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Open Access Journal: Les Nouvelles de l’archéologie

 [First posted in AWOL 17 January 2017, updated 3 July 2020]

Les Nouvelles de l’archéologie
ISSN: 0242-7702
ISSN électronique: 2425-1941
Fondée en 1979, la revue se veut à la fois un lieu de débat et le reflet des évolutions de la discipline. Quatre fois par an, elle présente aujourd’hui des problématiques scientifiques de pointe, sous forme de dossiers et dans une perspective internationale. Les articles peuvent être sollicités par la revue ou émaner de propositions spontanées. Ils sont soumis au comité de lecture qui peut demander des modifications. L’abondance d’information peut conduire à différer la publication d’un article de six mois.

DART-Europe E-theses Portal

DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses. DART-Europe is endorsed by LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche), and it is the European Working Group of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD).

The DART-Europe partners help to provide researchers with a single European Portal for the discovery of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs), and they participate in advocacy to influence future European e-theses developments. DART-Europe offers partners a European networking forum on ETD issues, and may provide the opportunity to submit collaborative funding applications to achieve DART-Europe's vision for ETDs.

DART-Europe is resourced through partner contributions.

Partners support the following principles:
  1. DART-Europe will encourage the creation, discovery and use of European e-theses, and will maintain a central Portal for e-thesis aggregation and access.
  2. European libraries and consortia are invited to contribute metadata to the DART-Europe Portal. Contributors will determine the terms and conditions under which their metadata are contributed.
  3. DART-Europe welcomes the contribution by partners of resources to support the management, discovery, usability and preservation of e-theses, and to further the aims and objectives of DART-Europe.
  4. Partners will designate one representative to act as a contact for DART-Europe, and will nominate at least one representative to participate in the DART-Europe email lists.
  5. DART-Europe welcomes offers from partners to host DART-Europe Project Board meetings, as occasion demands.
  6. Partners will help to secure DART-Europe's status as an international network of excellence in information, expertise and resources relating to ETDs.
  7. DART-Europe will be administered by UCL (University College London) and governed by a Board consisting of representatives of partner organisations. The constitution and Terms of Reference of the governing Board will be determined and from time to time reviewed by the Board.
And see also ETHoS: Electronic Thesis Online Service,  a single point of access to all theses produced by UK Higher Education.

A Catalog of Digital Scholarly Editions


v 3.0, snapshot 2008ff

compiled by Patrick Sahle, last change 2019/12/17
by title
by general subject area
literature (236), history (270), science history (32), law history (9), art history (13), philosophy (42), music (13)
by material
by language of material
Latin (111), English (227), French (60), German (137), Italian (22), other (68)
by epoch
antiquity (23), early (35) / high (58) / late (101) middle ages, early modern (149), modern (271)

epoch: antiquity

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - M - N - P - R - S - T - V - s
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InsAph - Inscriptions of Aphrodisias Project
Betreut von Gabriel Bodard et al., London, King's College London / Centre for Computing in the Humanities, 2005-. Projekt zur verteilten Internet-Edition der Inschriften von Aphrodisias auf der Grundlage eines community-spezifischen XML-Dialekts für epigraphische Texte (Epidoc) und in Verbindung mit archäologischen Informationen. Die teilweise bereits im Druck edierten Inschriften werden in das Projekt eingebunden und elektronisch neu herausgegeben (Beispiel).
The Confessions of Augustine: An Electronic Edition
Text and commentary by James J. O'Donnell, o.O., 1992. SGML encoding and HTML conversion by Anne Mahoney for the Stoa Consortium, 1999. "Each book of the text has a link to introductory commentary on that book, and each section of the text has a link to detailed comments on the section. Links within the commentary connect not only to the section of text directly being annotated, but also to other parts of the text and commentary. Footnotes in the commentary appear at the end of each book; the footnote numbers are links from the commentary text to the footnote and from the footnote text back to the commentary. Where possible, links have been provided to the texts of classical works and Biblical passages cited in the commentary." [from resource]
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Bible, Oldest Manuscript
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Christophe Cusset, Pascale Linant De Bellefonds et Évelyne Prioux. Paris: Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), 2012. "Fruit d’une collaboration étroite entre spécialistes des textes antiques et spécialistes de l’iconographie gréco-romaine, la base CALLYTHEA met à disposition du public des textes poétiques de l’époque hellénistique, d’accès parfois difficile, qui évoquent ou relatent un épisode mythologique. Elle présente aussi les rapprochements pertinents entre ces textes et la documentation figurée.
Interrogeable grâce à divers descripteurs (auteurs, œuvres, personnages et thèmes mythologiques, toponymes, ethniques, mots-clés), CALLYTHEA propose, outre le texte antique original sous forme de fragment ou d’extrait, une traduction en français souvent inédite, un commentaire sur le texte et, lorsque cela est justifié, un commentaire iconographique accompagné de liens avec la documentation figurée accessible grâce à la base LIMC-France." [from resource]
Catullus Online - An Online Repertory of Conjectures on Catullus
Ed. by Dániel Kiss, München, Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2009-2013. "This website offers a critical edition of the poems of Catullus, a repertory of conjectures on the text, an overview of the ancient quotations from Catullus that have independent source value, and high-quality images of some of the most important manuscripts." [from resource]
Codex Sinaiticus
Corpus Augustinianum Gissense a Cornelio Mayer editum
Hg. von Cornelius Mayer, Basel, Schwabe, 1996. ISBN 978-3796509894. Die CD-ROM-Ausgabe beruht auf einer neuen Zusammenstellung der jeweils besten verfügbaren Ausgabe. Zusätzlich sind "sämtliche Zitate" nach ihrer Herkunft ausgewiesen, das Gesamtœuvre "linguistisch aufbereitet" (lemmatisiert) und um eine bibliographische Datenbank der Forschungsliteratur erweitert. Der Link zielt auf eine Informationsseite zum immer noch laufenden Projekt.
Eine Fassung der älteren Website (http://www.augustiner.de/html/texte/tx_cag.htm) ist noch über die Wayback-Machine erreichbar.
Die Online-Ausgabe des CAG ist nur für Abonnementen erreichbar.
Corpus Medicorum Graecorum / Latinorum
Hg. von Christian Brockmann, Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2005-2008. Das Langzeitunternehmen versucht neue Wege zu gehen. Zu Galen, Kommentar zu Hippokrates, Über die Gelenke ist 2005 eine "Probeedition" erschienen, die wahlfreie Zusammenstellungen von Handschriftenfaksimiles, neu erstelltem kritischen Text, Editions-Apparat, verschiedenen kanonischen Zählungen und Übersetzung erlaubt.
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica / Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica
Edited by Catherine Dobias-Lalou. Bologna: CRR-MM, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, 2017. ISBN 9788898010684, http://doi.org/10.6092/UNIBO/IGCYRGVCYR "The Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica (IGCyr) and the Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica (GVCyr) are two corpora, the first collecting all the inscriptions of Greek (VII-I centuries B.C.) Cyrenaica, the second gathering the Greek metrical texts of all periods (VI B.C.-VI A.D.). These new critical editions of inscriptions from Cyrenaica are part of the international project Inscriptions of Libya (InsLib). For the first time all the inscriptions known to us in March 2017, coming from this area of the ancient Mediterranean world, are assembled in a single online and open access publication." [from resource]
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Hyperdonat - Une édition électronique des commentaires de Donat aux comédies de Térence
Bruno Bureau, Maud Ingarao, Christian Nicolas, Emmanuelle Raymond (éds), Lyon, Université Lyon III / ENS de Lyon, 2007-2011. "Hyperdonat est originellement un projet d’édition hypertexte du commentaire attribué à Aelius Donat aux comédies de Térence. Le projet s’inscrit dans une réflexion plus vaste sur l’édition hypertexte de commentaires de nature variée. Ce site présente au fur et à mesure les résultats - corpus et fonctionnalités - produits au sein du projet." [from resource]
For a documentation of the project see the blog hyperdonat.hypotheses.org
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Euripides Scholia
Beta version 1 Created by Donald J. Mastronarde, Berkeley (CA), University of California Berkeley, 2010. The "site is the home of a new open-access digital edition of the scholia on the plays of the ancient Athenian tragedian Euripides (born ca. 485-480, died winter 407/406 BCE).
There are [via filters] currently three levels of detail offered: full view shows each scholion followed by all public elements that have been provided in the edition (not all elements appear for every scholion); expert view shows the same but also adds two optional elements intended for the author and collaborators; the view with trans. and app. shows only the scholion and a translation (if available) and the apparatus criticus (if there are variants).
The content can be filtered to include everything (prefatory material or arguments and scholia of all kinds); only the old scholia (scholia vetera); all scholia except those tagged as glosses ..." [from resource]
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Visualizing Statues in the Late Antique Roman Forum - Inscription Database
Diane Favro (principal investigator), Los Angeles: UCLA, ca. 2011. "This website addresses the material evidence concerning the statues displayed during the fourth and fifth centuries CE in the open areas of the Roman Forum as documented by inscriptions. The navigable reconstruction of the Forum represents statues within their urban context so as to indicate the space in which civic rituals occurred. The visualization relies upon archeological evidence that precisely attests to the original display spots of many statues; carefully considered hypotheses point toward plausible locations of the other artworks." [from resource]
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Greek New Testament
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Hesperia - Banco de datos de lenguas paleohispanicas
Directed by Javier de Hoz. Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2005. "El objetivo del Banco de Datos de Lenguas Paleohispánicas HESPERIA es la recopilación, ordenación y tratamiento de todos los materiales lingüísticos antiguos relativos a la Península Ibérica (y los relacionados con ella del sur de Francia), con la exclusión de las inscripciones latinas, griegas y fenicias." [from resource]
Homer Multitext
Ed. by Casey Dué and Mary Ebbott. Houston: University of Houston, 2014. "The Homer Multitext project seeks to present the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey in a critical framework that accounts for the fact that these poems were composed orally over the course of hundreds, if not thousands of years by countless singers who composed in performance. The evolution and the resulting multiformity of the textual tradition, reflected in the many surviving texts of Homer, must be understood in its many different historical contexts. Using technology that takes advantage of the best available practices and open source standards that have been developed for digital publications in a variety of fields, the Homer Multitext offers free access to a library of texts and images and tools to allow readers to discover and engage with the Homeric tradition." [from resource]
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IRT - Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania
IOSPE - Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea
Directed by Askold Ivantchik and Irene Polinskaya, London: King's College London, 2011. "The aims of the project include a new study of all Ancient Greek and Latin inscriptions originating from the Northern Coast of the Black Sea; and publication of Russian and English critical editions of the inscriptions in print and digital formats. [...] The new conception of the IOSPE corpus consists in capturing in its entirety the ancient epigraphic production of the northern Pontic region – that is, not only inscriptions made on stone (lapidary inscriptions), but also on other media and fabrics, such as ceramics, metal, and bone. [...] The first stage of the project involves publication of Lapidary Inscriptions. There will be about 5,000 lapidary texts published in IOSPE, about three times as many as in the original corpus."
IRT - The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania
Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, by J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, enhanced electronic reissue by Gabriel Bodard and Charlotte Roueché (2009). ISBN 978-1-897747-23-0. "The first publication of Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, which appeared in 1952, has long been out of print. Produced in post-war conditions, it only included illustrations of a few inscriptions, although very many of them had been photographed; and it only offered limited geographic information.
The purposes of this enhanced reissue are, therefore, to make the original material available again, and to provide the full photographic record, together with geographical data linking the inscriptions to maps and gazetteers, and so to other resources. Electronic publication makes this possible, and also allows us to offer greater functionality, such as free text searches. We have included the material from the supplement which contained further texts, numbered in the same sequence (973-996): 'Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania: a supplement', published in PBSR 23 (1955), 124-147, and we have incorporated corrections and emendations made in that article; but we have not attempted to alter or emend any item otherwise.
The indices of this edition are generated from the texts themselves. This means that in some cases they will diverge from those in the original edition, usually being fuller: but the material in three texts not included in that edition (261, 262 and 855) and the Neo-Punic personal names do not appear in these indices." [from resource]
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica
Inscriptions, Roman, of Britain
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Digital Mishnah
Developed by Hayim Lapin, with Travis Brown and Trevor Muñoz. College Park (MD): MITH (Maryland Institute for Technology and the Humanities) 2012-2013. "The Digital Mishnah Project will provide users with a database of digitized manuscripts of the Mishnah from around the world, along with tools for collation, comparison, and analysis. This demo provides fully marked up transcriptions of twenty-two witnesses to a sample chapter, Bava Metsia ch 2, and illustrates basic functionalities. In a number of cases, the witnesses available for browse expand beyond the sample chapter to include all of Bava Qamma, Bava Metsi'a, and Bava Batra." [from resource]
Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI - Monuments from Phrygia and Lykaonia
Peter Thonemann and Charles Crowther, Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Oxford: University of Oxford, Version 1.0, 2012 "Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua (MAMA) XI [is] a corpus of 387 inscriptions and other ancient monuments from Phrygia and Lykaonia, recorded by Sir William Calder (1881-1960) and Dr Michael Ballance (†27 July 2006) in the course of annual expeditions to Asia Minor in 1954-1957. The MAMA XI project has been funded by a grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and is based at the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents in Oxford." [from resource]
musique deoque
Project lead by Paolo Mastandrea, Raffaele Perrelli, Gilberto Biondi, Loriano Zurli and Valeria Viparelli, [no publishing place or institution mentioned], 2007 "The 'Musisque Deoque. A digital archive of Latin poetry, from its origins to the Italian Renaissance' Research Project, was established at the end of 2005. Its aims is to create a singular Latin poetry’s database, supplemented and updated with critical apparatus and exegetical equipments." [from resource]
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Digital Nestle-Aland Prototype (Greek New Testament)
Published by the Institute for New Testament Textual Research of University of Münster in collaboration with Scholarly Digital Editions and the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Münster / Birmingham / Stuttgart, 2003-2005. (offline since 08/06) "The Digital Nestle-Aland is the forthcoming electronic version of the standard scholarly edition of the Greek New Testament. It offers two major features not available in the printed book: (1) Transcripts of important Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, (2) New complete apparatus based on these transcripts." [from resource]
New Testament
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Les manuscrits arabes des lettres de Paul de Tarse
Rédigé par Sara Schulthess et Claire Clivaz. Lausanne 2016. "Ce carnet de recherche a publié les réflexions et les découvertes en lien au projet FNS Les manuscrits arabes des lettres de Paul de Tarse (2013-2016), entre janvier 2014 et septembre 2016. [...] Ce fonds FNS a obtenu une continuation pour un nouveau projet FNS 2016-2018, qui est publié en continu sur un environnement virtuel de recherche (VRE), HumaReC (ISSN 2504-5075), à l’adresse humarec.org. Il porte sur l’unique manuscrit trilingue grec, latin, arabe actuellement répertorié parmi les manuscrits du Nouveau Testament, le Marciana Gr. Z. 11 (379), GA 460." [from resource] L’édition de 1 Corinthiens dans le Vaticanus Arabicus 13 est disponible sur http://tarsian.vital-it.ch
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Roman Inscriptions of Britain
Ed. by Scott Vanderbilt. Nottingham: University of Nottingham 2014-2019 "RIB Online endeavours to faithfully reproduce the printed edition and the relevant addenda and corrigenda published in Journal of Roman Studies and Britannia. We have endeavoured to make as few editorial interventions as possible, apart from the correction of typographical errors and the modifications necessary to incorporate the addenda and corrigenda." [from resource]
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recommendedCodex Sinaiticus
Directed by Ronald Milne and John Tuck, London, British Library, 2007. "Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in the world. Handwritten well over 1600 years ago, the manuscript contains the Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament." [from resource] The edition contains high-quality images, physical descriptions, transcriptions, critical annotations and translations.
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Vindolanda Tablets Online
Directed by Alan Bowman, Charles Crowther and John Pearce, Oxford, Oxford University, 2001-2003. Digitale Ausgabe der Vindolanda-Fragmente: römische Wachstafeln (und Holztafeln) des 1./2. Jahrhunderts aus einer archäologischen Grabung am Hadrianswall.
"The website includes texts, translations, notes and new high-resolution 'zoomable' digital images of all the published tablets. A virtual exhibition draws on the texts and archaeological evidence from Vindolanda and other sites on Britain's northern frontier to introduce the content and context of the tablets to a non-specialist audience. Other resources within the website include a reference guide to specialised aspects of Roman life encountered in these documents, such as currency and military terminology, the scholarly introductions to the tablets and an account of the creation of digital texts and images." [from resource]
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siddham - The South Asia Inscriptions Database
Provided by the "research project Beyond Boundaries: Religion, Region, Language and the State" [no persons named]. London: British Library 2017. As of 4/2018 contained 594 records (215 inscriptions, 379 objects).

Open Access Book: 11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (Rhodes, 26-29 September 2013): Selected Papers

Open Access Journal: Science and Technology of Archaeological Research

[First posted on AWOL 25 August 2017, updated 5 July 2020]

Science and Technology of Archaeological Research
ISSN: 2054-8923
Publication Cover
STAR accepts papers utilising any of the array of scientific and computational techniques available to archaeologists, including, but not limited to:

  • Archaeological materials science
  • Airborne remote sensing, geophysical techniques and imaging
  • Artefact conservation and restoration methods
  • Biological and biochemical approaches
  • Environmental approaches
  • Forensic archaeology
  • Heritage studies and conservation methods
  • Mathematical modelling, computational analyses and virtual reality
  • Scientific dating including geochronological approaches
  • Spatial analysis and GIS
  • Underwater archaeological methods
STAR incorporates a ‘Short Reports’ section, which provides rapid publication of important methodological advances. Editorial decision and publication times will be shorter for this feature.
STAR encourages authors to link to full datasets archived appropriately for long-term access as well as to submit any supplementary data and media necessary for a full understanding of the article.

Meretseger Books Pictures of Egypt

Meretseger Books Pictures of Egypt
   Our private collection of over 15,000  pictures of
   most sites in Egypt is at your disposal, free of
   charge. You are welcome to use them in your
   publications, just mention:
   “Courtesy of www.meretsegerbooks.com”.

 Just send us an email indicating what you are looking for and we’ll be glad to assist.

You will find left and below galleries with watermarked downloadable pictures (available in higher resolution and without watermarking upon request).
Just write to François at: info@meretsegerbooks.com

Open Access Journal: Middle East - Topics & Arguments

Middle East - Topics & Arguments
ISSN: 2196-629X
Middle East – Topics & Arguments is a unique platform for innovative research on the Middle East combining disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. Articles critically reevaluate established scholarly traditions and think beyond entrenched disciplinary boundaries. By bringing together well-known academics and young scholars with international backgrounds, a broad range of perspectives will ensure lively debates.

Middle East – Topics and Arguments wants to encourage interdisciplinary discussion on two levels: Firstly, between social sciences and humanities in the field of Middle Eastern studies, and secondly, between Middle Eastern studies and the systematic disciplines. We thereby aim at integrating regional academic discourse into a global setting. We hope to ensure trans-regional comparability, thus leaving behind the notion of cultural and religious exceptionalism which has for a long been connected with Middle Eastern studies.

Each issue of Middle East – Topics & Arguments focuses on one main topic. This allows for perspectives from different disciplines, such as:

cultural studies
literary studies
political science
ancient studie

Open Access Journal: Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts

Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts
e-ISSN: 2241-7702
The Athens Journal of Humanities and Arts (AJHA) is an Open Access quarterly double blind peer reviewed journal and considers papers from all areas of arts and humanities, including papers on history, philosophy, linguistics, language, literature, visual and performing arts. Many of the papers published in this journal have been presented at the various conferences sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Division of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER).

Greco-Roman Legacy in Egypt

Greco-Roman Legacy in Egypt
Usama Gad
The blog aggregates news about publications, activities, etc. related to Arabic scholarship in the field of classics and papyrology.

Open Access Journal: Pericles at Play: a Literary Classical Receptions Journal

Pericles at Play: a Literary Classical Receptions Journal
Pericles at Play: a Literary Classical Receptions Journal publishes poetry and literary fiction with a relation to the classical world or its reception.
We hope to display some of the best contemporary voices writing classical receptions today, exhibiting different and diverse disciplinary approaches to the ancient and its reception, providing a platform for the performance of a ‘reception in action’.
Read more about the Pericles at Play on the Classical Receptions Studies Network: https://classicalreception.org/pericles-at-play-a-literary-classical-receptions-journal/
We would like to thank the Department of Greek and Latin at University College London, the British School at Athens, the Classical Receptions Studies Network, Professor Stephen Lambert, and the Dean of University College London Faculty of Arts & Humanities for both their advice and support.

Issue 1, February 2019

Issue 2, July 2019

Issue 3, December 2019

Special Issue: Freud-Egypt-Greece, July 2020


مجلة أوراق کلاسیکیة : Classical Papers Magazine

مجلة أوراق کلاسیکیة : Classical Papers Magazine
ISIN Print: 2314-7415
ISSN Electronic: 2682-4698
أوراق کلاسیکیة
مجلة أوراق کلاسیکیة: مجلة علمیة محکمة سنویة یصدرها قسم الدراسات الیونانیة واللاتینیة بکلیة الآداب، جامعة القاهرة بشکل دورى. تهتم بنشر الأبحاث العلمیة المتخصصة فى مجال الدراسات الیونانیة والرومانیة: الأدب، النقد، واللغة، والدیانة، والأساطیر، البردى، والنقوش، الفلسفة باللغة العربیة أو الإنجلیزیة أو الفرنسیة أو الیونانیة الحدیثة. تضم المجلة فى هیئة تحکیمها وهیئتها الاستشاریة نخبة من الأساتذة المصریین والأجانب المشهود لهم بالکفاءة والنزاهة العلمیة، ویقوم على تحریرها أعضاء هیئة تدریس من ذوى الخبرة البحثیة.  
Classical Papers Magazine: An annual refereed scientific journal issued by the Department of Greek and Latin Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University on a regular basis. It is interested in publishing scientific research specialized in the field of Greek and Romanian studies: literature, criticism, language, religion, myths, papyrus, inscriptions, philosophy in Arabic, English, French, or modern Greek. The magazine includes in its arbitration board and advisory board an elite of Egyptian professors and foreigners who are known for their competence and scientific integrity, and is edited by faculty members.

Open Access Journal: Bulletin d’information du Groupe BCNH

[First posted on AWOL 19 April 2015, updated 7 July November 2020 (with links to the Internet Archive - the Bulletins are no longer available on the original host site)]

Bulletin d’information du Groupe BCNH
La Bibliothèque copte de Nag Hammadi

Lancée en 1974 à l’Université Laval (Québec, Canada), l’édition de la Bibliothèque copte de Nag Hammadi (BCNH) est la seule initiative francophone d’envergure consacrée à ces manuscrits; son but est de produire de ces textes des éditions critiques accompagnées de traductions françaises et de commentaires explicatifs. Conservés au Musée copte du Vieux Caire, les manuscrits sont accessibles par le truchement d’une édition photographique patronnée par l’UNESCO et le service des antiquités de la République Arabe d’Égypte. Cette publication photographique, qui reproduit les feuillets de papyrus tels quels, rend les textes accessibles aux spécialistes et sert de base ensuite aux éditions critiques, qui reconstruisent dans la mesure du possible les lacunes des manuscrits, pour ensuite donner lieu à des traductions, à des analyses philologiques et à des commentaires explicatifs.
C’est à cette entreprise d’édition critique, de traduction française et d’analyse, que s’attaquèrent à l’Université Laval en 1974 les regrettés Jacques É. Ménard et Hervé Gagné, entourés de jeunes chercheurs québécois et étrangers. Deux entreprises analogues avaient été lancées quelques années auparavant, l’une à Berlin par le Berliner Arbeitskreis für koptisch-gnostische Schriften, l’autre à l’Institute for Antiquity and Christianity de Claremont (CA).

Open Access Journal: Archeomatica

[First posted in AWOL 30 April 2013, updated 7 July 2020]

ISSN: 2037-2485

Archeomaticaè una nuova rivista multidisciplinare, stampata in Italia, dedicata alla presentazione e alla diffusione di metodologie avanzate, tecnologie emergenti e tecniche per la conoscenza, la documentazione, salvaguardia, conservazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale.

La rivista si propone di pubblicare articoli di valore significativo e duraturo scritti da ricercatori, archeologi, storici, conservatori e restauratori coinvolti in questo settore, per la diffusione di nuove metodologie specifiche e dei risultati sperimentali. Archeomatica solleciterà il dibattito costruttivo sulle ultime applicazioni scientifiche, per il confronto di idee  e delle scoperte relazionate ad ogni aspetto del settore dei beni culturali.

Archeomatica è destinata anche ad essere una fonte primaria di informazioni multidisciplinari e di divulgazione per il settore del patrimonio culturale.


N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 1 - Gen/Mar


N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 2 - Apr/Giu
Archeomatica 2 2018
N. 3 - Lug/Set
N. 3 - Lug/Set
N. 4 - Ott/Dic
N. 4 - Ott/Dic
Special Issue 2019


N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 2 - Apr/Giu
Archeomatica 2 2018
N. 3 - Lug/Set
N. 3 - Lug/Set
N. 4 - Ott/Dic
N. 4 - Ott/Dic


N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 2 - Apr/Giu
N. 2 - Apr/Giu
N. 3 - Lug/Set
N. 3 - Lug/Set
N. 4 - Ott/Dic
N. 4 - Ott/Dic
Special Issue 2017
Special Issue 2017


N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 2 - Apr/Giu
N. 2 - Apr/Giu
N.3 - Lug/Set
N.3 - Lug/Set
N. 4 - Ott/Dic
N. 4 - Ott/Dic


N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 2 - Apr/Giu
N. 2 - Apr/Giu
N. 3 - Lug/Set
N. 3 - Lug/Set
N. 4 - Ott/Dic
N. 4 - Ott/Dic
Special Issue 2015
Special Issue 2015


N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 2 - Apr/Giu
N. 2 - Apr/Giu
N. 3 - Lug/Set
N. 3 - Lug/Set
N. 4 - Ott/Dic
N. 4 - Ott/Dic


N. 1 - Gen/Mar
N. 1 - Gen/Mar
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2009 - 2010

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N. 0 - Novembre 2009
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N. 4 - Ott/Dic

Bibliographia classica orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini

Bibliographia classica orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini
Ars, res sacrae & mythologica is the third of a planned series of five volumes dedicated to the bibliography of the northern Black Sea shore in antiquity. An up-to-date bibliographic guide to studies in the ancient history of the Northern Black Sea has long been a desideratum, particularly for Western scholars. The events occurring in the Black Sea countries since 1990 made possible an increasing cooperation towards re-establishing connections that bridge the divides between Classical scholarship in the western and eastern hemispheres. Besides the participation in numerous international conferences organized on the both sides of the former ‘Iron Curtain’, research results were exchanged increasingly, and with time Eastern European researches started to be intensively published in Western journals and book series. Nevertheless, the historiographic positions on the Northern Black Sea coast remain to this date conflicting for the most part. Looking for a way out of this aporia, the PI of this proposal began the compilation and gradual digestion of a bibliography as complete as possible of the Northern Black Sea coast in Antiquity, based on his personal experience of cooperation with both the Eastern and the Western European colleagues. His experience in the field was gained over the last two decades: these saw him scrutinizing libraries and archives as much as cooperating with excavation teams, in scholarly caucuses, in conferences and through correspondence. Such research and networking activities have put him in a position to create a unique bibliography. This statement is endorsed by noumerous letters received by the author from specialists worldwide and through six reviews published so far on BCOSPE I. Bibliographia classica could also not only serve as reference work for topics of the ancient Black Sea area and its adjacent territories, but also as stepping stone for further research and encouragement for constructive dialogues between scholars from West and East.
Download VOL. I
Download VOL. II

Materials for Emar Studies

[First posted on AWOL 11 October 2011. Updated 8 July 2020]

Materials for Emar Studies
A project by
Betina I. Faist (Universität Heidelberg)
Josué - Javier Justel (Maison René-Ginouvès, Nanterre)
Ferhan Sakal (Universität Tübingen)
Juan - Pablo Vita (CSIC, Madrid)
Das Themenportal "Emar - Meskene, Syrien" soll die Grabungen und Restaurierungsarbeiten der Universität Tübingen in der antiken Siedlung dokumentieren sowie möglichst alle im Internet befindlichen Quellen zum Ort sammeln und miteinander vernetzen.

Grabungsprojekt Emar/Syrien
Dr. Uwe Finkbeiner,
Dr. Ferhan Sakal
Archäologischer Park Emar-Balis/Syrien
Dr. Uwe Finkbeiner, Dr. Ferhan Sakal

See also: 

Open Access Quranic Arabic Corpus

 [First posted in AWOL 11 August 2010, updated 8 July 2020]

Quranic Arabic Corpus
Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. The corpus provides three levels of analysis: morphological annotation, a syntactic treebank and a semantic ontology.
The Quran is a significant religious text written in Quranic Arabic, and is followed by believers of the Islamic faith. The Quran contains 6,236 numbered verses (ayāt) and is divided into 114 chapters.

An example verse from the Quran:
(21:30) Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?
  • Version 0.4 Released - new and updated linguistic features in this version of the corpus
  • Word by Word Quran - maps out the syntax of the entire Quran, with analysis and translation
  • Quranic Grammar - traditional Arabic grammar (إعراب) illustrated using dependency graphs

How you can get involved

This project contributes to the research of the Quran by applying natural language computing technology to analyze the Arabic text of each verse. The word by word grammar is very accurate, but ensuring complete accuracy is not possible without your help. If you come across a word and you feel that a better analysis could be provided, you can suggest a correction online by clicking on an Arabic word.

Oracc.org I Online Resources Survey

Oracc.org I Online Resources Survey
*لتغير الوضعية من اللغة الانجليزية الى العربية اضغط على الزر الموجود في زاوية الشاشة* مرحبا! في Oracc، نحن نبحث عن طرق لتحسين مواردنا المفتوحة لتناسب بشكل أفضل احتياجات الباحثين في الشرق الأوسط. من شأنه أن يساعد حقا لنا إذا كنت تدخر 5 دقائق لتبادل الخبرات الخاصة بك من إجراء البحوث أدناه. *To change the language settings from Arabic to English, select the correct option from the drop-down button at the top of the form
Hello! At Oracc, we're finding ways to improve our open-access resources to better suit the needs of researchers in the Middle East. It would really help us if you could spare 5 minutes to share your experiences of conducting research [here].

Open Access Journal: Annuaire de l'École pratique des hautes études, section des sciences historiques et philologiques

 [First posted in AWOL 9 July 2009. Updated 9 July 2020]

Annuaire de l'École pratique des hautes études, section des sciences historiques et philologiques
ISSN: 1969-6310
L'Annuaire de l'École pratique des hautes études, section des sciences religieuses, est une publication annuelle qui regroupe principalement les comptes rendus des conférences des enseignants-chercheurs de la s
Lire la suite (...)

Coptic Literature in Context (4th-13th cent.) : Cultural Landscape, Literary Production, and Manuscript Archaeology : Proceedings of the Third Conference of the ERC Project Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature : Literary Texts in their Geographical Context (PAThs')


Webinar: EBR Online: Exploring the Bible and Its Impact

EBR Online: Exploring the Bible and Its Impact
De Gruyter

Exploring the Bible and Its Impact with EBR Online “It is hard to imagine how a theological library can afford to be without this resource, even at the cost of giving up another.” (James Dunkly, School of Theology, University of the South).

The editors of the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR) Online talk about the content, development and relevance of EBR Online for theologians and humanities faculty (recording of a live webinar on June 24, 12-12:45 pm EDT on Zoom).

Eric Ziolkowski Helen H. P. Manson Professor of Bible and Head of
Department of Religious Studies at Lafayette College & Editor for
Reception History for the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception

Gary Helft Editor, Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR), De Gruyter

Todd Bludeau Sales Manager Mid-Atlantic US, De Gruyter About EBR Online: The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR)

Online is the standard reference for the background, origins, development, and reception of the Bible in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other religions, in literature, visual arts, music, and

The EBR print edition received the Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Title 2010. Main editors: Constance M. Furey, Brian Matz, Steven L. McKenzie, Thomas Römer, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish, and Eric J. Ziolkowski.

Contributions from over 4,000 scholars in more than 50 countries.
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