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Online Resources from the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU

Online Resources from the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU
ISAW was founded to support research in the ancient world, and publication—in print, online, and in person—is one of the key ways we share our research methodologies and findings with both other scholars and the general public. This page describes some of publications that have been produced by ISAW or under its sponsorship. As outlined in the faculty statement on assessment of research (PDF), we aim for quality and long-term accessibility in all our research outputs, regardless of medium, while embracing collaboration and both traditional and new forms of review and assessment.

Ancient World Digital Library

05072015 New AWDL exampleISAW relaunched the AWDL portal in May 2015. In addition to a more attractive design and new features, the new portal also includes new content. AWDL's mission is enhance access to curated digital scholarly content related to the ancient world. The original AWDL Book Viewer will remain active until all of its content is migrated to the new portal. In addition to page images of many digitized volumes, AWDL currently hosts an online version of Roger Bagnall and Giovanni Ruffini. (2012) Amheida I. Ostraka from Trimithis, Volume 1: Texts from the 2004–2007 SeasonsFor feature and content updates, see the ISAW Library Blog.

Ancient World Image Bank

The Tower Tomb of Ateban at the Roman city of Dougga, Tunisia. by Graham Claytor (2007)View and download over 3,000 free digital images of sites and objects from the ancient world, contributed by ISAW faculty, staff and friends. Check out the Ancient World Image Bank Group Photo Pool on Flickr for even more images provided by like-minded photographers around the world.

Ancient World Online

Find out about all the latest online and open-access material relating to the ancient world, regardless of where it's published.

The Corpus of the Inscriptions of Campā

Image of Campa InscriptionThe Corpus of the Inscriptions of Campā is a publication of the École française d'Extrême-Orient, realized in collaboration with ISAW. This project aims to recover, preserve, study and make accessible the corpus of inscriptions of ancient Campā (in present Việt Nam), written either in Sanskrit or in Old Cam.


Rendering of Digital CaveLearn about the objects and cultures featured in ISAW's public exhibitions at 15 East 84th Street in New York. Even though these exhibitions eventually close or move on to other locations, the websites for them remain, providing permanent access to images, maps and other materials.

ISAW Papers

X-Ray Image of the Antikythera MechanismISAW Papers is an open-content scholarly journal that publishes article-length works on any topic within the scope of ISAW's scholarly research.

Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE)

Coin of the Roman Emperor AugustusA joint project of the American Numismatic Society and ISAW, OCRE is a digital corpus of the coinage of the Roman Empire. At present, you can browse or search to find all coin types from Augustus to Hadrian (27 BC – AD 138), and links to examples present in the ANS collection.


OstraconSearch and browse over 50,000 ancient Greek and Latin documents preserved on papyrus and other materials. Images, texts, translations and descriptions contributed by scholars and institutions around the world. Get the latest project news via the Digital Papyrology Blog.

Planet Atlantides

News aggregators for ancient studies. This site gathers together news, commentary and other posts from a variety of blogs and sites around the web and provides the aggregate in an easy-to-read web page as well as in a variety of web feed formats.


Pleiades Home PagePleiades is a historical gazetteer and more. It gives scholars, students and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, share, and map historical geographic information about the ancient world. Pleiades is one hundred percent open source, one hundred percent openly licensed and one hundred percent editable.

Social Media

You can follow ISAW on TwitterFacebook, LinkedIn, Academia.edu, Google+, or (via one of our web feeds) in your favorite feed reader or aggregator.

Surveying the Field: Toward Establishing a Digital Collaboration Space for Educators of the Ancient World

Surveying the Field: Toward Establishing a Digital Collaboration Space for Educators of the Ancient World
As educators, we tend to work independently on developing our own creative pedagogies for student and public engagement. As such, the field largely lacks a venue in which to share best practices and unite educators from sister disciplines around this common goal. In order to create a community to engage in ongoing dialogue about pedagogy, it is important that the design of any potential resource reflect the needs of the diverse community of users. As such, this survey is designed to query members of the academy on their pedagogical needs and interests, as well as the potential utility of such a resource. It will therefore serve as a first step toward creating an online resource to serve educators of the ancient world. Please expect to spend approximate 8 to 10 minutes on your answers. Your participation is appreciated to help conceptualize the unique needs of our teaching community.
 Click through to complete the survey.

Active Open Access Journals

Beta release: This is a developing list of open access journals currently reviewing papers for publication. It is intended to offer opportunities for scholars interested in publishing openly. It is compiled in advance of my presentation at the ASOR Annual Meeting 2019: Best Practices for Digital Scholarship: Sharing Your Work: Library Ethics, Privacy, and Commercial Repositories”. .Journals included here cover a wide range of disciplines within the study of antiquity. It is by no means comprehensive. If you wish to add a title simply let me know (comments - below).

Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt
ISSN-Internet: 2566-9419
Aegyptiaca is an international open access journal, published by the Department of Egyptology, University of Heidelberg. It is dedicated to the documentation and research of the history of reception of ancient Egypt. The journal will be published biannually in English language and will accept German and French articles as well.
El Almogaren es la serie de publicaciones mas importante del Institutum Canarium que contiene los estudios de la prehistoria de Canarias y de las culturas mediterráneas, así como aportaciones sobre temas científicos de interés general. Desde 1970 se han publicado 40 tomos que recogen más de 400 artículos en 4 lenguas. Asimismo, existe un intercambio de publicaciones en el que participan universidades, academias e institutos de investigación situados en todo el mundo. El Almogaren está disponible en las más importantes bibliotecas (de Europa fundamentalmente). A los socios del Institutum Canarium se les envía el Almogaren cada año.
Annales de Janua – Actes des journées d’études
ISSN: 2267-1358
Diffuser la richesse des échanges scientifiques réussis entre jeunes chercheurs, voilà le défi relevé par ces nouvelles Annales ! Cette revue a en effet pour vocation de publier les actes des journées d’études organisées chaque année par l’association Janua. Celle-ci, fondée à Poitiers, fédère des étudiants de Master et des doctorants spécialisés dans l’analyse des périodes antiques et médiévales. Les rencontres scientifiques qu’elle organise sont diachroniques et pluridisciplinaires afin de favoriser un dialogue entre différentes manières d’aborder la recherche. La publication numérique des articles issus des communications permettra à chacun d’y retrouver soit la diversité des approches envisagées soit la spécificité d’un sujet traité par un jeune chercheur. Un comité scientifique composé de chercheurs et d’enseignants-chercheurs est associé au déroulement de l’ensemble du projet.
Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua
ISSN: 2254-1683.
Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua surge como plasmación de algunas de las aportaciones más brillantes presentadas, defendidas y debatidas a lo largo de los Encuentros de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Surge por tanto con el fin primordial de difundir los resultados de estas investigaciones para contribuir al desarrollo de la ciencia histórica y a la promoción de los jóvenes investigadores que en ella se inician o dan sus primeros pasos.
L'Antiquité Classique
eISSN - 2295-9076
L’Antiquité Classique est une revue annuelle, de renommée internationale, spécialisée dans le domaine de l’Antiquité grecque et romaine (de la période préhellénique jusqu’à l’Antiquité tardive ou aux aspects de la Renaissance liés aux études antiques). Soutenue par la Fondation universitaire de Belgique et le Fonds de la Recherche scientifique (FNRS), la revue publie dans les langues usuelles de la recherche (anglais, français, allemand, italien, espagnol…) des contributions originales, soumises préalablement à l’avis d’un Comité de lecture (avec experts internationaux). 
Archaeology and Text: A Journal for the Integration of Material Culture with Written Documents in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East
The study of the human past has conventionally been divided between two distinct academic disciplines depending upon the kind of evidence under investigation: “history”, with its focus on written records, and “archaeology”, which analyzes the remains of material culture.  Archaeology and Text: A Journal for the Integration of Material Culture with Written Documents in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East aims to bridge this disciplinary divide by providing an international forum for scholarly discussions which integrate the studies of material culture with written documents. Interdisciplinary by nature, the journal offers a platform for professional historians and archaeologists alike to critically investigate points of confluence and divergence between the textual and the artifactual. We seek contributions from scholars working in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East.  Contributions with a theoretical or methodological focus on the interface between archaeology and text are especially encouraged. By publishing all of its articles online, the Archaeology and Text seeks to disseminate its published papers immediately after the peer-review and editorial processes have been completed, providing timely publication and convenient access.
Archaeology in Jordan (AIJ)
Archaeology in Jordan (AIJ) is a new, biannual open access (OA) newsletter published online by ACOR aimed at raising scholarly awareness of archaeological and cultural resource management projects being carried out in Jordan and to make this information accessible to a wider audience.
Art of the Orient
Art of the Orient is an annual devoted to the study of Asian and African art and artistic culture, prepared by the Polish Institute of World Art Studies, published by Adam Marszałek Publishing House in Torun. The first issue of the annual was preceded in 2008 by the volume Studia nad sztuką Azji (Studies on the art of Asia), which was the forerunner of the then planned series Sztuka Orientu (Art of the Orient). The volume edited by Jerzy Malinowski & Joanna Wasilewska, was prepared by the Polish Society of Oriental Art (forerunner of the  Polish Institute of World Art Studies). 
ASGLE Bulletin
The American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (Société americaine d'épigraphie grecque et latine) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to further research in, and the teaching of, Greek and Latin epigraphy in North America. The Society fosters collaboration in the field and facilitates the exchange of scholarly research and discussion, both in the public forum and in published form. The Society is associated with L’Association Internationale d’Epigraphie grecque et latine (AIEGL).
Association of Ancient Historians Newsletter
The Association of Ancient Historians was founded with two essential objectives. The first of these is to foster a regular forum for scholarly interaction among historians of the Ancient Mediterranean--especially among those who study the Greeks and Romans--and secondly, to do so in a manner that emphasizes collegiality and social interaction
Athens Journal of History 
e-ISSN: 2407-9677
The Athens Journal of History (AJH) is a quarterly double blind peer reviewed journal and considers papers from all areas of history. Many of the papers published in this journal have been presented at the various conferences sponsored by the History Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER)
Axon: Iscrizioni storiche greche 
e-ISSN: 2532-6848 
La rivista Axon. Iscrizioni storiche greche intende colmare una lacuna nel panorama dell’esperienza scientifica e didattica della Storia e dell’Epigrafia greca. Ciascun numero raccoglie una serie di contributi specifici dedicati a singole iscrizioni greche selezionate in base alla loro rilevanza storica. Per ogni documento è prevista un’articolata scheda digitale, costruita secondo standard e lessico condivisi, che confluisce in un Database liberamente consultabile secondo una maschera di ricerca duttile e mirata (http://virgo.unive.it/venicepigraphy/axon/public/); a questa scheda si accompagna un commento originale e approfondito su tutti gli aspetti paleografici, linguistici, storici, istituzionali, culturali e contestuali del documento in oggetto proposto dagli specialisti del settore.
BEADS: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers
ISSN: 0843-5499 (PRINT)
ISSN: 2469-5580 (ONLINE)
Since its launch in 2010, SURFACE has grown to include thousands of items ranging from scholarly articles, books, journals, dissertations and theses, conference proceedings, videos, and more. It serves to represent the strength and diversity of work being done by members of the Syracuse University community and to share that work with communities all over the world. To learn how you can have your work included in SURFACE, please contact surface@syr.edu.
Biblical and Ancient Greek Linguistics (BAGL)
Biblical and Ancient Greek Linguistics (BAGL), in conjunction with the Centre for Biblical Linguistics, Translation, and Exegesis at McMaster Divinity College and the OpenText.org project (www.opentext.org) is a fully refereed on-line and print journal specializing in widely disseminating the latest advances in linguistic study of ancient and biblical Greek. Under the senior editorship of Professor Dr. Stanley E. Porter and Dr. Matthew Brook O'Donnell, along with its assistant editors and editorial board, BAGL looks to publish significant work that advances knowledge of ancient Greek through the utilization of modern linguistic methods. Accepted pieces are in the first instance posted on-line in page-consistent pdf format, and then (except for reviews) are published in print form each volume year. This format ensures timely posting of the most recent work in Greek linguistics with consistently referencable articles then available in permanent print form.
El Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional es una publicación científica oficial del Museo, de periodicidad anual, con una doble finalidad: dar a conocer su colección y sus líneas de investigación y difundir un amplio espectro de trabajos de investigadores externos, no necesariamente relacionados con los bienes culturales o proyectos del Museo, sobre Arqueología, Historia, Museología y conservación, documentación y difusión del Patrimonio Cultural.
The British Museum Egypt and Sudan Newsletter
A yearly illustrated newsletter presenting the British Museum’s work in, and on the subject of, Egypt and Sudan.
The newsletter includes updates on excavations, research projects, new exhibitions, galleries and training programmes.
The short articles are written by specialists from across the Departments of the British Museum, but also by external scholars who have collaborated with the Museum, or researched aspects of the collection.
Byblos. Bollettino del Museo Papirologico dell'Università del Salento
Il Museo Papirologico dell’Università del Salento fu fondato nell’àmbito di un Progetto coordinato delle Università di Lecce e di Catania finanziato dalla Comunità Europea. La sua realizzazione ed il suo allestimento richiesero otto anni di lavoro. Inaugurato il 22 giugno del 2007, il Museo nacque per dare sistemazione e valorizzazione adeguate alla raccolta di papiri che chi scrive, direttore del Centro di Studi Papirologici dello stesso Ateneo, dal 1992 ha acquistato a più riprese sul mercato antiquario italiano e straniero. La Collezione dei papiri leccesi, contrassegnata dalla sigla PUL (Papyri Universitatis Lupiensis), attualmente è costituita da oltre 400 papiri, gran parte dei quali sono greci e demotici, ma non mancano papiri geroglifici, ieratici e copti. 
The Byzantinist: The Newsletter of the Oxford Byzantine Society
The Oxford Byzantine Society is a graduate student run organisation which provides support and information for graduate students of Late Antique and Byzantine Studies at Oxford University. It also provides opportunities for graduate students to present their work to their peers from institutions across the globe and acts as a hub for the sharing of information about job opportunities, studentships, conferences and seminars as well as publications and resources. Members of the society in Oxford can also expect to meet for drinks, dinners and trips.
Canadian Centre for Epigraphic Documents (CCED) Journal
 The CCED Journal is a peer-reviewed publication. Submissions may be in either English or French
Cuneiform Digital Library Preprints (CDLP)
CDLI is pleased to present here the results of research in progress submitted, for inclusion in a preprint series hosted by the project, by experts in fields associated with Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology. We anticipate that these papers in their final form will eventually be available in journals (in some cases our own) or in edited volumes; or will, by authors' preference, remain unpublished in the formal sense, so that this may be a final venue for work that might otherwise remain unnoticed in the field. Authors who are interested in submitting contributions to the CDLP should be generally aware of the editorial policies of the journals CDLJ& CDLB; while submissions in English are preferred, CDLP does, however, accept preprints in the other major languages of academic communication. Significant and nearly complete, or dormant research papers are particularly welcome, regardless of their length and scope. Authors should make their submissions in both originating text-processor/layout file, and in the PDF format in which it will be made available here. International A4 or US letter format are both allowed, portrait or landscape. In most cases, if the submission is acceptable for distribution, we will merely add a lead page of the form visible in the files listed below. We invite interested authors to make use of this series to communicate their research to a broader community in advance or in stead of undertaking the rigors of a peer-reviewed standard publication, and we hope the feedback that results from a paper’s dissemination through CDLP contributes to its ultimate impact.
Dike. Rivista di storia del diritto greco ed ellenistico
ISSN: 1128-8221
DIKE è la prima rivista specificamente dedicata allo studio del diritto greco ed ellenistico: pubblica articoli sottoposti a “revisione” (peer review).

La rivista, diretta da Eva Cantarella e Alberto Maffi, è pubblicata con il contributo e sotto gli auspici del Dipartimento di Diritto privato e Storia del Diritto dell’Università degli Studi di Milano.
Emerita. Revista de linguistica y folología clasica
eISSN: 1988-8384
ISSN: 0013-6662
Fundada en 1933 por D. Ramón Menéndez Pidal, EMERITA publica artículos, notas, informaciones y reseñas, rigurosamente originales, de Filología clásica, Lingüística griega, latina, indoeuropea e ibérica, y de Historia antigua. 
Études celtiques
ISSN: 0373-1928
La revue Études celtiques a été fondée en 1936 par Joseph Vendryes, doyen de la faculté des lettres de la Sorbonne et grand spécialiste des langues celtiques. Il s’agissait de remplacer la Revue celtique (1970-1934), dont l’éditeur ne voulait plus assumer la charge. Études celtiques est d’abord éditée par la Librairie Droz. La revue était destinée à traiter des mêmes sujets que la précédente, c’est-à-dire : inscriptions, monnaies des Celtes de l’Antiquité, toponymes et anthroponymes d’origine celtique, et la linguistique des langues celtiques sous toutes ses formes (phonétique, dialectologie, grammaire comparée et reconstruction, etc.) ; textes mythologiques ou littéraires provenant des cultures celtiques médiévales, textes appartenant à la « Matière de Bretagne », ainsi que la documentation archéologique susceptible d’éclairer nos connaissances sur les sociétés celtiques antiques.
Gladius: estudios sobre armas antiguas, armamento, arte militar y vida cultural en Oriente y Occidente
eISSN: 1988-4168
ISSN: 0436-029X  
Gladius publica contribuciones científicas los siguientes temas: Armamento desde la Prehistoria hasta fines del siglo XVIII, Polemología, Historia de la guerra en Europa, el mundo colonial americano, y el Islam. Asimismo contiene una sección especial para la discusión científica y recensiones.
ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΟΝ:Ήλεκτρονικό περιοδικό αρχαίας έλληνικης έπιγραφικής, τοπογραφίας καί ιστορίας - Electronic Journal on Ancient Greek Epigraphy, Topography and History
ISSN: 2241-4290
Τὸ περιοδικὸ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΟΝἐκδίδεται ἐτησίως σὲ ἠλεκτρονικὴ μορφὴ ἀπὸ τὴν Ἑλληνικὴ Ἐπιγραφικὴ Ἑταιρεία (ΕΕΕ). Μὲ τὴν ἔκδοση τοῦ περιοδικοῦ ἡ Ἑταιρεία ἐπιδιώκει τὴν ἔγκαιρη ἀνακοίνωση νέων εὑρημάτων καὶ πορισμάτων τῆς ἔρευνας καὶ τὴν ταχεία ἐνημέρωση τῆς ἐπιστημονικῆς κοινότητας. Τὴν ὕλη τοῦ περιοδικοῦ ἀποτελοῦν σύντομα κατὰ κανόνα ἄρθρα ποὺ ἀφοροῦν στὶς ἀρχαῖες Ἑλληνικὲς ἐπιγραφές, τὴν ἀρχαία τοπογραφία καὶ ἱστορία, καθὼς καὶ ἐπίκαιρα σχόλια ἀφορῶντα στοὺς τομεῖς αὐτούς. 
Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and Survey in Israel
ISSN: 1565-5334
Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel (HA-ESI) has been published in print since 1961 by the Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums (IDAM) and since 1990 by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The journal contains preliminary reports of excavations and surveys in Israel, as well as final reports of small-scale excavations and surveys; it also publishes archaeological finds recorded during inspection activities. The journal is bilingual, Hebrew and English; reports submitted in English are translated into Hebrew and vice versa.
Het NKV geeft vijf keer per jaar Hermeneus uit, een geïllustreerd, populair wetenschappelijk tijdschrift.

Het blad Hermeneus belicht alle aspecten van de klassieke beschaving: van Zeus tot Achilles, van Homerus tot Augustinus, van Socrates tot Plotinus, van Perikles tot Constantijn, van opgravingen tot musea. Maar ook: hoe de gewone Griek en Romein dacht, leefde en werkte. Ook bèta-onderwerpen, architectuur, economie, biologie, geneeskunde etc... komen aan de orde.
HIPHIL Novum: Journal for Bible and Digital Resources
ISSN: 1603-6565
HIPHIL Novum is a peer-reviewed academic e-journal. It continues HIPHIL which was published in 2003-2010.

The journal publishes issues that promote resources for open education for all continents, races, genders, and communities, serving the next generation of biblical research and sustainable technology.
History of Anthropology Newsletter
The History of Anthropology Newsletter has been a venue for publication and conversation on the many histories of the discipline of anthropology since 1973. This is a repository of back issues; we also publish publish news, essays, reviews, and bibliographies on our website.
ISAW Papers
ISSN: 2164-1471
ISAW Papers is an open-content scholarly journal that publishes article-length works on any topic within the scope of ISAW's scholarly research. All works are distributed under a Creative Commons-Attribution license and will be archived in the NYU Faculty Digital Archive (FDA). ISAW collaborates with the NYU Library's Digital Library Technology Services (DLTS) to publish the ISAW Papers online as part of the AncientWorldDigitalLibrary (AWDL). See below on this page for links to individual articles.

ISSN: 2633-0695
 JIBS is a peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to publishing cutting edge articles that embody interdisciplinary, social justice-oriented, feminist, queer, and innovative biblical scholarship. We welcome submissions that challenge canonical and/or disciplinary norms and boundaries or that query the field of biblical studies’ relationship to the broader investigation of human religion, culture, and literature. JIBS will publish two issues a year in summer and in winter.
 Journal of Classics Teaching
ISSN: -EISSN: 2058-6310
Now online and open access the Journal of Classics Teaching (JCT) aims to be the leading journal for teachers of Latin, ancient Greek, Classical Civilisation and Ancient History internationally. JCT covers the primary, secondary and tertiary education sectors and welcomes articles and short book reviews of interest to Classics teachers.
The Journal of Egyptological Studies (JES)
ISSN: 1312-4307

The Journal of Egyptological Studies (JES) is published by the Bulgarian Institute of Egyptology. It is issued on an annual basis since September 2004. The JES is a result of the development and expansion of Egyptology in Bulgaria. It gives Egyptologists an opportunity to publish new original ideas, new approaches and data in connection with the language, literature, religion, archeology and history of the “place where our hearts live”.
Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures
The Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures (JOLCEL) is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes two issues per year in open access. Our format is dialogical and combines three articles with a reaction by a respondent. The journal is closely linked to the activities of the research group RELICS (Researchers of European Literary Identity, Cosmopolitanism and the Schools), which aims to develop a large international network of researchers interested in these themes. RELICS organizes two workshops a year and regular large conferences.
Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD)
ISSN: 2049-1565
The Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD) features peer reviewed data papers describing archaeology datasets with high reuse potential. We are working with a number of specialist and institutional data repositories to ensure that the associated data are professionally archived, preserved, and openly available. Equally importantly, the data and the papers are citable, and reuse will be tracked. While still in beta phase, the journal is now accepting papers. We will also be adding new functionality over the next few weeks, and refining the look and feel.
KASA – Koiné archeologica, sapiente antichità  
K.A.S.A. è l’acronimo di Koiné archeologica, sapiente antichità. E’ uno dei progetti finanziati dal III Programma interregionale  IIIA Italia-Malta, anno 2004-2006, promulgato dalla Regione Sicilia con contributi della Comunità Europea. Esso prevede la partecipazione di tre partners, la Facoltà di Lettere, L’Università di Malta e la Officina di Studi Medievali di Palermo, per la realizzazione di itinerari turistici integrati che leghino in percorsi unitari le province di Siracusa e Ragusa e l’arcipelago maltese.
Λογεῖον: περιοδικό για το αρχαίο θέατρο - Logeion: A Journal of Ancient Theatre
ISSN: 2241-2425

Logeion publishes original scholarly articles in modern Greek, English, French, German, and Italian on every aspect of ancient Greek and Roman theatre and drama, including its reception in modern theatre, literature, cinema and the other art forms and media, as well as its relation to the theatre of other periods and geographical regions. All types of methodological approaches and theoretical perspectives are welcome. Emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary approaches.
The Journal will be printed at the end of each calendar year by Crete University Press as a consecutively paginated issue. Prior to the publication of each year’s printed issue, the Journal will be published as a freely accessible (Open Access), provisionally paginated PDF document in order both to ensure that articles are published relatively quickly, and to allow authors to benefit from readers’ responses before the final printing. For the printed issue authors will be able to make minor revisions to the main text of the electronic version or append addenda to their articles.
Al Malweah for Archaeological and Historical studies - مجلة الملوية للدراسات الآثارية والتاريخية
ISSN: 2413-1326
Al Malweah for Archaeological and Historical studies:A Scientific, Periodical and Coherent Journal, Issued by college of Archeology in Samarra university. It is interested in publishing Archaeological and Historical researches, it is founded in 2013. 
Athens University Revue of Archaeology (AURA)
ISSN (digital): 2623-3428
ISSN (print): 2623-3436

The Athens University Review of Archaeology (AURA) is an international, peer-reviewed archaeological journal published annually by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. It is dedicated to the publication of original research articles and reports focusing on, or related to the archaeology, art and material culture in the broader Greek world, from the earliest Prehistory to the Modern Era.
Minerva: Revista de filología clásica
ISSN: 0213-9634
Acoge en sus páginas colaboraciones que versan acerca de los ámbitos hoy en día admitidos bajo el concepto de Filología Clásica, con especial atención a los comprendidos en las denominaciones de Filología Griega y Filología Latina en su contenido más amplio, tanto en lo que se refiere a su contenido como a los periodos cronológicos correspondientes
Mythos: Rivista di Storia della Religioni
ISSN: 1972-2516
Créée en 2006 et éditée par Salvatore Sciascia Editore, Mythos est une revue transdisciplinaire et comparatiste où se croisent les approches historiques, philologiques, archéologiques, anthropologiques ou sociologiques des religions anciennes. Revue annuelle et ouverte à toutes les approches, elle promeut une étude historique et non confessionnelle des religions
The Old Potter's Almanack
ISSN-Print: 0965-7479
ISSN- Internet:  2055-6543
THE OLD POTTER‟S ALMANACK is the joint letter of the Ceramic Petrology Group and the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group.
Opvscvla Archaeologica Radovi Arheološkog zavoda - Opuscula Archaeologica Papers of the Department of Archaeology
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ivana Lučiča 3 10000 Zagreb
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology
ISSN 1567-214X
The PalArch Foundation publishes three journals: PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology (PJAEE; ISSN 1567-214X), PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology (PJVP; ISSN 1567-2158) and PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Northwest Europe (PJANE; ISSN 1573-3939). These are so-called ‘open access’, which means that the publiciations are freely availabe and can be downloaded by everyone (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_access_(publishing)). Note that the downloaded PDF publications are for personal use only: distribution is not permitted. Notifying third parties should be done by reference to the Foundation’s website www.PalArch.nl
Pallas: Revue d'études antiques
ISSN: 0031-0387
Revue interuniversitaire, internationale et quadrimestrielle, Pallas publie en français mais aussi en anglais, en espagnol, italien et allemand, des articles d'enseignants, jeunes chercheurs et doctorants. Les sujets abordés, réunis dans des dossiers thématiques traitent des sciences de l’Antiquité au sens large et intéressent tous les domaines des civilisations grecque et romaine : littérature, linguistique, métrique, histoire, archéologie, iconographie.
Periodico di Mineralogia

ISSN PRINT: 0369-8963
ISSN ONLINE: 2239-1002
Periodico di Mineralogia is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal publishing Research Articles, Letters and Reviews in Mineralogy, Crystallography, Geochemistry, Ore Deposits, Petrology, Volcanology and applied topics on Environment, Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage. The journal aims at encouraging scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. Accordingly, there is no restriction on article length. Additional data may be hosted on the web sites as Supplementary Information. The journal does not have article submission and processing charges. Colour is free of charges both on line and printed and no Open Access fees are requested. Short publication time is assured. 
Préhistoires méditerranéennes
ISSN électronique: 2105-2565
Préhistoires méditerranéennes est une revue bilingue multi-supports à comité de lecture (prend la suite de Préhistoire Anthropologie Méditerranéenne). Elle accueille toute contribution originale sur la préhistoire des espaces méditerranéens. La revue publie, en flux continu, des contributions au format électronique, regroupées chaque année dans une édition papier. Elle propose, en outre, sous la forme de suppléments, des numéros thématiques. Préhistoires méditerranéennes se veut un espace de débats d'idées ; elle souhaite mettre à disposition des auteurs et des lecteurs une tribune de publication contradictoire — suscitée ou sollicitée — permettant la discussion scientifique autour des articles retenus.
Prometheus: Rivista di studi classici
ISSN 0391-2698 (print)
ISSN 2281-1044 (online)
Fondata da Adelmo Barigazzi nel 1975, la rivista Prometheus si è dedicata programmaticamente alla ricerca scientifica sui testi letterari classici greci e latini, nella convinzione che uno studio analitico e filologicamente approfondito dei testi antichi possa giovare ancora fortemente alla formazione culturale dei giovani della nostra età.
Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali
ISSN: 2421-7220
Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali / Working Papers in Linguistics and Oriental Studies (QULSO), is an open-access peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for scholarly debate for Linguistics and Oriental Studies researchers in Italy and abroad. The journal publishes articles relating to the analysis of natural language in its various aspects, paying special attention to the following fields of inquiry: theoretical models of language; the description of linguistic systems; the linguistic continuum in historical, typological and sociolinguistic perspectives; linguistic structures of languages of the Orient and their historical evolution; experimental linguistics (psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics) and applied linguistics; pragmatics and semantics; communication.
 Al-rāfidān: Journal of Western Asiatic Studies
ISSN: 0285-4406

イラク古代文化研究所では1980年以降、研究所の紀要としてラーフィダーンal-Rafidan: Journal of Western Asiatic Studiesを年一回発行しています。


Research Institute Research Institute RAFIDAN al-Rafidan: Journal of Western Asiatic Studies is issued once a year as a bulletin after 1980 by Iraqi ancient culture.
Réflexion(s) – Regards croisés sur le monde antique et le monde moderne
ISSN : 2100-0034
Réflexion(s) est une revue thématique réalisée par des spécialistes de l'antiquité gréco-latine.
Chaque thème analyse une question qui intéresse le monde actuel en la mettant en relation avec des événements, des textes ou des personnages antiques. Notre but est de réfléchir autrement sur notre temps et nos sociétés, mais aussi de comprendre pourquoi la connaissance de notre antiquité est encore indispensable pour penser le monde d'aujourd'hui. Ce but est, plus largement, le but des études classiques : la lecture de Cicéron ou la visite des ruines de Pompéi sont un miroir dans lequel nous pouvons apprendre à voir avec un peu de recul (et donc un peu plus clairement) notre époque.
Revue de l’histoire des religions
ISSN électronique: 2105-2573
La Revue de l’histoire des religions (RHR), publication trimestrielle fondée en 1880, dont la rédaction est établie au Collège de France au sein de l'Institut des civilisations, est ouverte à la plus large collaboration, française et étrangère. Son champ d’étude couvre toutes les formes du donné religieux, discours et vécu, des origines à nos jours, sous toutes les latitudes.
Revue des Sciences Religieuses
ISSN électronique: 2259-028
La Revue des Sciences Religieuses est une publication scientifique, rédigée et publiée par les enseignants-chercheurs de la Faculté de théologie catholique de Strasbourg mais ouverte à tous les chercheurs. La revue aborde tous les champs disciplinaires de la théologie, du droit canonique et des sciences religieuses : l’exégèse, l’histoire, la théologie fondamentale et dogmatique, la pastorale et la pratique, l’éthique, la philosophie, les études œcuméniques.
Ricerche Italiane e Scavi in Egitto
Pensando di fare cosa utile e gradita agli studiosi di Egittologia, Archeologia Egiziana e Papirologia, riproduciamo i volumi della serie RICERCHE ITALIANE E SCAVI IN EGITTO (R.I.S.E.), pubblicati a partire dal 2004 al Cairo (Champollion Street, 14), per le cure di Maria Casini e Giuseppina Capriotti Vittozzi del Centro Archeologico Italiano - Istituto Italiano di Cultura. Ringraziamo la Direzione dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura del Cairo, nella persona del Dottor Paolo Sabbatini, per l'autorizzazione alla diffusione digitale dei volumi.
Rivista di Diritto Romano
ISSN 1720-3694
Qualcuno potrebbe chiedersi se, in presenza di numerosi e autorevoli periodici di diritto romano e diritti dell'antichità pubblicati anche e soprattutto in Italia, fosse proprio il caso di metterne in cantiere uno nuovo: se fosse un lettore tendenzialmente benevolo e animato da incrollabile fiducia nel principio della concorrenza, potrebbe forse dare risposta positiva affermando che l'ingresso di un nuovo operatore sul mercato (!) dovrebbe portare a un miglioramento dell'offerta in generale.
Rivista del Museo Egizio
ISSN: 2611-3295
La Rivista del Museo Egizio promuove, raccoglie e diffonde le ricerche su tutti gli aspetti della collezione del Museo Egizio di Torino e sui siti archeologici da esso indagati oggi e in passato, nonché studi su argomenti aventi una rilevanza indiretta per la collezione.
RursuSpicae: Transmission, Réception, et Réécriture des Textes, de l'Antiquiquité au Moyen Âge
ISSN électronique: 2557-8839
RursuSpicae est une revue consacrée à la transmission des textes et des savoirs de l’Antiquité à la fin du Moyen-Âge. Elle est la fusion des revues Rursus et Spicae dont les objectifs scientifiques étaient similaires. Cette transmission peut concerner non seulement les textes grecs et latins, mais également hébraïques, syriaques et arabes qui ont nourri la culture médiévale et moderne. Les anciens numéros de Spicae sont disponibles en pdf à cette adresse.
Σχολή. Философское антиковедение и классическая традиция: Журнал Центра изучения древней философии и классической традиции -- Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition : A Journal of the Centre for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition
ISSN: 1995-4336 (Online)
ISSN: 1995-4328 (Print) 
 Societas Classica
Societas Classica is a multi-language collection of papers presented at the International scientific conference that has been organized by the Department of Classical and Eastern Languages ​​and Cultures since 2002 under the motto Common and Specific features of Civilizations of Greece, the East and Rome, and later gained wide popularity in scientific circles under the title: Cultures and Religions in the Balkans, the Mediterranean and the East
The Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions Newsletter
The Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions was founded to foster the interdisciplinary study of the religions of the ancient Mediterranean basin, and especially the interaction of the multiple polytheistic religions with each other and with the emerging monotheistic religions of the region.  We hope to bring together scholars interested in Near Eastern studies, Classics, Religion and other related fields to share insights with each other.  Membership for a nominal fee is open to faculty, graduate students and anyone with an interest in ancient Mediterranean religious traditions.
Sudan & Nubia: The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin
ISSN: 1369-5770
Sudan & Nubia is published each autumn. It contains much of interest on recent archaeological fieldwork in Sudan, including many articles on surveys and excavations only undertaken during the previous winter.

The bulletin is an ideal way to keep abreast of current British activities in Sudan, and also contains contributions by eminent foreign scholars. It is profusely illustrated with line drawings and monochrome and colour photographs.

Sudan & Nubia is free of charge to Society members, who receive it a year in advance of online release … JOIN THE SOCIETY >
Le Sycomore: Revue de traduction biblique
ISSN: 1814-5825
Le Sycomore est une revue scientifique traitant de plusieurs domaines d’enquête qui contribuent à la pratique de la traduction de la Bible, par exemple, la linguistique, l’anthropologie, l’exégèse, la théologie, la philologie, la théorie de la traduction, l’utilisation des Saintes Ecritures. Cette revue est publiée au nom de l’Alliance biblique universelle et en partenariat avec la SIL. Son comité éditorial comprend des spécialistes internationaux en traduction de la Bible. Les contributions proviennent pour la plupart de traducteurs de la Bible et de conseillers en traduction de la Bible, mais aussi de pratiquants et de théoriciens dans tout domaine apparenté. Un langage non technique est visé pour atteindre un public large parmi les traducteurs de la Bible, les institutions académiques et les églises, et pour permettre à toutes les parties prenantes d’entrer en dialogue.
Sylloge epigraphica Barcinonensis
ISSN electrònic: 2014-8151
ISSN paper: 2013-4118
Sylloge epigraphica Barcinonensis, fundada el 1994 pel professor Marc Mayer i Olivé, és una publicació científica anual que vol difondre estudis i novetats epigràfiques de qualitat, originals i inèdites, i abraça des del punt de vista de temes d'epigrafia, filologia clàssica, paleografia, història antiga, topografia antiga, arqueologia clàssica i llengües 
ISSN électronique: 2609-6420
Tsafon est une revue d'études juives interdisciplinaire dont les thèmes sont : textes bibliques et rabbiniques, religion et relations interreligieuses, histoire du peuple juif de l'Antiquité à nos jours, histoire de l’État d'Israël, littérature contemporaine juive et israélienne. Les aires géographiques concernées sont le Moyen-Orient et les lieux des diasporas juives. Chaque numéro présente un dossier thématique, des varia, la parution d'un inédit (document d'archives, textes littéraires inédits), des actualités du champ d'études juives, des comptes rendus de lecture.
Türk Tarih Kongreler

TYCHE: Beiträge zur alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik – Contributions to Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy

P-ISSN: 1010-9161

E-ISSN: 2409-5540
TYCHE is a scholarly journal based at the Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy at the University of Vienna. This journal of high academic reputation has been published since 1986 and contains (double-blind) peer-reviewed articles in German, English, French, Italian and Latin. The scientific focus lies on the whole range of antiquity from the beginnings of Greek history to Late antiquity. Emphasis is placed on the edition and interpretation of epigraphic and papyrological sources. The journal further includes papyrological (Korr. Tyche) and epigraphic (Adnotationes epigraphicae) miscellanea, a critical bibliography of Austrian epigraphy (Annona Epigraphica Austriaca) as well as a review section. In addition to the regular annual volumes TYCHE also issues monographic Supplement and Special Volumes.

 See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Excavations at Thebes: The Earl of Carnarvon and the Metropolitan Museum of Art at Carnarvon 62 and Surrounds

Excavations at Thebes: The Earl of Carnarvon and the Metropolitan Museum of Art at Carnarvon 62 and Surrounds
Christine Lilyquist, et al.
This interactive digital application is a final report for excavations undertaken by the Earl of Carnarvon and The Metropolitan Museum of Art at Thebes, 1911–1916. Excavating below Ptolemaic, Late Period, Ramesside, and Hatshepsut’s valley temple remains  revealed a large Middle Kingdom court tomb, the focus of this report. According to finds and conditions, the tomb, Carnarvon 62, was cut ca. 2000 B.C. and used into Dynasty 13. Following a period of abandonment, it was then heavily reused from the late Second Intermediate Period into the joint reign of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III, whereupon the site was sealed, ca 1470 B.C. Much of the material from the period of reuse was intact, and is of interest to scholars working in the Dynasty 17-early Dynasty 18 period, a formative period at Thebes. Both early and late architecture and finds introduce new philological and archaeological information. Specialists contribute essays and catalogues in their areas of expertise.
The digital format was chosen in order to provide modern descriptions, analyses, and images with archives for consultation. This format allows searchability, numerous photographs and plans, zoom capability, and the possibility of tying together material from two different concessions. Navigation of the app needs focus, however (note “Contents & Navigation Instructions”); it was built as a series of interrelated databases over many years and there is little HTML. However major texts and charts appear as PDFs for printing; there are numerous Harry Burton photographs and a great deal of other archival material; and there is also information about early exploration in Egypt. Content will not be updated; further formats are uncertain.
Please read the INSTRUCTIONS prior to downloading to ensure proper functioning of the application files. The .zip files available for download are approximately 3gb in size and will take several minutes for download to complete.

Pilgerfahrt im spätantiken Nahen Osten (3./4. - 8. Jahrhundert): Paganes, christliches, jüdisches und islamisches Pilgerwesen. Fragen der Kontinuitäten

Pilgerfahrt im spätantiken Nahen Osten (3./4. - 8. Jahrhundert): Paganes, christliches, jüdisches und islamisches Pilgerwesen. Fragen der Kontinuitäten
Drbal, Vlastimil

  Pilgerfahrt im spätantiken Nahen Osten (3./4. - 8. Jahrhundert)

Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident
Das Phänomen des spätantiken Pilgerwesens im Nahen Osten wird oft mit dem Entstehen der christlichen Pilgerfahrt gleichgesetzt. Das christliche Pilgerwesen war aber nur ein – wenn auch bedeutender – Teil der nahöstlichen Pilgertradition. Es konkurrierte mit den älteren Traditionen des jüdischen Pilgerwesens in Palästina und der paganen Pilgerfahrt im pharaonischen Ägypten auf der einen Seite und mit der gleichfalls insbesondere auf Jerusalem fokussierten frühislamischen Pilgerfahrt auf der anderen Seite. Diese verschiedenen Pilgertraditionen, die sich gleichzeitig an einem Ort (vor allem in Jerusalem, aber auch in zahlreichen kleineren Pilgerzentren) beobachten lassen, stehen im Zentrum dieser Untersuchung.
Einführender allgemeiner Teil
Paganes Pilgerwesen
Jüdische Pilgerfahrt
Christliche Pilgerfahrt
Islamische Pilgerfahrt
Multireligiöse Pilgerorte im Nahen Osten
Pilgerfahrten zu Heilkulten zwischen Heidentum und Christentum
Verwendete Siglen

Open Access Journal: Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie religieuses

Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie religieuses
Fondée en 1921, la Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie religieuses est publiée par l’Association des Publications de la Faculté de Théologie protestante de Strasbourg. Elle publie des articles de caractère scientifique (ils sont per-reviewed) en langue française, voire, à titre exceptionnel, en allemand et en anglais, ainsi que de nombreux comptes-rendus de lecture. Elle a pour vocation de couvrir tout le domaine théologique : disciplines exégétiques (Ancien et Nouveau Testament), historiques (histoire du christianisme ancien, moderne et contemporain, histoire des religions), pratiques (théologie pratique, sociologie des religions, musicologie) et systématiques (philosophie des religions, éthique et dogmatique). Elle est ouverte à tous les courants de pensée, sans sectarisme.

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Roman Roads Research Association Newsletter

Roman Roads Research Association Newsletter

Ivan Margary’s “Roman Roads in Britain”, last published in 1973, represented a fairly comprehensive assessment of the nation’s Roman road network as it was understood at the time. Unfortunately, it has all too often been assumed that after Margary’s work our knowledge and understanding of the Roman road network was reasonably complete, an assumption that has led to a lack of serious study within professional archaeology (with the notable exception of roads in Wales), and a failure to acknowledge that we are probably only reasonably certain of about 40% of the network at best.

For the last forty years and more, the serious study of Roman roads has largely been left to a handful of disparate individuals and small amateur groups, with little or no co-ordination or cooperation between them. Neither has it helped that the subject has, on occasions, attracted individuals whose enthusiasm has been rather more evident than their objectivity. The RRRA was formed to bring those disparate individuals together, and to coordinate a nationwide programme of research ensuring a consistent and high quality approach.
Click through for available issues.

Newly Open Access Journal: Classica Cracoviensia

Classica Cracoviensia
ISSN: 1505-8913
E-ISSN: 2391-6753
Classica Cracoviensia
“Classica Cracoviensia”, the annual devoted to the studies of Greek and Roman antiquity, was established in 1995 as the initiative of the Director of the Institute of Classical Philology of the Jagiellonian University, Professor Stanisław Stabryła. Since 1996, the function of the scientific editor has been held by Professor Jerzy Styka. From the very beginning “Classica Cracoviensia” has been planned as a forum for scientific cooperation between the Institute of Classical Philology of the Jagiellonian University and European university centres of studies on the classical Greek and Roman culture in its various forms – literature as well as politics, philosophy, religion, law, art and reception studies. Periodically organised conferences, research projects, guest lectures, together with new publishing series are a few examples of this cooperation. It has made a significant contribution to the development of the Greek and Roman antiquity studies; at the same time, it brings academics working in this area of study together. Through the presentation of research on various forms of the Greek and Roman culture, we are trying to reveal the processes which have shaped this culture and the complexity of cultural transformation which had been taking place within it, as well as accentuate its universal character and the inspirational role in the creation of modern Europe. The very broad formula of this periodical supports intercultural and interdisciplinary research, which allows for a multifaceted and in-depth presentation of cultural phenomena and teaches the respect for otherness. The versatility of research methods serves as an argument for defending the heritage of antiquity in the modern world. 
Vol 21 (2018)

Published: 2018-12-28


The Wabash Center Syllabus Collection

The Wabash Center Syllabus Collection
This collaboration between the Wabash Center, the American Academy of Religion (AAR), and the Society of Biblical literature (SBL)  makes available nearly 1000 syllabi submitted by professors in a wide variety of subfields in religious and theological studies.

Archaeology, Bible, and Classics

Rutgers Classics Syllabi Archive

Rutgers Classics Syllabi Archive

(190) Classics Undergraduate Courses

Note:  Link on course title indicates if syllabus is available.
pdf 190 101 WORD POWER
document 190 201 ANCIENT GREECE (44 KB)
document 190 205 GREEK CIVILIZATION (188 KB)
pdf 190 206 ROMAN CIVILIZATION (103 KB) document 190 207 GREEK & ROMAN MYTHOLOGY (28 KB)

pdf 190 301 FOOD & DRINK (239 KB)
document 190 303 HELLENISTIC WORLD (105 KB)
document 190 306 ROMAN EMPIRE (19 KB) pdf 190 309 GREEK & ROMAN ATHLETICS (137 KB) document 190 310 AUGUSTAN ROME (106 KB)
pdf 190 318 CLEOPATRA 
pdf 190 318 CLEOPATRA (ONLINE) (79 KB) document 190 320 WOMEN IN ANTIQUITY (93 KB) pdf 190 321 CLASSICAL RHETORIC
pdf 190 323 CRIMINALS & SAINTS
document 190 325 CULT, MAGIC & WITCHCRAFT (28 KB)
pdf 190 328 ANCIENT LAW IN ACTION pdf 190 350 GREEK SOCIETY document 190 352 PLATO (16 KB)
pdf 190 356 OEDIPUS
pdf 190 373 POMPEII
pdf 190 377 HERO ANC GREECE & ROME (version1)
pdf 190 377 HERO ANC GREECE & ROME (version2)  document 190 381 GREEK DRAMA IN TRANS (97 KB) pdf 190 391 ROMAN DRAMA IN TRANS
pdf 190 393 GREEK & ROMAN SATIRE
document 190 421 INDO-EUROPEAN ORIGINS (13 KB)

pdf 556:251 PAPAL ROME (131 KB)

(190) Classics Graduate Courses

Note:  Links on course titles indicate if syllabus is available.
document 190 502 MATERIALS AND METHODS II (330 KB)
document 190 504 GRAD LIT STUDY/GREEK (12 KB)
document 190 507 OBSCENITY IN GREECE AND ROME (251 KB)
document 190 509 MATERIALS & METHODS (361 KB)
document 190 519 LATIN PROSE SEMINAR (18 KB)
document 190 521 LATIN POETRY SEMINAR - HORACE (29 KB)
pdf 190 522 LUCRETIUS
190 528 TACITUS
pdf 190 557 GRAD SEMINAR - HOMER
190 559 PLATO
190 560 PLATO
pdf 190 575 VERGIL pdf 190 579 PROB IN AUGUSTAN LIT [here, Catullus & his successors]
pdf 190 582 TPCS IN ANCIENT HIST [here, Roman communications]
190 624 THE BOOK
pdf 190 625 AGE OF AUGUSTUS
pdf 190 690 SEM IN ANCIENT HIST (Athenian empire) pdf 190 690 SEM IN ANCIENT HIST (Spartan society)

Open Access Journal: Hermeneus

[First posted in AWOL 23 March 2015, updated (new URL) 24 November 2019]


Het NKV geeft vijf keer per jaar Hermeneus uit, een geïllustreerd, populair wetenschappelijk tijdschrift.

Het blad Hermeneus belicht alle aspecten van de klassieke beschaving: van Zeus tot Achilles, van Homerus tot Augustinus, van Socrates tot Plotinus, van Perikles tot Constantijn, van opgravingen tot musea. Maar ook: hoe de gewone Griek en Romein dacht, leefde en werkte. Ook bèta-onderwerpen, architectuur, economie, biologie, geneeskunde etc... komen aan de orde.

Tenminste één thema-nummer per jaar belicht diepgaand een speciaal onderwerp, bijvoorbeeld: de Griekse tragedie, komedie, Romeins België en Nederland, het antieke Rome, Ionië, invloed van de oudheid op latere perioden etc.

Tevens bevat Hermeneus actuele informatie over tentoonstellingen, lezingen en andere culturele activiteiten. Deze informatie vindt u in de rubriek Klassieke Agenda. Ook vindt u recensies over nieuwe boeken op het gebied van de klassieke oudheid.

Hermeneus kunt u lezen zonder kennis van Grieks en Latijn. Antieke teksten en begrippen worden altijd vertaald of toegelicht.

Alle artikelen van de jaargangen 1 - 78 (1928-2006) van Hermeneus zijn digitaal te raadplegen. Kijk op Hermeneus online. Bovendien worden op deze website af en toe artikelen uit recentere nummers van Hermeneus uitgelicht. Zo verscheen onlangs een interessant artikel over het Pantheon, geschreven door Sjef Kemper (Hermeneus 88-1, 2016), online
Hermeneus digitaal
Volumes 1-78 are now available online.

Archives des Murašû

Archives des Murašû

The Archaeobotanical Literature Database ArchbotLit

The Archaeobotanical Literature Database ArchbotLit
Our knowledge about the (pre-) history of crop plants to the most part is based on the materiality of fossil and subfossil plant remains from archaeological excavations. Data is gained in research projects in the fields of palaeo-ethnobotany and archaeobotany. Literature on past crop plants is scattered in a variety of international journals, excavations reports, but as well as grey literature and thus often difficult to access.

The literature based crop plant database offers a platform for archaeobotanists, archaeologists, students and the interested public to search for literature on specific crop species, their occurrence in specific archaeological periods or regions with the option for multiple category search functions.
For the informed archaeobotany community it further provides the opportunity to increase the visibility and accessibility of own publications. There is no raw data direct way available, but secondary information on archaeobotanical evidence for crop species according to
  • Species
  • Archaeological period / dating
  • Country
  • Site
  • References
Reference list for crop plants
The taxalist for the ArchbotLit is based upon the catalogue Mansfeld’s World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops where further synonyms can be found as well.
Online version: http://mansfeld.ipk-gatersleben.de

Printed version: Schultze-Motel, J., 1986². Rudolf Mansfeld, Verzeichnis landwirtschaftlicher und gärtnerischer Kulturpflanzen ohne Zierpflanzen. Berlin.
Historical background

Search options
Data upload



Open Access Journal: ARCHAEOFAUNA: International Journal of Archaeozoology

 [First posted in AWOL 3 March 2017, updated 26 November 2019]

ARCHAEOFAUNA: International Journal of Archaeozoology
ISSN: 1132-6891
ARCHAEOFAUNA, International Journal of archaeozoology publica trabajos originales relacionados con cualquier aspecto del estudio de restos animales recuperados en yacimientos arqueológicos. 
ARCHAEOFAUNA, International Journal of archaeozoology is an annual journal that publishes original papers dealing with all aspects related to the study of animal remains from archaeological sites.



Vol. 27 (2018)


Núm. 15 (2006): Archaeofauna

Dedicado a: Fishing in pre-European New Zealand

Spanish/Catalan/Portuguese Open Access Journals on the Ancient World

La siguiente lista incluye los títulos de 210 revistas de acceso libre en español, catalán, y portugués cuyo enfoque es el estudio de las civilizaciones del mundo antiguo. Esta lista ha sido tomada de la lista completa de AWOL. Si sabéis de otros títulos, dejad un mensaje en la parte de abajo para su inclusión.

The following list includes the titles of 251 open access periodicals in the Spanish - Catalan - Portuguese languages focusing on the study of the ancient world. It is a extracted from AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.  If you know of others, please bring them to my attention by leaving a comment below.

                              Open Access Journal: FORTVNATAE: Revista Canaria de Filología, Cultura y Humanidades clásicas

                              FORTVNATAE: Revista Canaria de Filología, Cultura y Humanidades clásicas
                              ISSN: 1131-6810
                              Fortunatae: Revista canaria de Filología, Cultura y Humanidades Clásicas, es una publicación del profesorado de Filología Clásica de la ULL. Desde sus inicios en 1991 se trazó el objetivo de acoger los estudios e investigaciones de los miembros de las distintas áreas del mencionado departamento, así como la de otros departamentos afines de otras universidades españolas con las que mantiene relación, especialmente el de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Los números que Fortunatae lleva publicados hasta el momento actual, han conseguido que sea considerada una publicación periódica de prestigio por la calidad y originalidad de algunas de sus contribuciones, y que sea tenida en cuenta habitualmente en los repertorios bibliográficos del ámbito científico al que pertenece.

                              Open Access Journal: Circaea

                              [First posted in AWOL  30 November 2009. Updated 26 November 2019]

                              Circaea (formerly the AEA journal)
                              Circaea was formerly the journal of the Association for Environmental Archaeology from 1983-1996. It was superceded in 1997 by the journal, Environmental Archaeology: the journal of human palaeoecology
                              Click here to access Environmental Archaeology online (AEA members only)
                              Information about Environmental Archaeology can be found on the Taylor & Francis website
                              Listed below are all the papers and book reviews, and some small articles appearing in Circaea, the Bulletin (latterly the Journal) of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (author(s), title, pages, in volume, issue and page order; italics have not been used, for speed of compilation). The only major omissions are ephemera – editorials and conference reports.
                              Volume 1 No. 1, 1983

                              • Levitan, B. – Reducing the work-load: sub-sampling animal bone assemblages (p.7-12)
                              • Phipps, J. – Looking at puparia (p.13-29)
                              Volume 1 No. 2, 1983
                              • Murphy, P. – Studies of the environment and economy of a Bronze Age Fen-edge site at West Row, Mildenhall, Suffolk: a preliminary report. (With a contribution by A.K.G. Jones.) (p.49-6)
                              • van der Veen, M. – Seeds and ‘seed-machines’ (p.61-2)
                              • Noddle, B. – Book Review: Wilson, R., Grigson, C. and Payne, S. (eds.) (1982). Ageing and sexing of animal bones from archaeological sites. British Archaeological reports, British Series 109. Oxford (p.63-7)
                              Volume 1 No. 3, 1983
                              • Evans, J. – Fieldwork and Teaching in Environmental Archaeology – the Cardiff course (p.76-8)
                              • Greig, J. – Which way is archaeobotanical research going? A review of the papers and posters at Groningen (p.79-81)
                              • Innes, J. and Tomlinson, P. – An approach to palaeobotany and survey archaeology in Merseyside (p.83-93)
                              Volume 2 No. 1, 1984
                              • Greig, J. – Book Review: Körber-Grohne, U., Kokabi, M. Piening, U. and Planck, D. (1983). Flora und Fauna im Ostkastell von Welzheim. Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg 14. Stuttgart. (p.6-7)
                              • Greig, J. – Book Review: Behre, K.-E. (1983). Ernährung und Umwelt der wikingerzeitlichen Siedlung Haithabu. Die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu 8. Neumünster: Wachholtz. (p.7-8)
                              • Greig, J. – Book Review: Berggren, G. (1981). Atlas of seeds and small fruits of Northwest European plant species. Part 3. Salicaceae-Cruciferae. Stockholm: Swedish Museum of Natural History (p.8-9)
                              • O’Connor, T. – Book Review: Clutton-Brock, J. and Grigson, C. (eds.) (1983). Animals and archaeology: 1. Hunters and their prey. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 163. Oxford (p.9-11)
                              • Kenward, H.K. – Book Review: Anon (not dated). Death of a wolf. Cresswell Crags Visitor Centre Report no. 3. (p.12-13)
                              • Booth, R. – A provisional key to the British species of Tachyporus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) based on elytral chaetotaxy (p.15-19)
                              • Noddle, B. Exact chronology of epiphyseal closure in domestic mammals of the past: an impossible proposition (p.21-7)
                              • Rackham, D.J., Batey, C.E., Jones, A.K.G. and Morris, C.D. Freswick Links, Caithness. Report on Environmental Survey 1979 (p.29-55)
                              Volume 2 No. 2, 1984
                              • Turner, A. – Sub-sampling animal bone assemblages: reducing the work-load or reducing the information? (p.69-75)
                              • Payne, S. – The use of early 19th century data in ageing cattle mandibles from archaeological sites, and the relationship between the eruption of M3 and P4 (p.77-82)
                              • Boyd, W.E. – Environmental archaeology and research into the physical environment (p.83-6)
                              • Moffat, B. – A discussion of the status of wood sage in pollen analysis (p.87-90)
                              • Maloney, B.K. – Disease and the elm decline: a method of testing the hypothesis (p.91-6)
                              • Tomlinson, P. – Tested, rapid techniques for clearing botanical specimens for the study of waterlogged archaeological plant remains (p.97-101)
                              • Phipps, J. – A further note on archaeological fly puparia (p.103-5)
                              Volume 2 No. 3, 1984
                              • Noddle, B. – Book Review: Ryder, M.L. (1983). Sheep and man. London: Duckworth (p.113-14)
                              • Pearson, N. – Book Review: Keeley, H.C.M. and Macphail, R.I. (1984). A soil handbook for archaeologists. Repr. from Bulletin 18, Institute of Archaeology (p.114-15)
                              • Kenward, H.K. – Book Review: Harde, K.W. (1984). A field-guide in colour to beetles. London: Octopus Books (p.116)
                              • O’Connor, T. – Book Review: Clutton-Brock, J. and Grigson, C. (eds.) (1984). Animals and archaeology: 3. Early herders and their flocks. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 202. Oxford (p.117-19)
                              • Robinson, D. – The estimation of the charcoal content of sediment: a comparison of methods on peat sections from the Island of Arran (p.121-8)
                              • Cundill, P. – Palaeobotany and archaeology on Merseyside: additional evidence (p.129-31)
                              • Phipps, J. – Puparia – a correction and apology (p.133-4)
                              • West, B. – Ivory towers: tooth wear in three dimensions (p.135-8)
                              • Tomlinson, P. – Ultrasonic filtration as an aid in pollen analysis of archaeological deposits (p.139-40)
                              • Mantle, S., Ramsey, R., Maynard, D. and Williams, G. – Wet sieving at Llawhaden, Dyfed (p.141-3)
                              Volume 3 No. 1, 1985
                              • Greig, J. – Book Review: Andrew, R. (1984). A practical pollen guide to the British flora. Quaternary Research Association Technical Guide 1. Cambridge: QRA. (p.5-6)
                              • Williamson, M. – Book Review: Clutton-Brock, J. (1985). Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-1976. Fascicule 1. Neolithic antler picks from Grimes Graves, Norfolk, and Durrington Walls, Wiltshire: a biometrical analysis. British Museum Publications (p.7)
                              • O’Connor, T. – Book Review: Clutton-Brock, J. and Grigson, C. (eds.) (1984). Animals and archaeology: 4. Husbandry in Europe. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 227. Oxford (p.8-10)
                              • West, B. Chicken legs revisited (p.11-14)
                              • Badham, K. and Jones, G. – An experiment in manual processing of soil samples for plant remains (p.15-26)
                              • O’Connor, T.P. – On quantifying vertebrates – some sceptical observations (p.27-30)
                              • Mitchell, G.F. and Dickson, C.A. – Plant remains and other items from medieval Drogheda (p.31-7)
                              Volume 3 No. 2, 1985
                              • Tomlinson, P. – An aid to the identification of fossil buds, bud-scales and catkin-scales of British trees and shrubs (p.45-130)
                              Volume 3 No. 3, 1985
                              • Greig, J. – Book Review: Dimbleby, G.W. (1985). The palynology of archaeological sites. London: Academic Press (p.137-8)
                              • Sloan, D. A summary of some recent shell midden analyses (p.143-50)
                              • Francis, E. and Hall, V. Preliminary investigations into the causes of ‘clumping’ during standard pre-treatments using Lycopodium spore tablets (p.151-2)
                              • Levitan, B. How to do bones: a survey of opinions (p.153-7)
                              • Gennard, D.E. Observations on the evidence for flax growth in Ireland provided by pollen analysis (p.159-62)
                              • Kenward, H., Engleman, C., Robertson, A. and Large, F. Rapid scanning of urban archaeological deposits for insect remains (p.163-72)
                              • Evans, A.T. and Moore, P.D. Surface studies of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull and their relevance to the interpretation of bog and moorland pollen diagrams (p.173-8)
                              Volume 4 No. 1, 1986
                              • Phipps, J. Mimicry of sphaerocerid (Diptera) puparia by elytra of Coleoptera in archaeological deposits: a note (p.6-7)
                              • Maloney, B. Environmental archaeology at Khok Phanom Di, Central Thailand (p.8-10)
                              • Haldane, C. Archaeology underwater [summary of conference paper] (p.10-11)
                              • Robinson, D. Optimising the detection of cereal-type pollen grains in pre-elm decline deposits [summary of conference paper] (p.11-13)
                              • Hirons, K. and Edwards, K.J. Palaeoenvironmental investigation of Mesolithic impacts on the landscape of western Scotland [summary of conference paper] (p.14-15)
                              • Carter, S. Close sampling for terrestrial Mollusca [summary of conference paper] (p.15-16)
                              • Carruthers, W. The late Bronze Age midden at Potterne [summary of conference paper] (p.16-17)
                              • Allen, M.J. Magnetic susceptibility as a potential palaeoenvironmental determinant [summary of conference paper] (p.18-20f)
                              • Samuel, D. A preliminary study of charred plant remains from the tell at Busra [summary of conference paper] (p.20-1)
                              • Twigger, S.N. Differential human impact in later prehistory: vegetational clearances in North Shropshire [summary of conference paper] (p.21-6)
                              • Roberts, A.F. Faunal remains from Bewsey Old Hall, Warrington [summary of conference paper] (p.26-7)
                              • Gilchrist, R. and Mytum, H.C. Experimental archaeology and burnt animal bone from archaeological sites (p.29-38)
                              • Boyd, W.E. Minor finds of cereals at two medieval rural archaeological sites in north-east Scotland (p.39-42)
                              • Greig, J. The archaeology of the Cowick medieval moat and some thoughts on moat studies (p.43-50)
                              • Allen, M.J. A cleaning technique for land molluscs from archaeological contexts (p.51-3)
                              • Fisher, C.T. Bird bones from the excavation at Crown car parks Nantwich, Cheshire (with an Appendix on pathology by J. Baker) (p.55-64)
                              • Phipps, J. The efficiency of paraffin flotation for the separation of dipterous and coleopterous material (p.65-8)
                              Volume 4 No. 2, 1987
                              • Dobney, K.M. Book Review: Hillson, S.W. (1986). Teeth. Cambridge: University Press (p.75-6)
                              • Allison, E. Book review: Cohen, A. and Serjeantson, D. (1986). A manual for the identification of bird bones from archaeological sites. London: privately published (p.76-8)
                              • Greig, J. Book Reviews: Küster, H. and Körber-Grohne, U. (1986). Hochdorf I. Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg 19. Stuttgart (p.78-82)
                              • [Tomlinson, P.] Elementary, my dear Watson or the Case of the Mystifying Archaeologists (p.86-93)
                              • Dickson, C. The identification of cereals from ancient bran fragments (p.95-102)
                              • Antoine, S.E. A simple technique for sampling archaeological bone tissue (p.103-5)
                              • O’Connor, T.P. Why bother looking at archaeological wild mammal assemblages? (p.107-14)
                              Volume 5 No. 1, 1987
                              • Maloney, B.K. Environmental archaeology at Khok Phanom Di, Central Thailand: an update (p.4-6)
                              • O’Connor, T.P. Book Review: Davis, S.J.M. (1987). The archaeology of animals. London: Batsford (p.12-13)
                              • O’Connor, T.P. Book Review: Like engend’ring like: heredity and animal breeding in early modern England. Cambridge: University Press (p.13-14)
                              • Macphail, R.I. The soil micromorphology of tree subsoil hollows [extended summary of conference paper] (p.14-17)
                              • Nicholson, R. The Newcastle Quayside project: environmental archaeology in a rescue context [summary of conference paper] (p.17-18)
                              • Williams, D. and Milles, A. Snails by numbers [summary of conference paper] (p.18-19)
                              • Hall, A. The spice of life? (p.19-20)
                              • Robinson, D. Spice and famine food? The botanical analysis of two post-Reformation pits from Elgin, Scotland (p.21-7)
                              • Nicholson, R. The role of the ‘junior’ in environmental archaeology: a personal view (p.29-31)
                              • Schofield, J. The role of palaeoecology in understanding variations in regional (p.33-42)
                              • Levitan, B. A survey of the Association for Environmental Archaeology and its membership: 1980-86 (p.43-9)
                              Volume 5 No. 2, 1988
                              • Phipps, J. Mystery object identified (p.59-61)
                              • Ede, J. Medieval carbonised plant remains from the deserted village of West Cotton, Northamptonshire [summary of conference paper] (p.61-4)
                              • Fitt, J. Plant remains from a late-Roman site in Bulgaria [summary of conference paper] (p.64-5)
                              • Phipps, J. The archaeological remains of flies [summary of conference paper] (p.65-6)
                              • Dickson, C. Distinguishing cereal from wild grass pollen: some limitations (p.67-71)
                              • Moffett, L. Gardening in Roman Alcester (p.73-8)
                              • Dobney, K. and Rielly, K. A method for recording archaeological animal bones: the use of diagnostic zones (p.79-96)
                              • Wiltshire, P.E.J. A simple device for obtaining contiguous peat samples of small volume for pollen analysis (p.97-9)
                              • Boyd, W.E. Cereals in Scottish antiquity (p.101-10)
                              • Barber, K. E. A critical review of the role of pollen-analytical research in the environmental archaeology of central southern England (p.111-14)
                              Volume 6 No. 1, 1989
                              • Turner, A. Book Review: Nitecki, M.H. and Nitecki, D.V. (eds.) (1987). The evolution of human hunting. New York: Plenum Press (p.4-5)
                              • Greig, J. Book Review: Körber-Grohne, U. (1987). Nutzpflanzen in Deutschland: Kulturgeschichte und Biologie. Stuttgart: Theiss (p.5-7)
                              • Levitan, B. Book Review: Groenman-van Waateringe, W. and van Wijngaarden-Bakker, L.H. (eds.) (1987). Farm life in a Carolingian village. A model based on botanical and zoological data from an excavated site. Studies in Prae- en Protohistorie 1. (p.8-11)
                              • Greig, J. Book Review: Behre, K.-E. (ed.) (1986). Anthropogenic indicators in pollen diagrams. Rotterdam: Balkema (p.11-13)
                              • Levitan, B. Book Review: Rosello Izquierdo, E. (1988). Contribucion al atlas osteologico de los teleosteos Ibericos 1. Dentario y articular. Madrid: Ediciones de la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (p.14)
                              • Noddle, B. A note on the skeleton of a dwarf steer (p.15)
                              • Murphy, P. Carbonised neolithic plant remains from The Stumble, an intertidal site in the Blackwater Estuary, Essex, England (p.21-38)
                              • Belshaw, R. A note on the recovery of Thoracochaeta zosterae (Haliday) (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) from archaeological deposits (p.39-41)
                              • Cundill, P. Limitations of soil pollen analysis – an example from Mauley Cross, a mesolithic site on the North York Moors (p.43-7)
                              • Rixson, D. Butchery evidence on animal bones (p.49-62)
                              • Hall, V. A comparison of grass foliage, moss polsters and soil surfaces as pollen traps in modern pollen studies (p.63-9)
                              • van der Veen, M. National wheat-growing experiment: interim report 1987/8 (p.71-6)
                              Volume 6 No. 2, 1990
                              • Noddle, B. Science-based archaeology in Wales (p.84-5)
                              • Ryder, M.L. Displacement of bone waste by seagulls (p.85)
                              • Ryder, M.L. Archaeozoology in East Germany (p.86-7)
                              • IJzereef, G. Book Review: O’Connor, T.P. (1989). Bones from the General Accident site. The Archaeology of York 15(2). London: CBA (p.87-9)
                              • Jones, G. The application of present-day cereal processing studies to charred archaeobotanical remains (p.91-6)
                              • Holden, T. Transverse cell patterns of wheat and rye bran and their variation over the surface of a single grain (p.97-104)
                              • van Haaster, H. Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) pollen in 14th century cesspits from ‘s-Hertogenbosch (p.105-6)
                              • West, B. A tale of two innominates (p.107-14)
                              • Davis, S.J.M. Some peculiarly damaged cattle metapodials (p.115-18)
                              • Leak, A. Cleaning archaeological fish scales (p.119-20)
                              • de Vartavan, C. A note concerning a new way to build a ‘seed’ reference collection (p.121-4)
                              Volume 7 No. 1, 1990
                              • Pals, J.P. Book Review: Küster, H. (ed.) (1988). Der prähistorische Mensch und seine Umwelt. Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg 31. (Festschrift Körber-Grohne) (p.1-3)
                              • Maloney, B.K. Book Review: Hiko-Ichi, O. (1988). Origin of cultivated rice. Developments in Crop Science 14. Amsterdam: Elsevier (p.3-6)
                              • Levitan, B. Book Review: Wheeler, A. and Jones, A.K.G. 91989). Fishes. Cambridge: University Press (p.6-8)
                              • Noddle, B. Cinderella’s kitchen: a personal view of environmental archaeology past and present (p.8-10)
                              • Nesbitt, M. and Greig, J. A bibliography for the archaeobotanical identification of seeds from Europe and the Near East (p.11-30)
                              • Noddle, B. Flesh on the bones (p.31-51)
                              Volume 7 No. 2, 1990
                              • Noddle, B. Book Review: Lucas, A.T. (1989). Cattle in ancient Ireland. Studies in Irish archaeology and history. Kilkenny: Boethius Press (p.54-5)
                              • O’Connor, T.P. Book Review: Pfleger, V. and Chatfield, J. (1988). A guide to snails of Britain and Europe. London: Hamlyn (p.56)
                              • O’Connor, T.P. Book Review: Warmoes, T. and Devriese, R. (1987). Land-en zoetwater mollusken van de Benelux. Gent: Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie en Milieubescherming (p.56)
                              • Greig, J. Book Review: Ellenberg, H. (1988). Vegetational ecology of Central Europe. (4th ed.) Cambridge: University Press (p.56-8)
                              • O’Connor, T.P. Book Review: Amorosi, T. (1989). A postcranial guide to domestic neo-natal and juvenile mammals. The identification and ageing of Old World species. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 533. Oxford (p.58-9)
                              • Greig, J. Book Review: Griffin, K. et al. (1988). De arkelogiske utgravningar i Gamlebyen, Oslo. Bind 5. “Mindets tomt” – “Sondre felt” (ed. E. Schia). Animal bones, moss-, plant-, insect- and parasite remains. Øvre Ervik: Alvheim and Eide (p.59-61)
                              • O’Connor, T.P. Book Review: Hinton, D.A. (1990). Archaeology, economy and society. England from the fifth to the fifteenth century. London: Seaby (p.61)
                              • Boyd, W.E. Towards a conceptual framework for environmental archaeology: environmental archaeology as a key to past geographies (p.63-8)
                              • Bell, M.G. Cultural landscapes: some thoughts stimulated by Bill Boyd’s paper: Towards a conceptual framework for environmental archaeology: environmental archaeology as a key to past geographies (p.69-70)
                              • Jones, M. Comments on Boyd: Towards a conceptual framework for environmental archaeology: (p.71-2)
                              • Thomas, K.D. What’s in a name? Anyone can be an environmental archaeologist (p.72-6)
                              • van der Veen, M. Towards a conceptual framework for environmental archaeology: environmental archaeology as a key to past geographies (p.76-7)
                              • Boyd, W.E. Reply to Bell, Jones, Thomas and Van der Veen (p.77-9)
                              • Armitage, P.L. Post-medieval cattle horn cores from the Greyfriars site, Chichester, West Sussex, England (p.81-90)
                              • Carter, S. The distribution of the land snail Vitrea contracta (Westerlund) in a calcareous soil on Martin Down, Hampshire, England (p.91-3)
                              • Levitan, B. A method for investigating bone fragmentation and anatomical representation (p.95-101)
                              • Coles, G.M. A note on the systematic recording of organic-walled microfossils (other than pollen and spores) found in archaeological and Quaternary palynological preparations (p.103-11)
                              Volume 8 No. 1, 1991
                              • Turner, A. Book Review: Boyle, K.A. (1990). Upper Palaeolithic faunas from South-West France. A zoogeographic perspective. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 557. Oxford (p.1-2)
                              • Tomlinson, P. Book Review: Greig, J. (1989). Handbooks for Archaeologists No. 4. Archaeobotany. Strasbourg: ESF (p.2-3)
                              • Butler, A. A mess of pottage; food processing or detoxification of Old World pulses [summary of conference paper] (p.5-6)
                              • Herxhemier, C. House gardens in Sipsongpanna, China [summary of conference paper] (p.6)
                              • Mason, S. Acorns in South East Turkey [summary of conference paper] (p.6-7)
                              • Irving, B. Cyprinid fish teeth: a systematic approach to identification [summary of conference paper] (p.7)
                              • Wales, S. A chemical method of identifying plant foods from coprolites [summary of conference paper] (p.7-8)
                              • Armitage, P.L. Notes on the skull of a 17th century horse from Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. (p.9-15)
                              • Hall, V.A. Some problems encountered in identifying Phragmites pollen in modern and fossil pollen assemblages (p.17-19)
                              • Nesbitt, M. Seed reference collections and archaeobotany (p.21-39)
                              • Sadler, P. The use of tarsometatarsi in sexing and ageing domestic fowl (Gallus gallus L.), and recognising five toed breeds in archaeological material (p.41-8)
                              • Hinton, M.P. Weed associates of recently grown Avena strigosa Schreber from Shetland, Scotland (p.49-54)
                              • Carruthers, W. Plant remains recovered from daub from a 16th century manor-house – Althrey Hall, near Wrexham, Clwyd, U.K. (p.55-9)
                              Volume 8 No. 2, 1992
                              • Nicholson, B. Book Review: Milles, A., Williams, D. and Gardner, N. (eds.) (1989). The beginnings of agriculture. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 496 (Symposia of the AEA 8) (p.61-2)
                              • Carruthers, W. Percival and Helbaek’s archive of plant remains (p.65-70)
                              • Greig, J. What shall we call these organic pit fills? (p.70-3)
                              • Evans, J.G. and Rouse, A.J. Small-vertebrate and molluscan analysis from the same site (p.75-84)
                              • Way, T. The effect of recovery techniques on faunal data at Klithi, North West Greece (p.85-94)
                              • Davis, S. and Payne, S. 101 ways to deal with a dead hedgehog: notes on the preparation of disarticulated skeletons for zoo-archaeological use (p.95-104)
                              Volume 9 No. 1, 1992
                              • Ryder, M.L. A question of scale: material in cave ash from Arene Candide, Italy was not textile (p.5-7)
                              • Ryder, M.L. Wool fibres in cloth remains throw light on fleece evolution (p.7-9)
                              • Hall, A. The last teasel factory in Britain, and some observations on teasel (Dipsacus fullonum L. and D. sativus (L.) Honckeny) remains from archaeological deposits (p.9-13)
                              • Brothwell, D. Bones and beyond bones: insects, stains and keratin remains [workshop contribution] (p.15-16)
                              • Jones, G. On using Bonerec: Bruce Levitan’s computer recording program [workshop contribution] (p.17-23)
                              • Dobney, K., Hall, A., Kenward, H. and Milles, A. A working classification of sample types for environmental archaeology (p.24-6)
                              • Moran, N.C. and O’Connor, T.P. Bones that cats gnawed upon: a case study in bone modification (p.27-34)
                              • Driver, J.C. Identification, classification and zooarchaeology (p.35-47)
                              Volume 9 No. 2, 1992
                              • Hill, M. Book Review: Ancient woodlands, their archaeology and ecology: a coincidence of interest (p.50-1)
                              • Mays, S. Taphonomic factors in a human skeletal assemblage [workshop contribution] (p.54-8)
                              • Dainton, M. A quick, semi-quantitative method for recording nematode gut parasite eggs from archaeological deposits (p.58-63)
                              • Antoine, S.E., Child, A.M., Nicholson, R.A. and Pollard, A.M. The biochemistry and microbiology of buried human bone, in relation to dietary reconstruction (p.65-79)
                              • Kenward, H. Rapid recording of archaeological insect remains – a reconsideration (p.81-8)
                              Volume 10 No. 1, 1993
                              • Tomlinson, P. Design and implementation of a relational database for archaeobotanical records for Great Britain and Ireland (p.1-30)
                              • Baxter, I.L. An eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla (L)., skull from Roman Leicester, England, with some speculations concerning the palaeoecology of the Soar valley (p.31-7)
                              • Nicholson, R.A. An investigation into the effects on fish bone of passage through the human gut: some experiments and comparisons with archaeological material [workshop contribution] (p.38-50)
                              Volume 10 No. 2, 1993
                              • Griffiths, H.I., Rouse, A. and Evans, J.G. Processing freshwater ostracods from archaeological deposits, with a key to the valves of the major British genera (p.53-62)
                              • Winder, N. Using modern bone assemblages to estimate ancient populations (p.63-8)
                              • Ryder, M.L. Skin and wool remains from Hallstatt (p.69-78)
                              • Baxter, I.L. Eagles in Anglo-Saxon and Norse poems (p.78-81)
                              • Legge, A.J. A method for the preparation of very small animal skeletons (p.81)
                              • Ryder, M.L. What are we measuring? (p.81-2)
                              • Dobney, K. Sheep fleece and bird legs: a pathological observation (p.82-5)
                              • Hall, A. Book Review: Bell, A.D. (1991). Plant form. An illustrated guide to flowering plant morphology. Oxford: University Press (p.89-90)
                              • Clutton-Brock, J. Book review: Hillson, S. 91992). Mammal bones and teeth. An introductory guide to methods of identification. London: Institute of Archaeology (p.90-2)
                              Volume 11 No. 1, 1994
                              • Murphy, P.L. and Wiltshire, P.E.J. A proposed scheme for evaluating plant macrofossil preservation in some archaeological deposits (p.1-6)
                              • Sadler, P. Useful small dogs (p.6)
                              • Greig, J. A possible hedgerow flora of Iron Age date from Alcester, Warwickshire (p.7-16)
                              • Hall, V.A., Pilcher, J.R. and McVicker, S.J. Tephra-linked studies and environmental archaeology, with special reference to Ireland (p.17-22)
                              • Ryder, M.L. Fascinating Fullonum (p.23-31)
                              • Noddle, B. Book Review: Fielding, D. and Pearson, R.A. (eds.) (1991). Donkeys, mules and horses in tropical agricultural development. Edinburgh: Centre for Tropical Medicine (p.32)
                              • Noddle, B. Book Review: Mullock, J.F. (1993). Art and society in Newport. Newport (p.32-3)
                              • Murphy, P. Book Review: van de Noort, R. and Davies, P. (ed. Ellis, S.) (19943). Wetland Heritage. An archaeological assessment of the Humber Wetlands. Kingston upon Hull: Humber Wetlands Project (p.33-4)
                              • Buckland, P.C. Book Review: Coles, B. (ed.) (1992). The Wetland Revolution in Prehistory. Exeter: WARP and Prehistoric Society (p.34-5)
                              Volume 11 No. 2, 1996
                              • Polcyn, I. Application of Cladocera analysis in archaeology (p.41-8)
                              • Winder, N. When is a time-trend not a time-trend? Scale and profile at Bronze Age Phylakopi (Melos) (p.49-64)
                              • Baxter, I.L. Medieval and early post-medieval horse bones from Market Harborough, Leicestershire, England, U.K. (p.65-79)
                              • Locker, A. Unusual tooth wear on a late medieval horse skull from St Albans, Hertfordshire, U.K. (p.80-1)
                              • Noddle, B. Book Review: Baker, S. (1993). Survival of the fittest. Dulverton: Exmoor Books (p.81-2)
                              • O’Connor, T.P. Markov Chains for the archaeologist: a short review of textbooks on ecology (p.82-4)
                              • Mainman, A. Book Review: Morris, C.D. and Rackham, D.J. (eds.) (1992). Norse and later settlement and subsistence in the North Atlantic. Dept. of Archaeology, University of Glasgow Occasional paper Series No. 1. Glasgow (p.84-6)
                              • Irving, B. Book Review: Lyman, R.L. (1994). Vertebrate taphonomy. Cambridge: University Press (p.86-7)
                              Volume 12 No. 1, 1996
                              • Albarella, U. and Davis, S.J.M. Mammals and birds from Launceston Castle, Cornwall: decline in status and the rise of agriculture (p.1-156)
                              Volume 12 No. 2, 1996
                              • Moffett, L. and Smith, D. Insects and plants from a late medieval and early post-medieval tenement in Stone, Staffordshire, U.K. (p.157-76)
                              • Jones, G. An ethnoarchaeological investigation of the effects of cereal grain sieving (p.177-82)
                              • Osborne, P. An insect fauna of Roman date from Stourport, Worcestershire, U.K. (p.183-90)
                              • Gaunt, G. and Girling, M. Southerly-derived fluvioglacial deposits near Scrooby, Nottinghamshire. U.K., containing a coleopteran fauna (p.191-4)
                              • Hillman G, Mason, S., de Moulins, D. and Nesbitt, M. Identification of archaeological remains of wheat: the 1992 London workshop (p.195-210)
                              • Greig, J. Archaeobotanical and historical records compared – a new look at taphonomy of edible and other useful plants from the 11th to the 18th centuries A.D. (p.211-47)
                              • Nicholson, R. Butchery versus biostratinomy. A short note on a perforated goat (Capra) scapula (p.248)
                              • Smart, D. Archaeological evidence for cephalopods: taphonomic loss or unfortunate ignorance? (p.249-51)
                              • Brickley, M. and Farquharson, M. The LAXS approach to studying osteoporosis in archaeological bone (p.251)
                              • Davies, P. Sub-fossil Mollusca: improving environmental interpretation (p.251-2)
                              • Monckton, A. Evidence for food and fodder from plant remains at Causeway Lane, Leicester, U.K. (p.252-8)
                              • French, C.A.I. Book Review: Cox, M., Straker, V. and Taylor, D. (eds.) (1996). Wetlands: archaeology and nature conservation. London: HMSO (p.260-2)
                              • Morales Muñiz, A. Book Review: Cohen, A. and Serjeantson, D. (1996). A manual for the identification of bird bones from archaeological sites. Rev. ed. London: Archetype Publications Ltd. (p.262-4)
                              • O’Connor, T.P. Book Review: Eddison, J. (ed.) (1995). Romney Marsh. The debatable ground. Oxford: OUCA Monograph 41 (p.264-6)
                              • Brothwell, D. Book Reviews: Filer, J. (1995). Disease. and Taylor, J.H. (1995). Unwrapping a mummy. The life, death and embalming of Horemkenesi. London: British Museum Press and Hayward, P.J. and Ryland, J.S. (eds.) (1995). Handbook of the marine fauna of North-West Europe. Oxford: Univ. Press. (p.266-8)
                              • (pp. 269-80 carry a list of papers, short contributions and book reviews for the whole run of Circaea in author order)

                              Open Access Journal: Association for Environmental Archaeology Newsletter

                              Association for Environmental Archaeology Newsletter
                              ISSN: 1363-6553
                              The Newsletter of the Association, produced four times a year, carries lists of recent publications, news about conferences, short articles, recent post-graduate thesis abstracts, short notes and the business of the Association. It is emailed to all AEA members.
                              Members can access the latest newsletters for this year and submit thesis abstracts by clicking here
                              Previous newsletters:
                              Newsletter 136 – June 2017
                              Newsletter 135 – February 2017

                              Newsletter 134 – November 2016
                              Newsletter 133 – August 2016
                              Newsletter 132 – May 2016
                              Newsletter 131 – February 2016
                              Newsletter 130 – November 2015
                              Newsletter 129 – August 2015
                              Newsletter 128 – May 2014
                              Newsletter 127 – February 2015
                              Newsletter 126 – November 2014
                              Newsletter 125 – August 2014
                              Newsletter 124 – May 2014
                              Newsletter 123 – February 2014
                              Newsletter 122 – November 2013
                              Newsletter 121 – August 2013
                              Newsletter 120 – May 2013
                              Newsletter 119 – February 2013
                              Newsletter 118 – November 2012
                              Newsletter 117 – August 2012
                              Newsletter 116 – May 2012
                              Newsletter 115 – February 2012
                              Newsletter 114 – November 2011
                              Newsletter 113 – August 2011
                              Newsletter 112 – May 2011
                              Newsletter 111 – February 2011 
                              Newsletter 110 – November 2010
                              Newsletter 109 – August 2010
                              Newsletter 108 – May 2010
                              Newsletter 105 – August 2009
                              Newsletter 104 – May 2009
                              Newsletter 103 – February 2009
                              Newsletter 102 – November 2008
                              Newsletter 101 – August 2008
                              Newsletter 100 – May 2008
                              Newsletter 99 – May 2008
                              Newsletter 98 – February 2008
                              Newsletter 97 – August 2007
                              Newsletter 96 – May 2007
                              Newsletter 95 – February 2007
                              Newsletter 94 – Nov 2006
                              Newsletter 93 – Aug 2006
                              Newsletter 92 – May 2006
                              Newsletter 91 – February 2006
                              Newsletter 90 – November 2005
                              Newsletter 89 – August 2005
                              Newsletter 88 – May 2005
                              Newsletter 87 – February 2005
                              Newsletter 86 – November 2004
                              Newsletter 85 – August 2004
                              Newsletter 84 – May 2004
                              Newsletter 83 – February 2004
                              Newsletter 82 – November 2003
                              Newsletter 81 – August 2003
                              Newsletter 80 – May 2003
                              Newsletter 79 – February 2003
                              Newsletter 78 – November 2002
                              Newsletter 77 – August 2002
                              Newsletter 76 – May 2002
                              Newsletter 75 – February 2002
                              Newsletter 74 – November 2002
                              Newsletter 73 – August 2001
                              Newsletter 72 – May 2001
                              Newsletter 71 – February 2001
                              Newsletter 70 – November 2000
                              Newsletter 69 – August 2000
                              Newsletter 68 – May 2000
                              Newsletter 67 – February 2000
                              Newsletter 66 – November 1999
                              Newsletter 65 – August 1999

                              Chronological Lists of Oriental Institute Publications


                              Chronological Lists of Oriental Institute Publications

                              Between 1997 and 2011, the Oriental Institute maintained a list, by year, of its publications. This offered a useful chronological overview of the publication activity. I have now compiled lists for 2012-2019 and include links to the 1997-2011 lists below.



                              • LAMINE 1. Christians and Others in the Umayyad State. Edited by Antoine Borrut and Fred M. Donner, with contributions by Touraj Daryaee, Muriel  Debié, Sidney H. Griffith, Wadad al-Qadi, Milka Levy-Rubin, Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych, Donald Whitcomb, and Luke Yarbrough, 2016

                              • Nimrud: The Queens' Tombs. By Muzahim Mahmoud Hussein, translation and initial editing by Mark Altaweel, additional editing and notes by McGuire Gibson. 2016




                              For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

                              Open Access Monograph Series: Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum

                              Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum
                              Founded in 1945, with its first volume published in 1960, the Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum has attracted the support and participation of an international team of scholars interested in classical tradition during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
                              Each article treats a separate classical author, beginning with a detailed essay on the author’s reception from antiquity to 1600. This Fortuna is followed by a comprehensive list both of printed and manuscript commentaries in Latin on the author and, in the case of Greek authors, a list of Latin translations as well.
                              This site provides Open Access to previously published volumes of the Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum; beginning with Volume X, printed volumes of the CTC will be published by the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.

                              VOLUME XI

                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

                              Title iii  pdf
                              Preface, by Greti Dinkova-Bruun vii  pdf
                              Prefaceto Volume I, by Paul Oskar Kristeller xvii  pdf
                              General Bibliography xxv  pdf
                              Abbreviations xxxvii  pdf

                              GREEK AUTHORS
                              Polybius, by Jeroen De Keyser (University of Leuven) 1
                              Diodorus Siculus, by John Monfasani (University at Albany – SUNY) 61
                              Zosimus Historicus, by Francesca Niutta (Rome, Italy) 153
                              Procopius Caesariensis, by Réka Forrai (Centre for Medieval Literature, University of Southern Denmark) 211

                              LATIN AUTHORS
                              Dares Phrygius, by Frederic Clark (New York University) 237

                              ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA
                              Valerius Maximus, by Marijke Crab (University of Leuven) 307
                              Petronius Arbiter, by Bratislav Lučin (Marulianum, Split, Croatia) 337
                              Martialis, by Marianne Pade (Danish Academy at Rome, Århus University) 371
                              Martianus Capella, by Sinéad O'Sullivan (Queen's University, Belfast) 383

                              Indexof Ancient and Medieval Authors and Works 401  pdf
                              Indexof Manuscripts 405  pdf
                              Indexof Translatorsand Commentators 410  pdf
                              Index of Ancient Authors Treatedin Volumes I–XI 415  pdf

                              Volume I1960Volume XI2016
                              Volume II1971Volume XIITBA
                              Volume III1976
                              Volume IV1980
                              Volume V1984
                              Volume VI1986
                              Volume VII1992
                              Volume VIII2003
                              Volume IX2011
                              Volume X2014
                              Viewing all 14173 articles
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