christie delivers another mystery beyond the grave' proclaimed The Telegraph in February 2010, when it transpired that an auction of some of the contents of Greenway House, in Churston Ferrers, Devon (Agatha's holiday home), had contained more than the auctioneers realised. They had unwittingly sold a locked trunk that was later revealed to contain Agatha's family jewellery.
At another Agatha Christie related auction, this time held by Cheffin's of Cambridge in 2009, other boxes of 'treasure' were sold. These boxes did not contain 'treasure' of the sparkly kind; but evidence of Sir Max Mallowan's (Agatha Christie's second husband) career as a prominent archaeologist. This website brings together some of this evidence, so that it can be enjoyed by a wider audience.
It was originally thought that the boxes were sold at the Greenway House sale, but information has subsequently come to light that revealed the collection was sold as part of a sale of items from 22 Cresswell Place, Kensington, London; where Sir Max Mallowan lived with Agatha Christie and subsequently his second wife Barbara Hastings-Parker.

Notebook 1: Tell Arbid, Khabur River Basin, Syria, 1936. 
Notebook 2: Chagar Bazar, Khabur River Basin, Syria, 1937. 
Notebook 3: Crak (a mound to the east of Tell Brak) and Tell Brak, Upper Khabur Plain, Syria, 1937. 
Notebook 4: Tell Brak, Upper Khabur Plain, Syria,1938. 
Notebook 5: Tell Brak, Upper Khabur Plain, Syria, 1938. 
Notebook 6: Tell Sahlan, Tell Aswad and Tell Hammam, Balikh River Valley, Syria, 1938. 
Notebook 7: Tell Jidle, Tell Sahlan and Tell Hammam, Balikh River Valley, Syria, 1938. 
Notebook 8: Tell Jidle, Tell Aswad, Tell Sahlan and Tell Hammam, Balikh River Valley, Syria 1938. 
Notebook 9: Tell Brak and Chagar Bazar, Khabur Region, Syria, Notes and Queries for Proofs. 
The History Behind the Notebooks.

Open Access Classics Dissertations at Duke University

Open Access Classics Dissertations at Duke University
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
  • A Commentary on Ovid's Ceyx and Alcyone Narrative (Met. XI.410-748)

    Kim, Young Eun(2015)
    This thesis seeks to analyze the longest story in Ovid's Metamorphoses, tale of Alcyone and Ceyx. Despite its length, its placement within the entire work, and the presence of the work's eponymous hero, Morpheus, the Alcyone's ...
  • Adaptation and Tradition in Hellenistic Sacred Laws

    Austino, Chad Erik(2012)
    This dissertation examines the adaptability of civic cults during the Hellenistic period. Faced with shifting populations, increasing social tensions, economic changes, and political pressures, Hellenistic communities devised ...
  • Athenian Democracy on Paper

    Aldrup-MacDonald, John P(2018)
    Thousands of public records survive from democratic Athens. Nearly all of them are inscribed on stone (or more rarely metal). A century and more of study has revealed that these inscriptions were the tip of the iceberg. ... 

The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD)

The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD)
The CAD project was initiated in the early 1920s, not long after James Henry Breasted founded the Oriental Institute in 1919, and barely one hundred years after the decipherment of the cuneiform script. This initial decipherment, and the soon-to-follow achievements in understanding the languages in which the hundreds of thousands of clay tablets were inscribed, opened an unsuspected treasure-house for the study and appreciation of one of the world's oldest civilizations.
The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary was conceived to provide more than lexical information alone, more than a one-to-one equivalent between Akkadian and English words. By presenting each word in a meaningful context, usually with a full and idiomatic translation, it recreates the cultural milieu and thus in many ways assumes the function of an encyclopedia. Its source material ranges in time from the third millennium B.C. to the first century A.D., and in geographic area from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Zagros Mountains in the east.
Completed in 2010, the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary has become an invaluable source for the study of the civilizations of the ancient Near East, their political and cultural history, their achievements in the sciences of medicine, astronomy, mathematics, linguistics, and the timeless beauty of their poetry.
Volume 1, A, part 1xxxvi + 3921964978-0-91-898606-1$60.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 1, A, part 2xx + 5311968978-0-91-898607-8$80.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 2, Bxviii + 3661965978-0-91-898608-5$60.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 3, Dxiv + 2031959978-0-91-898609-2$50.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 4, Exiv + 4351958978-0-91-898610-8$70.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 5, Gxii + 1581956978-0-91-898611-5$45.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 6, H [Het]xiii + 2661956978-0-91-898612-2$50.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 7, I/Jxv + 3311960978-0-91-898613-9$60.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 8, Kxix + 6171971978-0-91-898614-6$80.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 9, Lxx + 2591973978-0-91-898615-3$55.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 10, M, part 1xxiv + 4411977978-0-91-898616-0$130.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 10, M, part 2xx + 3241977978-0-91-898616-0DownloadTerms of Use
Volume 11, N, part 1xxiii + 3821980978-0-91-898617-7$130.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 11, N, part 2xxi + 3571980978-0-91-898617-7DownloadTerms of Use
Volume 12, Pxxx + 5592005978-1-88-592335-6$130.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 13, Qxxiv + 3321982978-0-91-898624-5$70.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 14, Rxxx + 4411999978-1-88-592314-1$95.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 15, Sxxiv + 4281984978-0-91-898632-0$80.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 16, S [Tsade]xv + 2621962978-0-91-898618-4$65.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 17, S [Shin], part 1xxviii + 4921989978-0-91-898655-9$75.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 17, S [Shin], part 2xxviii + 4531992978-0-91-898678-8$70.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 17, S [Shin], part 3xxxiv + 4201992978-0-91-898679-5$95.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 18, Txxx + 5002006978-1-88-592342-4$145.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 19, T [Tet]xxxii + 1672006978-1-88-592343-1$105.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 20, U/Wxxxi + 4112010978-1-88-592378-3$150.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
Volume 21, Zxv + 1701961978-0-91-898619-1$45.00PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use

Bible and Religions of the Ancient Near East Collective: PhD Showcase

Bible and Religions of the Ancient Near East Collective: PhD Showcase
The BRANE Collective is excited to announce a new series showcasing the work of newly minted PhDs in conversation with established scholars. Our first two events are coming up:
Daniel O. McClellan
“Deity and Divine Agency in the Hebrew Bible: Cognitive Perspectives”Discussants: Debra Scoggins Ballentine, Mark McEntire, Brian Rainey, and Jen Singletary
Julia Lindenlaub
“The Beloved Disciple as Interpreter and Author of Scripture in the Gospel of John”Discussants: Chris Keith, Anne Kreps, and Hugo Méndez
Stay tuned for scheduling information and join us to celebrate and discuss the work of 2020 PhD graduates!
Do you know a 2020 PhD whose work should be celebrated and and discussed in this series? Let us know by filling out this form. We can help make it happen!

Hittite Epigraphic Findings In The Ancient Near East

[First posted in AWOL 30 December 2012, updated 21 September 2020]

Hittite Epigraphic Findings In The Ancient Near East

The present web-site has been developed with the purpose of creating a general geographic map of the epigraphic findings belonging to the Hittite Kingdom (1600 – 1150 BC). The findings listed here concern texts, seals, and inscribed objects written either in Akkadian or Hittite.

Data come from more than 70 archaeological sites spread over a territory extending from the Western Anatolian coast to the Tigris valley and from the Northern Anatolian coast to the Syro-Lebanese border.

The web-site and its contents have been created and are updated by Dr. Dario Fossati.
The page was realized as part of the project "Creazione di una mappa interattiva dei ritrovamenti epigrafici nei siti anatolici e siriani sotto controllo ittita" and has been supervised by Professor Franca Pecchioli Daddi of the University of Florence.

It has been part of the research project PRIN 2009 "Modelli di costruzione fisica ed ideologica del territorio e identità culturali: città sacre, santuari, complessi funerari in Siria, Anatolia e Transcaucasia nelle Età del Bronzo e del Ferro", supervised by Professor Stefania Mazzoni.
Updating of the site is currently supported by the University of Florence (Dept. SAGAS) under the supervision of Giulia Torri.

Alin Suciu's Coptic Resources

Cairo (Coptic Museum)
Cairo (Institut français d’archéologie orientale)
Coquin, R.-G., “Le fonds copte de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire,” in Écritures et traditions dans la literature copte. Journée d’études coptes, Strasbourg 28 mai 1982 (Cahiers de la bibliothèque copte, 1; Louvain 1983) 9-18
Louis, C., Catalogue raisonné des manuscrits littéraires coptes conservés à l’IFAO du Caire. Contribution à la reconstitution de la bibliothèque du Monastère Blanc (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section des Sciences Religieuses: Paris)
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Paris (Bibliothèque Nationale)
Porcher, E., “Analyse des manuscrits coptes 131.1-8 de la Bibliothèque Nationale,” Revue d’Égyptologie 1 (1933) 105-160, 231-278, 2 (1936) 65-123
Lucchesi, E., Répertoire des manuscrits coptes (sahidiques) publiés de la Bibliothèque nationale de Paris (Cahiers d’Orientalisme, 1; Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1981)
Bouvarel-Boud’hors, A., Catalogue des fragments coptes vol. 1: Fragments bibliques nouvellement identifiés (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1987)
Berlin (Papyrussammlung)
London (British Library)
Layton, B., Catalogue of Coptic Literary Manuscripts in the British Library Acquired Since the Year 1906 (London: British Museum, 1987)
Zanetti, U., “Un catalogue des additions coptes des Londres,” Analecta Bollandiana 106 (1988) 171-181
Manchester (John Rylands Library)
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Buzi, P., Catalogo dei manoscritti copti borgiani conservati presso la Biblioteca Nazionale “Vittorio Emanuele III” di Napoli (Accademia dei Lincei – Memorie, Ser. IX, 25/1; Rome: Scienze e lettere, 2009)
Leiden (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden)
Pleyte, W. & Boeser, P.A.A., Manuscrits coptes du Musée des Pays-Bas à Leide (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1897)
Elanskaya, A.I., The Literary Coptic Manuscripts in the A.S. Pushkin State Fine Arts Museum in Moscow (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae,18; Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994)
Lambdin, T.O, Introduction to Sahidic Coptic (Macon GA: Mercer University Press, 1983)
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Isaiah of Scetis
The monk Augustinos, Tou hosiou patros hemon abba Esaiaou logoi 29 (Jerusalem, 1911; 2nd ed. S. Schoinas, Volos, 1962)
Hardy, E. R., “A Fragment of the Works of the Abbott Isaias,” Annuaire de l’Institut de Philologie et d’Histoire Orientales et Slaves 7 (1944) 127-140
Guillaumont, A., L’Asceticon copte de l’abbé Isaïe. Fragments sahidiques édités et traduits (Bibliothèque d’études coptes, 5; Cairo 1956) part 1; part 2
Draguet, R., Les cinq recensions de l’Ascéticon syriaque d’abba Isaïe 4 vols. (CSCO, 289-290, 293-294. Scriptores Syri, 120-123; Louvain: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1968)
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Chitty, D.J., “Abba Isaiah,”Journal of Theological Studies n.s., 22 (1971) 47-72
Lucchesi, E., “Le dossier d’Apa Zénobe. Addenda et corrigenda. Appendice II: Un Logos inconnu d’Isaïe de Scété. Chenouté, Isaïe et Moïse,” Analecta Bollandiana 117 (1999) 67-80
Nessim Youssef, Y., “Un complément de l’Asceticon copte de l’Abbé Isaïe,” Vigiliae Christianae 55 (2001) 187-190

Teaching the Middle East: A Resource for Educators

Teaching the Middle East: A Resource for Educators

Discover the great currents of continuity and change throughout Middle Eastern history…

This resource was written by many of the best scholars in the field of Middle Eastern studies and created in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities and three University of Chicago units, the Oriental Institute, the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and the eCUIP Digital Library Project.

The goal of Teaching the Middle East: A Resource for Educators is to provide teachers of Middle Eastern history and culture with a rich, reliable, and easily accessible resource that draws upon sound humanities scholarship to help build student understanding of Middle Eastern history and culture. Drawing upon the unparalleled expertise of renowned scholars from the University of Chicago, the archaeological resources of a world-famous research facility and museum, and the inherent flexibility and strengths of the Internet, it is our hope that this resource will enhance teaching and learning about the Middle East in the nation’s classrooms.

Academically rigorous, thoughtful, and stimulating, Teaching the Middle East seeks to offer new ways of seeing and understanding by crossing cultural divides and illuminating how our shared human concerns cross oceans, time, and cultures.

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:
The Oriental Institute Open Access Publications

Open Access Journal: Forum Classicum: Zeitschrift für die Fächer Latein und Griechisch an Schulen und Universitäten

[First posted in AWOL 3 November 2009. Updated 21 Septeember 2020 (recent volumes added)]

Forum Classicum: Zeitschrift für die Fächer Latein und Griechisch an Schulen und Universitäten
ISSN-Print: 1432-7511
ISSN-Internet: 2510-4705
Forum Classicum ist die Zeitschrift für die Fächer Latein und Griechisch an Schulen und Universitäten. Die Zeitschrift wird von Deutschen Altphilologenverband herausgegeben und erscheint jährlich mit vier Heften.

Die Zeitschrift Forum Classicum setzt das von 1958 bis 1996 in 39 Jahrgängen erschienene „Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Altphilologenverbandes“ fort.
  Forum Classicum
Nr. 1 (2020)
  Forum Classicum
Nr. 2 (2020)

Komplette Ausgabe

  Forum Classicum
Nr. 1 (2019)
  Forum Classicum
Nr. 2 (2019)
  Forum Classicum
Nr. 3 (2019)
  Forum Classicum
Nr. 4 (2019)

Jahrgang 2018:

Jahrgang 2017:

Jahrgang 2016:

Jahrgang 2015:

Jahrgang 2014:

Jahrgang 2013:

Jahrgang 2012:

Jahrgang 2011:

Jahrgang 2010:

Jahrgang 2009:

Jahrgang 2008:

Jahrgang 2007:

Jahrgang 2006:

Jahrgang 2005:

Jahrgang 2004:

Jahrgang 2003:

Jahrgang 2002:

Jahrgang 2001:

Jahrgang 2000:

Jahrgang 1999:

Jahrgang 1998:

Jahrgang 1997:

Jahrgang 1996 (MDAV):

Jahrgang 1995 (MDAV):

Jahrgang 1994 (MDAV):

Jahrgang 1987 (MDAV):


'Black Pharaohs? Egyptological bias, racism, and Egypt and Nubia as African Civilizations'

'Black Pharaohs? Egyptological bias, racism, and Egypt and Nubia as African Civilizations'
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 4:00pm
Location: Virtual Lecture
Stuart Smith
Stuart T. Smith, University of California, Santa Barbara
Black Pharaohs? Egyptological bias, racism, and Egypt and Nubia as African Civilizations
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Stuart Tyson Smith is Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Smith’s research centers on the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Nubia with a theoretical focus on the social and ethnic dynamics of colonial encounters and the origins of the Napatan Kushite state, whose rulers became Pharaohs of Egypt’s 25th Dynasty. He has published on the dynamics of Egyptian imperialism and royal ideology, the use of sealings in administration, death and burial in ancient Egypt and Nubia, and the ethnic, social and economic dynamics of intercultural interaction between ancient Egypt and Nubia.  He has also participated in and led archeological expeditions to Egypt and since 1997 to Sudanese Nubia, where he co-directs the UCSB-Purdue University Tombos expedition to the third cataract of the Nile. This research has been funded by multiple grants from the National Geographic Society and the National Science Foundation. In addition to fieldwork, he is also engaged in a long-term study and write-up of the UCLA excavations conducted by the late Alexander Badawy at the fortress of Askut in Sudanese Nubia. In a new line of research, Smith applies a postcolonial approach to modern scholarly and popular views of ancient Egypt as not truly African and Nubia as its subordinate, confronting the intersection between racism and longstanding academic and political bias. In addition to numerous articles and book chapters, Dr. Smith has published three books, Askut in Nubia: The Economics and Ideology of Egyptian Imperialism in the Second Millennium BC, Valley of the Kings (for children), and Wretched Kush: Ethnic Identities and Boundaries in Egypt’s Nubian Empire. In 1993, he took a break from academia as Egyptological Consultant for the hit MGM movie ‘Stargate,’ commenting on the script and recreating spoken ancient Egyptian for the film. He returned to Hollywood consulting in 1998 and 2000 for the Universal remake of ‘The Mummy’ and its sequel, ‘The Mummy Returns,’ and most recently for 2018’s web production ‘Stargate Origins: Catherine.’ Prof. Smith holds a Ph.D. in Archaeology from the University of California, Los Angeles.

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