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Open Access Journal: Annales de Janua – Actes des journées d’études

[First posted in AWOL 20 July 2013, updated 25 Octrober 2019]

Annales de Janua – Actes des journées d’études
ISSN: 2267-1358
Diffuser la richesse des échanges scientifiques réussis entre jeunes chercheurs, voilà le défi relevé par ces nouvelles Annales ! Cette revue a en effet pour vocation de publier les actes des journées d’études organisées chaque année par l’association Janua. Celle-ci, fondée à Poitiers, fédère des étudiants de Master et des doctorants spécialisés dans l’analyse des périodes antiques et médiévales. Les rencontres scientifiques qu’elle organise sont diachroniques et pluridisciplinaires afin de favoriser un dialogue entre différentes manières d’aborder la recherche. La publication numérique des articles issus des communications permettra à chacun d’y retrouver soit la diversité des approches envisagées soit la spécificité d’un sujet traité par un jeune chercheur. Un comité scientifique composé de chercheurs et d’enseignants-chercheurs est associé au déroulement de l’ensemble du projet.

n°7 - La violence guerrière : de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge

n°6 - La violence guerrière : de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge

Open Access Journal: The Byzantinist: The Newsletter of the Oxford Byzantine Society

 [First posted in AWOL 20 March 2014, updated 25 Octoberf 2019]

The Byzantinist: The Newsletter of the Oxford Byzantine Society
The Oxford Byzantine Society is a graduate student run organisation which provides support and information for graduate students of Late Antique and Byzantine Studies at Oxford University. It also provides opportunities for graduate students to present their work to their peers from institutions across the globe and acts as a hub for the sharing of information about job opportunities, studentships, conferences and seminars as well as publications and resources. Members of the society in Oxford can also expect to meet for drinks, dinners and trips.
See AWOL's list of  Open Access Student Journals

Open Access Journal: The Old Potter's Almanack


Open Access Journal: Le Sycomore: Revue de traduction biblique

Le Sycomore: Revue de traduction biblique
ISSN: 1814-5825
A l’époque de Jésus, le sycomore était une source d’ombre, de fruit et de bois. Une fois, un homme est monté dans un sycomore pour mieux voir la source de la Vie. Cet arbre a donné son nom à ce journal qui veut rafraîchir et nourrir la pensée des traducteurs et fournir des matériaux pour construire une bonne traduction permettant à ses lecteurs et à ses auditeurs de mieux voir la source de la Vie.
Le Sycomore est une revue scientifique traitant de plusieurs domaines d’enquête qui contribuent à la pratique de la traduction de la Bible, par exemple, la linguistique, l’anthropologie, l’exégèse, la théologie, la philologie, la théorie de la traduction, l’utilisation des Saintes Ecritures. Cette revue est publiée au nom de l’Alliance biblique universelle et en partenariat avec la SIL. Son comité éditorial comprend des spécialistes internationaux en traduction de la Bible. Les contributions proviennent pour la plupart de traducteurs de la Bible et de conseillers en traduction de la Bible, mais aussi de pratiquants et de théoriciens dans tout domaine apparenté. Un langage non technique est visé pour atteindre un public large parmi les traducteurs de la Bible, les institutions académiques et les églises, et pour permettre à toutes les parties prenantes d’entrer en dialogue.

Numéro actuel


  • Le mot de la rédaction

Compte-rendu de conférence

undefinedConférence francophone sur la traduction de la Bible, Burkino Faso

Autres numéros


Transparent und digital: 9000 historische Auktionskataloge online

Transparent und digital: 9000 historische Auktionskataloge online
In einem gemeinsamen Digitalisierungs- und Erschließungsprojekt haben die Kunstbibliothek der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, die Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg und das Getty Research Institute 9000 historische Auktionskataloge von mehr als 390 Auktionshäusern in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz aus dem Zeitraum zwischen 1901 und 1945 vollständig erfasst, digitalisiert und erschlossen – insgesamt rund 650000 Seiten, die nun im Volltext katalogübergreifend recherchierbar sind. Das Projekt „German Sales“ macht damit die für die Kunstmarkt- und Provenienzforschung unverzichtbaren Quellenressourcen erstmals open access verfügbar.
Diese enorme Arbeitserleichterung für die Provenienzforschung wurde in einer exemplarischen transatlantischen Zusammenarbeit realisiert. Die unterschiedlichen Arbeitsschritte – Recherche und Zusammentragen der Kataloge, Anfertigen von durchsuchbaren Scans, Aufbereitung der Katalogeinträge – wurden zwischen den Projektpartnern in Berlin, Heidelberg und Los Angeles aufgeteilt.  
Auktionskataloge sind eine wichtige Quelle für die Provenienzforschung, weil sie Objektbiographien, Akteure und Orte des Kunsthandels identifizier- und rekonstruierbar machen. Dr. Hanna Strzoda, Provenienzforscherin bei den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, erklärt: „Vor allem Zeichnungen und Druckgraphiken wurden zwischen 1933 und 1945 von den Museen häufig auf Auktionen erworben. Die seltenen Kataloge müssen jetzt nicht mehr mühsam in Bibliotheken gesucht werden, sondern sind direkt vom Schreibtisch aus zugänglich. Das ist eine immense Arbeitserleichterung. Es vergeht für mich kein Arbeitstag ohne Stippvisite bei German Sales."

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 [n.b. A search for "Antiquitäten" in the title field yields 1666 Hits]

Harvard Semitic Museum YouTube Channel

[First posted in AWOL 23 Octob er 2018, updated 26 October 2019]

Harvard Semitic Museum YouTube Channel
The Semitic Museum houses over 40,000 Near Eastern artifacts, most of which derive from museum-sponsored excavations in Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Tunisia.

Cuneiform Tablet Restoration

3K views7 years ago

Forthcoming Open Access Monograph Series:

Mediterranean Reconfigurations: Intercultural Trade, Commercial Litigation, and Legal Pluralism
The book series Mediterranean Reconfigurations is devoted to the analyses of historical change in the Mediterranean over a long period (15th - 19th centuries), challenging totalizing narratives that “Westernize” Mediterranean history as having led naturally to European domination in the 19th and 20th centuries. In reality, the encounters of Muslim, Jewish, Armenian and Protestant merchants and sailors with legal customs and judicial practices different from their own gave rise to legal and cultural creativity throughout the Mediterranean. Through the prism of commercial litigation, the series thus offers a more accurate and deeper understanding of the practices of intercultural trade, in a context profoundly shaped by legal pluralism and multiple and overlapping spaces of jurisdiction. Comparative case studies offer empirically-based indicators for both regional and more general processes, here called "Mediterranean reconfigurations", e.g. the changing interplay and positioning of individual and institutional actors on different levels in a variety of commercial and legal contexts.
Governing the Galleys: Jurisdiction, Justice, and Trade in the Squadrons of the Hispanic Monarchy (Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries)
Volume 1
The development of the Spanish Navy in the early modern Mediterranean triggered a change in the balance of political and economic power for the coastal populations of the Hispanic Monarchy. The establishment of new permanent squadrons, endowed with See More

And see AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journals: Association of Ancient Historians Newsletter

[First posted in AWOL 1 October 2009. Updated 26 October 2019]
Association of Ancient Historians Newsletter
The Association of Ancient Historians was founded with two essential objectives. The first of these is to foster a regular forum for scholarly interaction among historians of the Ancient Mediterranean--especially among those who study the Greeks and Romans--and secondly, to do so in a manner that emphasizes collegiality and social interaction.
1993 SpringFall
1977Winter Fall
1974  Fall

Open Access Journal: The Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions Newsletter

The Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions Newsletter
Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions
The Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions was founded to foster the interdisciplinary study of the religions of the ancient Mediterranean basin, and especially the interaction of the multiple polytheistic religions with each other and with the emerging monotheistic religions of the region.  We hope to bring together scholars interested in Near Eastern studies, Classics, Religion and other related fields to share insights with each other.  Membership for a nominal fee is open to faculty, graduate students and anyone with an interest in ancient Mediterranean religious traditions.

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

The Book of the Dead in 3D

[First posted in AWOL 29 December 2018, updated 27 October 2019]

The Book of the Dead in 3D

Every image and piece of text has a purpose...

Egyptian coffins are inscribed with spells and images which stand in for spells. All function together as a machine to resurrect the deceased and to guide them safely through the next world. Given this function, its perhaps surprising that the texts from coffins are usually published completely divorced from their position on the coffin. Any additional meaning conferred on the texts by their placement on the surrogate body or relative to each other and the vignettes is lost. In order to understand a coffin as a magical machine, it's necessary to view the spells in 3D so that this relationship can be taken into account.
The aim of this project is to explore the relationship between texts and their positioning on a magical object through building annotated 3D models of coffins displaying the texts and translations.

Coffin List

Open Access Journal: Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua

[First posted in AWOL 28 October 2015, updated 19 October 2019)]

Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua
ISSN: 2254-1683.
Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua surge como plasmación de algunas de las aportaciones más brillantes presentadas, defendidas y debatidas a lo largo de los Encuentros de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Surge por tanto con el fin primordial de difundir los resultados de estas investigaciones para contribuir al desarrollo de la ciencia histórica y a la promoción de los jóvenes investigadores que en ella se inician o dan sus primeros pasos.

La agrupación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid está constituida por los becarios y antiguos becarios del Departamento de Historia Antigua de dicha universidad, y tiene como objetivo principal el intercambio, la colaboración y el acercamiento, a nivel académico pero también personal, en aras de fomentar un clima de desarrollo científico de calidad y de convivencia cordial y enriquecedora.
Dentro de esta agrupación, la principal actividad desarrollada ha sido la organización y celebración de los Encuentros de Jóvenes Investigadores en Historia Antigua, unas Jornadas de Investigación anuales abiertas a la participación de todos los jóvenes investigadores predoctorales y postdoctorales de las distintas universidades y centros de investigación españoles y extranjeros, y cuyo espíritu no es muy distinto del que anima a la propia agrupación: crear un lugar de encuentro e intercambio científico que permita a los investigadores que están desarrollando sus primeros pasos en el mundo de la investigación obtener una amplia perspectiva de los ámbitos de estudio más en boga y conocer a las personas que puedan estar desarrollando trabajos cercanos o conectados con los suyos. Todo lo cual se logra mediante la generación de un foro en el que cada investigador puede exponer brevemente su objeto de estudio o sus líneas de investigación, pero en el que los debates y coloquios distendidos pero con un alto nivel científico adquieren un papel protagonista.

Número 8, 2019

Open Access Journal: Koiné archeologica, sapiente antichità

 [First posted in AWOL 25 August 2011. Updated 28 October 2019]

KASA – Koiné archeologica, sapiente antichità
K.A.S.A. è l’acronimo di Koiné archeologica, sapiente antichità. E’ uno dei progetti finanziati dal III Programma interregionale  IIIA Italia-Malta, anno 2004-2006, promulgato dalla Regione Sicilia con contributi della Comunità Europea. Esso prevede la partecipazione di tre partners, la Facoltà di Lettere, L’Università di Malta e la Officina di Studi Medievali di Palermo, per la realizzazione di itinerari turistici integrati che leghino in percorsi unitari le province di Siracusa e Ragusa e l’arcipelago maltese.

Il progetto ha come obiettivo l’utilizzo delle potenzialità insite nel patrimonio culturale di tipo archeologico-monumentale di queste aree per pervenire ad un triplice obiettivo: approfondire la conoscenza del patrimonio comune contribuendo a rinsaldare l’identità delle comunità locali; riqualificare in senso culturale i flussi turistici già esistenti tra l’area iblea e Malta, incrementando quello proveniente da altre aree italiane ed europee, inserire siti minori finora poco conosciuti all’interno dei circuiti.

Il denominatore comune alle proposte che verranno fatte sarà quello di tipologie monumentali e fenomeni culturali analoghi tra le due isole; verranno inclusi cioè siti e monumenti che mostrino contatti diretti ovvero convergenze tipologiche.
L’area coinvolta dal progetto è caratterizzata da una domanda notevole di conoscenza delle proprie radici e da un forte senso di identità, dimostrato anche dalla presenza di ben due corsi di laurea destinati ai Beni Culturali a Siracusa.

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

SESPOA: Sceaux et empreinst de sceax du Proch-Orient ancien

SESPOA: Sceaux et empreinst de sceax du Proch-Orient ancien
(Page en construction)
 Petits objets caractéristiques des civilisations de l’ancien Proche-Orient, les sceaux-cylindres étaient déroulés sur l’argile fraîche afin d’y laisser une empreinte. Moyens d’identification et de communication, ils ont notamment servi, pendant plus de 3000 ans, à sceller portes, jarres, bulles et tablettes d’argile inscrites, leur histoire étant étroitement liée à celle de l’écriture cunéiforme. Les techniques les plus récentes d’imagerie numérique permettent aujourd’hui de renouveler les modes de présentation et d’étude de ces objets souvent gravés de riches illustrations.

Online Exhibition : Mythes et images au Cabinet des Médailles

Mythes et images au Cabinet des Médailles
Mythes et images au Cabinet des Médailles propose la découverte d'une sélection d'œuvres conservées dans les collections d’antiques d’époque classique, un des fonds les plus abondants et riches du département des Monnaies, médailles et antiques de la BnF ou "Cabinet des médailles". Cette exposition virtuelle met en scène ces œuvres grecques, étrusques et romaines dans l'historique du musée et des parcours thématiques, et offre grâce à la 3D une visite du Cabinet des médailles du roi ou « salon Louis XV » et la visualisation complète de plusieurs objets antiques. D’autres parcours thématiques seront proposés ultérieurement.

Aramaic Texts from Egypt (also including Phoenician and Hebrew)

[First posted in AWOL 28 October 2015, updated 28 October 2019]

Aramaic Texts from Egypt (also including Phoenician and Hebrew)
(currently 1306 records).

An online metadata database project by A. Schütze
(Institut für Ägyptologie, Universität München)
in cooperation with the project Multilingualism and multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt (M. Depauw)
Data processing:A. Schütze
General coordination:M. Depauw
Database structure (Filemaker 7):B. Van Beek, S. Gülden
Online version (PHP & MySQL):J. Clarysse, B. Van Beek

Open Access Journal: Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD)

[First posted in AWOL 20 April 2012. Updated 28 October 2019]

Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD)
ISSN: 2049-1565
The Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD) features peer reviewed data papers describing archaeology datasets with high reuse potential. We are working with a number of specialist and institutional data repositories to ensure that the associated data are professionally archived, preserved, and openly available. Equally importantly, the data and the papers are citable, and reuse will be tracked. While still in beta phase, the journal is now accepting papers. We will also be adding new functionality over the next few weeks, and refining the look and feel.

Issue Archive

World-Historical Gazetteer: Beta Release v. 0.2

At long last we are ready to offer a v0.2 beta release of the World Historical Gazetteer (WHG) at http://dev.whgazetteer.org. We hope that spatial historians and spatio-temporal infrastructure developers will be interested in taking a look at what we are building, experimenting with their data or provided samples. It is a “sandbox,” so nothing will be saved for the time being (that will change soon). There are 5-6 months remaining in the term of our initial NEH grant, time enough to complete most of what we planned for this phase, and to incorporate more suggestions from users and potential contributors as we move toward future planning and development.
The site includes a brief guide titled “WHG Beta Release: A Tour,” which outlines what is there, what you can do and how, remaining challenges, and what is in the works. What follows is a higher level introduction.
Places and Traces
The World Historical Gazetteer is a Linked Open Data platform for publishing, linking, discovering, and visualizing contributed records of attested historical places and traces. Our initial focus has been on places, but we are working experimentally to demonstrate their integration within the platform with what we now call traces–defined as web resources about historical entities for which location in time and space is of scholarly and general interest. We are considering three classes of traces for the time being: agents (people and groups), works (e.g. artifacts, texts, datasets), and events (e.g. journeys, conflict). Our objective has been to create the first large-scale spatial infrastructure for world history: oriented toward documenting the human past at the global scale, and particularly the geography of global and transregional connections.
Our accessioning process is intended to eventually be largely self-directed; getting it to that stage means working directly and hands-on with our early contributors.
LOD Publication
Registered users of WHG can publish their place records as Linked Open Data simply by uploading them in Linked Places format (or the LP-TSV version intended for relatively simpler records). We see LOD publication as a key feature for researchers who are not in a position to stand up their own web interfaces with per-place pages. Once uploaded, each record will have a permanent URI and be accessible in our graphical interface and API; on their way to being LOD in good standing. The dataset can be browsed immediately by its owner in a searchable table and map, but turning the uploaded dataset into a contribution for accessioning requires some further steps. The data needs to have as many asserted links to name authorities as possible, and augmentations of geometry where that is missing and findable. We provide reconciliation services for that purpose.
Simply put, reconciliation is the process of identifying matches between records of named entities. In this case the records are for places, and the matches are between a researcher’s records and those in existing place name authorities. So far, we provide reconciliation services for the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) and Wikidata; DBpedia and GeoNames are planned.
The reconciliation process has two steps: 1) sending records to the authority, and 2) reviewing the prospective matches returned and accepting or declining them as appropriate. The results of this somewhat laborious process are 1) links, and 2) more geometry. Once augmented in this way, a dataset is ready for accessioning.
The last step is another reconciliation effort — this time to the WHG index. Each record is compared to the growing WHG index to determine if we have a contributed attestation for the place yet or not. If we do, the incoming record becomes a “child” or “leaf” in the set of attestations for the place. If the place is not yet accounted for, the new record becomes a “parent” — the seed for a new set of attestations. At this stage, an automatic linking can be made if two records share an authority match, but the rest will have to be reviewed as described above.
Graphical Interface
The opening screen of WHG offers users search of places and traces. We try to offer enough context on the opening screen to identify the likeliest match. Once you identify a place of interest, clicking its name take you to a “place portal” screen–where everything we have about the place, or linked to it in some way, will appear: attestations from contributors, associated traces, nearby places, physical geographic context (rivers, watersheds, ecoregions). The place portal is very much a work-in-progress at this stage. Several other features are also on our near-term to do list, including advanced search; more and better maps; user data collections; project team ‘workspace’; batching of reconciliation tasks; and more.
A Word About Architecture
There are two data stores within the WHG platform: a relational database (PostgreSQL) and a high-speed index (Elasticsearch). All uploaded data gets imported to a set of relational tables whose names correspond to the elements of Linked Places format: places, place_name, place_type, place_geom, place_link, place_when, place_related, place_description, and place_depiction. Contributed data is most readily managed in that form. Upon accessioning, records are added to the index in the manner described under Reconciliation above.
This part of the WHG platform is one of the most important, and the least developed right now. Stay tuned for further developments. Our intention is to provide access to both contributors’ individual records and datasets from the database (when designated by their owner as public), and to the aggregating index records; both with numerous and useful filtering capabilities.
Our index has been instantiated with records from modern gazetteer resources: 1) about 1,000 of the world’s most populous cites from GeoNames, 2) ~1.8 million place records from Getty TGN, 3) about 1,500 societies from the D-Place anthropological repository; and 4) major rivers, lakes, and mountain ranges from Natural Earth and Wildlife Research Institute.
To this modern “core” we have begun adding historical data: 1) 10,600 entities harvested from the index of the Atlas of World History (Dorling Kindersley, 1995), offering broad but shallow global coverage; and 2) our first specialist gazetteer, HGIS de las Indias, which consists of approximately 15,000 settlements and territories in colonial Latin America. There are several additional large datasets in the queue, which we will be adding in partnership with contributors. Some are previewed as heat maps on our Maps page.
Our Pelagios Connections
The WHG platform borrows extensively from the Peripleo application developed by Rainer Simon of the Pelagios project, extending it significantly in a few ways. Our backend architecture closely mimics that underlying both Peripleo and the Recogito annotation tool, and we are actively collaborating with Rainer and the entire Pelagios Network team on several aspects of this work. In particular, we are co-developing the data format standards for contributions to both systems: Linked Places format, and a nascent Linked Traces annotation format.
We welcome suggestions, critiques, even praise :^) – and there is an email form on the site which makes it easy to offer it. Please bear with us in this active development stage and check back as we realize the system’s potential more fully over the next several months. Look for further blog posts and follow us on Twitter; we tweet progress and related information as @WHGazetteer and @kgeographer.

Release Notes: Alpheios Reading Tools Desktop Browser Extensions (Chrome, Firefox and Safari)

Release Notes: Alpheios Reading Tools Desktop Browser Extensions (Chrome, Firefox and Safari)
Alpheios Logo


This is the first release of Alpheios 3.0 that includes support for Safari. All 3.0 features are now available in the Safari Browser Extension as well as Chrome and Firefox. (See below for full details of the Alpheios 3.0 new features and enhancements.)
This is an incremental release for Chrome and Firefox and includes the following bug fixes:
  • Improved handling of user session timeouts.
  • Eliminated sticky word selection after deactivation and reactivation of the extension.
  • Eliminated lexicon loading message when no lexicons were selected.
  • Fixed inconsistent language selection behavior when changing languages using the toolbar lookup.
  • Fixed locative ending errors in the Latin Noun Inflection Table.
  • Back-To-TOC button in the Smyth Grammar is now functional.

Version 3.0

This is a major release. The user interface has been completely refreshed with a new design for compliance with web accessiblity standards.

New Features

  • Alpheios Toolbar: the new floating toolbar provides quick access to word lookup and all Alpheios resources.
  • Usage Examples (Latin only): search for usage examples of a word in the canonical Latin corpus from the Packard Humanities Institute.
  • User Word Lists: all words you look up get added to your wordlist. Create and login to an Alpheios user account to save your wordlist.
  • Persistent Options Configuration: Create and login to an Alpheios user account to save your application preferences.


  • After dragging the popup to a new location on the page, the location is retained between lookups (and sessions/workstations if you login to a user account)
  • User configuration options can be reset to default values.
  • A custom alpheios-word-node data attribute can be used on a page to identify words which contain HTML markup (such as in texts which use the Leiden markup conventions). See the FAQ for more information on how to take advantage of this feature.
  • We have reduced output to the browser console, except when log level is set to verbose.

Open Access Journal: Σχολή: Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition : A Journal of the Centre for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition

[First posted in AWOL 26 August 2013, updated 29 Octoberr 2019]

Σχολή. Философское антиковедение и классическая традиция: Журнал Центра изучения древней философии и классической традиции -- Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition : A Journal of the Centre for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition
ISSN: 1995-4336 (Online)
ISSN: 1995-4328 (Print)

Volume XIII (2019)



Volume XII (2018)


The Peripatetic Tradition

School Traditions


Volume XI (2017)



Volume X (2016)



Volume IX (2015)


The Natural and Human Sciences in Antiquity

From the analytical point of view: Law and philosophy


Volume VIII (2014)


The Platonic Tradition

Choice. Law. Power. Argument


Volume VII (2013)


Kosmos and Psyche


Volume VI (2012)


Issue 1

Ancient Music

Ancient Psychology


Volume V (2011)


Cosmology and Astronomy


Volume IV (2010)


History and Philosophy of Law

Iamblichus of Chalcis


Volume III (2009)


The Neopythagoreans


Volume II (2008)



Volume I (2007)



Том XIII (2019)



Том XII (2018)


Перипатетическая традиция

Школьные традиции


Том XI (2017)


Том X (2016)


Том IX (2015)


Науки о природе и человеке в античности

С аналитической точки зрения: право и философия


Том VIII (2014)


Платоническая традиция

Выбор. Право. Власть. Аргумент


Том VII (2013)


Космос и душа


Том VI (2012)


Выпуск 1

Античная музыка

Античная психология


Том V (2011)


Космология и астрономия


Том IV (2010)


История и философия права

Ямвлих Халкидский


Том III (2009)




Том II (2008)


Том I (2007)

Mycenaean Greece and Homeric Tradition

Mycenaean Greece and Homeric Tradition
Author: Richard Hope Simpson
Cover image for Mycenaean Greece and Homeric Tradition

About This Book

Richard’s intention, after over 60 years of study and field work, was to publish his final thoughts on the subject and make them readily available for all scholars to use, free of cost, wherever they may live. Knowing that his time was limited, and that he would be unable to respond to reviewers’ comments, he chose, of necessity, not to submit his manuscript for peer review. It was his wish that the book be offered as-is.
This open textbook has been published openly using a Creative Commons license and is offered in various e-book formats free of charge.
  1. I. Main Body

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Mycenaean Greece and Homeric Tradition by Richard Hope Simpson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
This open textbook has been published openly using a Creative Commons license and is offered in various e-book formats free of charge.
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